• Closed • [Treid's Mouth] Fish for your life - Part VI.

To be modded by Vorpal. Player's involved - Mute, Ciara, Lavana. Let's catch us some Shelletons

66th of Ymiden 718

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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Re: [Treid's Mouth] Fish for your life - Part VI.

The tug war for a friend’s life. The adrenaline of a moment where you knew it was no longer only your battle but a fight for survival. Was she afraid? Was she regretting her decision? Not really. The part of her brain, the cautious one, has long been on vacation in the lands not yet discovered to care for what was going on now. Did she ever get acquianted with it anyways? Hard to remember...

But now. She was sure as heck gonna free her friend, do some proper ass whooping of these deadlies and take home her prize. Or make her prize a home. Whichever way this was supposed to work. She was gonna emerge victorious and Idalos freeze twice over if songs wouldn't get sung about her bravery.

However, seeing that the blasted skeleton was determined to not lose this fight, Emerit's patience was running thin. She has had enough.

“Hold ‘im!” She urged the sailor, nudging her chin pointedly at Mute's arm that she kept holding onto. She was not gonna have him lose the only anchor he had. Her. So when replaced she dislodged the axe from its comfortable place on her hip for one and one purpose only. The arch she cut with the weapon it as she drove it back was magnificent...she was believed. Yet, she was not going to swing it with the sharp edge. Oh no. This was her ship in question! She wasn't going to damage that jewel by her own hand. So through the motion, she swung the big boy to a slam-a-lam with the slightly wider, blunt edge. The mightiness of the strike mustered every single one of her muscles into action, lining and tensing them over her bones with a grace that these bastards were so lacking.

Whether with a war cry, or a grunt of effort, it was not hard to land that attack on an almost still target.

“We’s being boarded!” Someone shouted on the ship. Whatever it was that helped Mute escape, whether Em’s blow or the shelletons weltering will to keep going, the Biqaj woman would have noticed it only from the corner of her eye as she darted her gaze to starboard. Mute was a big boy...in every sense of the word...with a toothpick in his hands that he seemed to know how to use - aim and poke. He didn’t need a babysitter, nor did Em have the brain space to be one.

“Keep rest off! Keep ‘em off!” Emerit shouted, making the cross over the deck hastily to face the daring enemies, hoping that someone would join her in this fight. Alas, standing it alone did not deter her either from the first rooting of her feet on the rocky boat and the square facing towards the threat.

“Smack ‘em till they down…” The woman then urged in less of a shout and more of a grinned command of a fighter eager to start. The Biqaj was not violent by nature, anything but. Yet, excitement brought many things out of many people.

For now, she had no clue how to subdue these bastards but there had to be a way. They would find it, she was sure. How soon? Well, that was a question for the gods.
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"swung the big boy to a slam-a-lam" - credit for that phrase goes to Astronomy
word count: 576
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Re: [Treid's Mouth] Fish for your life - Part VI.

As the end of Mute's harpoon struck the arm of the Shelleton, small chips of the mollusks coating its bone broke and scattered. The force of the blow knocked aside the creature's arm, freeing the silent man's foot at last. Emerit's savage blow connected to a larger part of the bony monster, sending yet more shards of bone and shells across the deck. The lopsided Shelleton was smashed down onto the deck where it had been dragged, but seemed to be attempting to get to its feet once more as the its prey retreated to mid-deck.

The sailor who had been obediently holding onto Mute's arm let go once he deemed it was safe to do so. However, he gulped as the three of them were faced with an equal number of looming Shelletons on the starboard side.

With Emerit front and center, the largest Shelleton made a stumbling lunge for the Biqaj. Surprisingly powerful arms and teeth bearing down toward her. Its fingers snagged her clothing but its initial forward momentum prevented it from dragging her back toward the icy waters. At least not immediately.

Meanwhile, the one legged Shelleton seemed to be adamant on Mute and turned its attention toward him once more. Still, it had given up on getting to its feet and was crawling forward across the deck. The last Shelleton tripped towards the lone sailor that accompanied them.

Towards the stern, the two other sailors grappled with the smallest Shelleton that had finally made it to the deck. Amidst the angry and frightened shouts, the Captain roared above it all that the way forward was clear. Indeed, if anyone still had enough wits about them to glance forward, the glacier had taken its sweet time and removed itself from their path. The two, The Captain along with Toothless Jack began readying the sails for a get away.
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Re: [Treid's Mouth] Fish for your life - Part VI.

"Silence Reigns . . ."

Small shards of bone flew free of the Shelleton as my harpoon's tip slammed satisfyingly against the creature's arm gripping my ankle. It had been enough to free myself and I stumbled backwards out of reach, aided by the sailor who had been holding me steady. The creature was still crawling towards me, but at least for now, it was more a nuisance than a threat. It did not seem eager to find its feet or it was actually incapable of doing so after Emerit's clubbing blow. Besides this creature, two more corpses directed their attacks at Em and the sailor beside me, but for now I'd leave them to it while I handled the crawler.

Elsewhere on the ship, the captain called out about an opening in the waterway. That was a fortunate turn of events if an effort could be mustered to guide the ship out of these waters, but there was little in way of aid I could offer. The actual sailors needed to man their assigned stations once the major threat of Shelletons were taken care of. I could, however, handle one of the requests Emerit had made: I could secure this crawler for further study. It was largely immobile compared to the others aboard the ship, so I could keep this one occupied while the others were shoved overboard and the ship was directed towards the opening.

Hefting the harpoon in front of me like a spear, I circled around the crawling Shelleton until I was past its wingspan on its right side; this way, it would need to rotate to reach me again. Then, turning the harpoon so the iron tip was aimed down, I slammed it down into the creature's torso area. I was no expert on the human anatomy, but I figured wedging the weapon into the creature's rib-cage would immobilize it something. I was hopeful that I had the strength to keep the creature pinned.

While I did this, I kept my eyes and ears peeled in case Emerit or the other sailor cried out for help against their own adversary. If I needed to, I could always pull away from my own Shelleton and provide assistance to either of them. I didn't think the crawler would get very far regardless, even if I left it alone.
word count: 396
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