[Mistral Woods] Ailments of the heart

83rd of Ymiden 724

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Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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[Mistral Woods] Ailments of the heart

Clouds had blocked the sunlight transforming the last Ymiden day into a near twin to that of Vhalar. Elowen was sitting on the ground in the wildflower garden, watching Pea who was enjoying his snack, ruffling his feathers, turning his head this and that way, and generally being a content bird.

There was no doubt in the girl's mind now that the bird was staying. It had healed for the most part and Elowen wasn't preventing it from leaving, if anything, at some point, she was even encouraging it. Yet, he was still sticking around despite all that. So Elowen kept collecting and roasting grasshoppers whenever they had some catch in her primitive traps. It was the least she could do to show gratitude for his company.

She would have spent more time in that peaceful moment were it not for the sounds of someone stomping down the path that led to the shack. Soon after, Eseld came into view and her furious expression was no good news. Elowen had heard of the girl's legendary whimsical mood swings which equalled her prowess with languages. But she had never been on the receiving end and did not understand why that would be changing now.

Frowning, Elowen got up, brushing herself off as Eseld marched into the wildflower garden. Pea must have heard her approach but didn't leave until last minute, letting them both know how displeased he was with that intrusion by uttering a loud cry as he part hopped, part ran to the opposite side of the garden. Elowen found it comical that his commitment to the rest of the goodies prevented him from taking flight.

But at least the sight of the bird placated the visitor somewhat for a while. Eseld stopped in surprise as she took in the fact that she was looking at real life Peaphonix who was closer than any she had seen before though he eyed her with equal fury that the Inn's serving girl seemed to have felt earlier.

"I didn't know you had one of these," Eseld said and perhaps the conversation could have shifted from whatever had angered the girl, if it didn't have such a strong hold on her. For just a few trills later, she shook her head, the upset returning to her features. "But that's not why I'm here. I need your help. Ciaran, the muppet. Asgall's son, I'm sure you know..." At that point, Eseld uttered what Elowen understood only as a growl of frustration as she watched Eseld's hands raise to the air all claw-like. Was something happening to Ciaran? Did he hurt himself in the brewery?

"I swear..." Eseld huffed again then rubbed her forehead. "I need you to make me a love potion for him. He's as blind as a stick in a puddle and I really don't know what else to do."

A what now? Elowen raised her eyebrows and her eyes met Eseld's for a brief moment before she dropped her gaze, frowning and shaking her head.

"I don't do potions, Eseld," she told the other girl.

"Well, take it as a practice run," Eseld said and made a move to take hold of Elowen's elbow as though to guide her back into her own home. But thanks to the angle of Elowen's gaze, she saw the gesture coming. A sudden wave of queasiness and distaste washed over her. The heat in her body soared and before she knew it, Elowen's body acted, getting out of the way. She near stumbled but finally placed herself between Eseld and the door.

Elowen had never been rough handled or forced in any way by any of the villagers. So this move was both a point of shock, horror and reaffirmation to her. People only act in self interest. She recalled Meira's words or something similar to what she had once told her. Those living in Mistral Village treated Elowen with as much respect as they would give a child her age who succeeded their long trusted apothecary which was enough that they would come to her for help, but not too much that they would interact with her outside the shack unless necessary.

If Eseld's act came out of blue, Elowen would have been caught blind sided. But the anger in Eseld gave away all the possibilities of her actions that aligned with her mood. Elowen learnt that also when observing Meira alone.

But in that moment, there was no space for words. Both of the girls taken aback at what had nearly transpired. It was Eseld who broke the silence, holding her hands up. "I'm sorry," she said and an aura of defeat came over her. "I just don't know what else to do."

Elowen let the moment take its course and during that time she too managed to get a handle on herself. Though the heat was still high in her body, she could see clearer the problem in front of her. Although the way Eseld arrived and the way she behaved was most unwanted and unappreciated, she was still just a villager in need of help. Elowen's craft was not potion-making, but perhaps there was something on the shelves in the shack that could help.

"Come," Elowen whispered and made her way back into the shack, not knowing if Eseld would follow but having a strong inkling that she might.
word count: 924
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Ailments of the heart

Elowen did not have much knowledge about the troubles of the heart. In fact, she wasn't quite sure what Eseld was alluding to. Why would she want a love potion for Ciaran? So though the idea of infatuation went right over her head, the fact that Eseld was rather distressed, did not.

Yes, the girl was a firecracker with mood swings as wide as Lake Lovalus, but what she did outside seemed out of character even for her.

Distress and desperation. Both matters of the mind.

Elowen walked over to the worktable and reached for a small container full of dried lavender flowers. A pinch of calm never hurt no one. She took it down. Then she scanned for some other herbs.

Rosemary. For stability once the mind was at ease. This time, she took fresh leaves from a plant on her windowsill.

Still it did not feel like enough. Her eyes fell on Star Anise. Almost as useful as Heal-All but not quite. It was pretty to look at and Elowen believed some came to Meira in the past asking for some spice in their house and Meira would use this particular seed carrying flower. Whatever the actual effects, it certainly couldn't hurt either.

By this point, Eseld had come to stand behind Elowen, looking over her shoulder. The young apothecary couldn't see Eseld crinkle her nose, but she certainly heard the doubt when the girl said: "Aren't these...too ordinary?"

Elowen looked ahead, out of the window but she wasn't looking at the wildflower garden. She was digesting the tone and the words, feeling a pang of irritation. Then something occurred to her. A flash of memory that seemed to guide her next actions.

"Can you name that herb?" Elowen then pointed at one container on the shelf. Eseld looked, took a breath in and made a motion to answer, but then closed her mouth, shaking her head.

Elowen saw that from the corner of her eye since she tilted her head to see Eseld. There was a wave of satisfaction in the girl. Meira would sometimes do the same to Elowen when Elowen questioned out of the bounds of her knowledge. But where the older woman would then proceed to teach Elowen the missing piece of information, Elowen did no such thing with Eseld. The serving girl had no interest in herbs. All she wanted was her potion, so Elowen was not going to waste breath or time.

Now the question was, how to prepare this...remedy. The girl tapped her fingers on the table. Eseld wanted a potion. Elowen had no idea how to prepare one but it was clear that the serving maid from the Inn did not want ordinary.

She got an idea. She placed equal parts of all three ingredients into her mortar and began to grind. Once it was all mixed in a powder, Elowen then reached for a flask with oil and poured in just enough to make a slightly more liquid paste. She then poured this into a small glass vial. She also prepared a pouch with all three herbs inside but this time the herbs remained intact. She passed both to Eseld.

The serving girl looked at the items with doubt. So Elowen tapped on the pouch first since that was easier for her to explain. "Wear it on your person at all times, somewhere hidden, but warm. The scent." And she inhaled and made a motion with hands as one would do when trying to catch a whiff of a cooking soup. Her point was that Eseld would inhale the soft aromas and the herbs would take their effect. Whether Eseld understood that was beyond the apothecary and also beyond the point.

"Then this one I pour in his drink?" Eseld asked with a hint of excitement in her words.

Elowen raised her eyebrows. She wasn't thinking about that particular application. So she shook her head. "For you to apply on your body." At times, Elowen would dispense salves to be spred on the skin, usually over burn wounds. She figured using the same concept here may satisfy Eseld.

And it nearly did the trick, but not quiet. Eseld looked a little disappointed but she did keep the vial and the pouch.

"Will it work?"

Elowen shrugged. "I am not a potion maker." Neither was Meira but even that woman sometimes entertained fancies much stranger than that of Eseld. So Elowen did not feel much doubt or guilt in what she had done. In her mind she was not swindling. She was helping.

Eseld pouted, but ended up paying for the remedies regardless.

Distress and desperation. They were interesting concepts when it came to caring for other people. Something Elowen did not understand and hoped she would never have to.
word count: 809
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Ailments of the heart

Rewards Requested

Notes/Warnings: Love potion making....well as good a potion as a herbalist can make really...

Thread: [Mistral Woods] Ailments of the heart
City/Area: The Stormlands

Renown: Maybe? Up to reviewer's discretion.

Wealth Points: So I have already submitted a wealth thread which has been graded and WP awarded. But I wonder if this could count towards getting 1 extra WP, given as this directly relates to Elowen's work.

Collaboration: No
Local Language Thread? Yes - Gernevoir
 ! Message from: Doran
word count: 117
Language legend: Gernevoir (Fluent), Common (Conversational)
Elowen's appearance
Petit, 153cm (5') tall 15 arc old.
Always wears a head scarf that fully covers her hair.
Comfortable, loose clothing that does not accentuate her body shape in any way.
Clothing is clearly worn and mended but does not appear scruffy.
No jewellery or other marks on her body.
Face has gentle features.
Eyes are round with blue-grey irises.
Wears a small pouch with a Sunstone and a
at her belt.
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Re: [Mistral Woods] Ailments of the heart


Animal Training: 1
Detection: 1
Detection: 1
Medicine: Presentation is sometimes as important as the actual effect
Medicine: 1

Loot: -
Language Gernevoir.
Losses: -
Wealth: + 1 WP
Injuries: -
Renown: 5. For making a “love potion”.
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: This was an entertaining thread!

Eseld is a well-realized NPC, and she seems like Elowen’s polar opposite to me. She stomps down the path to Elowen’s shack, she’s self-confident most of the time, and she’s kind of unpredictable. And apparently, she thinks the best way to make a boy notice her is a love potion!

I love Elowen’s solution. She’s not an alchemist, so she can’t make a love potion, but she still came up with something that might help Eseld, using her knowledge of herbs. I like that she didn’t just make something that you have to drink, but a paste that you put on your body.

I wonder if Ciaran will finally notice Eseld, or if Eseld will make him notice her!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 181





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