
This is where CSes are moved to when they are marked as "Approved". If this accidentally locks your CS, don't worry, just PM a prophet and we'll unlock it straight away!

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Race: Mortal Born
Renown: 939
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Wealth Tier: Tier 9




RP Medals




Education Ledger
ThreadArcSeasonPlace]Working TowardsAchieved Qualification
A body in motion stays in motion. 714 Ymiden Viden Letter in Physics No
Mind into Matter 714 Saun Viden Letter in Physics Yes
A Complicated Relationship 716 Vhalar Andaris Certificate in Physics No
The Death of Science 716 Zi'da Andaris Certificate in Physics Yes
Schooling for the Schooled 717 Cylus Scalvoris Diploma in Physics No
Classroom Management 717 Cylus Scalvoris Diploma in Physics No
Viva717Ashan Scalvoris Diploma in Physics Yes
Pragmatic Presents717YmidenScalvorisCharter in Physics No
Alchemy717SaunScalvorisCharter in PhysicsNo
Preparing Props717VhalarScalvoris Charter in PhysicsNo
Teaching Thread717SaunScalvorisCharter in Physics No
Modded Thread717VhalarScalvorisCharter in PhysicsYes
Outline of a Thesis717Zi'daScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Study Thread 1717Zi'daScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Teaching Thread 1717Zi'daScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Study Thread 2718CylusScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Teaching Thread 2718CylusScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Study Thread 3718AshanScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Teaching Thread 3718AshanScalvoris Licentiate in PhysicsNo
Moderated Thread 718AshanScalvoris Licentiate in Physics
word count: 152
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Point Bank Ledger
ItemPoints InPoints OutTotal
December 2016 114--114
January 2017 64--178
February 2017 31--209
March 2017 47--256
GF'd Renown (Tier 1)100--356
word count: 33
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Renown Ledger

Code: Select all

[td] [url=] Link To Thread [/url] [/td]
[td] Adjustment [/td]
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[td] NA [/td]
Last edited by Padraig on Wed Jan 03, 2018 1:50 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 205
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Location, Immortals, People & Misc Knowledge


Places A - Z
Eternal Empire
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► Show Spoiler
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► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
Global Event 716
► Show Spoiler

Mortals A-H

A - E
People: Aeon
► Show Spoiler
People: Alex
► Show Spoiler
People: Alys
► Show Spoiler
People: Cally
► Show Spoiler
NPC: Dean Manyon
► Show Spoiler
People: Doctor Arnicus Black
► Show Spoiler
People: Elyna
► Show Spoiler
People: Faith
► Show Spoiler


I -K
People:King Cassander
► Show Spoiler
People: Kura
► Show Spoiler
People: Kylar
► Show Spoiler
L - P
People: Marcus Krome
► Show Spoiler
People: Mister Spekkle
► Show Spoiler
People: Mistral
► Show Spoiler
People: Myron
► Show Spoiler
NPC Students:
► Show Spoiler
People: Niv
► Show Spoiler
People: Peg
► Show Spoiler
Professor Dashiell
► Show Spoiler


Q - S
People: Qe'dreki
► Show Spoiler
People: Quio
► Show Spoiler
People: Saeri
► Show Spoiler
People: Sintih
► Show Spoiler
People: The Strangler
► Show Spoiler
T - Z
People: Tabitha:
► Show Spoiler
People: Tristan Venora
► Show Spoiler
People: Veljorn Burhan
► Show Spoiler
People: Zvezdana Venora
► Show Spoiler


Bottled Lightening
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler
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Mirror Dust
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word count: 2533
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Re: Padraig

To Do List:

Investigation Capstone

Science Capstones x 2

Small & Medium Renown Rewards.
Gilded Earpiece: A pair of decorative ear covering that can be shared with another person. When shared with that person, they can understand any language that Padraig himself can, whether they're near or far.

1 Mortalborn Domain Ability pertaining to Barriers Domain.

A Quacian Puzzle Box - a special box that only Padraig can open. It has decorative bas reliefs etched onto its surface and is made of granite stone. Has the enchantment Bottomless Chest from Sombran. No matter the circumstances, those who wield Sombran will often find themselves with a need to transport a significant amount of wealth, whether to spend, hoard, or trade. Since wealth is, rather frequently, a heavy thing, this ability makes it significantly easier for the Sombran to transport their wealth. Bottomless Chest grants the Blessed access to a pocket dimension where they can hold all their wealth, whether currency or goods. They can open and close the gate to this dimension at will, and unlike things like Domain Bags, Bottomless Chest cannot be damaged. In addition, this ability acts as a mobile bank and generates interest, an additional 2 WP every season.

Tier 2 Gateway Plot! This plot/event can count as a Gateway Plot for Science and Alchemy, should you wish to pursue a Tier 2 in either.

1 prominent Industrialist/Innovator NPC from Quacia's Guild of Industry with 450 xp to spend in skills with no less than 10 xp in any skill and no more than 100 xp in any skill.

Projection Project - A special 'projector box' that allow Padraig to use the Maerzek ability Blueprinting: The Exalted is able to create a spiritual design of an object from their mind. This functions as a three dimensional hologram, able to be placed, moved, and adjusted by the Exalted as needed. If the Exalted can visualize in their mind what they wish something to look like, they can Blueprint it. This is often used to make plans for an upcoming creation or teach apprentices. While within a shop, the marked is able to give a “vision” to others within the shop, of how they want something to look

A bag of magic manure: An domain bag of manure that never runs out. This is no ordinary manure, however, but will ensure that any crops or plants grown from it will grow at a 2x rate. 3x rate for subterranean farming. It cannot be used to grow trees, however.

Dragonet Net: In the aftermath of Ruin's Dawn, everyone in Light's Gluttony will find their homes, when they return, infested by Lethe dragonets. To help with this problem, Stone Talon has gifted them with an ancestral heirloom of his, which is a net that is used for catching rats typically but also works well on the Lethe. When captured by the net, any dragonet inside of it will find it cannot escape. Moreover, it will be rendered helpless for a bit after being removed from the net. Allowing it to be slaughtered for food. They will find the Lethe, upon capturing with a Dragonet Net and rendered into meat for consumption, increase their physical capabilities by one full level (Athletics, Strength, Endurance, Resistance) for roughly a break after eating them. The Lethe infestation will last a full cycle after the Global, or until they write a story to rid themselves of the Lethe.

A Quacian Work-Horn: This Horn will ensure that workers do their job with maximum efficiency. The duration of a project undertaken or product produced by the PC or their direct underlings will be twice as efficient. This means they will either accomplish their tasks at half the cost of time or of WP, not both. This Work Horn can only be used on a singular project or product per Cycle.

Seer Orbs: These ensorcelled orbs come in a pair. One is a seeing orb, the other is a receiving orb. The receiving orb can be installed anywhere you wish, and will provide a full range of vision from the point it is placed upon. The seeing orb is smaller than the receiving orb, and is more portable. It can be looked into for a glimpse into the scene that the receiving orb looks out upon.[/sptitle]

Archived Skill Point Ledger (Old Site)

Skill Point Ledger
Thread or Skill NamePoints AwardedPoints SpentRunning Total
Unarmed Combat 25 [RB]25 RB
Starting Package 50--50
Alchemy ..10 [SP] 40
Chemistry ..10 [SP]30
Poisons ..10 [SP]20
Physics ..10 [SP]10
Mathematics ..10 [SP]..
Alchemy 5 [KG] 5 ..
Chemistry 5[KG] 5 ..
Mathematics 3 [KG] 3 ..
Live and Learn 15 ... 15
Mathematics ... 10 5
Chemistry ... 5 ...
Ignorance is Bliss 15 ... 15
Physics .. 10 5
Chemistry -- 5 ..
Funny Sort of Education 14...14
Fancy That 14...28
Alchemy ..1018
Mathematics ..4 14
Physics..4 10
Straight Lines15---15
Poisons --5 10
Physics -- 1 9
Medicine -- 90
To Tutor a Tutor15---15
Combat: Blade --15 0
Red In Tooth & Claw15---15
Combat: Blade --10 5
Medicine --5 0
The morning after the night before15---15
Teaching --15 0
We do not flee from fleas15---15
Teaching --14 1
Medicine --1 0
A body in motion stays in motion...Not so fast!10---10
Physics --10 0
The Humble Son 17---17
Blades ---107
Tactics ---70
Mind into Matter09---09
Physics --08 1
Tactics --1 0
Alchemical Gastronomy 15---15
Physics ---141
Tactics ---10
A Very Complicated Relationship 15---15
Physics ---141
Tactics ---10
Call the shots, name the price 15---15
Blades ---141
Tactics ---10
Learning the Steps 15---15
Physics ---132
Tactics ---20
Honeycomb forgotten 15---15
Chemistry ---141
Tactics ---10
Small Steps 15---15
Baking ---150
Facing the Future 15---15
Chemistry ---141
Tactics ---10
The Room 15---15
Teaching ---141
Tactics ---10
The Room 15---15
Cemistry ---141
Tactics ---10
Waking Up 15---15
Poisons ---141
Tactics ---10
The Death of Science 15---15
Combat: Blades ---141
Tactics ---10
Just One Key 15---15
Alchemy FT ---150
Mirror, Mirror... 15---15
Alchemy FT ---150
Lowtown Snow Party in Midtown 15---15
Chemistry ---141
Tactics ---10
Tea for Three 15---15
Physics ---150
[Global Event] The Great Meeting 20---20
Alchemy FT ---200
Ready, Steady, Lock and Load 15---15
Medicine ---105
Tactics ---50
Clarity 15---15
Physics ---150
Lost Lists 15---15
Chemistry ---150
The Patter of Tiny Feet 12---12
Chemistry ---120
Coal Hands Warm Heart? 14---14
Chemistry ---140
A tapatea for four 15---15
Chemistry ---141
Poisons ---10
When Tomorrow Comes 15---15
Medicine ---141
Poisons ---10
Playing with Fire 15---15
Physics ---150
Welcome to Welles 08---08
Mathematics ---080
Of Chases and Chess 12---12
Combat: Blades ---120
Magical Threads 15---15
Alchemy ---150
Unwelcome Reunions 15---15
Physics ---150
The Room 2 15---15
Physics ---141
Poisons ---10
Alchemy is Better than Magic, Right? 15---15
Mathematics ---141
Tactics ---10
The First Battle 15---15
Teaching ---141
Alchemy ---10
A Raft of Possibilities 15---15
Alchemy ---096
Mathematics ---60
On the 72nd trial of Zi'da, my true love gave to me 15---15
Physics ---150
A Clear Solution 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Mathematics ---30
Closing In 15---15
Investigation ---150
Surprise Meetings 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Investigation ---30
Aftermath 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Investigation ---30
Integrity 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Investigation ---30
Planning what we see 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Physics ---30
And So It Goes 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Baking ---30
Misfits 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Mathematics ---30
Decisions 15---15
Chemistry ---123
Teaching ---30
Chapter 1: Sleep 15---15
Physics ---123
Mathematics ---30
Schooling for the Schooled 15---15
Physics ---123
Teaching ---30
Seven words to change the worldDecisions 15---15
Chemistry ---87
Teaching ---61
Investigation ---10
Returning 15---15
Physics ---123
Teaching ---30
Ready or Not 15---15
Physics ---123
Teaching ---30
On the scent 15---15
Physics ---123
Teaching ---30
Bruce The Tiny Dog Goes On An Adventure 15---15
Physics ---105
Teaching ---50
Hazardous Conditions 15---15
Physics ---141
Teaching ---10
Classroom Management 15---15
Leadership ---150
Burning Winter Snow 12---12
Physics ---57
Teaching ---70
Nature's Bounty 15---15
Leadership ---150
A Cut Above 15---15
Teaching ---150
The Reticent Midwife 15---15
Teaching ---150
A Much Needed Talk 15---15
Leadership ---150
Study Buddies 15---15
Teaching ---150
The Note 15---15
Teaching ---150
Soft Landings 15---15
Combat: Ranged: Crossbow ---150
Warm Sand 15---15
Combat: Ranged: Crossbow ---141
Cooking ---10
Warm Sand 20---20
Combat: Ranged: Crossbow ---1010
Combat: Unarmed ---100
Cup of Tea and a Good Book 15---15
Teaching ---150
First Trials and Tribulations 15---15
Combat: Ranged ---150
Options 15---15
Combat: Ranged ---141(saved)
It's a Dog's Life 15 + 1---16
Combat: Unarmed ---160
Fallout 12---15
Leadership ---121
Mapping the Ice Caves 1 20---20 + 1
Combat: Longsword ---210
We Bear Our Cloaks 15---15
Combat: Crossbow ---150
Digging in the Dirt 15---15
Combat: Longsword ---150
Broken Promises 14---14
Leadership ---140
when is a cure not a cure 14---14
Unarmed Combat ---150
A Royal Tragedy 11---0
*Saved Points ---0+11
Taking Stock 15---0
*Saved Points ---015+11 (26)
Shall We Do Lunch? 15---0
*Saved Points ---015+26 (41)
[Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus] Viva 15---0
*Saved Points ---015+41 (56)
Along Came a Spider 15---0
*Saved Points ---015+56 (71)
Leadership ---764
Medicine ---3628
Teaching ---721
Combat: Bladed ---210
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants? 15---0
*Saved Points ---015
[Faldrass] A Diamond Geyser 15---0
*Saved Points ---015 + 15 (30)
Mathematics ---1614
Poisons ---140
Mapping the Ice Caves 2 20---18
Ranged Combat: Shortbow ---182 Saved Points
[Faldrass]The First Bite 15---0
*Saved Points ---015 + 2 (17)
[Faldrass]How much is that enormowl in the window? 15---0
*Saved Points ---017 + 15 (32)
[Faldrass]The enormowl with the waggly tail 15---0
*Saved Points ---032 + 15 (47)
[Faldrass]Naming Trial 15---0
*Saved Points ---047 + 15 (62)
Old Friends New Customs 15---0
*Saved Points ---062 + 15 (77)
The best laid plans 11---0
*Saved Points ---077 + 11 (88)
Ice Caves 2 20---0
*Saved Points ---088 + 20 (108)
Combat: Blades ---0999
Combat: Shortbow ---4851
Tactics ---251
Stargazing and Swashbuckling 15---15
Leadership ---150
Tools of the Trade 15---15
*Saved Points ---015
Family Matters 15---30
*Saved Points ---1530
Staging an Intervention 15---45
*Saved Points ---1545
One Arc Later 15---60
*Saved Points ---1560
Digging in the Ruins: Flora 20---80
*Saved Points ---2080
Combat: Blades: Longsword ---800
Power Dynamics15---15
*Saved Points ---015
Ganging aft a-gley15---15
*Saved Points ---030
Combat: Blades: Longsword ---300
*Saved Points ---015
Gods Only Know20---20
*Saved Points ---035
Leadership ---3302
*Saved Points ---017
Moon and Stars15---0
*Saved Points ---032
Planning on the Porch15---0
*Saved Points ---047
The Future15---0
*Saved Points ---062
Pragmatic Presents Prevail15---0
*Saved Points ---077
A Fine Time for a Fine Vine15---0
*Saved Points ---092
The One on the Right15---0
Combat: Shortbow ---7730
leadership ---282
*Saved Points ---02
An Unexpected Withdrawal15---0
*Saved Points ---017
Flying Colours15---0
*Saved Points ---032
*Saved Points ---052
The One on the Right II15---0
*Saved Points ---067
leadership ---802
*Saved Points ---002
Foot Fungus is No Fun15---17
Politics & Weddings15---32
Preparing Props15---47
The Game15--62
Vulnerabilities & Strengths15---77
Best Foot, Prof15--92
Blood Bath20--112
Nothing Lasts Forever20--132
Accuracy is Vital15--147
The Edge15--162
Nestled in the Trees15--177
A Well-Deserved Reprieve15--192
Investigation ---50157
Teaching ---8473
Research ---4528
Strength ---2503
*Saved Points ---003
Answered in the Flesh15--15
An Early Wedding Gift15--30
Tipping Point15--45
*Saved Points ---048
Endurance ---4503
Missed Carriage20--23
Post Partum15--38
Come Join The Murder 115--43
The Longest Night of Cylus20--63
Only the FInest Dishes15--78
Practical Purchases15--93
Return to Work15--108
Necessity, Invention, Yadda Yadda15--123
Freedom from the Human Trap15--138

Qylios Devotion (Previous System)
► Show Spoiler

Old Coin Ledger (Site Change)
Coin Ledger
ItemDebitCredit Total
Starter Pack .. 100gn 100gn
Sribe's Kit 18gn 82gn
Good Arming Sword 40gn.. 42gn
(above items purchased on starting)
*Vhalar 716 Wages ...1402.2 1444gn 2sn
Briefs 8sn.. 1443gn 4sn
Briefs 8sn.. 1442gn 6sn
Briefs 8sn ..1441gn 8sn
Vest 1gn ..1440gn 8sn
Doublet 3gn.. 1437gn 8sn
Cloak 5gn ..1432gn 8sn
Gloves 2gn ..1430gn 8sn
Trousers 3gn ..1427gn 8sn
Trousers 3gn ..1424gn 8sn
Shirt 12sn ..1424gn 68sn
Shirt 12sn ..1424gn 56sn
Shirt 12sn ..1424gn 44sn
Blank Journal 5gn ..1419gn 44sn
(above items purchased Vhalar 716)
Viden University Tuition 200 ..1219gn 44sn
Textbook: Physics 10gn ..1209gn 44sn
Loot .. 50gn1259gn 44sn
Chemist's Kit 115gn ..1144gn 44sn
Theater Ticket 8gn ..1136gn 44sn
Tuition at Rynmere University 200gn ..936gn 44sn
Textbook Applied Physics 10gn ..926gn 44sn
Pillows 10gn ..916gn 44sn
Bed 25gn ..891gn 44sn
Dresser 60gn ..831gn 44sn
Sheets 8sn ..831gn 36sn
Heavy Blanket 8gn ..823gn 36sn
Linen for curtains 1gn ..822gn 36sn
Garrotte Vine Sap x 3 120gn ..702gn 36sn
Ghost Mushroom x 3 30gn ..672gn 36sn
Extra room on home/window 286gn 2sn ..386gn 34sn
Horse 50gn 0sn ..336gn 34sn
Halter 6gn 0sn ..330gn 34sn
Lead 2gn 0sn ..328gn 34sn
Saddle 25gn 0sn ..303gn 34sn
Blanket 30gn 0sn ..273gn 0sn
Bit 0gn 4sn ..269gn 0sn
Bridle 15gn 0sn ..254gn 0sn
First Aid Kit 22gn 0sn ..232gn 0sn
Tent 30gn 0sn ..202gn 0sn
Clay pots 9gn 0sn ..193gn 0sn
Bedroll 5gn 0sn ..188gn 0sn
Leather Breeches 1gn 0sn ..187gn 0sn
Lether hat 10gn 0sn ..177gn 0sn
Waterskin 3gn 0sn ..174gn 0sn
Sulfur, Charcoal, Oil, Wood 14gn 0sn ..160gn 0sn
Stabling 1gn 0sn ..159gn 0sn
Fist Nut 30gn 0sn ..129gn 0sn
Whitemoss 30gn 0sn ..99gn 0sn
Mirror 30gn 0sn ..69gn 0sn
Psinia seed 5gn 0sn ..64gn 0sn
Storm brain 15gn 0sn ..49gn 0sn
Loot: Crossbow and bolts 0gn .. 49gn 0sn
Holiday Gift: .. 20gn 69gn 0sn
*Zi'da 716 Wages ...1348.08 1417gn 0sn 8cn
Loot: Gifts from Faith: .. .. 1417gn 0sn 8cn
Meal in Rharne 1gn 1sn 2cn ..1416gn 0sn 4cn
Sale of house in Andaris .. 536gn1952gn 0sn 4cn
Purchase of co-owned home in Scalvoris 983gn ..969gn 0sn 4cn
Tuition for two seasons of study in Scalvoris 200gn ..769gn 0sn 4cn
House Furnishings 350gn ..419gn 0sn 4cn
Loot: .. .419gn 0sn 4cn
*Cylus 717 Wages ...405gn 824gn 2sn
Purchases on Faldrass 74gn ..750gn 0sn 4cn
Spelunking Kit 30gn ..720gn 0sn 4cn
*Cylus 717 Wages ...351gn 1071gn 0sn 4cn
Fee for entrance exam (Scal) 300gn ..771gn 0sn 4cn
*Ashan 717 Wages ...2337gn 3108gn 0sn 4cn
Loot: Ice Caves: ...200gn 3308gn 0sn 4cn
Deduction for npc slave 250gn ..3058gn 0sn 4cn
*Ashan 717 Wages ...2337gn 5395gn 0sn 4cn
*Ymiden 717 Wages ...1889gn 7284gn 0sn 4cn
*Ymiden 717 Wages ...2175gn 9459gn 0sn 4cn
2 NPC Bumps 20gn ... 9439gn 0sn 4cn
Gifts for Faith 272gn ... 9167gn 0sn 4cn
*Saun 717 Wages 1062gn 10229gn 0sn 4cn
Gifts for Faith 1161gn ... 9068gn 0sn 4cn
*Saun 717 Wages Prof880gn...9,948gn 0sn 4cn
*Vhalar 717 Wages Prof 3,190gn 3sn...13,138gn 3sn 4cn
*Zi'da 717 Wages Prof + 5k bonus 7430gn 5sn 5cn...20,568gn 8sn 9cn
Purchase of House Scalvoris 5K gn ..15,568n 8sn 9cn
Donation to Relief Efforts 5K gn ..10,568n 8sn 9cn
Cylus 718: No work------
Ashan 718 Wages Prof--3,433gn 1sn 1cn14,002gn
Sale of 2nd Home in Scalvoris .. 5K gn19,002gn 8sn 9cn
Sale of 1st co-owned Home in Scalvoris .. 1.5K gn20,502gn 8sn 9cn
Purchase of House Rharne 7K gn ..15,502n 8sn 9cn
*(wages have expenses/taxes deducted)
Total Currency: ON 15,502 GN, 0 SN, 0 CN

Archive Renown Ledger (Site Change)

Renown Ledger

Thread Name Points Awarded Running Total Reward
Starting Fame 30 30
Ignorance is Bliss +2 32
Straight Lines +2 34
Red of tooth and claw +1 35
We do not flee from fleas +1 36
The Humble Son +8 44
Learning the Steps +14 58 50 PB
Small Steps [/td
+2 60
Global Event: The Great Meeting +11 71
Clarity +1 72
Playing with Fire +3 75
On the 72nd trial of Zi'da, my true love gave to me +1 76
Surprise Meetings +1 77
On the scent +15 92
Classroom Management +3 95
Burning Winter Snow +5 100 +3 Ranged
A Cut Above +3 103
The Reticent Midwife +2 105
Study Buddies +2 107
The Note +5 112
Warm Sand +4 116
Battle to the Tomb of Treid +20 136
Mapping the Ice Caves 1 +11 147
We Bear Our Cloaks +2 149
Shall We Do Lunch? +2 151 50 PB
[Viden Academy: Scalvoris Campus] Viva +5 156
[Scholars' Nook] Standing on the shoulders of giants? +1 157
Mapping the Ice Caves 2 +31 189
The enormowl with the waggly tail +15 204 +3 Ranged
Ice Caves 3 +26 240
Stargazing and Swashbuckling +26 248
One Arc Later +1 249
Flora Thread +20 269 Tier 1: Goggles
Power Dynamics +1 270
Ganging aft a gley +6 276
Foreboding +10 286
Gods Only Know +15 301 +50 PB
The One on the Right +35 336
Alchemy +1 337
The One on the Right II +26 364 +3 Longsword
Flying Colours +10 374
An Unexpected Withdrawal +3 377
Blood Bath +20 397
Accuracy is Vital +10 407 +50 PB
The Edge +30 437
Wedding +30 467 +3 Longsword
Missed Carriage +25 492
Return to Work +10 502 Tier 2: Scientists Specs
Practical Purchases +5 507
Longest Night of Cylus 15 522
Freedom From the Human Trap 20 544

Named Tier 1 Knowledge Pre-Change

Skills Knowledge

Skills A - L

A - L
A - C
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Animal Husbandry
► Show Spoiler

Animal Training
► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Business Management
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Combat: Shield
► Show Spoiler

Combat:Blade (Longsword)
► Show Spoiler

Combat: Ranged
► Show Spoiler

Combat: Unarmed
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Field Craft
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

G - I
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

Intimidation[/spoil]Intimidation: Using a rough tone of voice to scare people
Intimidation: Stating the rules from the outset
Intimidation: Not backing down
Intimidation: Refuse to give in to demands
Intimidation: Back up demands with a weapon
Intimidation: Stand your ground
Intimidation: State your case, clearly
Intimidation: Move forward to push your point.[/spoil]

► Show Spoiler

J - L
► Show Spoiler

► Show Spoiler

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Skills M - Z

M - O
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P -R
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S - U
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V - Z
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