Good Morning [Bronik]

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Good Morning [Bronik]

11 Cylus 716

"I would like that," she agreed with her customary smile, "perhaps once I'm settled I'll come back to the docks, we can exchange stories of how we're finding Ne'haer?" The Sev'ryn knelt and picked up Luri to stop him scrabbling at her legs. She tucked him under her arm and he stopped squirming, only to lick the underside of her jaw. She wrinkled her nose and batted him away gently. Bronik's question caught her by surprise and she looked up at him once more, "oh," self-conscious she raised a hand to her hair before shaking her head.

"I am Sev'ryn...I wanted to see the world and to travel as much as possible. I love the stories in the places I visit and from the people I meet," her eyes scanned his weather worn face and she tilted her head to oneside, "I'm sure, when we meet again, there are stories you can share with me?"

There were shouts from the dock yards and she let out a slow sigh. The day marched on and she should take his advice, "good day Bronik," Ari smiled at him and turned, "may our paths cross again." With that she carried on her journey, pausing every so often on the docks when something caught her attention, one hand wrapped around Luri before the dog was eventually set down to run at her heels again.
word count: 243
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Good Morning [Bronik]

“Stories,” he nodded slowly, “I will have some ready for you,” the young man grinned and let Ari and her dog by after the two of them had exchanged a friendly farewell.

Bronik crouched down to take up a few more pieces of the odd cuts of leftover wood and headed down to the docks and his home on the waterfront. There his pet fox, Ruby, greeted him with a subtle flick of her tail before the vixen stalked back into the cabin. Bronik checked the fishing net, heaving it up out of the water only to find it empty. He untangled the ends of a few stray threads of rope to act as makeshift lures and threw the net into the water again to drift alongside his docked boat. It seemed he would go hungry tonight, but at least he would have a task to keep him busy and set about cutting chunks out of the offcuts of wood in order to try and craft something interesting.
word count: 168
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RP Medals


Good Morning [Bronik]


+1 Strength
+1 Appraisal
+2 Detection
+1 Intelligence
+1 Animal Husbandry

Basic Knowledge
Location: Ne'haer Dockyard
Ne'haer: The Market is The Best Place to Find a Job
Seafaring: A Sloop is a Type of Boat

Specialised Knowledge
Bronik: Ship Builder
Bronik: Has a Ship
Seafaring: A Sloop is good for mapping Coasts

A Lump of Wood

+ 1 Shipbuilding
+ 2 Carpentry
+ 1 Strength
+ 1 Animal Husbandry
+ 1 Fishing

Basic Knowledge
Not All Red Heads are Aukari
Carpentry: Spoons are Easy Money

Specialised Knowledge
Dogs: Worse when encouraged
Dog: Called Luri
Ari'Dali: Carpenter
Ari'Dali: Loves Stories
Ari'Dali: Sev'ryn



Really enjoyed the exploration of wood crafting and culture in this thread, lovely little interaction between a lost Sev'ryn and a sailor. I look forward to reading about all of those stories that Bronik promised to tell Ari!
word count: 152
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