Signs of a Bad Day (open)

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Teniel Dj'Gwar
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Signs of a Bad Day (open)

Time stamp: Vhalar 12

Teniel adjusted her black hood, the damp weather made her glad she had decided to wear it, there were other reasons as well of course. She still felt out of place in her clothing a black shirt and pants along with black leather boots, chosen to allow her to blend in with the crowd. But, Teniel was used to silks and jewelry. However, her simply braided hair and dark bruise decorating her left cheek, it was starting to swell and rather large taking up most of her face. She had other wounds as well but this one was most notice able upon casual inspection. She took a moment to steady herself before moving down the street, her hand resting on a wall as the world spun briefly, she was aware that was not a good thing, but not all together unheard of for some on with a blow to the head. Her ribs were aching as much her head, causing breathing to be as painful as thinking was at the moment.

She did her best to move down the street as a normal person might. She was fairly certain she wasn't being followed by this point, but she wasn't entirely sure.That fact along was what kept her moving forward. There something in her favor however, most people who were out at this time of night were more wrapped in in their own affairs and it was every easy to over a lone woman in the street. For most of them at least. She was also aware those who might notice her in the middle of the night might not have her best interests in mind. Not only that they might have followed her, she was the only one who made it out as far as she knew, she was counting on herself traveling faster than news did.

Teniel's vision was starting to swim however, that and the nausea forming in the pit of her stomach told her she clearly needed to find a doctor/healer sooner rather than later. In some corner of her mind she hoped it was simply the lack of sleep getting to her and nothing more serious. She had fled head long for most of the night, and the lack of rest certainly wasn't going to work in her favor. Regardless of what it was that was effecting her, she stumbled for a moment before catching herself and moving forward. She didn't manage to get much further however, a life time with out much need for psychical strain was working against her, the world spun for the last time and Teniel spilled ungracefully forward as her vision finally faded into nothing-ness.
Last edited by Teniel Dj'Gwar on Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:45 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 456
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            Prophet of Old
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            Signs of a Bad Day (open)

            A brief intervention!
            Hi Teneil,

            Welcome to ST & Ne'haer! I'm briefly posting this here as a intervention. There are just a few issues that need to be cleared up before this thread can continue.

            I've sent a PM, and once all has been resolved, I'll remove this and you can go on writing!

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