• Mature • The Magisters

83rd of Ashan 718

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Approved Character
Posts: 327
Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2017 12:42 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Huntress
Renown: 94
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals


The Magisters



EXP: 15 points

These points may be used for magic.

Renown: None, sneaky bastard.


Skill Knowledge:
Necromancy: Sap: Channeling Miasma
Necromancy: Sap: Potentially self-harmful if interrupted
Tactics: Killing the enemy with pure speed
Tactics: Mages ramp up; are weak to agile fighters
Tactics: Not wise to rouse the Coven
Running: Quickly moving from one target to the next
Running: Sprinting into a clean swipe
Stealth: Reducing a trace by properly disposing of bodies
Unarmed Combat: Kicking a sword out of trajectory
Unarmed Combat: Withering into a skull bash

Loot & Consequences

Items: None

Injuries/Overstepping: A migraine for two trials and sporadic uncontrollable vomiting for half a trial.


EXP: 15 points

These points may be used for magic.

Renown: None; you’re also a sneaky bastard.


Skill Knowledge:
Transmutation: Brilliance
Transmutation: Brilliance as a combat tool
Transmutation: brilliance can blind enemies
Transmutation: mages can fire bolts of concentrated ether.
Strength: hiking to a fracture.
Discipline: Ignoring a fracture-induced hallucination
Discipline: questioning reality near a fracture before reacting.
Discipline: Are foes really foes?
Discpline: Giving your enemy a chance
Discipline: Disgusted by death

Loot & Consequences

Items: None

Injuries/Overstepping: Fatigue for a trial.
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