[Sweetsong] Post Pirate Party?

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[Sweetsong] Post Pirate Party?

Post-pirates...... here and here
They found themselves in a very tricky - but very reassuring situation .

The three attacking ships had been defeated and Sweetsong had been saved. Thankfully, they had been able to work together and had done so very well. But there was no part of Vega which was prepared to rest at this moment. So it was that, at the end of the fight, as midnight passed and they found themselves in the early hours of the first morning of the new Cycle, Vega knew that there was work to be done. Thankfully, there were those around who were also very willing and happy to help.

Because there was this new ship and Vega knew that they had to deal with it. So, she communicated with Kisaik, with Jasper and, of course, with Winston, via their Diris. "Winston, can you get the folks out of Chest an' get started on gettin' things back to normal here? The sooner we get people out an' able to see that everythin's al'right the better." She knew that it would be better for folks to see that no one had died. "Gather round the central campfire an' lets get some food in folks' bellies. That will help." It would, but dealing with the ships would, too. So, that being the case, Vega focused back on Jasper and Kisaik.

"I'm goin' over to that there ship," she said. "If he is who he says he is," after all the shout had come back that this was the Pirate King and that he came in peace, "then that's a really good thing. My understandin' is that for a pirate an' thus an undeniable dweeb, he was a decent one among them. So I'm happy to give him the benefit of the doubt." That made sense to her. "You're welcome to come with me if you want or.... " and then, she thought of something.

"Actually, bun that. Hold on a mo," she said and, clutching the
small locket she wore
Vega turned and shouted to the ship. "A'right, you can come ashore. Jus' you an' in a small boat an' we'll talk." And that, it seemed was that. "I'm not chargin' over there to him. He can come here." There was no reply from the ship but, after a few moments, there was movement and a single individual started to make his way to them.

"Right. Lets get a place ready on the shore to meet him an' lets make sure that our people are safe. We need to deal with those three ships, too. Jasper an' Kisaik, do you wanna lead folks in doin' that? Anyone what's hurt, we tend to an' for now we keep them secure until the Elements get here, I suppose. Oh, that reminds me. Noodle, where are you?" Noodle, the strange little
diri of usefulness
appeared and Vega nodded. "Right. Write this down, would you an' send it to everyone."

Noodle, who had written previously, wrote again. This time, taking what Vega said, he wrote very literally.

To everyone who gets this scroll.

I am transcribing exactly what Vega says.

"Right, you lot. We need to get this sorted. Pirates attacked all over Scalvoris an' that can't be a good thing. This scroll is a good means of communicatin' an' contactin' each other. If anyone needs help, let us know. We will be able to help you.

Alberach an' anyone in the government. We have surrenderin' folks here an' I'm hopin' that we'll be gettin' some help in terms of that soon. I recognise yer busy an' all, though, so we'll keep 'em here till you can get to us.

Diri of Usefulness and Excellent Penmanship.
That done, Vega paused and looked around, checking that everyone was happy and that they were content to do what she'd suggested - or were suggesting something else, if not.
word count: 663

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Post Pirate Party?

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
At least we have help to clean up after the party.

It was a long night already and they had just passed midnight. Jasper survey the world around them taking in the events so far. The camp was deserted and showed the signs of the desertion. Two ship were destroyed the third damaged but still a ship. Jasper could sense the death in the air and the anoks of death creeping from the beneath drawn out this night by so many deaths both here and in other places. As he looked upon the carnage he felt a hand touch his and turned to look back and see his brother squeezing his arm.

“I wish it weren’t so but sometimes people would rather take from those who work hard.” Rewan said softly. “But we have protected those we love this night.”

Jasper smiled sadly at his brother. “Death is a part of life and sometimes killing can’t be avoided.” He said glancing at the spot they had fought pirates. “I feel that something about this is different then the best men’s raids upon Alivilda.”

Rewan squeezed his brothers arms again. “Well your the Aesir.” He said indicating he would leave such higher thoughts to his brother. Jasper shook his head and directed Lanquin towards Vega even as she sounded the all clear for those in the Chest. Now it was time to reach a decision about the final ship. Rewan slipped off the Sleipnir’s back after they landed. Jasper watched as Vega changed her mind about where to meet the Pirate King. The young man watched as single boat began to row towards the shore.

In the chest Astra helped Winston in any way that he asked to help usher the children out of the shelter. As she had said before she had survived raids on her native village and so was aware that the clean up was still to come. She was working to try and smooth on of the boys because getting them to sleep as possible allow her to help better. Though she would help keep the group from scattering as who knew if there were any surprises.

Jasper nodded his head at Vega’s instructions and turned to Rewan. “Collect the people in your group and start corralling the prisoners. Strip them of any weapons and then bring them to a spot with no cover.” Jasper said figuring securing the prisoners was the first and most critical option. Jasper got an grin and spoke to his Dirri. “Do you mind speaking to the faries and seeing if they will to help keep an eye on these pirates. Listen and watch to see if they plot to escape.” Jasper wasn’t about to not have the settlers guard them but the fairies could be wonderful but also could be offsetting and might keep the group unfocused they could plot. Jasper then made his ways over to Bryil and the archers.

“Bryil let’s have a half keep an eye on those pirates so we can pull be ready if anything happens. The other half let’s have them start scouring the wrecks for stuff we can use.” Jasper said. He returned to his Sleipnir and took to the air again at a low orbit so he could fly between the groups in case help was needed but also know what was going on and also so he could be on hand for when the Pirate King arrived.

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Re: [Sweetsong] Post Pirate Party?

A Fairy Aftermath Party
Fairy Presence
So, during the Pirate attacks, as noted here by Bas, Winston's actions result in:

1) Fairies that wish to do so, getting clear of the danger.
2) Some Fairies coming to help (but not finding Chest, etc.).

I have taken this and run with it a little in so much as an assumption that there may well be Fairies hanging around (them that came to help) and that others might also return when told it was safe an probably be quite happy about it when they do. :-)

News of the 'all clear' came in and Winston received his new orders with delight and unquestioning obedience. He was Chef and Moral Officer and he attacked these roles with a zeal that caused the potatoes to practically peal themselves.
"Raja DAT, bass-lady!"
He chuffed as he turned to everyone, skipping to the door, and shouting encouragement to the residents inside
"Cum an everybadyyyyy! Let's goh shout some tanks an' cook sum GRUUUUUUB!"

As he emerged from his
, he took in the state of Sweetsong. It was, quite frankly, a mess... but it was a mess they could easily clean up and one that included only a little dismemberment and death... of Pirates, of course.
"Cum an Chest, dis way..."
He said quickly, as he got Chest to move somewhere that was devoid of the immediate evidence of blood and gore, for the benefit of the more fragile members of the community.

"OK, kids! Out yuh COOOOOOOM!"
As the settlers came out without having to face head on, the evidence of death and dismemberment, he pulled together
, Astra and a few other capable adults.
"OK. We need a safe place far de children tuh be and dats es gonna be de campfire."
He began, simply re-iterating Vega's plan for them all to hear.
"Soh, cun yuh all goh wid Shinwa 'ere an' clear et out af anything dat might opset de children an' den start clearin' som af de odda communial areas soh we ahh nat fallin' ova dead pirates? An Astra , wud yuh mind keepin' de children out af dees areas until dey are cleared?"
Shinwa and the small crew of people nodded, happy to follow in the community spirit that made Sweetsong the place it was and pitch in, even in such a vulgar task.

Something else that they all noticed, was an abundance of Fairies, which hurried over to Chest, Winston and the settlers as the affects that were hiding them relented.
as the flock fairies fluttered around everyone now emerging from Chest's interio.

He giggle with delight as his friends appeared from all around them.

"We did it Winston! Sweetsong... SweetWINE, is SAFE! YAY!"
She did a pirouette, a summersault and a fist pump to finish.

He beamed at them all.
"Yes we did! We ALL did! Thank yuh so much far yuh 'elp! We cud nat 'ave done et widdout yuh."

Hobby nodded and replied confidently.
"Oh yes. I sent them water-snot-balls going all over."

"Me don't doubt et me friend. Bot me 'ave anodda favour tuh ask yuh... Cun yuh go an' tell de other Fairies dat at's safe tuh return? An make shar dat anyone else dat's wandering around de wuds, dat we are all at de campfire?"

The first and before now only known resident fairy of Sweetsong waved a hand as if it was a trivial thing.
"You betcha sock-dollars I can! I'll find every Pilgrim in Sweetwine and send them here with a clippaddy-clop!"
With which, he flapped his burlap-sack wings and shot off to recover any lost soles.

Winston set about two things... First, he used his affinity with Fairies and People alike to ensure that everyone got along and what's more, grew to enjoy each other's company as the tidy-up, cooking and inevitable party begun.

The second thing he did
was begin to get food cooking!
The food would sustain mortal and spirits alike
, all feeding into the spirit of bonding between them all and
ensuring that what they needed in their bellies in this moment, was what they got

He got people cooking with him, singing and dancing, playing instruments and made certain that until Shinwa had confirmed an area was cleared of dead bodies, that the children were kept to the areas they had already vetted.

The Fairies played with the children and adults alike and and the ferret did his best to build a firm bond between everyone that had come together on this day in defense of a place they ALL called home. He called on Ol'Tuck in thanks, shouted the names of the valiant defenders of their homes and for Saiore in Prayer to bring the
Gift of Cheer
to anyone still resistant to his charm, if such a being could exist.
Actions Taken
Winston does the following in this post:
  • Makes sure that the children etc. don't see dead pirates and gore.
  • Gets Hobby to go out and find anyone trying to find Sweetsong and bring them here.
  • Starts making food for and WITH the settlers of Sweetsong (GM Cookign and Telka Mark - Mentors Boon & Capstone: Fairy Ambrosia & Stretching the Larder & Capstone: The Voice of Hunger).
  • Gets everyone happy and starts to build a stronger bond between the (non-fairy) people of Sweetsong and the Fairies of Sweetwine in general (Socialication boosted to GM by the Flag of Fliberty and the Telka Mark power Gift of Cheer).
word count: 934


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: [Sweetsong] Post Pirate Party?


Inside of Chest, and as the safe place was exited by the bulk of the villagers, Aida clung to Winston with a strength that belied her small size. She begged the ferret, "Can I be your sous chef, WInstie Pooh? I can find some delicious vegetables and fruits."

So saying, she would follow his directions once it was obvious that the outside was clear of danger, and stop clinging to him, mostly.

Kisaik listened to Vega's suggestion that he help make a place for the Pirate King and clear the shoreline of all the debris and pirates needing apprehension. He was confident that Vega and Jasper themselves could handle any of the beleaguered pirates arriving on shore, at least until he returned. For now, he sought to expedite the Pirate King's arrival to their village. Since Vega was willing to vouch for his character, albeit granting he was a pirate-dweeb, that was enough to give Kisaik confidence to approach the ship.

He hopped onto
and sped along toward the King's ship. Once there, he was relieved to not find anyone firing upon him, given the words of Vega that they were welcome to send to shore.

Kisaik alighted to the bannister of a nearby railing, near to the one who could only be the captain. "Greetings, your Majesty! I am Mädärä Kisaik Ciuruọrun sọ Kufuata Karo Kashe Däuä, Tìfmi Härumtä sọ anou Faewun Samuwar, ọbavi sọ tẹlẹ, igbaradi sọ anou tabi ọludïbọ, Saoire's chieja kẹmïkälï kukïrï, Kuzïngätïä Kore, Akoko Nọọsi, qy’akot o'Creede, ar Yeztlik'o' Nïtọsï Ẹrẹkẹ. But my friends call me Chip..."

He squinted up at the Pirate, not sure yet if he was a friend or otherwise. But then, less auspicious encounters led to great friendships. "I would offer you quick passage to the shore. If you and your immediate entourage would venture through this here portal..." Kisaik grunted, as he sliced through the air with a hand, which opened into a roughly human-sized portal.

"Please, if you'll come this way, we'll show you to our humble village, and give thanks for the aid you attempted to render." Kisaik smiled reassuringly, as he gestured toward the portal that would lead him to shore.

Several of the Pirate King's crew gathered behind him, curious about the portal. As for the Pirate King himself?

He simply lifted his bushy white brows, shrugged at the rest of his entourage, and then one by one, they stepped through to meet Vega at shore.

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Re: [Sweetsong] Post Pirate Party?

Post-pirates...... here and here

Vega felt a swell of pride as she saw things happening here. These people - her friends and her family - they moved and got started.

Jasper's ideas were clear and Vega nodded as he got busy. Winston was a force of nature, getting people moving and working together and Sir Chip, of course, did something amazing and he aided the Pirate King to get there. As people got ready and got the place ready, she helped in any and every way that she could.
"That's it, come on over here, great."
Vega had played her fiddle throughout this, and she continued to let out bursts of music periodically - playing the Song of Hope to boost morale. As soon as she saw them, though, she turned and ran to her children, falling to her knees to hug them. Joy, Wren, Ru and Conlan were all swept up in her arms and she took the still-not-quite-walking Akor and showered them all in kisses.
"Yer alright? No scratches or scrapes?"
She touched every child on the head, kissed each one and hugged them each, too. Relief ran through her like the rapids of a river and she breathed out, releasing a tension she had not allowed herself to recognise she felt.

There was quickly - not calmly, but efficiently - order in the camp, people were moving and singing and dancing and cooking and generally having fun. Jasper and his family were able to get the pirates who had surrendered to a place of safety where they could be guarded. The guards were helped (or, in some cases, hindered) by fairies, but Vega watched it all happening and she smiled slightly. This was good. There were no injuries from their people. When there were enough of them gathered together that she could, Vega spoke to those at the central campfire.
"I want to thank you, each an' every one of you. What you did this evenin' weren't easy an' I know that. We were all scared an' we all did what we needed to do. We worked together an' I for one could not be more proud of everyone here. Thank you."

There were questions, of course. People wanted to know if it was really pirate lords, if they were definitely killed and Vega nodded, answering the best she could. She promised that there would be a meeting the next trial to discuss it but that right now they needed to work together to gather up the resources and hold the people until the Elements came.

When the Pirate King stepped through, Vega nodded.
"Jus' you,"
she said, motioning to the still-open portal behind him.
"Jus' you an' you have my word, as Xiur's Champion, that you won't be harmed unless you make me hurt you."
The elderly man raised an eyebrow and Vega met his gaze. They looked at each other for a few moments and then he nodded. She motioned to her cousins, two of them.
"This here is the Pirate King. We treat him with respect an' dignity. I have to look after my people for a while,"
Vega said to him.
"My cousins here, they'll keep you company, an' meet any need you have for refreshment an' stuff."

She quickly made her way to gather up those who wanted to speak to the Pirate King. Jasper, Winston and Sir Chip of course. By the time they were able to speak to him, people were collecting wreckage and items and - out of the sight of children and the feint of heart - they were putting the bodies together to be dealt with on the morrow, too. There was a lot of that to be done and Vega made sure that she was there to boss folks around as much as needed.

So, the Pirate King had to wait a while, but he was well cared for. Then, they got to sit together with him in a tent. It was a plain tent, one that those who lived in Sweetsong would know didn't belong to anyone.
"Thanks for waitin',"
Vega said.
"So, I'm Vega Lei'nox-Creede, an' this is Jasper, Winston, an' Sir Chip. That there's Huw an' Reese. So, I'm figuin' that the best thing we can do is ask you outright what in the name of Sintra's snot is goin' on here? Why are that bunch attackin' us, an' why'd you stand against them? Are there attacks happenin' anywhere else?"
She wanted to make sure that she asked questions she knew the answer to, in order to gauge his reactions.

She was sure that the others would have questions too so, as she listened to what he had to say, she fully expected that this would expand.

Off Topic
I'm figuring that you guys can a) do your bits and stuff and then b) ask your questions and then we can give Bas a list of questions which I'll sum up in my next post? Thoughts?
 ! Message from: Basilisk
Diarnav properly introduces himself and says the Pirate Lords are recently returned, but are fractured. He says that Butcher, Boar, and Slaver attacked Sweetwine because they'd heard from some loyalists that there was a small settlement in the area that they figured would be easy prey. There are other attacks, with other Lords allied with him moving to intercept due to a combination of a strong dislike for the conspirators and a dislike for attacking Scalvoris itself. As to why he himself specifically came to Sweetwine, he says it was because he personally really despised Butcher, Boar, and Slaver and wanted to take them out himself, though he applauds that they beat him to it.
word count: 965

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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