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Name: Ari'sora

Age: 19 arcs (after being deaged 4 arcs when Vega gave her a fresh start in Ashan 721)

Race: Mixed Race; half Sev'ryn, half Avriel

Height: 4'7"

Weight: 85 lbs

Date of Birth: 33rd Ashan 699

Marks: Gwelliph; Favored

Factions Joined: none yet

Languages Spoken: Fluent; Common, Dehasin, Haltunga, Scalveen, Xanthea, Conversational; Lorien, Broken; Common Sign, and Rakahi

Face Claim: Han Hyo Joo, Formerly Mikako Tabe

Language Ledger:

Initial Languages: Fluent Scalveen, Broken Lorien

Novice Linguistics: gain Broken Xanthea, and Common

Competent Linguistics: gain Broken Rakahi and Common Sign

Skill Points: use 20 skill points (at Competent level linguistics) to gain Broken Dehasin

Skill Points: use 18 skill points (at Competent level linguistics) to gain Broken Haltunga

Expert Linguistics: rank Dehasin and Haltunga up to Conversational level

Skill Points: use 22 skill points (at Expert level linguistics) to rank Xanthea up to fluent

Skill Points: use 22 skill points (at Expert level linguistics) to rank Common up to fluent

Skill Points: use 19 skill points (at Expert level linguistics) to rank Dehasin up to fluent

Skill Points: use 15 skill points (at Expert level linguistics) to rank Haltunga up to fluent


Ari'sora is tiny. Standing at 4'7", and having a slender, graceful build, she looks like a child, not the nineteen arc old young woman that she is. Arcs of being fed only when her guardian decided she had earned a meal has taken its toll on her, and makes itself known in her diminutive stature, small breasts, and waif like appearance. If she were to cut her hair, or hide it under a hat, or scarf, and bind her breasts, it would be very easy for her to disguise herself as a boy.

Her mixed heritage is impossible to deny. The most obvious sign of her Avriel nature is her wings. They are a deep black, and they have a glossy sheen to them that makes them look deep blue or purple when the light hits them the right way. Ari'sora also has her father's eyes. Her eyes are a deep twilight blue that can darken into black at times. They are the eyes of an Avriel. Instead of pupils, they have the strange white core that the Avriel call the "presence of the wind." And like a full blooded Avirel, she is able to see the currents and flow of the wind. Most of her body is free of hair like an Avriel's would be, but her Sev'ryn blood has given her some hair in the form or her eyebrows and lashes, and the hair on her head. Her fingers are slightly longer than normal, and her nails are somewhat stronger than usual, but the differences are slight enough that it can be difficult to tell whether those are inherited from her Avirel blood or not. From her mother, she inherited her fair skin, her black hair, her rounded face with an angular chin, her delicate ears, and the shape of her facial features.

If one were to ask Ari'sora what her favorite feature was, she would be hard pressed to find an answer. She loves her wings, and the freedom that they represent dearly. And she also loves being able to see the wind currents, and the fascinating patterns that she sees in them. But she grew up with a firm belief that Avriel were evil, and that has instilled a deep sense of shame in taking pride in that part of her heritage. Ari'sora also loves the straight black hair that reaches just past her shoulders. She feels that it is one of the few things about her that can be called pretty. Better yet, it is one of her mother's gifts to her, and something she can like freely, unlike the wings and eyes she has been brought up feeling that she should hate.

In Zi'da of 718, Ari'sora was blessed by Pier and Pre. Her mark is a glowing tattoo on her forehead. Since she is currently Favored by the Twins, her mark is a small one located in the center of her forehead. That mark was lost on the 30th of Ashan 721 when Ari'sora accepted Vega's offer of a fresh start in life along with her memories of the past and she was given a completely new appearance to go with her fresh start as well as being deaged back to the age of 18.

On the 16th of Cylus, 719, Ari'sora was branded. The mark takes the form of a palm sized lotus, and is located on the small of her back. While she was never registered as a slave due to slavery being illegal in Scalvoris, the brand is a constant reminder of her season of captivity at the hands of a man who claimed to be her father's friend.

On the 29th of Cylus, 719, she was branded eight more times. One was shaped like a lotus, identical to the one that she had been branded with on the 16th of Cylus. The others were a lotus growing under a full moon, a lotus in front of two crossed swords, a lotus floating in a pool of water, a lotus surrounded by feathers, a lotus in front of two crossed wings, a lotus surrounded by flames, and one shaped like three crossed weapons with a sword in the center and an axe and a spear crossed in front of it. Each one is palm sized. The lotus, the lotus surrounded by feathers, and the lotus surrounded by flames were branded into the inner thigh of her right leg. The lotus in front of two crossed swords, lotus in front of two crossed wings, and the three crossed weapons were branded into the inner thigh of her left leg. And the lotus growing under a full moon, and the lotus floating in a pool of water are located on her rear, one on each side. She was also given a tattoo in the shape of a lotus floating in a pool of water under a full moon surrounded by three weapons; a sword, an axe, and a spear. It is located on her abdomen.

Comfort and freedom of movement are key when it comes to Ari'sora's choice of clothes. Loose fitting garments are preferred over form fitting ones that cling to her body. And anything she wears must be adapted to allow her wings to be free. Materials that are light and airy during the heat of Saun, and ones that are warm during the icy chill of Zi'da and Cylus are of far more importance to her than whatever might be in fashion. Ideally, her choice of outfit would be a simple sun dress like gown with slits in the back to accommodate her wings. But when flying, she always makes sure to wear pants for modesty's sake. As far as colors go, Ari'sora prefers dark or neutral ones over loud, bright colors. She has simple tastes, and likes plain, solid colors, or simple patterns more than anything too elaborate.

Ari'sora's taste in hair styles is as simple as her taste in clothes. Her favorite thing to do is simply wear her hair down. When not doing that, she usually wears her hair in a simple pony tail, or braid. Ari'sora loves pretty things. As a result, she likes jewelry, though she rarely wears much of it at a time. A single ring, a pair of earrings, or a necklace is about as elaborate as it gets. And her simple tastes find her more attracted to a pretty glass or wooden bead than a large, bold gem. When she was a child, her guardian pierced her ears because he thought it made her look prettier. When she does wear earrings, she prefers simple studs rather than large hoops and the like.


Ari'sora never knew her father. She doesn't know if he is alive or dead. She doesn't even know his name, or what he looks like. All that she knows of the man is that he is an Avriel who owned her mother for several arcs until she managed to escape while in Scalvoris.

Mi'aris was a Sev'ryn who had the misfortune of being captured and enslaved in Athart while searching for her ose-bori. She had just finished bonding to her familiar before she was captured. Her first master was a cruel Avirel man whose name she refused to even mention to her daughter. The man owned her for many arcs before bringing her to Rynmere to serve him while he was on his business trip. She was pregnant with Ari'sora at the time, but when the chance presented itself, Mi'aris made her escape. Since people distrust Avriel in Rynmere, they were reluctant to help him find and reclaim his property. But Mi'aris's luck took a turn for the worse when she escaped one master only to be captured by a group of slavers who needed one more slave to fill their quota for transport to Scalvoris.

Mi'aris was given to a trader who was more drug trafficker than honest merchant in payment for enough drugs to keep the rest of the slavers' merchandise quiet and obedient until they could be sold. Ari'sora was born a few seasons later. Although she gave her daughter the minimum amount of care needed to keep her alive, Mi'aris couldn't bring herself to like her daughter, much less love her. As a result, Ari'sora's earliest arcs were filled with neglect alternated with abuse, and the absolute certainty that she was neither loved nor wanted by the person who should have loved her the most.

Her new master used her in much the same way as her old one did. Unlike Mi'aris, he did like Ari'sora. Or rather, he saw a potential use for her in the future. And where one was good in his mind, two would be better. So with the use of Saikuru, he ensured that his new slave gave him another child exactly two hundred and seventy trials after she bore the first. Mi'aris never recovered fully from the stress of giving birth so soon after the birth of her first child. Arcs of hard use weakened her further, and when Ari'sora was nine, she lost her mother to a miscarriage.

Ren'zar is an opportunistic man. Part trader, part drug trafficker, part smuggler, he is a business man who wears many hats. While Sev'ryn by birth, he has rarely been to distant Desnind. That didn't stop him from adding "genuine crafts and art straight from Desnind" to his wares once he got his hands on a Sev'ryn slave who could be forced to make him some. He is a cruel, cunning man who knows what he wants, and knows how to get it.

From a very young age, Ari'sora had to serve his needs and whims. As a child, this meant cooking, cleaning, and making "rare Desnind artifacts" for him to sell. As she got older, and showed a skill in languages, translation became a part of her duties. And when she was old enough, he had other uses for her as well. His own daughter was treated no differently.

Although Ari'sora was never branded and enslaved officially, Ren'zar treats her as if she truly is his slave.


Ari'sora's mixed heritage plays a part in her personality much the same way that it does in the way she looks. Unlike full blooded Avriel, she never went through a time in her adolescence where she was utterly wild and uncivilized. Her Sev'ryn blood protected her from that extreme. But she does tend to be ruled by her emotions. She feels everything very strongly. If she likes something, she becomes fascinated with it. She needs it in her life in some way. In this, things that she likes are almost like a drug to her; she needs them in order to function properly. Going too long without making the time to do something she enjoys will leave her unable to think of anything else. In some ways, she has a rather obsessive nature; deny her the thing she needs, and she will reach a point where she can't function properly again until she has spent enough time doing it. And the longer she has been denied it, the longer she must spend doing what she has been denied before her mental and emotional equilibrium can be restored. Conversely, if she dislikes something, she tends to avoid it. Learning anything she isn't interested in is far harder for her than learning something she enjoys. She will put the lessons off in favor of something she does enjoy, and she doesn't retain the information she does learn as easily as she would if it interested her. Learning about something she actively doesn't like is harder still.

If she is hurt, she will not necessarily seek out revenge against the one who hurt her; any aggression she might have had has been beaten out of her over the arcs. But she cannot simply forgive and forget, and work with the person who hurt her as if it never happened. If someone hurts her in some way, she will avoid them at all costs, even if working with them becomes necessary for some greater goal. This instinct can be overcome if the need is great enough, but it is very difficult to do so, and it causes her to feel the need to avoid the source of her pain even more in the future.

Instinct plays a big part in Ari'sora's life. She trusts what she feels about a person in their presence far more than anything she might have heard about them. And if something triggers a warning in her instincts, it takes an act of will for her to ignore that warning and do whatever her instincts are warning her against, or stay in the company of whoever she instinctively distrusts. This too is a part of her Avriel nature.

But her Sev'ryn nature plays a part in who she is as well. It acts as a calming influence on her instincts at times, and it allows her to focus far more on a single idea or belief than a true Avriel is able to. Unlike most Avriel, she does tend to be a deep thinker, preferring to think long and hard about every angle of a situation before making any final decisions if given the chance to do so.

Her Sev'ryn nature also gives her a deep love of and respect for nature. She loves plants and animals equally, needing them around her in order to truly be happy. She loves spending time surrounded by nature, and working with plants and animals is very calming to her. The smell of flowers or of fresh earth after a good rain are far more appealing to her than any perfume. And she tends to find more beauty in nature than she would in the most valuable of gems.

Ari'sora's love of nature is rivaled by her love of stories. Both the Sev'ryn and the Avriel love telling stories, and she is no different. One of the things that give her true pleasure is making up fanciful stories. It is an escape for her, as she indulges the urge to imagine herself living in the world created by her stories. Her love of reading is an extension of this. Reading is a means of indulging her need to learn interesting new things. But it is also an escape where for bits or breaks at a time, she can escape into the world of her books.

Another love equal to that of nature, reading, and learning about things that interest her is a love of creating new things. All crafts hold an interest to her for that reason; the idea of creating something out of nothing, or out of unwanted scraps is fascinating to her. Creating something beautiful is even more amazing in her eyes. Working with wood is one of the crafts that she loves the most because it allows her to combine her love of nature with her love of crafts. Making quilts is another of her favorite crafts because it allows her to take rags and unwanted scraps of cloth that most people would discard as trash, and turn them into something beautiful.

Ari'sora has been kept very isolated for most of her life, and that has affected her very deeply. She is unused to people in general, and as a result, they make her nervous. This can come across as shyness at times. She also tends to be awkward around people she doesn't know well because she isn't sure how to act around them. Unless her instincts tell her that a particular person can be trusted, it can take a long time for someone to earn her trust. And without that trust, she tends to be wary and keep people at a distance. But once she has warmed up to someone, Ari'sora will do just about anything for them if it is in her power to do so. Anyone Ari'sora counts as a true friend will have a loyal friend for life.

Large crowds tend to be even more intimidating to Ari'sora than people in general are. She finds them horribly claustrophobic, and the desire to escape being trapped is very strong when faced with one. She can endure them if she must, but afterwards, she needs some time to herself to do something she enjoys to calm her nerves. Failure to indulge this need will leave her feeling anxious, skittish, and unable to focus properly until she is allowed to unwind. And if she is trapped in a crowd for too long, she may be driven to panic. Should this happen, she will lash out blindly at anyone around her until she has enough space to spread her wings and escape into the air.

Ari'sora is a very bright girl. She tends to learn quickly if she is interested in what she is learning. Learning anything that she has a passion for is a need for her as much as food or air are. In her pursuit of new things to learn, there is little she will not try at least once. If she doesn't enjoy it, she will discard it soon after that first attempt. But in constantly trying new things, she is always finding new things to enjoy. Her desire to try new things is a result of her isolation as much as her fear of crowds and wariness of strangers is.

She is also very observant. Most of her life was spent in a situation where judging her guardian's mood correctly meant the difference between being given a task she enjoyed doing to keep her busy and out of his hair, or a beating just because she was there and he needed to work out his frustrations. This has led her to be something of a people watcher. When given the chance, she likes to observe a person and get a feel for them, or observe a situation and gauge how dangerous it might be before getting involved. Sometimes, when bored, she will watch someone for a few bits, and try to make up a story about who they are and what they are doing based on what she observes of them in that time.

Prized Possession

Hotaru is a baby Nightpup. She is mostly black, but her paws, ears, tail, and muzzle are white, and she has a white star shaped mark on her chest. Her eyes are a bright sky blue, ans both the inside of her ears, and the base of her tail are a deep twilight blue.

Hotaru is a very bright, curious puppy. She is also very loyal. But she is very much a one person dog. Ari'sora is her world, but she will only ever tolerate anyone else that Ari'sora cares about. And that much is only guaranteed if the other person has proven that they aren't a threat to Ari'sora.

Hotaru's mother, Haru bonded to Ari'sora when she was just a pup. Ari'aora loved her more than most of the people in her life. The Nightpup saved her life more than once, defending her from the worst of her guardian's rage when his anger overwhelmed him. The last time it happened, Haru sacrificed her life to save Ari'sora. As Haru's only surviving puppy, Hotaru is Ari'sora's only link to Haru. For that reason alone, Ari'sora would love her deeply. But in their grief at the loss, Hotaru bonded to Ari'sora as well. The bond they share is just as strong as the one Ari'sora had had with Haru.

*Nightpup Prices: Pup: 20gn, Untrained: 30gn, Trained: 60gn
Last edited by Rei'sari on Mon Feb 14, 2022 8:43 pm, edited 38 times in total. word count: 3552
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Ari'sora



Officially, Ari'sora does not exist. She is the daughter of an unknown Avriel, and a Sev'ryn slave who was a gift to a man whose less than fully legal business ensures that he does not want to draw attention to himself. Her mother was not registered as a slave in Scalvoris since she had been enslaved before she ever reached the island. Since Ari'sora was never enslaved, she wasn't registered either. And since she was born to an unregistered slave, her existence was never reported.

What this means is that Ari'sora has never been to school. Sending her to school would have drawn attention to her, and through her to Ren'zar. It also would have shown Ari'sora that the way she lived was not normal for someone who wasn't a slave. Had she reported her circumstances to a teacher, it might have caused someone to look into the matter. And an investigation wasn't something Ren'zar wanted any part of. For that same reason, he never took Ari'sora to the doctor when she was a child. Fortunately, she was a healthy child for the most part. And while she was never given enough food to truly thrive, she was given enough to keep her alive and healthy enough to do her work. Neighbors saw her from time to time as she worked outside the house, but they assumed that everything was as it should be. On the surface, Ren'zar appeared to be an honest trader, and he was careful to do nothing to make his neighbors think otherwise. Living in a section of Scalvoris Town where the neighbors were not especially curious helped maintain the image of normality.

Although she has never been to school, this does not mean that Ari'sora is completely ignorant. Ren'zar taught her how to read and write because it served his purposes to do so; without those skills, she would have been less useful to him, so he made the effort to teach her the basics of both. She learned useful skills such as cooking, baking, gardening, candle making, herbal remedies, and sewing from her mother on Ren'zar's orders because learning them made her a useful worker able to see to his needs. Her mother was a reluctant teacher since she hated Ari'sora for reminding her of her father, but she was a slave, and had learned to obey the orders she was given. And as an observant child, she picked up bits and pieces of other languages from her mother, guardian, and the people Ren'zar worked with. Since it was a source of entertainment for Ren'zar and the people he invited home, he had the slave of one of his coworkers teach her how to play the glass flute when the opportunity presented itself. When Ari'sora pleased her guardian, Ren'zar would teach her something, or give her time to learn something on her own as a reward. As a result, Ari'sora learned something of history, got a better grasp of the languages she had been exposed to, and learned a bit about new ones, and learned other things that she found to be interesting to her.

Math is her greatest weakness. It does not come easy to her, and she has had little reason to master it in her isolated existence. Ren'zar made certain that she knew how to count, and enough math to make sure she wasn't cheated if he ever decided to have her run errands for him. But she knows little more than the absolute basics when it comes to math.

Books were Ari'sora's closest friends when she was growing up. They were her teachers. Through them, she was able to expand her knowledge from the basics she was taught by the people in her life. She was able to learn cooking techniques that her mother either didn't know, or didn't bother to teach her, as well as new recipes. When exposed to a new language that interested her, she was able to use books to build her vocabulary in them as well as learn the proper grammar. She was even able to learn where the languages were spoken, and a bit about the peoples who spoke them. And when she had earned a reward, she was able to indulge her love of learning by reading about any number of subjects that caught her interest.

Perhaps even more importantly, books were an escape from her own life. They were windows into worlds both real and imagined that were vastly different than anything she knew. They gave her hope that one day her life might be different. While reading, Ari'sora was able to lose herself in the world of the books she read for a time. A vivid imagination allowed her to become the characters she read about, and live their lives for a time. In doing so, she managed to keep herself sane.

Ari'sora is also very close to her sister. Born less than an arc apart, they are very close in age. They grew up as friends as well as sisters. They were both treated like slaves by Ren'zar, so they helped each other as best they could. But there was one big difference between them. They mother loved Ari'sora sister, and she hated Ari'sora. That hurt Ari'sora deeply, but she blamed her mother for that pain rather that her sister. Even so, she was jealous of her sister because of it at times. Had Ren'zar treated his daughter any differently than he had Ari'sora, that occasional jealousy might well have turned bitter and become hatred. But since both existed only to serve Ren'zar in his eyes, they had a lot of common ground between them. This allowed them to team up as partners, friends, and sisters against a common foe rather than tear each other apart.

Important Events

On the 7th of Cylus 719, Ari'sora was captured by an Avriel who knew her birth father. Vyndar knew of her birth father's skill with musical instruments, and he sought her ut to see if his talent had passed down to his abomintaion of a daughter. From the 7th to the 29th of Cylus, Ari'sora was forced to practice the glass flute, and later the glass piano. She was tested every five trials, and was punished harshly for failure. On the 29th, she finally passed her test to Vyndar's standards. Satisfied that she had her father's musical talents, Vyndar planned to enslave Ari'sora, and take her away from Scalvoris since slavery was illegal there. Fortunately, she managed to escape on the 30th before that could happen. Her twins, Ryusar and Sai'rin were born on the 19th of Vhalar, 720 and they were conceived during her captivity. Ryusar is a Lotharro, and was sired by Hathelrri, Vyndar's associate, while Sai'rin is 3/4 Avriel, and was sired by Vyndar. Although Ari'sora has been able to recover from what she suffered during this time, it is still a very sensitive topic for her, and she does not like to talk about it.

In the final trials of Ashan of 719, Ari'sora was caught up in events that have had profound effects on her. She found herself in Emea with several others trying to find a way to wake the sleeping Twins, Jesine and Kielik who had been put to sleep in Ymiden of 718. Their slumber caused all of Idalos to fall asleep, and the only way for the people to be able to wake up was to wake the slumbering Twins.

In the attempt to wake the Twins Ari'sora and many others had to make many sacrifices. One of the sacrifices that Ari'sora made was a quarter of the energy that gets her through the trial. Upon waking on the first of Ymiden 719, she learned that this sacrifice had caused her to age twenty arcs.

The events where these things happened can be found here and here

After fixing her personal dreamscape through a series of dreams she had on the 123rd of Ashan, the 1st of Ymiden, and the 3rd of Ymiden, Ari'sora woke up on the 4th of Ymiden to find that she had reverted to the age she had been before everything happened. She believes that fixing her dream helped Emea in some way, and that regaining her youth was a reward for doing that, but when asked, she tells people that strange things happen in Scalvoris. She has no proof that her belief is true, after all, and she doesn't want to risk lying to people if she is wrong. It could just as easily have been caused by the mystery that is Scalvoris after all.

On the 120th of Ashan 720, Ari'sora responded to Baron Smooglenuff's call for help while she was visiting Faldrass. Things quickly got out of hand, and she was caught up in the events that led to the freedom of the Induk Faldrass, and the eruption of the volcano on Faldrass. This disaster resulted in the deaths of a thousand people between the volcano erupting and the resulting tsunamis that hit Almund, Harvrdr, Immortals Tongue and Ishallr. Thousands more were left homeless. Due to Ari'sora's actions during the event, she now has the reputation of possibly having caused the deaths of the Baron and all of his staff. Rumor being what it is, it has the tendency to twist as it spreads, so there is no telling what the fallout of this will be.

The events where these things happened can be found here, here, here, and here.

One of the sacrifices that Ari'sora made in Ashan of 719 was the ability to recover from emotional trauma. That was probably the biggest mistake she has ever made given her emotional state. Her experiences as an unregistered slave and the hatred that her own mother showed her as a child had a profound impact on the way that Ari'sora saw both herself, and the world around her. Those things were, in fact, what led Ari'sora to make the sacrifices that she did when she was called upon to make them in an attempt to wake the Twins.

Since then, her mental and emotional state slowly became more and more unstable as other things happened to her. Her sacrifice left her unable to recover from the trauma of nearly being crushed to death and having to be rescued when she responded to Baron Smooglenuff's call for help in Ashan of 720. And although this trauma was situational enough that she was still able to function, it was the start of a slippery slope from which there was no escape. And in Zi'da of 720, she had a panic attack caused by trauma she had suffered as a captive of Vyndar and Hathelrri back in Cylus of 719 that she had never come to terms with. That panic attack led her to be sent to the Order of Adunih clinic in Scalvoris Town where she was told that she would be held until she had dealt with all of her trauma since the panic attack turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg of the issues that she was suffering, and she was deemed to be a danger to herself and to others in her current state.

Since Ari'sora was unable to recover from emotional trauma due to one of the sacrifices she had made, this was a very real threat that she would be locked away for the rest of her life. Fortunately for her, one of her healers was able to obtain an amulet made by alchemy that would allow her to recover from emotional trauma while she was wearing it. Even so, her trauma was so severe that it was decided that she would be transferred to Spirit's Rest Oasis in Ashen of 721 where there were specialists that might be able to help her heal now that she was able to do so.

On the 30th of Ashan 721, the ship that Ari'sora and her healer were traveling on was caught up in a storm followed by a freeze that stranded them in Hopetoun on Faldrass until repairs could be made to the ship. During there stay, they met Vega, a woman known for bringing hope to people who had none. That meeting led to Vega offering to give Ari'sora a fresh start in life where she would lose all of her memories of the past, and be deaged back to the point when she had first become an adult. This ability of Vega's would also give her a new appearance, and she would lose any magics and marks that she had. Ari'sora decided that she wanted the fresh start that she was offered, and she gladly took Vega's offer.

The thread where this happened is here.

On the 39th of Ashan, 721, Ari'sora met with Darius, the leader of the Hopetoun settlement in the hopes of staying there after her new start in life. He said no, but both he and Vega suggested that she change her name in order to truly leave the past behind. She has done so, and now goes by the name Rei'sari.

The thread where this happened is here.



On the 15th of Vhalar, 720, Ari'sora donates her old house to the Scalvoris Council to be used as an orphanage for some of the children who lost their families when the volcano erupted. Her new house is located not far from the edge of the Sweetwine Woods; far enough from the city to offer privacy, but not within the forest itself.

The house itself is a tier 10 house. It is a beautiful home built with strong, sturdy materials meant to last for generations. The house has stone walls, wooden floors, and a thatched roof. Its floors and walls are heated in the cold seasons and cooled in the hot ones with the appropriate types of sand insulation, so it is kept at a comfortable temperature at all times.

It has eleven bedrooms, including a spacious master bedroom and one that has been converted into a nursery, a large kitchen with a pantry, three bathrooms, a large living room, a play room for the kids, three work rooms, a music room, a large library, and plenty of storage space. On the property is a good sized dojo for when Ari'sora wants to practice her fighting skills, or learn new ones. She also has a stable for the Scalvwing Steed mare that she owns.

Location Write Up: coming



Name: Mi'aris
Race: Sev'ryn
Date of Birth: 39th Ashan 681
Skills: Caregiving (formerly Baking): 5, Novice, Cooking: 20, Gardening: 10, Novice, Linguistics: 5, Novice, Medicine: 10, Novice, Needlecraft: 20, Novice, Cooking: 20, Novice, Science (formerly Chemistry): 10, Novice, Textile Production: 20, Novice
Appearance: Mi'aris is a beautiful woman. She has fair skin, and an oval shaped face with perfectly proportioned features. Her waist length and almond shaped eyes are both black. She bears a brand on the right side of her neck in the form of a bird of prey clutching a flower in its talons. The brand was chosen by her first master, who chose her specifically for her beauty and her skills. She also has a tattoo of a willow tree on her right thigh.
Personality: At one time, Mi'aris was a kind, gentle woman. But a hard life turned her angry and bitter. And she turned that anger and resentment on Ari'sora, the daughter she hated for reminding her of her father.
Relationship to PC: mother
Anything: 1) Mi'aris was a slave who first belonged to Ari'sora's father, then to Ren'zar, the man who became her guardian. 2) She was bonded to a falcon ose-bori named Taka. 3) She died in Zi'da of 708. 4) Her initial languages are fluent Xanthea, and broken Lorien. Novice Linguistics gives her broken Scalveen, and Common.

***Mi'aris died in Zi'da 708***

Approval Link: here


Name: Vyndar Lavarnian
Race: Avriel
Date of Birth: 13th Saun, 684
Skills: Business Management: 18; novice, Flying: 26; competent, Linguistics: 26, competent, Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): 30; competent
Appearance: Standing at 5'10", Vyndar is tall for one of his people. He is slender, with a wiry build, and a grace in movement that many would envy. His aristocratic facial features add to his air of arrogance and superiority. He has long white hair that he is inordinately proud of. And his black eyes have a cold, piercing look to them no matter what mood he is in. His white wings shine in the light, the natural oils in them giving them a shimmery look.
Personality: Vyndar is very much the typical Avriel in his arrogance. In his eyes, no other race can even come close to his own, and halfbreeds are an abomination to be tolerated only if they can be of some use to their rightful masters. But he has learned that at times, people of other races can be of use to him, and as a result he has come to see value in some individuals for that reason. In order to keep those rare individuals happy, he has cultivated a mask of friendly charm that he can use when it suits him. But he has a temper that can make it difficult to keep up his mask. He also has a cruel streak.
Relationship to PC: friend of her father
Anything: 1) He is fluent in Lorien, conversational in Dehasian, Averilian Script, and Common, and knows a little (broken level) Scalveen and Haltunga due to being competent in linguistics. 2) Vyndar is a merchant, so he travels a lot. But he is successful enough to own a house in a number of cities where he tends to spend a lot of time in. Scalvoris, Athart, are two of them.
Experience Ledger
row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3

Approval Link: here


Name: Hathelrri
Race: Lotharro
Date of Birth: 89th Vhalar, 685
Skills: Blades: dagger; 26, Competent, Endurance: 7, Novice, Linguistics: 26, Competent, Novice, Strength: 26, Competent, Stealth: 15, Novice
Appearance: Standing at 7', Hathelrri is a giant of a man. With broad shoulders, and a very muscular build, he can intimidate others by his appearance alone. When he frowns, he is a truly terrifying sight. But when he smiles, he has a rougish charm that some find very appealing.
Personality: Haltherri values power over all else. And he enjoys using that power over others. If you can't beat him in battle, or are not paying his bills, you are worthless in his eyes; good only for whatever amusement he can get from you. He takes what he wants no matter who he has to hurt to get it.
Relationship to PC: hired protection and coworker of her father's friend
Anything: 1) He speaks Fluent Haltunga, Conversational Common, Scalveen, and Lorien, and knows a little (broken level) Xanthea, and Averilian Script. 2) He has been working with Vyndar for many arcs; long enough for them to learn to truly trust each other, and for a friendship to form between them.
Experience Ledger
row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3

Approval Link: here


Name: Ryl'ryn
Race: Mixed; half Sev'ryn, half Avriel
Date of Birth: 1st Ashan, 699
Skills: Caretaking: 10; novice, Cooking: 12, Novice, Flying: 26; competent, Linguistics: 26, competent, Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): 36; competent
Appearance: Standing at 4'9", Ryl'ryn is a small girl. Her slender, willowy build does little to change the fact that to some, she appears to be little more than a child. She is quite beautiful, though. She has long black hair that drifts down to the middle of her back. Her wings are the same shade of black as her hair, but they have an irridescent sheen to them that almost makes them seem to glow when the light hits them the right way. Ryl'ryn's eyes are those of an Avirel, black with the strange white core that the Avriel call the "presence of the wind." And like a full blooded Avirel, she is able to see the currents and flow of the wind. Most of her body is free of hair like an Avriel's would be, but her Sev'ryn blood has given her some hair in the form or her eyebrows and lashes, and the hair on her head. Her fingers are slightly longer than normal, and her nails are somewhat stronger than usual, but the differences are slight enough that they can be overlooked unless one is looking carefully.
Personality: Ryl'ryn does not trust easily. But once her trust has been earned, you have a loyal friend for life. She is incredibly intelligent, and she learns quickly. But her issues with trust mean that she has very little use for people who have not earned her trust.
Relationship to PC: friend
Anything: 1) She is fluent in Dehasian, conversational in Common, Scalveen, and Xanthea, and knows a little (broken level) Haltunga and Lorien due to being competent in linguistics. 2) She has a female winged cat ose-bori named Ter'ali. Ryl'ryn found her and bonded to her when she was 11 during a time that she and Vyndar were spending time in Desnind. 3) She is Vyndar's daughter as well as his slave. Her slave brand is the shape of a lotus, and is found on the small of her back. She has a tattoo of a blue lotus at the base of her throat. 4) She has a beautiful, but completely untrained singing voice.
Experience Ledger
Cylus 719+1010
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute)-100
row 1 value 1row 1 value 2row 1 value 3
row 2 value 1row 2 value 2row 2 value 3

Approval Link: here


Shadow: she talks to Ari'sora. When Shadow speaks, you hear the words. Others just hear cat noises. Shadow, too, knows exactly what happened to everyone here. Ari'sora and Shadow are also able to communicate telepathically. Shadow wears a ribbon (the length of a hair ribbon and it is a mass of swirling, changing colours), Ari'sora tied it around her neck and it can't be removed; Companion and ribbon earned here


Name: Seirei
Race: Nekosani
Date of Birth: 59th Ashan 719
Skills: 1) can shift into a mountain lion sized version of her true form, 2) enhanced intelligence (equal to that of a fully sentient race); this will develop slowly over the course of a cycle, 3) telepathy; this will develop slowly over a cycle
Appearance: Silvery grey with black leopard like markings. She has a white chin, and pale green eyes.
Personality: Seirei is sweet, and gentle. She is the shyest of the three littermates, but she will warm up to the people that Ari'sora is especially close to. She is extremely protective of her bondmate, though, and she will attack a perceived threat if need be.
Relationship to PC: familiar
Anything: 1) She loves a good belly rub.

Approval Link: here


Name: Luna
Race: Nekosani
Date of Birth: 59th Ashan 719
Skills: 1) can shift into a mountain lion sized version of her true form, 2) enhanced intelligence (equal to that of a fully sentient race), 3) telepathy
Appearance: Mostly black with long fur. She has two white splotches; one on her chest, and one further down near her belly. Her eyes are pale green.
Personality: Luna takes after her mother a great deal. She loves stories, and will happily spend breaks at a time curled up with Ari'sora reading together. She is extremely protective of her bondmate; where Ari'sora goes, she goes. She tends to be aloof with most people who aren't Ari'sora, but she will warm up to the people that Ari'sora is closest to. But she will never forgive anyone who hurts her bondmate.
Relationship to PC: familiar
Anything: 1) She doesn't much like being touched by anyone other that Ari'sora and the people she loves the most. Anyone aside from Ari'sora who tries to pick her up will get a good scratch unless there is great need. 2) She doesn't trust Mi'zuri much.

Approval Link: here


Name: Storm
Race: cat
Date of Birth: 59th Ashan 719
Skills: 1) enhanced intelligence (equal to that of a fully sentient race); this will develop slowly over the course of an arc, 2) she can receive telepathic messages from her sisters; this will develop slowly over an arc
Appearance: Silvery grey with black tiger like markings. Her face is darker than Seirei's, giving her a fiercer look, and she has pale green eyes.
Personality: Storm is very much a one person cat. She is fiercely independent, but she loves Ari'sora deeply, and can often be seen curled up in her lap, or sleeping on her bed. She is fiercely protective of her bondmate.
Relationship to PC: familiar

Approval Link: here
Last edited by Rei'sari on Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:05 am, edited 35 times in total. word count: 4271
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Posts: 836
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:47 pm
Race: Mixed Race
Renown: 451
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Wealth Tier: Tier 8



RP Medals



Re: Ari'sora




Animal Husbandry0/250...
Field Craft (FT)0/100...
Flying (RB)76/250Expert
Musical Instrument; Glass (glass flute)250/250 (+5 from Ghoul)Grandmaster
Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass piano)0/250...
Ranged Combat26/250Competent
Science28/250 (+2 (formerly candlemaking) from Ghoul)Competent
Textile Production5/250Novice
Unarmed Combat0/250...


Job Skills

Fighting Skills

❖Ranged Combat: 18 Knowledges

❖Ranged Combat (Shortbow): 16 Knowledges

❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: has more uses than just killing people
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: parts of a short bow
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: parts of an arrow
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: how to nock an arrow
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: drawing and anchoring a bow
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: how to aim
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: how to fire an arrow
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: bowstrings can be made out of silk, flax, hemp, animal guts, animal sinews, or rawhide
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: a bow should never be “dry fired.” Releasing a string without an arrow nocked transfers energy back to the limbs instead of the arrow; the bow can fly apart, and injure anyone nearby.
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: there are many different kinds of arrowheads
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: bodkin heads are simple spikes made of metal of various shapes; they are designed to pierce armor
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: broadhead arrowheads are usually either triangular or leaf-shaped and have sharpened edges; they are commonly used for hunting
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: arrows can't change direction in midflight
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: careful aim is important
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: arrows fly straight
❖Ranged Combat; Shortbow: a self bow is a bow made from one piece of wood

❖Ranged Combat (Longbow): 2 Knowledges
❖Ranged Combat; Longbow: is a self bow with limbs rounded in cross-section, and is about the same height as the archer so as to allow a full draw, usually over 5'
❖Ranged Combat; Longbow: is designed to fire at long distance

❖Tactics: 9 Knowledges

❖Tactics: Ensure that you use all of your environment.
❖Tactics: zigzag while trying to escape to make it more difficult for your enemy to grab you
❖Tactics: trying to anticipate what will happen next in order to be better prepared for it
❖Tactics: plans are necessary for success
❖Tactics: planning an escape
❖Tactics: plans can fail
❖Tactics x 3 earned here

❖Unarmed Combat: 15 Knowledges

❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): 15 Knowledges

❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): using your wings to batter an enemy works just as well as hitting them
❖Unarmed Combat; Brawling: shouldn't be attempted when heavily pregnant
❖Unarmed Combat; Brawling: proper stance
❖Unarmed Combat; Brawling: how to throw a punch
❖Unarmed Combat; Brawling: when punching someone, your thumb needs to be on the outside of your fist, between your first and second knuckles on your index and middle finger; if your thumb is on the inside when you hit a hard target, you will break your thumb
❖Unarmed Combat; Brawling: anything goes...including sneaking up on someone and attacking them from behind
❖Unarmed Combat; Brawling: blind panic can lend you strength, but not skill
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): creating a space to move around in in a crowd by using your wings to make the crowd draw back
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): landing on someone from above is an effective technique
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): using one's wings as a weapon will stir up any dirt and debris the wind made by the effort reaches
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): blinding an opponent temporarily by getting dirt in their eyes
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): being caught off guard is a bad thing
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): always press your advantage when the opportunity arises
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): a solid blow to the crotch is very effective against a man
❖Unarmed Combat (Brawling): a flying spin kick can be an effective technique


❖Alchemy: 28 Knowledges

❖Alchemy: is a subject that is taught at the Scalvoris University
❖Alchemy: is not a type of magic
❖Alchemy: is a branch of science
❖Alchemy: is closely related to chemistry
❖Alchemy: alchemists transfer properties from one item to another and unlock the hidden potential of things so that they become more than the sum of their parts
❖Alchemy: making an item from scratch and imbuing it during the creation process ensures that there is no gap in the effect being imbued into the item
❖Alchemy: the risk of backlash increases exponentially when you work with the blood of mages and blessed individuals; this is one of the reasons why some knowledge of chemistry, specifically how substances interact is very important for an alchemist
❖Alchemy: can be used to make items that can reverse the consequences of sacrifices made to powerful beings
❖Alchemy: reagents are needed to create the items and potions that can be made with alchemy
❖Alchemy: some reagents can damage certain materials, but the negative effects can be reduced by adjusting the dosage and mixing them with other reagents
❖Alchemy: more than one property can be transferred to the same item but the number of properties that you can transfer depends on a certain factors such as the skill of the alchemist in question, the type of item that you want to create and the reagents that you use
❖Alchemy: not all reagents are compatible with each other
❖Alchemy: a base is necessary; this can be a liquid for a potion, a more viscous substance to make paint from, something to submerge an item in, etc.
❖Alchemy: a primer is sometimes necessary for the alchemical agent to work; they prepare the item being imbued to receive the reagent
❖Alchemy: different primers are needed depending on what kind of item you use, and on whether your creation needs to be safe for consumption or not
❖Alchemy: when imbuing more than one property into an item, binders ensure that the reagents don’t negate each other
❖Alchemy: adding a trigger allows you to turn the effect that you are imbuing into an item on and off
❖Alchemy: accelerators speed up the alchemical reaction
❖Alchemy: metabolizers render the effect more powerful
❖Alchemy: sealants may be necessary if you imbue an item with several different effects or if you add a trigger
❖Alchemy: if two or more reagents that aren't compatible are used without adding a binder, potential warning signs include an unusual reaction such as a smell, a change in color, fumes, or in the case of a potion, the potion will start to bubble; sometimes there will be no warning signs, but the item you made won't work properly
❖Alchemy: you can only imbue what is already in the reagent; you cannot use a reagent that has heat properties to make something or someone resistant to cold, you can only use it to imbue heat related effects such as heat resistance
❖Alchemy: the most skilled alchemists can replicate the effects of domain magic
❖Alchemy: in order to achieve the effects of domain magic, alchemists use Blood Magic
❖Alchemy: Blood Magic is one of the most advanced and dangerous branches of alchemy
❖Alchemy: those who are new to alchemy should only work with reagents that occur naturally such as plants, metals, or reagents that are derived from animals
❖Alchemy: those who are new to alchemy should focus on mediums such as stone, wood, or cloth; potions in particular and liquids, in general, should be avoided until one has more knowledge and skill in alchemy
❖Alchemy: Swiftweb is a metabolizer that can increase the potency of an alchemical compound and strengthen its effect

❖Animal Husbandry: 11 Knowledges

❖Animal Husbandry; Cat: a cat's gestation period is 58-67 trials
❖Animal Husbandry; Cat: female cats usually have 2-3 kittens in their first litter
❖Animal Husbandry; Cat: signs that a cat is pregnant
❖Animal Husbandry; Cat: cats like to find a private place to make a nest for their kittens, and be alone while they give birth
❖Animal Husbandry: feline; kittens are very good at amusing themselves
❖Animal Husbandry: Talking to a talking cat.
❖Animal Husbandry: Protecting your talking cat from the rain.
❖Animal Husbandry: animals have their own ways of making their feelings known that do not require words
Animal Husbandry x3

❖Appraisal: 3 Knowledges

Appraisal x 3

❖Art: 2 Knowledges

❖Art; Drawing: drawing is easy, and anyone can do it but drawing well is hard (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Art; Drawing: using a flat edge to draw a straight line (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Atheletics: 9 Knowledges

❖Atheletics; Running: Pushing it until your legs burn (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: Difficult with a changed center of balance. (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: panic can lend you speed you might not otherwise have (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: three steps is all it takes to get airborne (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: requires a lot of stamina (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: avoiding obstacles on the ground while running (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: is a form of exercise and can help make you stronger (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: running in sand is harder than running on even ground (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Atheletics; Running: x 1 (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Caregiving: 41 Knowledges

❖Caregiving: in order to be able to take care of others, one must also take care of one's self (earned here)
❖Caregiving: everyone needs someone to take care of them sometimes
❖Caregiving: different people have different needs
❖Caregiving: how to change a diaper
❖Caregiving: how to feed a baby
❖Caregiving: the comfort of a mother nursing her baby daughter
❖Caregiving: an infant's cry always means something
❖Caregiving: kids like it when you take the time to cut the crusts off their bread for them
❖Caregiving: infants shouldn't be exposed to the cold unless absolutely needed
❖Caregiving: preening a baby's wings is soothing for both mother and child
❖Caregiving: arts and crafts are a fun way to entertain kids, and have the added benefit of producing a finished product they can keep when they are done
❖Caregiving: inspiring creativity and encouraging talent in a child is important
❖Caregiving: keeping an eye on children who are using sharp tools is a good idea
❖Caregiving: cooking for someone satisfies one of their basic needs
❖Caregiving: cooking for someone can provide comfort as well as sustenance
❖Caregiving: you can't help anyone else if you are in need of help yourself
❖Caregiving: there are many different kinds of needs; physical, mental, and emotional
❖Caregiving: a person's mental and emotional needs are often overlooked
❖Caregiving: a person's mental and emotional needs are just as important as their physical needs
❖Caregiving: even animals need someone to take care of them
❖Caregiving: animals need to be comforted just as much as people do sometimes
❖Caregiving: a hug can go a long way when offering comfort to someone in need of it
❖Caregiving: even simple tasks like doing the laundry can help someone
❖Caregiving: all children love stories
❖Caregiving: a story makes a wonderful distraction from a fight
❖Caregiving: knowing when it is time to start weaning a baby
❖Caregiving: Babies need to be able to bond to their parents
❖Caregiving: observing a friend to see if they are okay
❖Caregiving: caring for three young children at once isn't easy (earned here)
❖Caregiving: kids love the snow (earned here)
❖Caregiving: kids love music
❖Caregiving: giving someone a gift can help to boost their morale
❖Caregiving: women who have been mistreated by men may respond better to female caregivers
Caregiving: x 3
Caregiving: x 2
Caregiving: x 1
Caregiving: x 1
Caregiving: x 1

❖Cooking: 33 Knowledges

❖Cooking: Dry heat cooking methods utilize air or fat to heat the food that is being cooked; examples include broiling, roasting, grilling, baking, sauteing, pan-frying and deep-fat frying.
❖Cooking: Moist heat cooking methods involve the use of water or stock; examples include poaching, boiling, simmering, and steaming.
❖Cooking: Combination cooking involves using both dry and moist heat cooking methods; examples include braising, stewing and pot-roasting.
❖Cooking: taste everything as you go
❖Cooking: the use of balance scales

❖Cooking; Baking: is a dry heat method of preparing food (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking: requires heat, and an enclosed space; usually this means an oven, but it can be done over a campfire too (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking: is used to create flour based foods such as pastries, breads, cakes, biscuits, shortbread, and cookies (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Cooking; Baking; Kneading Technique: Kneading dough is a technique that uses only the heels of your hands. Push down on the dough with the heels of your hands. Fold the dough in half. Then turn the dough about 45 degrees and knead with the heels of your hands again. Continue to knead, fold and turn the dough for the required length of time or to the consistency suggested. Your hands should be lightly dusted with flour to keep the dough from sticking to you. And you should keep a measuring cup of flour beside your work area to prevent the dough from sticking to your counter or kneading board. (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Cooking; Baking; Punching dough is a common technique that is used in baking bread, and it is essential to almost every type of bread you bake. "Punching down" deflates the dough and releases the air so that you can knead it and form it into loaves. When punching dough, you should leave it in the bowl it rose in. Make a fist with your hand and push it gently and firmly into the center of the dough. Then fold the edges of the dough into the center to form the deflated dough into a ball. When you're done with that, remove the ball from the bowl and place it onto a lightly floured surface Then knead it two or three times before shaping the dough into your desired form, or putting it into a bread pan. Punching down will result in a finer, more tender crumb; something you would look for in a sandwich bread or pastries like cinnamon rolls. (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Cooking; Baking; Folding Technique: The folding technique is another way of releasing the air in the dough. It creates a bread that rises higher and has a looser crumb and air pockets once it is baked. This is a welcome characteristic of artisan bread, baguettes, and dinner rolls. To fold dough, place it on a flour coated surface so it won't stick, and carefully pat it down into a rectangle. To create the first fold, pick up either the right or left side of the dough and fold it a third of the way over the rest of the dough. Then brush off any excess flour. Repeat the process on the other side of the dough. Next, grab the edge of the rectangle that is farthest from you and pull in toward you, folding it ​one-third of the way. On all of these folds, gentle stretching is ideal. The dough should not be pinched closed in any way; you should be able to see the layers of the folds. Finally, fold the piece of dough closest to you over the other folds which will now create a square. Brush off the excess flour. When you're finished, put the dough back in the bowl. If the recipe calls for using a floured or oiled bowl to keep the dough from sticking, be sure to do this before placing the dough in the bowl. (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Cooking; Baking: brushing a loaf of bread with butter after baking it will produce a soft crust (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking: can be fun when done with others (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Cooking: Creaming means to squash the butter and sugar into each other until they get softer, and lighter. This is done by pressing them between the back of the spoon and the side of the bowl. It's called creaming because the end result looks a bit like very thick creamCooking: Technique; Frying is is the cooking of food in fat. It is considered to be a dry cooking method even though liquid oil is used, because water is not used in the cooking process - ideally the cooking oil will not be absorbed by the food, so no moisture will be added by cooking. The methods of frying in order of how much oil is used are deep frying, or immersion frying, which uses the most oil, pan frying, stir-frying, and sautéing, which used the least amount of oil.

❖Cooking: Deep frying involves fully immersing food in hot oil. It is an extremely fast cooking method.

❖Cooking: Pan frying involves frying food in a pan. When pan frying, the amount of oil in the frying pan can range from absolutely no oil (especially when the foods to be fried contain fat or oil), to as much as covering the bottom 1/3, up to 1/2 in oil. One might distinguish pan frying from sautéing, stir frying, and deep frying in that, in pan frying, the food is not necessarily intended to be frequently stirred around, or turned repeated, but, rather, turned only once or twice during cooking.

❖Cooking: Stir-frying involves frying food in a special slope-sided pan called a wok quickly over very high heat, while stirring it constantly. An open flame heat source works best when using a wok.

❖Cooking: Sautéing is cooking food in a shallow pan, with a small quantity of fat, or oil. While being cooked, the food should be turned frequently but not constantly as is required in stir-frying. This method also takes less time and uses less oil than pan frying.

❖Cooking; Ingredient: zest is the thin colored portion of a citrus peel; the white part of the peel is called pith, and has a bitter taste
Cooking x3

❖Cooking: Recipe; lemon glaze (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Recipe: vanilla frosting (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Recipe: chicken salad (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking; Recipe: lemon cake (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking; Recipe: wheat bread (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking: Recipe; lemon blueberry bread (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking: Recipe; flat bread (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking: Recipe; pound cake (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking; Recipe: sugar cookies with frosting (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Cooking; Baking; Recipe: lemon white chocolate chip cookies (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Cosmetology: 2 Knowledges

❖Cosmetology x 2 earned here

❖Deception: 1 Knowledges

❖Deception: convincing yourself that something is true will make it easier for you to convince someone else that it is true

❖Detection: 42 Knowledges

❖Detection: determining the gender of a person by the sound of their footsteps
❖Detection: Noticing the ambient sounds
❖Detection: use all of your senses to get a feel for your surroundings
❖Detection: pay attention to the small details when searching for someone
❖Detection: the importance of being aware of one's surroundings
❖Detection: when one sense is lost, the others become sharper to compensate
❖Detection: taking stock of one's own condition
❖Detection: the outer wrapping of an object may indicate what is inside it
❖Detection: searching for one person in a crowd
❖Detection: trying to keep an eye on someone while flying
❖Detection: hearing emotions in someone's voice
❖Detection: noticing differences in the appearance and abilities of animals of the same species
❖Detection: looking for advantages in a fight
❖Detection: you can tell what herbs have been used in an herbal remedy by its color and scent
❖Detection: you can tell what type of topical herbal remedy you have by the way it looks and feels
Detection x 3
Detection x 6
Detection: x2
Detection x2
Detection x1
Detection: x 5
Detection x 2
Detection x 6

❖Discipline: 65 Knowledges

❖Discipline: knowing when to not scream at your boss in frustration
❖Discipline: focusing on learning something new when full of fear and uncertainty
❖Discipline: resisting the urge to scream while in agony
❖Discipline: pushing all other considerations aside to focus on the task at hand
❖Discipline: panic solves nothing
❖Discipline: panic makes everything worse
❖Discipline: acting impulsively rarely turns out well
❖Discipline: resisting the need to panic
❖Discipline: knowing when to resist, and when not to
❖Discipline: splitting your focus between more than one thing (earned here)
❖Discipline: keeping calm when frustrated
❖Discipline: dealing with crowds in order to get a necessary task done
❖Discipline: knowing when not to act
❖Discipline: resisting the need to fight back
❖Discipline: resisting the need to lash out in anger
❖Discipline: fighting the feeling of jealously
❖Discipline: resisting the urge to buy more than you should during the holiday
❖Discipline: focusing on what you want to buy rather than being distracted by the first thing you see
❖Discipline: staying within a budget
Discipline x 3
Discipline: x 1
Discipline x 3
Discipline: x 3
Discipline: x 2
Discipline: x 3
Discipline: x 1
Discipline x 3
Discipline x 3
Discipline: x 2
Discipline: x 3
Discipline x2
Discipline: x 3
Discipline x1
Discipline: x 4
❖Discipline: x 4 per this announcement; this is 4 of 28 knowledges from this
Discipline x 3
Discipline x2

❖Endurance: 43 Knowledges

❖Endurance: hunger
❖Endurance: thirst
❖Endurance: Glaring white light can hurt your eyes.
❖Endurance: Extreme pain
❖Endurance: The experience of being winded.
❖Endurance: Running for an extended period of time
❖Endurance: trying to focus on learning while in considerable pain
❖Endurance: the pain of a blow to the head
❖Endurance: trying to move quickly while weighted down by chains
❖Endurance: emotional pain can be even worse than physical pain
❖Endurance: the pain of being raped
❖Endurance: pain enhanced by drugs is harder to endure
❖Endurance: the pain of being branded
❖Endurance: cold weather (earned here)
❖Endurance: aching muscles after heavy exertion
❖Endurance: helplessness in the face of your child's pain
❖Endurance: fear for your child
❖Endurance: working through the pain
❖Endurance: the pain of walking on injured feet
❖Endurance: the burn caused by exercise
❖Endurance: testing to see where the limits are when exercising
❖Endurance: shopping can be exhausting
❖Endurance x 3 earned here
Endurance x 5
Endurance: x 2
Endurance: x 4
Endurance: x 2
Endurance: x 2
Endurance: x 1
Endurance x2

❖Etiquette: 18 Knowledges

❖Etiquette: Don't laugh at someone's name.
❖Etiquette: Remember to introduce yourself.
❖Etiquette: knowing when not to ask questions
❖Etiquette x 2 earned here
Etiquette x 5
Etiquette x2
Etiquette x8 (6 awarded as knowledges and 2 as loot)

❖Field Craft: 7 Knowledges

❖Field Craft: when gathering plants to make dyes, never take more than 2/3 of what you find in the wild; leave the rest to grow back so there will be more in the future
❖Field Craft: green wood produces more smoke, smaller flames and less heat than dried wood
❖Field Craft: fires are used for heat and cooking, bonfires are used for sending signals
❖Field Craft: the importance of having a fire pit for a normal fire or a circle of stones for a bonfire
❖Field Craft: how to build a fire
❖Field Craft: how to build a bonfire
❖Field Craft: blankets that have been wrapped around heated stones will keep you warm in cold weather

❖Flying: 35 Knowledges

❖Flying: flapping vigorously will strengthen wing muscles
❖Flying: requires some space to get into the air
❖Flying: you need enough room to fly
❖Flying: you can't fly when your wings are wet
❖Flying: wet wings feel heavy
❖Flying: shaking wings vigorously to dry them
❖Flying: the oils in feathers will help repel water
❖Flying: preening is important
❖Flying: broken feathers must be removed because they will hinder the ability to fly right
❖Flying: removing broken feathers hurts, and must be done carefully
❖Flying: no one can fly forever
❖Flying: is a great help when you're running late to work
❖Flying: is more tiring when you're older
❖Flying: is impossible when heavily pregnant (earned here)
❖Flying: the sheer joy of flying after being unable to do so for a prolonged period of time (earned here)
❖Flying: playing with the wind (earned here)
❖Flying: flying at night or in Cylus is very different than flying during the trial.
❖Flying: the air is thinner and colder the higher you go
❖Flying: flying in the extreme cold is more difficult than flying when the temperatures are milder
❖Flying: is harder when you are carrying additional weight
❖Flying: aerial somersaults
❖Flying: unexpected loud noises can be disastrous
❖Flying: crashing into a tree is humiliating
❖Flying: flying low to the ground is more difficult than flying high in the sky due to the need of avoiding obstacles in your path
❖Flying: backwing to change directions in mid flight
❖Flying: changing directions while flying at high speed isn't easy
❖Flying: every beat of your wings creates a down draft that can bother others if flying at a low altitude
❖Flying: flying low to the ground causes more strain than flying at higher altitudes
❖Flying: is a form of exercise
❖Flying: some people can fly even without wings
❖Flying: flying races are fun
❖Flying: can be used as a weapon as well as a means of getting places
❖Flying: is a great stress reliever
Flying x 2

❖Gardening: 20 Knowledges

❖Gardening; Agriculture: is a business (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: farmers sell their surplus goods, or trade them in exchange for things they need (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening: the difference between agriculture and gardening is that agriculture is always a business, but gardening doesn't have to be
❖Gardening: how to weed a garden (SP)
❖Gardening: some things are the same whether you are working on a farm, or in a garden; weeding is one of them
❖Gardening: types of gardens
❖Gardening; Agriculture: there are two main harvests; one in Ymiden, and one in Vhalar (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: planting season is in Ashan (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: the benefits of irrigation (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: there are several different kinds of tomatoes including cherry tomatoes, grape tomatoes, and full sized ones (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to tell if tomatoes are ripe (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to pick tomatoes (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: there are several different kinds of cucumbers including slicing cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, and burpless cucumbers (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to tell if cucumbers are ripe (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to pick cucumbers (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: types of corn; sweet, dent, flint, flour, and waxy (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to tell if corn is ripe (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to harvest corn (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to tell if wheat is ripe (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Gardening; Agriculture: how to harvest wheat (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Hunting: 1 Knowledges

❖Hunting; Tracking; house cat prints

❖Intimadation: 5 Knowledges

Intimidation x 5

❖Investigation: 14 Knowledges

❖Investigation: Never stop querying, make sure you consider everything.
❖Investigation: Use your environment
❖Investigation: following a trail
❖Investigation; Interrogation: Asking lots of questions (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Investigation; Interrogation: Following a line of questioning (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Investigation; Interrogation: Ensuring that you a thorough. (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Investigation; Interrogation: Be polite in the preamble to questions. (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Investigation; Interrogation x 2 earned here (changed for SSD 2021)
Investigation x 3
Investigation x 2

❖Larceny: 2 Knowledges

❖Larceny; Pickpocketing: is it really stealing when you're taking back something that belongs to you? (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Larceny; Pickpocketing: it's easy to steal something out of a room you're in when there's no one there to stop you (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Linguistics: 44 Knowledges

❖Linguistics: the purpose of a language is to be able to communicate thoughts and ideas with others
❖Linguistics: language is about more than just mere words; it reveals a lot about the culture of its speakers and their approach to life
❖Linguistics: people tend to be friendlier and more inclined to give you a chance if you talk to them in their own language
❖Linguistics: there are 52 languages in Idalos
❖Linguistics: some languages are made to be written, and have no spoken aspect to them
❖Linguistics: some languages are made to be spoken, and have no written aspect to them
❖Linguistics: a linguist is a person who studies linguistics
❖Linguistics: a polyglot is a person who knows several languages
❖Linguistics: a polyglot can also be a linguist, but that isn't always the case
❖Linguistics: there can be many reasons for studying linguistics; teachers need an understanding of the subject if they are to teach it to their students, people who love languages often study the subject to be better able to understand the languages that they love, etc.
❖Linguistics: an understanding of linguistics makes it easier to learn new languages
❖Linguistics: linguistics involves both the study of language in general, and the learning of new languages
❖Linguistics: knowing the history of language is important
❖Linguistics: knowing the history of a language shows how it has evolved in the past and suggests ways it may continue to evolve in the future
❖Linguistics: some languages are harder to learn than others
❖Linguistics: there are three core aspects of linguistics; syntax, phonetics, and semantics (SP)
❖Linguistics: Syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language; specifically word order and punctuation.
❖Linguistics: Every language has rules of syntax. They are the rules which underpin the life of the language, and as such, are extremely slow to change.
❖Linguistics: Phonetics is the study of the human ability to make and hear sounds which use the vocal organs of speech, especially for producing oral language.
❖Linguistics: A phoneme is the smallest unit in the sound system of a language.
❖Linguistics: Someone who studies phonetics is called a phonetician.
❖Linguistics: Phonology is the study of how languages treat the sounds that are produced as language
❖Linguistics: Semantics is the study of relationships between words and how we construct meaning. Essentially it is the meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure.
❖Linguistics: languages are grouped into families that share similar characteristics
❖Linguistics: Languages of Northern Idalos; Cerke, Murnasian, Basa, Perwarshian, Pij'thak, and Sulnysian
❖Linguistics: Languages of Southern Idalos; Banumi, Grovokian, Arathnaka Runes, Umhini, Dydahi Etch, and Xototi
❖Linguistics: Languages of Eastern Idalos; Omyeric, and G'ni
❖Linguistics: Languages of Western Idalos; Athivelienic, Irarian, Nysin, Anume, Nidtaic, Rifaish, Dregneen, and Naratrien
❖Linguistics: Languages of Central Idalos; Pailtic, Ku'aric, Ominowa, and Yjik
❖Linguistics: Common is spoken everywhere
❖Linguistics: some languages are not part of a particular family
❖Linguistics: languages that aren't part of a language family may have originated in one city rather than a region, or be used primarily be one race
❖Linguistics: Athart has a complex situation; two languages spoken in one city; Dehasin and Lorien
❖Linguistics: Dehasin and Lorien are examples of languages that are used primarily by the people of one city rather than having been originated in a wider area
❖Linguistics: some of the words that made up Scalveen had originally come from Rakahi
❖Linguistics: children learn new languages faster than adults do
❖Linguistics: trying to learn two languages at once is very difficult
❖Linguistics: memorization is key when it comes to learning languages
❖Linguistics: learning the grammar of a language is just as important as learning the words
❖Linguistics: pronunciation is important
❖Linguistics: you're not fluent in a language until you dream in it
❖Linguistics: creating a dialogue through music
❖Linguistics: music is a language of its own
❖Linguistics: music is a universal language; everyone can understand it
Linguistics: x 1

❖Logistics: 4 Knowledges

❖Logistics: it is very important to know how many supplies you have because knowing what you have means that you will know when you need to request more of something so you won't run out of it
❖Logistics x 3 earned here

❖Mathematics: 7 Knowledges

❖Mathematics: Are hard (Ghoul)
❖Mathematics: in addition, the answer is always greater than the numbers you started with in the problem itself
❖Mathematics: addition is fancy counting
❖Mathematics: subtraction problems give you an answer that is less than the numbers involved in the problem itself
❖Mathematics: multiplication is a more complex version of addition; you are adding the second number in the problem to itself the same number of times as the first number in the problem - so in 6X3, you are adding 3 to itself 6 times
❖Mathematics: division is the opposite of multiplication
❖Mathematics: Math is used in cooking and baking; fractions as measurements, addition and multiplication to double a recipe, subtraction to cut down, and division to separate portions

❖Medicine: 41 Knowledges

Herbal Remedies

❖Medicine: Basic herbal remedies (Ghoul)
❖Medicine: some of the plants that can be used to make dyes can also be used in herbal remedies
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedies: some herbal remedies such as teas, syrups, tinctures, decoctions, and others are taken internally, others such as salves, lotions, balms, poultices, and others are used topically
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedy: An herbal tea or tisane is a blend of various leaves, fruits, bark, roots, or flowers belonging to almost any edible, non-tea plant; its purpose varies depending on which herb is used to make the tea
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedy: An herbal infusion is stronger than an herbal tea because it is steeped for longer (15 bits to a break), and uses more herbs
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedy: An herbal syrup is made by adding herbs to a sugar water or honey water mixture
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedy: An herbal tincture is made by dissolving herbs into a water and alcohol based solution
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedy: A poultice is made by applying fresh or dried herbs to the skin with moist heat
❖Medicine - An herbal salve is an oil-based medicine that consists of a carrier oil that is infused with herbs, resins or other medicinal compounds and wax that is used to thicken it for easier use.
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedies: an herbal lotion is a mixture of water, plant oils and an emulsifying agent to hold them together; lotions are easily absorbed into the skin
❖Medicine; Herbal Remedies: herbal balms are fragrant ointments or preparations that are used to heal or soothe the skin


❖Medicine: Azulin flowers can be used either fresh or dried, and have different effects depending on whether they are fresh or dried as well as who takes them. The flowers can be used to create teas, and tinctures that can be drunk or applied externally and absorbed through the skin, or a powder that can be inhaled. This drug acts as a powerful aphrodisiac for males that lasts for three breaks. When dried Azulin flowers are used to make the drug and it is given to a female, it will ensure that the female will be impregnated; it will ensure multiple births with twins being the most common, but up to quintuplets are possible, and it will work on females of any species

❖Medicine: Azulin leaves can be made into a tea or tincture that heightens senses, including pain and pleasure. The five main senses, vision, smell, taste, touch and hearing are three times as sharp as normal when under the influence of this drug, and the senses of pain and pleasure and fifteen times sharper. The leaves can be either fresh or dried, but the fresh ones are more potent. In tea form, the effects last for five breaks. The tincture is stronger so the effects will last for a full trial. Overdosing has a risk of the effects becoming permanent

❖Medicine; Herb: uses of basil

❖Medicine; Herb: Catnip can be used to treat fevers
❖Medicine; Herb: Catnip shouldn't be taken by pregnant women

❖Medicine; Herb: Eucalyptus oil is good for easing pain and reducing inflammation

❖Medicine; Herb: Elderberry syrup is good for treating colds and flu
❖Medicine; Herb: Elderberry syrup is safe for children

❖Medicine; Herb: Fennel is good for stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation and nausea

❖Medicine; Herb: Feverfew is good for treating fever, migraine headaches, toothaches, stomach pain, arthritis, and for increasing breast milk

❖Medicine; Herb: Lavender oil is used for pain relief, easing anxiety, and aiding sleep

❖Medicine: Herbs; uses of mulberries

❖Medicine; Herb: Morning's savior is a remedy for morning sickness

❖Medicine; Herb: peppermint oil is good for easing pain and reducing inflammation

❖Medicine; Herb: Rosemary oil eases pain relaxes muscles, and reduces inflammation


❖Medicine: many small meals throughout the trial are better than three larger ones when recovering from starvation
❖Medicine: bland nourishing foods are good to help someone recover from starvation; nothing too rich, or heavily seasoned because they will not sit well in a shrunken stomach.
❖Medicine: a late menstrual cycle and nausea, especially in the morning are signs of possible pregnancy
❖Medicine: the symptoms of early pregnancy
❖Medicine: Buzz and its effects
❖Medicine: colic can be caused by air bubbles getting into the milk as you feed a baby
❖Medicine: wounds must be cleaned out before they can be bandaged
❖Medicine: how to clean out a wound.
❖Medicine: Curling up around a hot stone will ease the pain of being raped
❖Medicine: the signs that someone is having a miscarriage
❖Medicine: the signs that someone is choking (earned here)
❖Medicine: when someone is choking, they can't breathe so speed is essential in their treatment (earned here)
❖Medicine: when someone is choking, you need to dislodge the blockage somehow (earned here)
❖Medicine: how to treat someone who is choking (earned here)
❖Medicine; Emotional Trauma: panic attacks are usually caused by emotional trauma

Musical Instrument; Percussion: 85 Knowledges

❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute): 65 Knowledges[/b]

❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): is a beautiful work of art as much as it is a musical instrument
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): every glass flute is unique
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the glass flute has three things that look like leaves that are used to play the instrument; these leaves are made out of a substance known as "liquid glass"
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the liquid glass leaves are breakable
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the "liquid glass leaves" are used in a circular motion around the bowls, with different parts producing different sounds
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the bass notes are usually towards the bottom of the instrument while the higher notes are produced further up on the smaller glass bowls
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): originated in Egilrun
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): is sold in Egilrun, Scalvoris Town, Almund and Faldrass
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): is not exported outside of Scalvoris
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the sounds produced by a glass flute are delicate and extremely varied
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the sounds it makes can be very soothing, so it is one of the instruments used in forms of meditation that use music
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): in the hands of a true master, the glass flute can echo the sound of rain, laughter or harmonize in beautiful melodies
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute): basic notes (SP)
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute): creating a song by stringing notes that sound good together
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): every instrument has a scale
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): starting with playing the scale makes for a good warm up
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): repetition creates familiarity
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): frustration causes mistakes to be made
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): too much tension causes mistakes to be made
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): the mood of the person playing affects the performance
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): can be played with both hands to create more complex notes
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): there are three liquid glass leaves used to play the instrument for a reason
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): if two of the liquid glass leaves can be used to make more complex sounds than one can produce alone, then using three at once should allow for more complex notes than using two
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): a third hand would be useful
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): using two of the liquid glass leaves at once is a difficult technique that is possible for a novice to use, but not master
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): using three of the liquid glass leaves at once is too difficult for a novice to handle
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): technical skill is only one of the components a true master needs
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): without passion, and the drive to play, a performance can't be more than pleasant
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): channeling worry and fear into music as a means of stress relief
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): music can help you relax
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): is fun to play
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): a little friendly competition can drive you to improve
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): a gift for a friend
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): some of the best gifts cost nothing
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): requires a lot of focus to be played well
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): can be a good distraction from fears and worries
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): sometimes it's best to let the music decide what it wants to be
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): putting everything you've learned together
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): focus on the music, not what's at stake
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): when uncertain, stick to the basics
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): playing what the audience wants to hear
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): if you allow fear to affect your performance, you are your own worst enemy
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): playing in front of an appreciative audience is far better than playing in front of a critical one
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): 5 knowledges earned here
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): 5 knowledges earned here
Musical Instrument; Glass (Glass Flute): x 5
Musical Instrument; Glass (Glass Flute): x 5
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute): x 2

❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): 20 Knowledges

❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): the glass piano appears to be a solid piece of glass in a slowly increasing tube-shape, looking something like an entirely glass telescope but is, in fact, a number of glass rings nestled one inside the other.
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): the glass piano is played by putting it on a flat surface and each of the rings of glass are spun with the fingers
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): when playing a glass piano, the sound is produced by very clever crafting; creating a glass piano requires an expert glassblower to ensure that the tiny holes which actually create the sound are appropriately sized and positioned
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): the sound that a glass piano makes is a very eerie, almost ghostly sound that is ethereal in its nature
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): when playing a glass piano, the larger rings at the thicker end of the glass piano produced the higher pitched notes and the smaller ones produce lower pitched, deeper notes
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): is a percussion instrument
❖Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): the glass piano can play a number of notes together, producing beautiful harmonies
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): x 2
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano) x 3
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Piano): x 3
]Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): x 2
Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Piano): x 3

❖Navigation: 1 Knowledges

❖Navigation: A compass is useful for navigating, but not necessary.

❖Psychology: 7 Knowledges

❖Psychology: don't give your tormentor the satisfaction of knowing how much they are hurting you
❖Psychology: a brand is far more than a physical mark
❖Psychology: family can be used against you
❖Psychology: seeing a family member suffering is worse than seeing the suffering of a stranger especially when there is little you can do to help ease that suffering
❖Psychology: convincing someone that they want to learn something
❖Psychology: seeing your child suffer is far worse than suffering that same pain yourself
❖Psychology: withdrawing from reality is a powerful coping mechanism, but it is also a trap

❖Research: 6 Knowledges

❖Research: some things can't be learned from books alone
❖Research: it is easy to learn about languages from books
❖Research: you can learn some things about instruments in books, but the only way to really learn how to play one is to play it
❖Research: you can learn a lot about languages from books, but the correct pronunciation of words is something that must be heard to master fully
Research: x 1
Research: x 1

❖Science: 17 Knowledges

❖Science; Candlemaking: Can be made from different waxes (changed for SSD 2021) (Ghoul)
❖Science; Candlemaking: Beeswax candles are dripless (changed for SSD 2021) (Ghoul)
❖Science; Chemistry: how to make dyes out of plants (changed for SSD 2021) (SP)
❖Science; Chemistry: dyes can be made out of roots, nuts, and flowers (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: mordants, or color fixatives are substances that combine with a dye or stain and fix it to a material (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: types of color fixatives include salt fixatives, plant fixatives, and mordants made out of cream of tartar, iron, tin, alum or chrome (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: salt fixatives are made by combining half a cup of salt with eight cups of cold water; they are used with dyes made out of berries (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: plant fixatives are made by combining four parts cold water with one part vinegar with all "parts" being equal so that if a part is a cup, then one cup vinegar would be mixed with four cups of cold water; they are used with dyes made out of plants (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: when gathering plants to make dyes, the blossoms should be in full bloom, the berries should be ripe, and the nuts should be mature (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: some plant dyes are poisonous, so it is important to be careful when using them (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: mulberries will give you a royal purple color when used on something that has been treated with a salt fixative (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: the identification and categorization of acids and bases are aspects of chemistry (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: phosphorescence is an aspect of chemistry (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: litmus paper can be used in order to figure out if liquids are acidic or basic (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: how to make litmus paper (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: blotting paper is a highly absorbent type of paper or other material. It is used to absorb an excess of liquid substances such as ink or oil from the surface of writing paper or other objects; it is made out of ingredients such as rice, cotton, and even flax seed rather than wood, and it is used to make litmus paper (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Science; Chemistry: litmus paper is used by dipping the paper in your substance, and it will change color depending on whether it is acidic or basic; red is for acid and blue is for a base, and if it stays the same, the substance is neutral (changed for SSD 2021)

❖Singing: 7 Knowledges

❖Singing: it's hard to sing with a throat raspy from thirst
❖Singing: has a scale of notes just like musical instruments (earned here)
❖Singing: remember to breathe (earned here)
❖Singing: can be a good distraction from one's troubles (earned here)
❖Singing: children love a good singalong (earned here)
❖Singing: singing while playing a musical instrument can be difficult
❖Singing: stories can be sung

❖Socialization: 21 Knowledges

❖Socialization: taking orders from someone who knows more than you do (earned here)
❖Socialization: working with others to solve a problem (earned here)
❖Socialization: lying is wrong (earned here)
❖Socialization: a lie of omission is still a lie (earned here)
❖Socialization: making small talk
❖Socialization; Negotiation: Trying to get what you want by careful asking (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization; Negotiation: knowing who you are negotiating with makes for an easier negotiation (earned here) (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization; Negotiation: honesty is important in a negotiation (earned here) (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization; Negotiation: knowing the truth about a situation helps in negotiation (earned here) (changed for SSD 2021)(changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization; Rhetoric: explaining something to a friend (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization; Rhetoric x 3 earned here (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization; Persuasion x 3 (changed for SSD 2021)
❖Socialization x2 earned here
Socialization x 5

❖Stealth: 12 Knowledges

❖Stealth: moving quietly so not to wake someone up
❖Stealth: sneaking out of a house is easy when your captor is in a drugged sleep
❖Stealth: x 10 per this announcement; this is 10 of 28 knowledges from this

❖Storytelling: 42 Knowledges

❖Storytelling: The use of rhyme and rhythm in story.
❖Storytelling: Emotionally soothing.
❖Storytelling: Can help people to keep calm.
❖Storytelling; The story of home
❖Storytelling: sometimes the truth can sound as fantastic as any story
❖Storytelling: use what you know when making up a story
❖Storytelling: getting the audience involved in making up the story makes it more fun for them
❖Storytelling: the use of props can be helpful
❖Storytelling: when creating a story, asking questions that will be answered by the story is a good start
❖Storytelling: using different voices for the characters in a story makes it more entertaining
❖Storytelling: creating a story with your audience helps them to become involved with it
❖Storytelling: telling a story that isn't true is not necessarily the same thing as lying
❖Storytelling: you can work on creating a new story anywhere
❖Storytelling: it's easier to create a story when you are comfortable and relaxed instead of when distracted by minor discomforts
Storytelling x 4
Storytelling x 5 (as part of her loot)
Storytelling x2
Storytelling: x 3
Storytelling x2
Storytelling: x 3
Storytelling: x 3
Storytelling: x 3
Storytelling: x 3

❖Strength: 13 Knowledges

❖Strength: bearing the weight of chains for a prolonged period can make you stronger
❖Strength: lifting weight while flying
❖Strength: balancing the weight of a heavy object makes it easier to bear
❖Strength: bend your knees when lifting something heavy
❖Strength: shoveling snow
❖Strength: physical conditioning helps you get stronger
❖Strength: pushing your weight off of the ground is one form of physical conditioning
❖Strength: stretching helps with flexibility
❖Strength: how to do a pushup
❖Strength: doing sets with breaks in between while exercising
❖Strength: doing squats helps make you stronger
❖Strength: carrying a heavy glass instrument
Strength x 1

❖Teaching: 9 Knowledges

❖Teaching: requires a lot of patience
❖Teaching: you can't teach what you don't know
❖Teaching: is hard to do when you're under pressure
❖Teaching: you can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn
❖Teaching: is, at its heart, sharing what you know with others
❖Teaching: is easier to do when the students want to learn what you have to teach them
❖Teaching: is easier to do when the students are motivated to learn
❖Teaching: is harder than it seems
❖Teaching: projecting your voice helps when trying to reach your students

❖Textile Production: 7 Knowledges

❖Textile Production: fabrics must be treated with a mordant, or color fixative before they can be dyed
❖Textile Production: applying the mordant; add the fabric to the fixative and simmer for a break, then rinse the material and squeeze out the excess before rinsing it in cool water until the water runs clear.
❖Textile Production: dying process; place wet fabric in dye bath, and simmer together until desired color is obtained. The color of the fabric will be lighter when its dry.
❖Textile Production: the longer the fabric is soaked in the dye, the darker the color becomes; for a stronger shade, allow the material to soak in the dye overnight
❖Textile Production: dyes can stain your hands, so it is important to use gloves while using them
❖Textile Production: Dye Values; gold is the most expensive, followed by red, purple, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown, black, and finally beige, which is the cheapest
❖Textile Production: Dyes; custom dyes, gold dyes, red dyes, and purple dyes are rare

❖Woodworking: 13 Knowledges

❖Woodworking: how to make wooden beads (SP)
❖Woodworking: wood beads come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, sizes and styles; they give a warm, natural feel to any piece, and they are extremely versatile - they can be mixed with other types of beads, or used exclusively in any piece, and they have many uses
❖Woodworking: wooden beads can be made from a variety of woods based on what the creator is looking for; things like the color and natural grain of the wood in question are often factors to be considered, and the wood from fruit trees is often used to make wooden beads because it has a pleasant aroma
❖Woodworking: it takes seven trials for the wood to dry before a bead can be shaped into its final form
❖Woodworking: wooden beads can be simple, or have ornate designs carved into them
❖Woodworking: wooden beads can be painted for even more variety
❖Woodworking: flaws in a wooden bead can sometimes be hidden by carving a design into the bead, or painting it
❖Woodworking: when making wooden beads, it is better to drill the holes before the wood dries out
❖Woodworking: wooden beads that don't have holes can be wrapped with wire and used in most things that beads with holes can be used for
❖Woodworking: x 4 per this announcement; this is 4 of 28 knowledges from this

❖Writing: 25 Knowledges

Writing x 3
Writing: x 3
❖Writing: x 10 per this announcement; this is 10 of 28 knowledges from this
Writing: x 3
Writing: x 3
Writing: x 3

Dreamwalking Skills

Dreamwalking: 22/100

Ari'sora's Dreamwalking range extends throughout the city she is in.

❖Lucid Dreaming: Upon being initiated into Dreamwalking, a Dreamwalker first gains the very basic understanding of the reality of dreams and becomes more likely to gain self-awareness in their dreams, increasing probability that they can retain information in the waking world. Not all dreams will be lucid even for a Dreamwalker, but their initiation into the ability gives them the liberty of choosing to explore their dreams in more depth, which is a prerequisite of all other implied ventures by the Dreamwalker.

❖Walking: The trademark ability of a Dreamwalker is to walk. It's to exit their own Dreamscape and step into the Veil. Their body in Idalos is unaffected, but their mind ventures further into Emea in order to access the parts of the Veil within range of their body. 'Walking' will only allow the Dreamwalker to access the Veil itself, gaining awareness of Dreamscapes in their vicinity and gaining familiarity with the mechanics of the Veil. While rare, there's a possibility of encountering strange creatures and entities in the Veil. (gained at 10 points in Dreamwalking)

❖Governing: Most Dreamwalkers desire the ability to control their environment. It isn't until they learn to Govern that they truly become able to, but the scope of their control is still limited. A Dreamwalker at this stage is able to Govern their own Dreamscapes, enabling the Dreamwalker to influence the environment and content of the currently ongoing dream by forcing their will on it, shifting the reality of the dream at their whim. They become able to create new items, objects, areas, buildings and even creatures to insert into the Dreamscape, limited only by their imagination and prior experience. They can control everything within their dreamscape, with the exception of other people who enter. (gained at 20 points in Dreamwalking)


Ancient Language

❖Language: Ancient Language
❖Ancient Language: is a very difficult language to learn
❖Ancient Language: is the language of the Immortals
❖Ancient Language: originated in Viden
❖Ancient Language: is spoken by the Eidisi
❖Ancient Language: is a language that few mortals other than the Eidisi can understand
❖Ancient Language: has both spoken and written components


❖Language: Anume

Arathnaka Runes

❖Language: Arathnaka Runes


❖Language: Athivelienic

Avrielian Script

❖Language: Avrielian Script
❖Avrielian Script: is a written language
❖Avrielian Script: originated in Athart
❖Avrielian Script: is used by the Avriel


❖Language: Banumi


❖Language: Basa


❖Language: Cerke


❖Language: Common
❖Common: swears
❖Common: is a trade language
❖Common: is a spoken and written language
❖Common: alphabet
❖Common: numbers 1-100
❖Common: "yes" and "no"
❖Common: simple greetings
❖Common: personal pronouns
❖Common: simple phrases
❖Common: "What is this?"
❖Common: "My name is..."
❖Common: "I speak little Common."
❖Common: "Can you speak Scalveen?"
❖Common: names for body parts

Common Sign

❖Language: Common Sign
❖Common Sign: is a gestured language
❖Common Sign: is used everywhere
❖Common Sign: can be used to "talk" to someone who can't hear
❖Common Sign: some words have signs to represent them while others must be spelled out
❖Common Sign: name signs can be created for people that the "speaker" knows well; these often consist of the first letter of a person's name, and a sign that says something about the person being named
❖Common Sign: using just the letter signs would be like talking in baby talk.
❖Common Sign: alphabet
❖Common Sign: Ari'sora's name sign; A + wing + book
❖Common Sign: sign for book
❖Common Sign: sign for wing
❖Common Sign: Lira's name sign: L + cat + book
❖Common Sign: sign for cat


❖Language: Dehasin
❖Dehasin: originated in Athart
❖Dehasin: a spoken language
❖Dehasin: spoken by the slaves in Athart
❖Dehasin: a difficult language to learn
❖Dehasin: is a rare language since it is primarily spoken only in one city by one group of people
❖Dehasin: alphabet
❖Dehasin: numbers
❖Dehasin: proper terms of address and personal pronouns
❖Dehasin: sentence structure
❖Dehasin: question words
❖Dehasin: conjugating verbs
❖Dehasin: color words
❖Dehasin: direction words
❖Dehasin: animal words
❖Dehasin: descriptive words
❖Dehasin: musical terms
❖Dehasin: "yes" and "no"
❖Dehasin: the most important phrase; "I will obey."


❖Language: Dregneen

Dydahi Etch

❖Language: Dydahi Etch

Euthic Sign

❖Language: Euthic Sign
❖Euthic Sign: is a gestured language


❖Language: G'ni


❖Language: Grovokian


❖Language: Haltunga
❖Language: Haltunga
❖Haltunga: a spoken and written language
❖Haltunga: originated in Uthaldria
❖Haltunga: used by the Lotharro
❖Haltunga: alphabet
❖Haltunga: numbers
❖Haltunga: conjugating verbs
❖Haltunga: sentence structure
❖Haltunga: question words
❖Haltunga: proper terms of address and personal pronouns
❖Haltunga: color words
❖Haltunga: direction words
❖Haltunga: animal words
❖Haltunga: descriptive words
❖Haltunga: musical terms
❖Haltunga: "yes" and "no"
❖Haltunga: "please" and "thank you"


❖Language: Irarian


❖Language: Ith’ession
❖Ith’ession: spoken in Etzos


❖Language: Ku'aric


❖Language: Lorien
❖Lorien: does not have a written form
❖Lorien: spoken language of the Avriel
❖Lorien: spoken primarily in Athart
❖Lorien: swears


❖Language: Murnasian


❖Language: Naratrien


❖Language: Nidtaic


❖Language: Nysin


❖Language: Ominowa


❖Language: Omyeric


❖Language: Pailtic


❖Language: Perwarshian


❖Language: Pij'thak

❖Language: Rakahi
❖Rakahi: language of the Bi'qaj
❖Rakahi: spoken primarily in Rynmere and Ne'haer
❖Rakahi: is a spoken language
❖Rakahi: has very subtle but specific accents and undertones when certain words or syllables are uttered that gives a clue to other Biqaj where the speaker was raised
❖Rakahi: can be difficult for non Biqaj to learn
❖Rakahi: alphabet
❖Rakahi: numbers 1-100
❖Rakahi: "bad object"; a swear


❖Language: Rifaish


❖Language: Sulnysian


❖Language: Umhini


❖Language: Xanthea
❖Xanthea: language of the Sev'ryn people
❖Xanthea: spoken and written in Desnind
❖Xanthea: roots, nuts, and flowers
❖Xanthea: "Yes, mother."
❖Xanthea: swears
❖Xanthea: color names


❖Language: Xototi


❖Language: Yjik

Capstone Abilities

Musical Instrument; Percussion (Glass Flute)


A good musician can move people with their performance. Ari'sora takes this a step further. People who listen to her play are inspired in some way. Someone who is an artist or a craftsperson would be inspired to create something. Artists, craftspeople, and inventors who are inspired by her music find that their skills are boosted temporarily. This boost only affects the skill that the person is inspired to use. So an artist who is skilled in drawing, painting, and sculpting would only gain a boost in one skill. The boost in skill lasts as long as it takes to complete the one thing they are inspired to create. This can be breaks, trials, or arcs, but can only be applied to the one thing that Ari'sora's song inspires them to create.

Those who are not may feel a strong desire to do or see something they have never done or seen before. In this case, the boost will be to one skill that would help them to do or see the thing that they are inspired to do/see. This could be field craft, mount, or any other one skill that would help them achieve the goal that Ari'sora's music inspires them to. And the boost will last only as long as it takes to do it. Or it might simply fill them with a sense of wonder for a while, in which case they wouldn't experience a skill boost at all. But that feeling may be enough to ease someone out of depression if they are feeling depressed.

For game play purposes, this capstone ability raises the effective skill by one level. And Ari'sora can be affected by it as well because she listens to the music she plays as she is playing it.

Approval for her capstone ability: here



❖Ari'sora: gets her love of nature from her Sev'ryn half
❖Ari'sora: is friends with Lira
❖Ari'sora: enjoys spending time with Lira
❖Ari'sora: likes the idea of being able to "speak" with her hands
❖Ari'sora: is easily overwhelmed by a crying baby
❖Ari'sora: has plenty of experience ignoring hunger, pain, and exhaustion when necessary
❖Ari'sora: the hunger for knowledge outweighs the hunger for food
❖Ari'sora: loves watching the wind


❖NPC: Allanor
❖Allanor: is ten arcs old
❖Allanor: is an orphan
❖Allanor: is a little imp of a boy
❖Allanor: is a goodhearted boy
❖Allanor: is "big brother" to all of the younger kids at Luna's Dream
❖Allanor: is close friends with Kelf

❖NPC: Arzu
❖Arzu: is an infant
❖Arzu: is not a patient baby
❖Arzu: she came to Luna's Dream on the same trial that Jays did

❖NPC: Chris Jonson
❖Chris Jonson: works at Luna's Dream
❖Chris Jonson: is a gardener
❖Chris Jonson: loves kids, and is adored by them in return
❖Chris Jonson: is a good storyteller
❖Chris Jonson: might be the son of Cassion

❖Doran Thetys: is a professor of alchemy
❖Doran Thetys: created fire Flowers
❖Doran: is a very good professor
❖Doran: doesn't mind answering questions no matter how many are asked

❖NPC: Erin
❖Erin: one of Ari'sora's neighbors in Beacon
❖Erin: loves to bake
❖Erin: knows a lot about Cassion
❖Erin: is deeply impressed by Cassion
❖Erin: has offered to teach Ari'sora more about baking

❖NPC: Felicia Hounsworth
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is mostly human
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is the manager of Luna's Dream
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is very kind
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is good with babies
❖Felicia Hounsworth: is very organized even in the middle of chaos

❖NPC: Hathelrri
❖Hathelrri: is a Lotharro
❖Hathelrri: is Vyndar's friend
❖Hathelrri: works for Vyndar
❖Hathelrri: enjoys hurting others

❖NPC: Jays
❖Jays: is an infant
❖Jays: he came to Luna's Dream on the same trial that Arzu did

❖NPC: Kelf
❖Kelf: is three arcs old
❖Kelf: is an orphan
❖Kelf: his parents were merchants from the Hotlands
❖Kelf: is good friends with Allanor

❖Kyreen: is a baker
❖Kyreen: is good at moving heavy things
❖Kyreen: helped Ari'sora
❖Kyreen: likes cake

❖NPC: Lira
❖Lira: is five arcs old
❖Lira: is a Sev'ryn
❖Lira: is an orphan living at Luna's Dream
❖Lira: loves learning new languages
❖Lira: is a bright girl
❖Lira: is as curious as a cat about things that interest her
❖Lira: is a lot like Ari'sora
❖Lira: sees Ari'sora as a big sister

❖NPC: Mi'aris
❖Mi'aris: a Sev'ryn
❖Mi'aris: mother
❖Mi'aris: doesn't like Ari'sora
❖Mi'aris: is very proud of her heritage
❖Mi'aris: a slave
❖Mi'aris: doesn't like wasting her time
❖Mi'aris: hates having to wait

❖NPC: Mi'zuri
❖Mi'zuri: sister
❖Mi'zuri: hates work unless it is for something she is passionate about

❖NPC: Nats Bettes
❖Nats Bettes: teacher at Luna's Dream Orphanage
❖Nats Bettes: very good at math
❖Nats Bettes: doesn't talk much outside the classroom

❖NPC: Ren'zar
❖Ren'zar: Ari'sora's guardian
❖Ren'zar: Mi'aris's master
❖Ren'zar: wants Ari'sora to be useful to him
❖Ren'zar: likes mulberry wine

❖NPC: Ryl'ryn
❖Ryl'ryn: is half Sev'ryn and half Avriel
❖Ryl'ryn: is skilled with languages
❖Ryl'ryn: is a slave
❖Ryl'ryn: is Vyndar's daughter as well as his slave

❖NPC: Teri
❖Teri: is a few arcs older than Ari'sora
❖Teri: is a kind woman
❖Teri: knows a lot about farming

❖NPC: Tonu
❖Tonu: is an infant living at Luna's Dream
❖Tonu: likes his bottle to be lukewarm

❖NPC: Vyndar Lavarnian
❖Vyndar Lavarnian: is an Avriel
❖Vyndar Lavarnian: a friend of her birth father's
❖Vyndar Lavarnian: Ari'sora's captor
❖Vyndar Lavarnian: wants to hear her life story played out on the glass flute; he wants the music to make him feel what she felt, and he wants it to be good
❖Vyndar Lavarnian: will not free Ari'sora until he gets what he wants
❖Vyndar: enjoys hurting others


❖Immortal: Cassion
❖Cassion: his Domains are Stories, Travel, Adventure, and Hunger
❖Cassion: is said to always be seen in traveling gear with pockets and cases filled with weapons, and all sorts of things that he finds in his travels.
❖Cassion: is raucous of humor, insatiable, dangerous, and charming
❖Cassion: is known as The Wanderer, Old Dust, The Taleweaver, and Man of Roads
❖Cassion: his mark is called Sojourn; it is given to adventurers

❖Immortal: Famula
❖Famula: Famula's Lantern
❖Famula: plays a big part on Souls' Light Night

❖Immortal: Lisirra
❖Lisirra: her Domains are Pestilence, Toxin, Decay, and Insects
❖Lisirra: is known as The Pestilent One, Lady Plague, The Plaguedaughter, The Toxic One, Corrupter, The Insect Queen, The Mistress of Toxin, The Queen of Rot, The Lady of Decay, The Plague Lord, The Eternal Child, The Blight, The Destroyer of Desnind, The Terror of Rhakros, and The Hive Mother
❖Lisirra: her mark is called Yithnai
❖Lisirra: she hates Moseke

❖Immortal: Moseke (HI)

❖Immortal: Qylios
❖Qylios: Immortal of Bonds, Leadership, Light, and Courage


❖Location: Scalvoris (HI)
❖Layout: Scalvoris (HI)
❖Location: Scalvoris Town
❖Scalvoris Town: Town Square
❖Town Square: where the marketplace is located
❖Scalvoris Town: Peytr's Pots & Potions
❖Peytr's Pots & Potions: apothecary, cosmetologist and herbalist
❖Location: Scalvoris University
❖Location: Scholar's Nook
❖Scholar's Nook: is in Scalvoris Town
❖Scholar's Nook: Scholars from the university
❖Scholar's Nook: is better than the library because it has books and cake

❖Location: Sweetwine Woods
❖Sweetwine Woods: is within walking distance of Scalvoris Town

❖Location: Faldrass

❖Customs & Festivals: Scalvoris (HI)
❖History: Scalvoris (HI)
❖Laws: Scalvoris (HI)



❖Race: Sev'ryn (HI)
❖Creation Legends: Sev'ryn (HI)
❖Customs & Traditions: Sev'ryn (HI)
❖History: Sev'ryn (HI)
❖Sev'ryn: love nature
❖Sev'ryn: cherish forests

❖Race: Lotharro
❖Lotharro: male only
❖Lotharro: giants
❖Lotharro: there is no such thing as a mixed blooded Lotharro
❖Lotharro: Lotharro men take women from other species, and when they do, most of the resulting children are Lotharro

Random Bits of Wisdom

Starter Quest

It has been years, and one would assume that you've been forgotten as an anomaly on the island. But see - there are people who are still curious, even if they don't show it. They would like to know where you are from and where you are going; they wanna see if there's potential, or worth, as they would say it. And one of these people just so happens to be one of your father's friends. Now, he doesn't know the full story, but he figures it would be something worth entertaining him for a half break or so.

But he wants this story told in a very specific way, that he does. He wants to put those flute playing skills to the test, to see if there's something to be gained and if you might hold some capability for future endeavors of the same ilk in grander places. You have very little choice in accepting, but it's simple: regale him with your tale through music. He wants to feel what you've felt from that there instrument of yours and it better be nice.

Skill Point Ledger

Dye Making+1020
Dye Making 2+1030
Dye Making 3+1040
The One Who Loves Stories+1050
Glittering Meadow+1060
Story Time+1070
[Public Library] Bookshelves and Black Feathers+1585
[Mature Memory] Proper Use+1095
+1 Agriculture-194
The Maze: The End+20114
A Garden is a Garden+10124
Speaking of the Dead+10134
Storms of Fear+10144
First Harvest+10154
Harvest Dawn+10164
Playing with Fire+10174
+21 to Linguistics-21153
Treasures of the Heart+10163
[Public Library] Tangled words+15178
Defense 101+10188
Ashan Fever+10198
Bundles of Joy+10208
The Maze: Ari'sora+15223
The Maze: Round 2: Ari'sora and Amaris+15238
The Maze: Round 5: Ari'sora & Eric+15253
A Crack in the Wall/CitW: The Waiting Place+25278
The Choice+15 and 10 Dreamwalking exp293
CitW: Round 2: The Curious+15308
Shattered Hope+10 and 2 Dreamwalking exp318
CitW: The Curiously Spooky House+15333
Searching for Hope+10 and 2 Dreamwalking exp343
Rebuilding Hope+10 and 2 Dreamwalking exp353
Age Does Matter+10363
[Starter Quest] Hard Knock Life+10373
[Starter Quest] Language Lessons Part 1+10383
Gaining broken Dehasin-20363
Gaining broken Haltunga-18345
[Starter Quest] Language Lessons Part 2+10355
[Starter Quest] Life Lessons+10365
[Starter Quest] Nightly Visitations+10375
[Starter Quest] Failure to Perform+10385
+50 to Linguistics-50335
+16 to Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute)-16319
[Starter Quest] Fear of Failure+10329
[Starter Quest] Music Duel+10339
[Starter Quest] First Test+10349
[Starter Quest] Dark Times+10359
[Starter Quest] Alone+10369
[Starter Quest] Second Test+10379
[Starter Quest] The Price of Failure+10389
[Starter Quest]Desperate Measures+10399
+50 to Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute)-50349
[Starter Quest] Consequences of Defiance+10359
The Lost Duckling+15374
+21 to Caregiving-21353
+5 to Singing-5348
Haunting Echoes+10358
Snow Trial+10368
Looking forward, Looking back+15383
+50 to flying-50333
+ 26 to Ranged Combat; short bow-26307
+26 to Endurance-26281
+25 to Strength-25256
+21 to Medicine-21235
Talent Night+10245
The Sorrow of Death+20265
+20 to Singing-20245
+25 to Storytelling-25220
The Silver Ring+10230
Save the Books!+10240
Linguistics 101+10250
Tangled Branches+10260
+1 to Flying-1259
+22 to rank Xanthea up to fluent using expert Linguistics-22237
+22 to rank Common up to fluent using expert Linguistics-22215
+19 to rank Dehasin up to fluent using expert Linguistics-19196
+15 to rank Haltunga up to fluent using expert Linguistics-15181
Fire Flowers+15196
[Starter Quest] Retreating into Music+10206
On the Ocean Floor+15, + 2 Dreamwalking exp221
+22 to Detection-22199
[Starter Quest] Language Lessons Revisited+10209
Runaway Reunion+15224
[Starter Quest] Third Test+10234
[Starter Quest] Consequences of Failure+10244
[Faldrass] Fire Forged: Basecamp+15259
+50 to Caregiving-50209
+1 to Detection-1208
[Scalv-enger Hunt] And the winner is.......+20228
+26 to Discipline-26202
Reaching Out+10212
Lets Get Physical, Physical!+15227
I Want to be Where the People Are+15, + 2 Dreamwalking exp242
Sharing What You Know+10252
A Lesson in Alchemy+15267
+26 to Alchemy-26241
+21 to Chemistry-26215
Spreading Kindness+10225
[Faldrass] Fire-Forged Group B+20245
+75 to Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute)-75170
[Starter Quest] Family Matters+10180
[Starter Quest] Obsession Part 1+10190
[Starter Quest] Obsession Part 3+10200
[Starter Quest] Fourth Test+10210
[Starter Quest] Obsession Part 5+10220
[Starter Quest] Obsession Part 4+10230
[Starter Quest] Consequences of Obsession+10240
+99 to Musical Instrument; Percussion (glass flute)-99141
[Starter Quest] Fifth Test+10151
+20 to Woodworking-20131
[Starter Quest] Escape+10141
+26 to Baking-26115
A Beacon in the Dark+15130
Homemade Gifts+10140
Ash Be-Gone+15155
Cooking up a Storm+10165
[Starter Quest] Obsession Part 2+10175
[Starter Quest] Painful Decisions+10185
[Starter Quest] Consequences and Choices+10195
[Starter Quest] Consequences of Neglect+10205
[Starter Quest] The Language of Music+10215
+125 to Discipline-12590
So This is Zi'da+10100
Persuing a New Love+10110
After Life+15125
Unexpected Attack+10135
Practical Learning+10145
Moderated: Cylus Dusk+15160
[Saoire Event] Faith and Ari'sora+15175
Returning from a Nightmare+10185
[Hopetoun] Searching for Hope+15200
+3 to Detection-3197
+ 26 to Science (transferred from Chemistry00197
+ 2 to Science (transferred from Candlemaking)00197
+26 to Cooking (transferred from Baking)00197
+4 to XP Pool (transferred from Cooking)+4201
+1 to XP Pool (transferred from Agriculture since Gardening had the higher XP)+1202
Hopetoun] Face-Off+15217
+25 to Deception-25192
+1 to Storytelling-1191
+25 to Writing-25166
+25 to Psychology-25141
Talking Cats, and Best Friends+10151
Childhood Memories+10161
A New Beginning+10171
per this announcement+32203
+1 to Writing-1202
Burning Mountains and Collapsing Mansions+10212
+50 to Storytelling-50162
+50 to Writing-50112
The Night Market!+20132
Once Upon a Time+10142
[Spooky Spectacular!] Fright Night!+15157
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Last edited by Rei'sari on Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:37 am, edited 263 times in total. word count: 12621
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Ari'sora



Marks and Other Abilities


None Yet



Tab Content

Custom Abilities

Grifter’s eye: sees through ruse at any level, So long as the subject of deception is theft. If someone has the goal of stealing your property or profits, no amount of talking or special magical abilities will affect you. You can see to the heart of the deception instantly. In addition, when any property a you own is taken by a thief or with the intent to steal, you are instantly aware of it, no matter how far away they are from the object in question. While this ability considers any item that you obtained through honest means, whether buying, creating, or crafting, anything that the merchant has stolen from another person will not be protected by this ability until it has been in your possession for an arc. While not strong enough to pierce powerful illusions or be used for any other situation but your personal wealth, Grifter’s eyes is an invaluable tool for merchants looking to protect their goods from thieves. However, this ability only applies to things of purely merchantile or monetary value to you. Things of personal value such as weapons and other personal effects are not so protected, as such attachments are a violation of Chamadarst's Neutrality. Earned here
Last edited by Rei'sari on Thu Oct 28, 2021 4:11 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 219
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Ari'sora





❖Hotaru; female nightpup puppy (prized possession) (SP)
❖Arashi; female border collie (SP)


❖a large tier ten house with six bedrooms, including a spacious master bedroom, a large kitchen with a pantry, three bathrooms, a large living room, a play room for the kids, two work rooms, a music room, a large library, and plenty of storage space. It sits on two acres of land and has a good sized dojo.


❖bed (SP)
❖chest (SP)

Living Room

❖fire place (SP)
❖tinder box (SP)
❖table (SP)
❖chairs (2) (SP)


❖plate set (6 assorted plates) (SP)
❖knives (2) (SP)
❖ forks (2) (SP)
❖spoons (2) (SP)
❖eating knives (2) (SP)


❖toothbrush (SP)
❖toothpaste (SP)
❖razor (SP)


Skill Kits


Day Wear

❖sky blue blouse (adapted to fit with her wings) (SP)
❖white/undyed undergarments (SP)
❖black pants (SP)


❖black boots (SP)

Night Wear

❖a set of nightclothes; thick, soft, fuzzy pajamas. The chest, and back of the top are darker shades of blue that gradually lightened as it reached the sleeves, which are a bright crystal blue. The pajama bottoms are dark at the top, and the shades of blue grew lighter gradually as they reach the feet, which are covered in twilight blue slipper feet that are attached to the pajama pants. The pajamas are comfortable, and easy to move in, and warm, earned here


❖a headband; black with black fuzzy black panther ears earned here


❖a simple bracelet; the wooden beads, and the bracelet itself were all made by a child, so it is far from a masterpiece, and has no monetary value, but some of the beads are unique looking earned here

❖An amulet. The chain and setting for the jewel is made out of Crystalline (tier 2), and Cobalt (tier 4). The cobalt used appears black, and the crystalline appears purple, giving it the appearance of being a very dark purple-black that can appear to be either dark purple or black depending on the lighting. And the cobalt lends its durability to the metal, making it a lot harder to break than crystalline alone would be. The jewel is a thumb length teardrop shaped labradorite (tier 7). This a local renown item with the following abilities: This amulet does two things. When the wearer closes their eyes and focuses on the amulet in silence for several trills, it acts as a mirror to the wearer's mind, reflecting images and memories that trouble the wearer (emotional trauma, fears, etc.). It also suppresses things that would prevent the wearer from dealing with whatever troubles them. This can be a feeling of shame or reluctance to seek help in dealing with their trauma, or in Ari'sora's case, the inability to recover from emotional trouble caused by a sacrifice she made. It goes a step further in that it gives its wearer the feeling that seeking help is the right thing to do. The amulet is unable to heal any kind of trauma itself, but it allows its wearer to recover from their trauma - whether naturally over time (in the case of insults and such), or by seeking help in some form.

Use: The amulet must be in contact with its wearer in order to work, but it must be attuned to its wearer in order to work. It takes three trials of wearing it constantly to attune itself to its wearer so it can work. Once this is done, it will do what it is intended to do. But if its owner stops wearing it for three trials or longer, it will need to be reattuned to its wearer before it will work for them again. approved here

❖A plain but pretty necklace with a small pendent in the shape of a twinkling star. When worn, it gives a sense of hope. It isn't strong enough to overcome Ari's current situation but it will help her see a hopeful future earned here

❖a small pin which mirrors exactly the fish you saw (as long as her hand was, and it glowed a brilliant sky blue that reminded her of a sunny trial without a cloud in the sky). It's beautiful, really well made. (earned here)

Travel/Cold Weather Gear

❖black cloak (SP)

Musical Instruments

❖glass flute (here)
❖Ryl'ryn's glass flute (earned here)
❖Ryl'ryn's glass piano (earned here)


❖hair brush (SP)
❖comb (SP)
❖waterskin (SP)


❖a set of encyclopedias in thanks - a full set of 20 beautiful leather-bound, gilt-edged etc.; the encyclopedia is about herbs of the world, and remedies that can be made out of them (earned here)
1 x copy of Smooglenuffs Guide
❖A story written by Ari'sora. Poor Penmanship (0 writing), Basic+ quality story (25 xp Storytelling) earned here
❖The Legend of the Smooglenuff. This is a collection of stories about Enri Smooglenuff and the stories he told. earned here
❖a full copy of Smooglenuff's Guide to Falldrass. It's a set of books which includes Flora, Fauna, Legends and History. earned here
❖A story that Rei'sari wrote about a talking cat, currently unbound and not illustrated (competent storytelling & novice writing). Earned here
❖A story that Rei'sari wrote about Ari'sora's childhood (competent storytelling & novice writing). Earned here
❖A story that Rei'sari wrote about Ari'sora's time as a captive of Vyndar and Hathelrri (competent storytelling & novice writing). Earned here
❖A story that Rei'sari wrote about the events surrounding Faldrass and the eruption, and the notes she wrote about a second story involving a similar plot with fictional characters (competent storytelling & novice writing). Earned here
❖Two handwritten copies of the story: “A Star's Journey; Falling to Idalos” (written with expert level storytelling and writing) Earned here


❖A one handed sword/saber that is an exact replica of Sephira's sword, Wyvern: this is a magical blade that can store the pain and sensation of the cuts that are made with it. It is able to "remember" one cut, and that will allow the user to intensify the damage of one strike at a time of her choosing by releasing the energies stored in the sword. This essentially means that once per season, Ari'sora is able to double the pain and damage caused by a strike of her choosing as long as she has activated the sword by storing the memory of a cut in it. earned here Appearance

❖short bow; Will be made out of well-made materials by someone with Expert craft skills. Weapons have some detail and adornments. They still require upkeep, but unless they are damaged quite severely, they will not need to be replaced. Good+ weapons represent above-average standards when it comes to craftsmanship at Expert level. Simply put, good+ quality weapons are of better stock than good weapons. In battle, a good+ quality weapon might break a good-quality weapon, though one weapon breaking another at this level is considerably rare. (one of she weapons she is allowed for free at tier 8)


❖a strange mirror (the next time you look at it, it is shattered into pieces. Yet, the pieces do not come out of the frame. Over the course of the Cycle it will get more and more broken and nothing seems to fix it.); earned here
❖a notebook with the name Spirit on the front (seems to be just a notebook. Unless it is thrown into the fire. In which case, you'll find that it's a fireproof notebook); earned here
❖a crystal (glass, pretty and shiny and nothing else); earned here
❖Ring of Reversal: A ring that can bring your character back from the dead. One ring per character. This ring may only be purchased one time and shatters when used to revive (bought for 300 point bank points)
❖+1 Stasis Dust. This allows you to undo one of the sacrifices made by someone else - not your own. This may be done in the Dreaming or Waking world and Ari'sora instinctively knows what it is / does. earned here
❖Pig-skin Blanket: A leather blanket that smells like bacon. By wrapping it around themself the user can transform into a pig, absorbing all clothes and items wrapped up with them into their body. They can transform back simply by willing to. They can stay transformed as long as they wish and use this an infinite number of times. Earned here
❖Saoire's Kiss: A small snow-globe that, when shattered, will instantly summon snow clouds and transform the surrounding area into a winter wonderland for the next trial. During this time the player will always find food, the cold will not find them, they will leave no tracks in the snow or scent to follow, and ice will never shatter beneath their feet. It is as if they are temporarily exempt from the dangers of winter. They can only use this item once, but the effect will last for an entire trial and cover the entire city they are in. Earned here Used here
❖Doran's notes for Ari'sora (earned here)
❖Ari'sora's first practical attempt at alchemy; a paperweight that feels cool to the touch (earned here)
1 x Domain Bag
1 x map
❖An Enchanted Spice Rack: This spice rack, whenever supplied with fresh spices, will provide the ability to sprinkle those spices onto confections of any sort (Not pastries or other dishes), and impart the flavor of any fruit you know to them (earned here)
❖ a small crystal glass made from rainbow sand. It swirls constantly with different colours. (earned here)
❖ a small bag of flour. It is enough to bake 4 cakes which would feed 6 people each - basically there are 24 uses, but only if used in cooking). Anyone who eats something made with it will have any minor cuts / abrasions dealt with (minor stuff only) and will feel as refreshed as if they'd slept a full night's sleep and just woken up! (earned here)
❖ a small origami bird during the party. It can be unfolded, ripped, whatever and, the next day, it's a small origami bird again. (earned here)
❖ a small children's puzzle made of wood and brightly coloured. It draws attention, should you be trying to solve it. People will stop what they're doing and watch you, they'll be intrigued. It isn't massively powerful (Discipline, etc, will be able to resist it) but it's very useful for de-escalating situations. (earned here)
❖ a feather quill. It will never need to be dipped in ink, and will change colour of ink on command, once a trial. (earned here)
❖ a small statue of a woodpecker. Once a cycle it can be animated with a command word (you must include this word in your inventory / link to it and your PC chooses it now) and will then fly to the nearest piece of wood and attempt to bore a hole through it. It will stay active for 1 hour and can bore through a piece of wood approximately 4 inches (10 cm) deep and roughly the same diameter in that time. However. It is activated on use of that word the first time it is spoken in it's "earshot" each cycle. So, if someone else happens to say it, it'll fly and find the nearest piece of wood and start pecking. The activation word is scurryfunge. (earned here)
❖ a small bird-whistle. It makes sounds like birds. (earned here)
❖ a gold coin which is most odd-looking and not a nel (it looks like a florin, OOC) - when you flip it for heads or tails -it always lands on the opposite of what was called. Always. (earned here)


❖Some litmus paper she made in alchemy class; earned here
❖On the 2nd of Cylus a large, beautiful basked is delivered to the Order where Ari is staying. In it is a note from Saoire, saying that she is sorry Ari'sora had to miss the event, but that she had a seat there and that the Baron had remembered her in his last will earned here
❖a small box with 10 chocolates / candies. They are, frankly, beyond delicious and taste like your very favourite thing. You find yourself unable to more than 1 on any trial. But each one provides the following to whoever eats it for the next 6 hours: "Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear." earned here
❖A basket of food to you - these are all individually chosen and are your favourite things. earned here
Last edited by Rei'sari on Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:54 pm, edited 45 times in total. word count: 2164
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Ari'sora



WP Ledger

Adjustment (link) Wealth Tier Total Wealth Points
Approval Link Wealth Tier 5 75 WPs
Cylus 719 Wages + 12 WPs Wealth Tier 5 87 WPs
Ashan 719 Wages + 13 WPs Wealth Tier 6 100 WPs
Ymiden 719 Wages + 14 WPs Wealth Tier 6 114 WPs
Saun 719 Wages + 15 WPs Wealth Tier 7 129 WPs
Vhalar 719 Wages + 16 WPs Wealth Tier 8 145 WPs
Zi'da 719 Wages + 17 WPs Wealth Tier 8 162 WPs
Random Reward + 3 WPs Wealth Tier 8 165 WPs
Ari'sora's New House - 60 WPs Wealth Tier 6 105 WPs
Cylus 720 Wages & Loyalty Bonus + 24 WPs Wealth Tier 7 129 WPs
Ashan 720 Wages + 20 WPs Wealth Tier 8 149 WPs
Reward for Helping the Library + 3 WPs Wealth Tier 8 152 WPs
Ymiden 720 Wages + 22 WPs Wealth Tier 8 174 WPs
Earning a Letter in Alchemy -1 WP Wealth Tier 8 173 WPs
Saun 720 Wages + 23 WPs Wealth Tier 9 196 WPs
Vhalar 720 Wages + 24 WPs Wealth Tier 9 220 WPs
Zi'da 720 Wages + 25 WPs Wealth Tier 10 245 WPs
New House - 79WP Wealth Tier 8 168 WPs
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
... ... ...
Last edited by Rei'sari on Thu Jun 17, 2021 4:50 am, edited 45 times in total. word count: 195
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Posts: 836
Joined: Thu Aug 16, 2018 3:47 pm
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Re: Ari'sora




Dye Making 3+515
The One Who Loves Stories+520
The Maze: The End+1030
Speaking of the Dead+535
Storms of Fear+540
First Harvest+545
Harvest Dawn+550
Playing with Fire+555
Treasures of the Heart+560
The Maze: Ari'sora+565
The Maze: Round 2+570
The Maze: Round 5+171
A Crack In The Wall/CitW: The Waiting Place+2091
The Choice+20111
CitW Endgame 2: Nightmares+30141
CitW: Round 2: The Curious+5146
CitW: The Curiously Spooky House+5151
Age Does Matter+10161
Story Time+5166
[Starter Quest] Language Lessons Part 2+5171
[Starter Quest] Nightly Visitations+10181
[Starter Quest] Music Duel+5186
[Starter Quest] First Test+5191
[Starter Quest] Dark Times+5196
[Starter Quest] Second Test+5201
[Starter Quest] Desperate Measures+5206
The Lost Duckling+10216
Looking forward, Looking back+5221
Talent Night+5226
The Sorrow of Death+10236
The Silver Ring+5241
Save the Books!+5246
Tangled Branches+5251
Fire Flowers+5256
[Starter Quest] Retreating into Music+10266
Runaway Reunion+10276
[Starter Quest] Third Test+5281
[Faldrass] Fire Forged: Basecamp+15296
[Scalv-enger Hunt] And the winner is.......+20316
Reaching Out+5321
Sharing What You Know+5326
A Lesson in Alchemy+5331
Spreading Kindness+5336
[Faldrass] Fire-Forged Group B+15351
[Starter Quest] Family Matters+5356
[Starter Quest] Fourth Test+5361
[Starter Quest] Fifth Test+5366
[Starter Quest] Escape+10376
Homemade Gifts+5381
Ash Be-Gone+5386
Cooking up a Storm+5391
[Starter Quest] Painful Decisions+5396
So This is Zi'da+5401
After Life+10411
Moderated: Cylus Dusk+10421
[Hopetoun] Searching for Hope+10431
The Night Market!+10441
[Spooky Spectacular!] Fright Night!+10451
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Last edited by Rei'sari on Mon Feb 14, 2022 9:34 pm, edited 61 times in total. word count: 508
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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Re: Ari'sora




Memory Threads


93rd Ashan, 706: Dye Making: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: 0

93rd Ashan, 706: Dye Making 2: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: 0

93rd Ashan, 706: Dye Making 3: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: 5 - building rapport through good work



119th Ashan, 718: [Mature] Proper Use: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: The after effects of rape will linger for several trials, and the dose of Buzz that was used on her will last for several trials until it is counteracted after she is rescued in a later thread

Dream Threads

Vhalar 718

95th Vhalar, 718: Glittering Meadow: Points awarded: 10

Ashan 719

123rd Ashan, 719: Shattered Hope: Skill Points: 10 + 2 for Dreamwalking

Ymiden 719

1st Ymiden, 719: Searching for Hope: Skill Points: 10 + 2 for Dreamwalking

3rd Ymiden, 719: Rebuilding Hope: Skill Points: 10 + 2 for Dreamwalking

Vhalar 719

39th Vhalar, 719: Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light

Cylus 720

30th Cylus, 720: On the Ocean Floor: Skill Points: +15, + 2 for Dreamwalking

Ashan 720

2nd Ashan, 720: I Want to be Where the People Are: Skill Points: +15, + 2 for Dreamwalking

Ymiden 720

83rd Ymiden, 720: The Collapsing World: nightmare about the events of Faldrass



1st Ymiden, 718: Rescue: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: Bodily injuries - 14 days to recover. Food/water/light depravation - 7 days to recover, and Renown: 10 the victim of a terrible crime

24th Ymiden, 718: The One Who Loves Stories: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: +5

27th Ymiden, 718: A Beacon in the Dark: Skill Points: +15

41st Ymiden, 718: First Harvest: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: +5 for making an offering to an immortal

62nd Ymiden, 718: Storms of Fear: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: +5


7th Saun, 718: A Garden is a Garden: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: N/A

30th Saun, 718: Speaking of the Dead: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: +5


1st Vhalar, 718: The Maze: Ari'sora: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +5

1st Vhalar, 718: The Maze: Round 2: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +5

1st Vhalar, 718: The Maze: Round 5: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +1

1st Vhalar, 718: The Maze: The End: Skill Points: +20, Renown: +10, Items: This thread: 1 x ribbon which you tie around Shadow. It will not come undone / be taken off, and Companions: One cat called Shadow who talks to you. When Shadow speaks, you hear the words. Others just hear cat noises. Shadow, too, knows exactly what happened to everyone here. Ari'sora and Shadow are also able to communicate telepathically.

33rd Vhalar, 718: [Public Library] Bookshelves and Black Feathers: Rewards: Points: 15, Injuries: Ari'sora's left shoulder and wing were dislocated. The injuries themselves are healed when the joints are popped back into place. But she will suffer lingering soreness for several trials. She also has many bruises ranging from mild to moderate in severity. These will also heal in several trials.

35th Vhalar, 718: Harvest Dawn: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: +5

73rd Vhalar, 718: Story Time: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: N/A

85th Vhalar, 718: Defense 101: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: N/A

119th Vhalar, 718: [Public Library] Tangled Words: Rewards: Points: 15, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: N/A


89th Zi'da: Looking forward, Looking back: Skill Points: 15, Renown: 5

90th Zi'da, 718: The Sorrow of Death: Skill Points: 20, Renown: +10, Loot: You have been blessed by Pier & Pre. You have the first three abilities of the Gweliph mark.


Cylus 719

1st Cylus, 719: Playing with Fire: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: N/A, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: +5

4th Cylus, 719: Common Interests; non canon

5th Cylus, 719: Random Acts of Cruelty; non canon

7th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Hard Knock Life: Skill Points: 10

7th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Language Lessons Part 1: Skill Points: 10, Injuries: an aching head from when she was knocked out earlier that trial; it should fade within a few trials

8th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Language Lessons Part 2: Skill Points: 10, Renown: 5 for an impressive learning ability

9th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Nightly Visitations: Skill Points: +10, Renown: + 10 for resisting the bullies

10th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Life Lessons: Skill Points: +10

11th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] First Test : Skill Points: 10, Renown: 5

11th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Failure to Perform: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: unusual soreness “down there”

12th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Fear of Failure: Skill Points: +10

13th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Music Duel: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5 for a musical performance

14th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Dark Times: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5 - a friend in need, Injuries: Stab wound in the hand along with glass injuries in the fingers – seven trials to heal. Sore jaw – a few trials to heal

14th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Alone: Skill Points: +10

15th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Second Test: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5 - for performing in front of an audience

15th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] The Price of Failure: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: the after effects of rape, the effects of the drug she was given (Buzz) will not wear off until she is given the antidote

16th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Desperate Measures: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5 - a slave should know better than to run, Injuries: minor; bruises and scrapes of the kind you might get walking through the woods for breaks with bare feet, and Ari'sora was knocked out, so will have a horrible headache when she wakes up

16th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Consequences of Defiance: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: a brand that takes an arc to heal. Bleeding from rape to take a seventrial to heal

17th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Retreating into Music: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +10

18th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Language Lessons Revisited : Skill Points +10

19th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Third Test: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5, for a performance

19th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Consequences of Failure: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: A stunning blow that will leave her feeling weak and lightheaded for several breaks as well as give her a horrific headache, bruises from being gripped brutally when she was restrained, and the pain and bleeding caused by being raped.

20th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Family Matters: Skill Points: +10, Renown: 5, for distracting her sister from the pain, Injuries: sore fingers from aching muscles due to playing for so long; they will heal in a few breaks

20th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Obsession Part 1: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: Cramping, aching fingers that will heal in several breaks, and a burned tongue that will heal fully in a few trials

21st Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Obsession Part 2: Skill Points: +10, Injuries/Overstepping: Bruising from where she was grabbed that will take several seventrials to heal completely, physical pain from the sexual violation, and Ari'sora has also begun to develop severe post-traumatic stress disorder due to the abuse she has endured. In the current cycle (Cold 720) and on, she will find that touching glass objects, and the sound of flutes, will cause her panic attacks that involve difficulty breathing.

22nd Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Obsession Part 3: Skill Points: +10

23rd Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Fourth Test: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5 for your worst performance so far

23rd Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Painful Decisions: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5,
Injuries/Overstepping: Bruising on her hips that will take several trials to heal as will the damage done to her throat from screaming, a dislocated hip that will be very painful for several seventrials even after it is pushed back into place, and the physical after effects of rape that will take several seventrials to heal completely, and in addition to those panic attacks for current cycle (Cold 720) and on, whenever she has to decide between 3 or more options for any reason, she becomes nauseous enough to throw up and/or dry heave. (For example, if she has to decide between tea, coffee, water or wine... she should get sick).

24th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Obsession Part 4: Skill Points: +10

25th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Obsession Part 5: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: hand cramps that will ease up in a few breaks

26th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Consequences of Obsession: Skill Points: +10

26th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Consequences of Neglect: Skill Points: +10, Injuries/Conditions: Psychological stimuli/trigger: Ari'sora will feel a psychological terror equal in severity to these events if she should ever raise her voice in a scream. I've offered a way to combat/reverse this psychological trigger should you wish to go that route.

Consequences: Meditating in complete silence for a few moments, and then slowly humming to introduce sound, raising your volume until you reach your threshold. Ari'sora must do this for a few ten-trials (whenever her trauma resurfaces, either this current season or next). She'll almost feel as if she's able to overcome her trauma, but then it snaps back again. However, something in the back of her mind calls her back to center, and she'll feel compelled to try again. (PSF for details)

27th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Fifth Test: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5, for giving a performance

29th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Consequences and Choices: Skill Points: +10, Injuries/Conditions: Scars and brands that don't fade entirely with time. Although there are rumors of some healers capable of performing such miracles as removing slave brands.

Consequences: (PSF for resolution to injuries/consequences)

29th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] The Language of Music: Skill Points: +10, Injuries/Conditions: Lingering soreness, Consequences: (PSF for consequence/injury resolution). Also, I'd advise against sending a halfriel to Athart in a memory thread. Ari'sora likely wouldn't survive or at best would be tortured to the point of maiming, as Avriel have a terrible hatred of halfbreeds.

30th Cylus, 719: [Starter Quest] Escape: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +10, Injuries: Bruised knees from when she dropped to them in the forest; the bruises are mild, and will heal quickly, Loot: 1 glass piano, and 1 glass flute


1st Ashan, 719: Ashan Fever: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: Three kittens that will be born on the 59th of Ashan. Two of the resulting kittens will be full Nekosani, and the third will be a normal cat, but after a full arc, it will be able to able to receive telepathic communication from its siblings, but won't be able to initiate it., Injuries: N/A, and Renown: N/A

5th Ashan, 719: Treasures of the Heart: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: a simple bracelet; the wooden beads, and the bracelet itself were all made by a child, so it is far from a masterpiece, and has no monetary value, but some of the beads are unique looking, Injuries: N/A, and Renown: 5

59th Ashan, 719: Bundles of Joy: Rewards: Points: 10, Loot: Three kittens that will be born on the 59th of Ashan (the ones conceived on the 1st of Ashan). Two of the resulting kittens will be full Nekosani, and the third will be a normal cat, but after a full arc, it will be able to able to receive telepathic communication from its siblings, but won't be able to initiate it., Injuries: N/A, and Renown: N/A

77th Ashan, 719: Practice is Key

120th Ashan, 719: A Crack In The Wall: Skill Points: 25, Renown: 20, Dreamwalking XP: Initiation into Dreamwalking, 1 x set of nightclothes; thick, soft, fuzzy pajamas. The chest, and back of the top are darker shades of blue that gradually lightened as it reached the sleeves, which are a bright crystal blue. The pajama bottoms are dark at the top, and the shades of blue grew lighter gradually as they reach the feet, which are covered in twilight blue slipper feet that are attached to the pajama pants. The pajamas are comfortable, and easy to move in, and warm., and 1 x headband; black with black fuzzy black panther ears.

120th Ashan, 719: CitW: Round 2: The Curious: Skill Points: 15, Renown: 5, Other: the chance to create Leigh as an Emeyan being as a dream companion.

120th Ashan, 719: CitW: The Curiously Spooky House: Skill Points: 15, Renown: 5

120th Ashan, 719: CitW Endgame 2: Nightmares: Skill Points: 20, Renown: 30, Loot: 1) You gave "The Door" one day of your life. This will be a plot which is either approved, or run, by me! (Pegasus) Therefore if you have a plot you'd really like to run - give me a yell and we'll work it out, 2) +1 Stasis Dust. This allows you to undo one of the sacrifices made by someone else - not your own. This may be done in the Dreaming or Waking world and Ari'sora instinctively knows what it is / does, 3) +1 sword. Wyvern. This is an exact replica of Sephira's sword.
Consequences: Sacrifice 1: 1) Ari'sora has lost 1/4 of her life. She has aged by 20 years, 2) The four pillars of her fury result in her losing all fury for her mother, Rez'nar and her sister. This emotion is replaced with absolutely nothing - Ari'sora is unable to feel anything towards or about them. Good or bad, 3) Impulsiveness. The loss of her impulsiveness means that, in a pressured situation, Ari'sora speaks her thoughts. She can't stop herself, and 4) Love. While Ari'sora is capable of feeling love, it is no longer something she wants. Yet, she develops the Vri-granted ability "Love's Caress" from Bellinos.

Sacrifice 2: 1) Ari'sora will, indeed, die 3 arcs earlier. Since she's 20 years older - that becomes more of an issue, 2) She can still feel fury, but whenever she does it physically hurts her. The stronger the anger / fury, the deeper the slashing cut she experiences. These cuts can not be magically healed, and must heal in their own time, 3) The inability to ever psychologically recover from hurt or emotional damage is incredibly debilitating. Ari'sora will undoubtedly experience a lot of trauma from this - she gains the ability to create a "momento" (as per the Vri blessing ability) where she can "give up" a memory - lose it completely - if she wishes. This can be done once a Cycle and is a permanent loss of the memory in question - but also all trauma associated with it.

120th Ashan, 719: The Choice: Skill Points: 15, Renown: 20, Dreamwalking XP: 10, and when she wakes up on the 123rd of Ashan at 11:30 at night, she finds Shadow alive and waiting for her

121st Ashan, 719: CitW: The Dead: Ari'sora isn't part of this thread, but it is an important part of the event she is involved in.


1st Ymiden, 719: Age Does Matter: Skill Points: 10, Renown: 10

3rd Ymiden, 719: Proving a Point - determined to prove that she isn't too old to be worth taking on as an apprentice to a woodworker, Ari goes to the library to learn what she can


15th Saun, 719: Story Time: Skill Points: 10, Renown: 5 - for helping distract the children with a nice story


1st Vhalar, 719: Haunting Echoes: Skill Points: 10, Knowledges: Caregiving; 1, Flying; 1, Singing; 4


33rd Zi'da, 719: Snow Trial: Skill Points: 10, Renown: 5 - for being spotted flying, Knowledges: Caregiving; 2 knowledges, Discipline; 1 knowledge, Endurance; 1 knowledge, Flying; 2 knowledges


Cylus 720

3rd Cylus, 720: Talent Night: Skill Points: 10, Renown: +5, for performing in front of the kids, Loot: an envelope filled with some money (3 WP per Pegasus) and a strange note

5th Cylus, 720: Linguistics 101: Skill Points: 10

16th Cylus, 720: Save the Books!: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5, Rewards: a set of encyclopedias in thanks - a full set of 20 beautiful leather-bound, gilt-edged etc.
+3 Wealth Points

20th Cylus, 720: Runaway Reunion: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +10 for helping stop a crime


3rd Ashan, 720: Sharing What You Know: Skill Points: +10, Renown: + 5 for teaching her first class

15th Ashan, 720: Tangled Branches: Skill Points: +10, Renown: + 5 for accidentally getting caught in the trees, and then publicly rescued, Injuries: Some sizeable bruises that may last a tentrial or more. Will heal much faster with medical attention, Consequences: One of the other male students may start crushing on Ari'sora, and while having her flying sessions in the future she may find him spying on her, hiding in a nearby tree.

20th Ashan, 720: Pitching In; non canon

65th Ashan 720: FBI Open Up!: non canon

75th Ashan, 720: Lets Get Physical, Physical!: Skill Points: +15

90th Ashan, 720: [Scalvenger Hunt] And the Winner Is...: Skill Points: +20, Renown: +20, Non Skill Knowledges: up to 8 non-skill knowledge on the place, the event etc., and up to 10 non-skill knowledge on the people (n)PCs etc., Skill Knowledges: Cosmetology x 2, Etiquette x 2, Rhetoric x 3, and Socialisation x2, Loot: Second Place Prizes: 1. A land, sea, or air mount of your choice from those available, and 2. 10 WP to spend in the Shoppe (or hoard) as you see fit, Most Timely Dev Award: Week 5 3rd Place Prize: 2 X bespoke crafted items made with tier 10 materials with masterwork quality, custom for Ari'sora; will PM you when I have picked them out, Most intriguing collab thread Award: Week 5 3rd Place Prize: 2 X bespoke crafted items made with tier 10 materials with masterwork quality, custom for Ari'sora; will PM you when I have picked them out, Overall Development Award: Week 5 3rd Place Prize: 2 X bespoke crafted items made with tier 10 materials with masterwork quality, custom for Ari'sora; will PM you when I have picked them out. Weekly Prizes: Week Three: Small gem with 2 charges of favored ability, Week Four: a Tier 10 tool kit; a tier 10 alchemy kit, Halfway Point: an enchanted item with one use; the enchantment is the equivalent of a Favored ability of an Immortal mark, and Week Six: 4 Scalvoris Golden Tickets

99th Ashan, 720: Moving Trial; non canon

101st Ashan, 720: The Silver Ring: Skill Points: +10, Renown: + 5 for impressing the children

102nd Ashan, 720: Fire Flowers: Skill Points: +15, Renown: + 5 for being singled out by a famous professor.

102nd Ashan, 720: A Lesson in Alchemy Skill Points: +15, Renown: + 5

120th Ashan, 720: Fire Forged: Basecamp: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +15, Non Skill Knowledges: You may have non-skill knowledge of the following: Faldrass: the place (up to 4 non-skill knowledges), Smooglenuff Manor (up to 4 non-skill knowledges), and cach (N)PC you met / interacted with in this thread: Up to five non-skill knowledges formed from your opinion of this (n)pc. Skill Knowledges: Interrogation x 2, Logistics x 3, Endurance x 3, and Tactics x 3

120th Ashan, 720: [Faldrass] Fire-Forged Group B: Skill Points: + 20 (not for magic),
Renown: +15 , Loot: 1 x copy of Smooglenuffs Guide, 1 x map, Anecdotal: For meeting the "tell an anecdote" objective, you are awarded +5 XP specifically to the Storytelling skill, 1 x Domain Bag, and Argumentative: In the future, any interactions with ChiChi, or any of Smooglenuff's staff who survived (or people who used to work for him, who deliver there etc) will be negatively impacted. ChiChi will maintain that - had Ari'sora not argued with her -then the Baron and his staff might have survived. Ari'sora's reputation on Scalvoris has been negatively impacted and she will find that some people have heard - and believe - ChiChi's side of the story. Will Ari'sora seek to put her side of this across? (Plot hook if you want it!)

120th Ashan, 720: Forged in Fire: Lone Wolves

120th Ashan, 720: After Life: Skill Points: + 15, Renown: 10 , Knowledges: Animal Husbandry x3, Cooking x 3, Detection x 2, Discipline x2, Endurance x 2, Etiquette x 2, and Storytelling x2


1st Ymiden, 720: A Letter to the Council

1st Ymiden, 720: A Letter to Faith

1st Ymiden, 720: Reaching Out: Skill Points: +10, Renown: 5, for helping prepare Luna's Dream orphanage to accept some of the orphans from the disaster at Faldrass, Injuries: Cuts on the bottom of Ari'sora's feet. Due to their location, they will take longer than normally to heal.

2nd Ymiden, 720: Keeping a Promise: non canon

3rd Ymiden: Travel to Faldrass by flight.

4th Ymiden, 720: Rivers of Molten Red: non canon

4th Ymiden, 720: Rivers of Molten Red: Duplicate thread to try and rework the issues (non canon)

5th Ymiden, 720: Finding Von Smooglenuff: non canon

7th Ymiden, 720: Ash Be Gone: Skill Points: +15, Renown: + 5

11th Ymiden, 720: Persuing a New Love: Skill Points: +10

17th Ymiden, 720: [Yeva's Estate] Home Is Where the Heart Is: non canon

22nd Ymiden, 720: Consulting the Expert: non canon


3rd Saun 720: Practical Learning: Skill Points: + 10

5th Saun, 720: Spreading Kindness: Skill Points: +10, Renown: +5, for helping the kids with their gifts for the refugees


1st Vhalar 720: Homemade Gifts: Skill Points: +10, Renown: + 5 for a minor good deed

15th Vhalar, 720: Letter to the Council


1st Zi'da, 720: Cooking up a Storm: Skill Points: +10, Renown: + 5

17th Zi'da, 720: So This is Zi'da: Skill Points: +10, Renown: 5, for impressing Ryl'ryn with her knowledge about Saoire, and for being seen buying expensive wine, Loot: a bottle of Starlight wine, and a bottle of Gyara wine, both to be given to Rakvald for the Saoire gift event

25th Zi'da, 720: [Saoire Event 720] Ari'sora and Rakvald: non canon

25th Zi'da, 720: [Saoire Event] Faith and Ari'sora: Skill Points: +15, Loot: 1. a library named after Ari'sora in the Beacon Community Centre, and 2. the opportunity to set up an education system for the children of Beacon. This would mean an office in the Community Centre, and an assistant to help her. ***Non canon***

75th Zi'da, 720: Unexpected Attack: Skill Points: +10, Loot: A story written by Ari'sora. Poor Penmanship (0 writing), Basic+ quality story (25 xp Storytelling), Injuries/Overstepping: Panic attacks that send her to the Order of Adunih.

78th Zi'da, 720: Returning from a Nightmare: Skill Points: +10, Injuries: Due to three trials of not eating/drinking: 1) Ari has lost a bit of weight, 2) She is very weak physically, 3) Her entire body aches after several bouts of violent dry heaving, and 4) She feels sick to her stomach from the panic attacks as well.

79th Zi'da, 720: Trial and Error: Reviewed: no exp or knowledges

80th Zi'da, 720: Assessing the Damage: Reviewed: no exp or knowledges



1st Cylus, 721: Moderated: Cylus Dusk: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +10

3rd Cylus, 721: Council Meeting: Rebirth 721: Graded, but Ari'sora wasn't actually there


25th-30th Ashan, 721: [Hopetoun] Searching for Hope: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +10 Ari'sora was part of a miracle that people witnessed. Some people around Hopetoun, Faldrass refugees in particular, seem to single her out as a halfriel that may or may not have been at the disaster in Smooglenuff Manor, an arc earlier, Loot: A new you, a new face, and a new life. Ari'sora is eighteen with a new face *please rework her appearance at your earliest convenience*. All marks and magic and relationships have been removed. She's essentially a new person with none of the same memories. All trauma and supernatural afflictions have been wiped away.

39th Ashan, 721: [Hopetoun] Face-Off: Skill Points + 15


39th Ymiden, 721: A New Beginning: Skill Points: + 10

39th Ymiden, 721: Joining the Glass Guild; Ymiden wealth thread

45th Ymiden, 721: Talking Cats and Best Friends: Skill Points: +10, Loot: The story that Rei'sari wrote, currently unbound and not illustrated.

60th Ymiden, 721: The Night Market!: Skill Points: +20, Renown: + 10, Loot: 1) An Enchanted Spice Rack: This spice rack, whenever supplied with fresh spices, will provide the ability to sprinkle those spices onto confections of any sort (Not pastries or other dishes), and impart the flavor of any fruit you know to them, 2) Custom Ability: Grifter’s eye sees through ruse at any level, So long as the subject of deception is theft. If someone has the goal of stealing your property or profits, no amount of talking or special magical abilities will affect you. You can see to the heart of the deception instantly. In addition, when any property a you own is taken by a thief or with the intent to steal, you are instantly aware of it, no matter how far away they are from the object in question. While this ability considers any item that you obtained through honest means, whether buying, creating, or crafting, anything that the merchant has stolen from another person will not be protected by this ability until it has been in your possession for an arc. While not strong enough to pierce powerful illusions or be used for any other situation but your personal wealth, Grifter’s eyes is an invaluable tool for merchants looking to protect their goods from thieves. However, this ability only applies to things of purely merchantile or monetary value to you. Things of personal value such as weapons and other personal effects are not so protected, as such attachments are a violation of Chamadarst's Neutrality.

79th Ymiden, 721: Childhood Memories: Skill Points: +10, Loot: the story that Rei'sari wrote


1st Saun, 721: Friends and Enemies: Skill Points: +10, Loot: The story that she wrote.

13th Saun, 721: Burning Mountains and Collapsing Mansions: Skill Points: +10, Loot: The story she wrote, and the notes she wrote about a second story

19th Saun, 721: Hope and Love

27th Saun, 721: Baby Steps: Saun Wealth Thread place holder


1st & 31st Vhalar, 721: [Spooky Spectacular!] Fright Night!: Skill Points: +15, Renown: +10, Loot: 1) a small pin which mirrors exactly the fish you saw. It's beautiful, really well made, 2) a small crystal glass made from rainbow sand. It swirls constantly with different colours, 3) a small bag of flour. It is enough to bake 4 cakes which would feed 6 people each - basically there are 24 uses, but only if used in cooking). Anyone who eats something made with it will have any minor cuts / abrasions dealt with (minor stuff only) and will feel as refreshed as if they'd slept a full night's sleep and just woken up!, 4) a small origami bird during the party. It can be unfolded, ripped, whatever and, the next day, it's a small origami bird again, 5) Bonus +1 Etiquette Knowledge, 6) Bonus +1 Etiquette Knowledge, 7) a small children's puzzle made of wood and brightly coloured. It draws attention, should you be trying to solve it. People will stop what they're doing and watch you, they'll be intrigued. It isn't massively powerful (Discipline, etc, will be able to resist it) but it's very useful for de-escalating situations, 8) a feather quill. It will never need to be dipped in ink, and will change colour of ink on command, once a trial, 9) a small statue of a woodpecker. Once a cycle it can be animated with a command word (you must include this word in your inventory / link to it and your PC chooses it now) and will then fly to the nearest piece of wood and attempt to bore a hole through it. It will stay active for 1 hour and can bore through a piece of wood approximately 4 inches (10 cm) deep and roughly the same diameter in that time. However. It is activated on use of that word the first time it is spoken in it's "earshot" each cycle. So, if someone else happens to say it, it'll fly and find the nearest piece of wood and start pecking, 10) a small bird-whistle. It makes sounds like birds, 11) a gold coin which is most odd-looking and not a nel (it looks like a florin, OOC) - when you flip it for heads or tails -it always lands on the opposite of what was called. Always.

3rd Vhalar, 721: Once Upon a Time: Skill Points: +10, Loot: Two handwritten copies of the story: “A Star's Journey; Falling to Idalos”

10th Vhalar, 721: Celebration of Friendship

15th Vhalar, 721: Doing What You Love: Vhalar Wealth Thread Place holder

92nd Vhalar, 721: Starsong


1st Zi'da, 721: Inspiration Calls: Zi'da Wealth Thread Place holder



1st Cylus, 722: A Song of Sixpence: Cylus wealth thread place holder


1st Ashan, 722: Shadow, My Shadow: Ashan wealth thread place holder


aaa Ymiden, 722


aaa Saun, 722
word count: 4942
Rei'sari was formerly Ari'sora, but after getting a fresh start in life and a new appearance from Vega, she changed her name to Rei'sari.
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