[Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

26th of Cylus 723

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[Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

The timeline for these attacks is as follows:
  • Midnight – 2am: Pirate ships anchor far from the shores of Scalvoris. Groups of pirates / bandits take to rowboats and row to shore.
  • 2am onwards: Once they have arrived, they get into place and begin to execute their plan. They attack the following places:
    • Almund
    • Havardr
    • The Western Coastline of Scaltoth Jungles
    • Gunvorton
    • The Eastern Coastline of Sweetwine Woods (including Sweetsong)
    • Egilrun
    • The Western Coastline of Faldrass (including Hopetoun)
  • 4am: They leave, having done what they came to do. Or… do they?
Well, that’s up to you!
I’m going to run this event a little bit differently. Here’s how it’s going to go.
  • You have two weeks to post in here telling me which place your PC will be in and what they’re going to do. I’m wanting details (see “Initial Post Code” below). After two weeks, that’s set in stone.
  • On 15th February, 2023 I will modnote every post in this thread. I’ll tell you what you’re facing, etc. I will also give some of you “curveballs” (unexpected additions). I’ll then give you “objectives” which you meet / not in solos / collabs.
  • As you start – and complete – threads, please post here (see code). Post first when all involved PCs have posted for the first time – and again when you have submitted for review. If it’s a one-post solo, just post here once :D
  • Around the 1st April 2023 I’ll do a “midway check” – and add in anything that needs adding in.
  • One week before the end of the Cycle, I’ll make sure that all posts in here are modnoted – and this will inform the calendar for next Cycle!
Please – for this event – no placeholders to be carried over, as it will have big impacts. Anyone who wants to follow this event after 15th February 2023 will be able to, but I will do an announcement around that time which gives the consequences of this event to the whole island – so what you can write about after that will be limited to stuff which falls within those confines. Also, on 15th Feb the areas where PCs make a difference vs the ones where they don’t will be set in stone.
Initial Post

Code: Select all

PCs involved:
NPCs involved? (can be a general overview like “Yes, these ones <linkie to a faction>” or “Yes, a, b, c” – please give me links).
PC Role in this: (eg: Element, Merc, Council Member, Order of the Adunih, Just Me!)
Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation?
At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc).
What will your PC hope to do / achieve:
Thread Started

Code: Select all

PCs involved:
NPCs involved? ( please give me links).
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)
What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?
Thread Completed

Code: Select all

Link to thread: 
PCs involved:
Brief summary of what you did.
Link to review request, please. 

word count: 547
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Sweetsong ...
Pirate Attacks!
PCs involved: Vega, Kisaik, Winston, Jasper.

NPCs involved?
  • Sweetsong NPCs.
  • Vega's NPCs. Her diri companions, familiar and dragonling / dragonet.
  • Winston's Chest
  • Kisaik's Tribe, his diris, dragonling, dragonet.
  • Jasper's Family & Spirits.

PC Role in this:
Defending our homes!

Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation?
Ok so - will try and be brief. This answer kind of covers both.

Before Midnight - we hope to see the pirates arriving. The reason we believe that we'll be able to do that is:
- Sweetsong has 2 ships (The Wanderlust and the Waking Dreamer) anchored off shore.
- Vega's dragonling (Martha), Dragonet (Arthur) and familiar (Iris) circle overhead at night.
- Kisaik and Winston will be arriving in Sweetsong on Aquarius (Kisaik's dragonling)

If the alarm is raised early then we will congregate in Sweetsong and make a plan, IC. This will be at least one collaborative threads with additional solos coming off it.
Vega will also use her "tell everyone" echo scroll from "The Feast" (the one that allows everyone to contact her re: Joy) to warn / inform everyone she can. She doesn't know whether the pirates are attacking elsewhere, but she will warn folks either way.

At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc). Pre-midnight.

What will your PC hope to do / achieve:
The plan is that we will stop the attack before it starts. To do this, we will (hopefully!) meet IC and come up with a plan.

Before the fighting
Will take the lead in the planning process (GM Tactics, GM Leadership). However, depending on what we decide IC she might make a single high-up flight on Martha with the aim of dropping a large amount of lead (or any other metal, she can create it) on the pirate ships, effectively sinking them before they get to us.
She will prioritise keeping people safe - so she'll use Safesong Sails to protect the children and will make sure that the people of Sweetsong have protection.
She will also use her music abilities to buff us, and scupper the baddies.
If there's fighting / if they land
She will fight, tooth and nail. Her aim will be to kill as many of them as she can as quickly as she can in order to protect the settlers.

Before the fighting
Will leave his NPC Angela (Leadership and Detection Competent) in the camp, with Chest, to get ANYONE not wishing to be in the open into safety inside Chest. People, all children and anyone not meaning harm, can simply enter Chest and be safe (the pirates will not be able to enter as they are uninvited and are meanign harm).

Will himself head out on Kisiak's flying mount to sink ships. He can drop a swimming-pool worth of water into a ship from his domain bag (he has said water in there by pure co-insidence already), explode some gun-power if they have any or try to melt holes in the hull with some alchemy.

If there's fighting / if they land
Will become a chaos monkey, trying to cause confusion and disruption in the pirate ranks. He would use the invisibility claoke and stealth to get around, hit-and-run by way of causing distractions, usking his necklase and Songforged wind power to create chaose and perhaps panic and doing whatever he can to slow down their approach and distract them from the actual fighting force, while trying not to get into combat himself.

Before the fighting
Kisaik obviously flies as swiftly as he can to reach Sweetstone from where he arrives with WInston. He will trust that Vega has the tribe well in hand, let Winston use Chest to gather as many people safely inside him. Then Kisaik will pilot the dragonling Aquarius while WInston focuses his attention on unloading whatever he has on the rowboats. If Winston needs to infiltrate, Kisaik will lend his Invisibility and fire resist cloak to him.

If there's fighting / if they land

He will set up his tribe in the branches of Sweetstone, with their m issile weapons.

Kisaik will pick on the nastiest opponents, roaring challenges left and right (with rupture Roar to gather their attention), use Saoire's token to reflect the first two attacks that manage to land on him. That done he will proceed to be an evasion tank, blinking this way and that, flickering to one opponent's vital points to tempt them to attack each other, then blink back out

Before the fighting
Jasper will help make sure all none combatants are safe. After that he will take his sleipnier to drop fire into the row boats and use his fire manipulation to make the temperature of that fire unbearable hot or just but the rowboat out right. His brother would prepare those who can shoot among the npc to fire upon the landing parties. Astra will go with the children taking the baby. Rewan will wake up his forge to sharpen any weapons as needed. Dasjat will prepare any to help with healing if needed.

If there's fighting / if they land
Jasper will return to the ground, and will fight. His two brothers, and his Sleipnir will join to defend the community. Astra will be prepared to act as final defense if any pirates some how get that far. Dasjat will join Astra and help care for the children.
word count: 922

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Woe, Faith
NPCs involved? On the enemy's side:

On Woe's side:

PC Role in this: Woe (Council Member: Egg) Faith (Order of the Adunih Leader)
Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation?


Before the Fighting: Woe is a night owl, and will probably be wide awake enough. Soz and Beans tend to patrol around the skies at night, as they enjoy the darkness even in the bitter cold. It will be from them he gets his warning of the Pirates. Once he does, he'll set up Blodwen at the house, to protect the rest of the family. He'll instruct Sage to conduct fly-over surveillance of the beach, to watch any pirates that get close to shore. He'll send Sage and Iago to warn the Elements, and Toutouye to warn the Rangers, and instruct his sons to stay in the HQs of those organizations for their own safety, while Sage doubles back to conduct surveillance.

He may get word from his NPC,
, a thief in Almund who is a contact for him. She'd know to go to his echo box in The Bones (and has permission to enter), and may be able to get warning ahead of time, but it'll likely arrive a day after she sends it, as echo boxes take time.

Meanwhile, Crawford Shipley will begin to mobilize the coastal areas, attempting to hole up in a more defensible and farther from the shore position. If possible, he'll aid the elements with seige weaponry if they have any he can use.

As for what Woe will do once he's directed his people, he'll try and stealthily land on the ship (expert stealth, plus Shadow Cloak from Kuvarakh's effigy will make it easy for him to go unnoticed. Expert athletics will make it easy to climb aboard and move around.) He'll ascertain the nature of the thread from there, exploring the ship and determining if there are any hostages or alternative threats in the hold of the ship.

During the Fighting, if any get through: Woe will hollow out the ship of all its pirates, or else disable its guns, then move onto the next ship to similarly disable it.

At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc). Midnight. Woe is a night owl, and will receive warning from Soz and Beans.
What will your PC hope to do / achieve: He hopes to capture as many pirates as he can, and kill who can't be captured, if not drive them off.



here - Alissa, Alex.

Before the Fighting
Faith's Dragonling will be circling and will alert her.

She will then use herNecklace A plain-looking gold necklace - the gold has been sprinkled with Euvomine (Euvomine is another metal only given from the Immortals. Euvomine, by nature, is very brittle and easily broken. It is not meant to be hammered into armor but rather sprinkled upon it. This metal is able to fuse on contact with other metals without staining or discoloring them in any way. Each gift of Euvomine has special properties only known by the Immortal who gifted it.), an ancient gift from Ralaith to an unknown follower. It has in it the Pause ability from Ralaith's mark, with a few specific differences.

When activated, this necklace freezes time for all except the wearer. Time is frozen for exactly one break when time resumes, everything must be in the exact same position they were in at the moment time froze. Should this not happen, the item is used but has no effect and the user will have no memory of what they saw / did during the break. If the wearer interferes with an object or person, they must return them to the state they were before in order for time to resume. This ability can be used twice in any given season.
- it will freeze time for 1 break. In that time, she will get to the Order of the Adunih Outpost in Egilrun and she'll make it a Safe Hearth This is a simple gold ring which fits around and matches her wedding ring. Faith may designate up to three areas as "Safe Hearths". The area is roughly the size of a large estate (eg: it would cover her home, which is set in 5 acres) and it has two properties. First, if anyone enters that area with violent intention / intention to harm then Faith will know about this - and will have an idea of how many people and in which general direction. The main power, however, is that anyone who actively seeks to enact violence, be it against Faith or anyone else, will become the centre of a dreadful storm, with ice shards and violent winds buffering them. The temperature around them drops to way below zero, freezing them in their tracks and encasing them. This is targeted at those who are attempting to act violently - including using damaging or controlling marks or magics. It is enough that, should the person be unprepared and they continue to fight, it would kill within a few moments. If the Storm power is "tripped" then it needs to be re-activated. Only three areas may be active at any time.

After she's done that, she'll go into the order and make a chalk-drawn doorPB's Palace
A simple piece of chalk. Twice a day Faith can use this chalk to draw a door. When she does, it becomes a door to a "room of requirement" (which PB insists is his palace) of varying size, depending on what it contains.

In there, neatly organised and clearly labelled, is whatever Faith needs for her current project. She can identify one project per season and this item will allow her to resource it. The room itself won't provide raw materials such as building supplies, but it will provide sheets and blankets. Strangely, though, it won't provide prepared food, but will provide the ingredients needed to make that food. Medical supplies, clothing, etc, all of these will be provided. Specialist medical equipment or scientific supplies, however, will not.
This will allow her to grab as many medical supplies and so on as the small order building needs - since they probably aren't equipped enough for the injuries.

Then - she'll make her way to Woe.

Depending on how much time they have, she'll do as much of this as she can.

She'll activate:

an addition to her Kaldvind This power works as an upgrade for the Bearer's Kaldvind, allowing the lesser dragon to sink their tail blade into the ground or into water, causing the ground or water to freeze solid for up to a 10 foot diameter around the Kaldvind. Kaldvind can use this at will or be ordered to by their rider, and they are very good at making clever use of this power if left to their own devices. Kaldvind who have this power have their tail blades start to have a light blue glow from within their tails.

Then - she'll create a Snowclone of the KaldvindA defensive power, Snowclone allows the Blessed to create a clone of either themselves or their Kaldvind out of snow. This clone will then become mobile and will mirror the movements of the original, and will last until either the Bearer dissipates the clone or it gets attacked. If it gets attacked, the weapon or person that attacked it will be frozen for a short time.

The two Kaldvinds will fly out and freeze the water and the boats coming to shore.

Faith will then create clones of herselfThis ability requires great concentration to perform. In essence, this ability allows the user to create multiple versions of themselves to traverse both the mortal realm and parts of Emea. Each version holds a piece of the user's soul within it, therefore, allowing it to take physical shape, if the user wishes. However, if the version is cut down, the character will feel the disrupting and pain through the ability. Depending on the number of versions made, and how long they remain away from the user, the character risks losing their life to the ability. If the versions don't return to the user within 5 trials (days), the character has the potential of losing their soul before dying from over exertion. then she - and her clones will all do what she's doing. They'll use Ice WallOn the key elements of Frosvinndur's fighting style is controlling area around him. This plays an important part in many of his Effigy's powers. Ice Wall allows the Blessed to create a thick wall of light blue ice by focusing on a stretch of ground around them. The ice wall is never more than 8 feet long and 10 feet tall, but clever use of this power allows the Bearer to stop an incoming attack at a moments notice. It takes 1 minute of concentration for the wall to form, but once that is done, it does so instantly. - and she and her clones will use the snowshoesThe powers of the Bearer of Frosvinndur's Effigy often make the area around them more hazardous to traverse than they might otherwise be. This power gives the Bearer the same amount of traction on snow and ice as they do on solid soil or stone, preventing them from suffering the negative mobility of their own powers. power to keep moving and keep freezing the water and the boats.

She'll activate her air armour etc during this time, too. The two Kaldvinds will be defending her if needed and she'll amend the plan if anyone does anything silly.
Last edited by Woe on Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:01 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1654
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Almund Pirates
PCs involved: Balthazar Black (Others if they want in)
NPCs involved? Robin of Oakley, Lyanna of Wytchwood, Croft Zy'Nacj, The Black Cats, the little flaming forged diri Fuego, and the diri of death formerly known as Crow- soon to be known with another name. Additionally it is possible Elements will need to be involved but I'm leaving them off because they come in as part of the plan, not part of the initial group.
PC Role in this: Mercenary Company / Merchant Guild
Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation? A lot of what Balthazar and The Black Cats (sounds like a band kinda) do will depend on what they are facing, but I will try to provide a general outline:
Before Midnight/Midnight - I am hoping Balthazar and the Black Cats will notice the pirate ships arriving or at least notice the rowboats coming to shore.
Reasons they might be able to:
- A full arc (last Cylus) ago Balthazar witnessed pirate ships congregating just outside the docks in Almund so he will be wary of/expecting something to happen under the cover of darkness this arc.
- Last Cylus it was noted in the thread that Balthazar assumed the ships he was breaking onto were pirate ships because he recognized the ship descriptions from reports he had read when he was part of the Elements. (Validity of reported descriptions is meh, but if it is relevant he'd still recall those reports due to Vri's mark)
- Balthazar has both GM detection and a mutation which allows him to see in the dark. Specifics would include this capstone to notice the rowboats/things on the ship to indicate they are pirates and the eyeshine mutation to see in the dark.
- I'm not certain if it is something the diri of death would report, but while Balthazar is lurking around the docks the diri will be flying overhead and looking for anything of note.

Midnight / 2am - If Balthazar and the Black Cats notice notice the pirates he will break the team into three groups (explained below) and send them on different tasks. One group to continue guarding the docks, one group to report to the Elements, and one group (with him) to follow the pirates discretely.
- He would send Croft and some of the Black Cats with skill focus on navigation rather than combat to get to the Elements and report the pirates in a timely manner.
- He (master stealth) would take Lyanna (expert stealth) and Black Cats with competent stealth with him. He will be boosting their stealth one level with his taskmaster capstone. Lyanna (master stealth), other Black Cats (Expert).
- He would have Robin (Expert archer, swordsman, and pole arm fighter) and other combat oriented (Competent in skill) Black Cats remain at the docks to watch for anything else/ defend the docks from any attacks.
- Black Cats who are not competent in a combat skill or competent in stealth would go with Croft to report to the Elements. More witnesses are probably more reliable in Balthazar's mind and it keeps them safer.

2 am - Balthazar and his sneaky bunch will attempt to follow the pirate group and discover what they are after. During this time Balthazar will likely attempt to get close enough to attune to a few of them (master stealth) so that if they escape he can project his senses and figure out what they are after/planning.

If they do start to outright attack people or destroy things, Balthazar will step in and fight to deter them away. During the fighting he would probably attempt to attune to one or more of them. He would not be fighting to kill, just to disable and knock out most of the pirates. He would kill if it became necessary.

If the Elements boy-who-cried-wolf him, he will still go through with the plan to tail the pirates and learn what they are doing. If the Elements arrive, he would try to cooperate with them.

4 am - If perchance, the pirates go unnoticed during their arrival and the attacks are what eventually alert him, he will attack the pirate ships as they attempt to leave. He will not aim to kill, just to capture as many pirates as possible.

If they are noticed by the Black Cats, the Elements are alerted, and the pirates still make it to their ship, he will attempt to project his senses to spy on the pirates and learn what they were after.

At what point in the timeline will you be entering? Midnight / Pre-midnight if the Black Cats notice the ships.
What will your PC hope to do / achieve: Balthazar's primary focus at the outset will be to warn the Elements and to keep track of the pirates. He is also hoping to figure out what they are up to and, should violence be chosen, to stop them from hurting people... probably by hurting them first.
word count: 839

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Kura Wolfsdotter

NPCs involved? (can be a general overview like “Yes, these ones <linkie to a faction>” or “Yes, a, b, c” – please give me links). Cally and her familiars.

PC Role in this: (eg: Element, Merc, Council Member, Order of the Adunih, Just Me!) Albarech of Scalvoris

Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation? She'll be in Almund for this.
Before the attack
Kura frequently works late and has two owls, nocturnal hunters with excellent night vision. This should allow her to be warned of the pirates arrival. She'll order the land-based elements out to guard the town and take to a high vantage point herself. Kura's got Nights Glow glasses that let her see in the dark, and Mortalborn abilities that let her ignore the upper limit of her archery range, so long as she can see her target. She'll use these, with her regular arrows, to take out the watch in the ships crows nest, as well as using fire arrows to burn the ships sails. After that, she'll order the Water Elements to capture the pirate ship, with specific orders to take as many of the officers alive as she can.

After that, she'd focus on trying to stop the longboats from reach the shore.

If any make to land.
If any pirates land, she'll send out her familiars, particularly her wolves, to assist the Elements on the ground, with Cally helping to keep pirates from getting to Kura herself. Kura will focus on ranged support, either disabling pirates with leg shots or just killing them outright. She'd still be wanting to take as many of the pirate leaders prisoner as she can.

At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc). Midnight.

What will your PC hope to do / achieve: Capture the pirates and figure out just what the hell their plan is, attacking her island.
word count: 333
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Darius Baer; Elisabeth Angelus

NPCs involved?
Darius' Personal NPCs: Astra Miawynn, Josef Baer, Isla 'Red' Raye (not appearing in any threads in person but likely to be mentioned at least once in passing), Ledas, Darius' bodyguard [/viewtopic.php?p=138967#p138967]; Named Hopetoun NPCs [/viewtopic.php?p=165432#p165432]; Katara (Forged Diri) [/viewtopic.php?p=155383#p155383]
Elisabeth's Personal NPCs: NPC Fastia (Personal) and Fintan (Forged Diri) [/viewtopic.php?p=157489#p157489]
Other NPCs: Green Knights of Shellknight Lodge [/viewtopic.php?p=197896#p197896]; nameless Hopetoun NPCs

PC Role in this: Settlement leaders defending Hopetoun; Forged defending Faldrass

Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation?
  • We anticipate receiving advance warning of the pirates' arrival, courtesy of the lighthouse. Also, depending on the timing of ships arriving at different locations in Scalvoris, Darius' contact in Almund (Isla 'Red' Raye) might give them advance warning (or at least make it clear that Hopetoun isn't the only location under attack).
  • Darius has a Leadership capstone that can improve the levels of some of those around him. [/wiki/index.php/Category:Local_Boy_Done_Good]
  • Darius is FireForged (Legatus). [/viewtopic.php?p=177581#p177581]
  • Hopetoun has been declared a sacred place by Xiur. As a result, the lighthouse of Hopetoun possesses a special, divine ability. The light emitted from it is enchanted by Xiur's will to repel threats to Hopetoun. Any living creature who wishes harm upon Hopetoun or any of the settlers who live there will find that, when the light of the lighthouse shines on them, it is painfully bright to look at and burns their skin with the intensity of the desert sun. Any undead creature will find themselves literally pushed backwards by the light. [/viewtopic.php?p=197520#p197520]
  • Additionally, once per arc, in a moment of great peril, the light from the lighthouse will form into the shape of a great ship of pure starlight that can transport a normal count of men or troops. It does not require a crew, following the will and direction of the leader of Hopetoun, and remains intact to complete its journey even if the leader should be killed. It travels at a greatly increased speed, resists supernatural hazards like the following wave, and can cruise right through a calm. However, it can take basic damage from any source. Damage however does not breech the hull or harm the masts or sails. It only disperses that small bit of light causing the entire form to shrink slightly and "fill in" the damage. This ship will only sail to one destination before dispersing. [/viewtopic.php?p=197520#p197520]
  • Elisabeth has two Socialization capstones (Disarming Charisma and Snap Analysis) that might help with her interactions with Hopetoun’s population and possibly the pirates. [/wiki/index.php/Category:Disarming_Charisma]; [/wiki/index.php/Category:Snap_Analysis]
  • Elisabeth also has a Leadership capstone (The Delegation Expectation) that allows her to delegate efficiently. [/wiki/index.php/Category:The_Delegation_Expectation]
  • Elisabeth is also Tier 2 logistics and expert Tactics. (Novice Pirate, I’m afraid…)
  • Elisabeth is adored Celarion and Nalos, which brings a variety of abilities to the table (including the ability to communicate with those that ‘bond’ with her). [/wiki/index.php?title=Category:Elisabeth_Angelus#Blessings]
  • Elisabeth is IceForged (Primus Principales). [/viewtopic.php?p=177581#p177581]
  • Elisabeth is an expert defier. She possesses a tiara that bestows a few abilities from Raskalarn as well. To round all that out, she is a master swordmaiden and in unarmed combat.
At what point in the timeline will you be entering? Either at midnight or before, assuming the lighthouse provides the settlement with advanced warning of the pirates' arrival.

What will your PC hope to do / achieve:
How Darius reacts is largely impacted by what he's facing. But the thinking at this stage is that he would send out messages, requesting support to surrounding areas as soon as the pirates are sighted. If there are any Elements on Faldrass, he will be contacting them, along with advising the barony that they are being attacked.

He would take one of the ships, its crew, and some fighting folk out to attempt to fight the pirates on the water. They may use lights via Xiur's blessing in an attempt to blind the pirates and Darius will likely make use of his FireForged abilities to attack the pirate ship(s), targeting sails and/or the hold if there is gunpowder inside. He may also seek to use the light ship from the lighthouse to target the ship. Also, the lighthouse should be burnin' pirates. At the same time, he may make use of the light ship to further distract/blind the pirates.

At the same time, Elisabeth would be based at the settlement with the remainder of the troops to defend Hopetoun if Darius is defeated or evaded. The settlers could also use Xiur's blessing to use lights to blind the pirates. Settlers who can't fight would be holed up in the inn, which would also be a fallback position should those defending the settlement get pushed back.

If pirates get past Darius or fight him off, he would hope to pursue them (assuming the pirates are still attempting to make landfall and endanger the settlers). Ideally that would put the pirates between Darius' troops behind them and Elisabeth's on the palisade, while the lighthouse is still burnin' them.


Elisabeth would, as soon as trouble is indicated, ask to bond with Darius and Fastia (she can bond with up to three people with Celarion) so if Darius wants her to bond with someone else like Astra, she would…or if another person becomes a logical choice during the course of events. Her link with Darius will likely dissipate due to distance (she doesn’t really realise the range) but once that does, she’d likely try to use the Diris to communicate.

She would likely offer to coordinate getting those that can’t fit to the Inn and organising the remaining troops in Hopetoun, preparing them as best she can. She would want to bolster the settlers so I can see her utilising the Nalos ability “Fulcrum of Fervor” and create a rally cry for them, especially since they are on Xiur holy ground. This would allow optimism to spread.

Elisabeth will not hesitate to fight any pirates that try to attack Hopetoun but the way and how depends on the situation. If it comes down to fighting, she would use the Celarion ability “Hold the Line” to boost morale and stamina if needed.

If pirates get past Darius, the goal is to pinch them between Darius and Elisabeth’s groups. Elisabeth would think to send runners to check and make sure Hopetoun itself isn’t getting flanked as well, understanding that the direct attack might be a smokescreen for something else.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Mon Feb 13, 2023 10:38 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1156
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Zoro Astrian

NPCs involved? (can be a general overview like “Yes, these ones <linkie to a faction>” or “Yes, a, b, c” – please give me links). - my NPC Diri Maureen.

PC Role in this: (eg: Element, Merc, Council Member, Order of the Adunih, Just Me!). Over-enthusiastic hero-complex.

Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation? Zoro will be bringing a lot of experience of wild and weird things, but not an awful lot in the way of skills.

He will be staying in Gunvorton as he is traveling around Scalvoris. He will be arriving in Gunvorton that night.

At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc).
Zoro will be arriving in Gunvorton and will be rowing there himself in his boat. He may encounter them then, as he arrives late in the night and could end up in a sticky situation!

What will your PC hope to do / achieve:
Defeat the pirates!
Be a hero!
Save the princess!
Storm the castle!
Wear his hat at a jaunty angle!
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

PCs involved: Nir'wei.
NPCs involved? None. All animals.
PC Role in this: Council Member (Natural Affairs) Initially, mounting an offensive on invading pirates. Then, after realising they are organised, searching for the leading pirates to disband and disperse.

Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation?

Nir isn't prepared. He just has whatever he has on him at the moment.
That said, what he has is 6 Velduris Wolves, a Zephyrus, two Diri and a Scalv Sohr Khal, at minimum. He can also weaponise whatever is at the Sanctuary, and whatever animals are in/around the water at that moment, to take down small boats and harass pirates.

At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc).

Midnight. He'll be staying overnight around the Badlands/Serenity Gardens. Night is the best time for hunting, so he might be in the middle of a hunt himself, but if he isn't, either his animals would wake him, or he'd smell them. (Senses dialled up to a wolf by natural and pirates aren't known for good hygiene.)

What will your PC hope to do / achieve:

Ward off the attacks on the Serenity Gardens, for starters. If possible, use his Scent of the Alpha Velduris ability to determine who is leading the attacks on Faldrass and mount a counter-offensive using flight and a boarding force of wolves to subdue them.
Potentially follow this scent to the source of the invasion itself across all islands, if they're at/near Faldrass and can be reached by Scalv Sohr Khal.
Incapacitate as many pirates/boats as possible through coordinated boarding attacks from above (and possibly below, if he can find some hostile sea creatures like Sea Wolves).
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Pirate Attacks

Pirate Attack Tracker: Almund

This is a tracker for the Pirate Attacks on 26th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

Slight change of plan here - since we have a few folks working in the same place but not the same post, we're going to do it like this.

a) Basilisk will take care of Sweetsong and Egilrun (cos, yanno, my pc is there)
b) I'll do the rest!

Rather than modnote individual posts, I'll list things here.
So, without further ado:

Before Midnight
Balthazar - unless you were actively looking out and had lookouts etc - you wouldn't get any earlier warning.
Kura You are informed at 10 minutes to midnight that there is a sighting of some ships. This isn't unusual in and of itself, but there's a lot of them (around the island) and they are not flying any flags and are in the cover of darkness / coming in stealthy. That 10 minutes doesn't really give you more time than to send information to the Elements in different areas of scalv.
 ! Message from: Almund Objective: Before midnight: Be clear about what you're doing
Balth - if you would be looking out, specifically, that'll need it's own thread and you'll get no more than the 10 minutes extra Kura gets. :) If you are deliberately standing around with a whole group of mercenaries staring at the horizon just in case - you're going to get some very odd looks, though! :D
Kura - if you're letting others know, please make sure to include that information in a post
Midnight - 2am: What you see / what happens.

What you both see
There are four large ships anchored in the darkness - they are definitely ships built for stealth. Black wood, black sails. Kura - you might recognise them from the "Dark Hearts" event. (Balth, don't think you were in that, kick me if I'm wrong).
Each ship will release - at 1am - 10 rowboats.
Each rowboat has 6 people in.

So - if they all get to shore, that'll be 240 people attacking Almund.

Balth: You send the three groups. This is what they see / find.
Group 1: Croft and some of the Black Cats with skill focus on navigation rather than combat to get to the Elements and report the pirates in a timely manner.
The Elements know and are already moving. Croft et al are met with a very clear "do not engage" message. It is important that you let Kura / me know what Croft says. This can't be a thread, since it's entirely NPC focused, so please just let us know via PM? Thanks!

Group 3: Robin (Expert archer, swordsman, and pole arm fighter) and other combat oriented (Competent in skill) Black Cats remain at the docks to watch for anything else/ defend the docks from any attacks. Again, this is an NPC group- so please let Kura's player know whether they're obvious / stealthy / what they'll do and numbers of them - are they obvious etc. Thanks!

Balth's Group:
Okie so - the stealth is no problem for you. Balth (have confirmed via Discord) waits in the shadows, watching etc. He sees what happens, when it does.

See Balth's post re: one of his groups going to inform the Elements.
- Kura is informed by about 12:30 that Balthazar and the Black Cats are involved and seem to be taking matters into their own hands (this is how it'll be taken). She will also get reports from the docks of both "Group 3" (see Balth's bit up above) and of the fact that he's gone out on a boat (if he does - please liaise).

Kura - it'll take you maybe 10 minutes to get to the docks and from there yes, she can do as you plan. However, there are also a lot of Elements who want orders. This is where you need to communicate with Balth as he has eyes and feet on the docks, and so will need to know what the elements are doing. While Kura is very useful in the attack on Almund, she also is in a unique position to communicate with the Elements around the island.

Almund: Midnight - 2am
As soon as the first fire arrow is shot, if that's what Kura does, then a bright yellow plume of smoke (like a flare) shoots up from one of the ships. At that point, loud whistles are heard around Almund and you begin, within moments, to hear screams from warehouses. Much like the scene in Game of Thrones, when you turn to look there are lots of people in masks.

Kura recognises them. They kidnapped her, after all. They attack.
 ! Message from: Objective
Start a thread with both of you where you deal with what I've told you above and the first 30 seconds - 2 minutes after the masks appear. Link it here as started and I'll modnote

  • As you start – and complete – threads, please post here (see code). Post first when all involved PCs have posted for the first time – and again when you have submitted for review. If it’s a one-post solo, just post here once :D
  • Around the 1st April 2023 I’ll do a “midway check” – and add in anything that needs adding in.
  • One week before the end of the Cycle, I’ll make sure that all posts in here are modnoted – and this will inform the calendar for next Cycle!
Please – for this event – no placeholders to be carried over, as it will have big impacts. Anyone who wants to follow this event after 15th February 2023 will be able to, but I will do an announcement around that time which gives the consequences of this event to the whole island – so what you can write about after that will be limited to stuff which falls within those confines. Also, on 15th Feb the areas where PCs make a difference vs the ones where they don’t will be set in stone.

Thread Started

Code: Select all

PCs involved:
NPCs involved? ( please give me links).
Brief summary of what you plan to do in this thread – what (if any objectives are you meeting?)
What skills etc are relevant to your plans here?
Thread Completed

Code: Select all

Link to thread: 
PCs involved:
Brief summary of what you did.
Link to review request, please. 

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