Onyx Oblectation
Developed by Ilinis
Appearance: When poured the wine appears as a dark black color, but in actuality it is just an extremely deep shade of blue. The wine itself is housed in an uninteresting glass bottled shared by many lower-class wines. The maker know that the importance is the taste, not the appearance.
Taste: It has a rich and flavorful sweetness to it. However, it that sweetness is at first masked by the diluted extract of the tus tree. It almost adds a tartness to it at first. It is a wine that is smooth and one could down the entire cup with little effort.
Price: 20 GN per glass
Alcohol Potency: Due to the mixture of the tus tree sap in the wine, the liquid itself is quite potent. Even the strongest of drinkers will find themselves inebriated after three glasses.