Sweetsong ...
Pirate Attacks!
PCs involved: Vega, Kisaik, Winston, Jasper.
NPCs involved?
- Sweetsong NPCs.
- Vega's NPCs. Her diri companions, familiar and dragonling / dragonet.
- Winston's Chest
- Kisaik's Tribe, his diris, dragonling, dragonet.
- Jasper's Family & Spirits.
PC Role in this:
Defending our homes!
Brief summary of how prepared / what you’ll be bringing to the situation?
Ok so - will try and be brief. This answer kind of covers both.
Before Midnight - we hope to see the pirates arriving. The reason we believe that we'll be able to do that is:
- Sweetsong has 2 ships (The Wanderlust and the Waking Dreamer) anchored off shore.
- Vega's dragonling (Martha), Dragonet (Arthur) and familiar (Iris) circle overhead at night.
- Kisaik and Winston will be arriving in Sweetsong on Aquarius (Kisaik's dragonling)
If the alarm is raised early then we will congregate in Sweetsong and make a plan, IC. This will be at least one collaborative threads with additional solos coming off it.
Vega will also use her "tell everyone" echo scroll from "The Feast" (the one that allows everyone to contact her re: Joy) to warn / inform everyone she can. She doesn't know whether the pirates are attacking elsewhere, but she will warn folks either way.
At what point in the timeline will you be entering (eg: Midnight, 2am, etc). Pre-midnight.
What will your PC hope to do / achieve:
The plan is that we will stop the attack before it starts. To do this, we will (hopefully!) meet IC and come up with a plan.
Before the fighting
Will take the lead in the planning process (GM Tactics, GM Leadership). However, depending on what we decide IC she might make a single high-up flight on Martha with the aim of dropping a large amount of lead (or any other metal, she can create it) on the pirate ships, effectively sinking them before they get to us.
She will prioritise keeping people safe - so she'll use Safesong Sails to protect the children and will make sure that the people of Sweetsong have protection.
She will also use her music abilities to buff us, and scupper the baddies.
If there's fighting / if they land
She will fight, tooth and nail. Her aim will be to kill as many of them as she can as quickly as she can in order to protect the settlers.
Before the fighting
Will leave his NPC Angela (Leadership and Detection Competent) in the camp, with Chest, to get ANYONE not wishing to be in the open into safety inside Chest. People, all children and anyone not meaning harm, can simply enter Chest and be safe (the pirates will not be able to enter as they are uninvited and are meanign harm).
Will himself head out on Kisiak's flying mount to sink ships. He can drop a swimming-pool worth of water into a ship from his domain bag (he has said water in there by pure co-insidence already), explode some gun-power if they have any or try to melt holes in the hull with some alchemy.
If there's fighting / if they land
Will become a chaos monkey, trying to cause confusion and disruption in the pirate ranks. He would use the invisibility claoke and stealth to get around, hit-and-run by way of causing distractions, usking his necklase and Songforged wind power to create chaose and perhaps panic and doing whatever he can to slow down their approach and distract them from the actual fighting force, while trying not to get into combat himself.
Before the fighting
Kisaik obviously flies as swiftly as he can to reach Sweetstone from where he arrives with WInston. He will trust that Vega has the tribe well in hand, let Winston use Chest to gather as many people safely inside him. Then Kisaik will pilot the dragonling Aquarius while WInston focuses his attention on unloading whatever he has on the rowboats. If Winston needs to infiltrate, Kisaik will lend his Invisibility and fire resist cloak to him.
If there's fighting / if they land
He will set up his tribe in the branches of Sweetstone, with their m issile weapons.
Kisaik will pick on the nastiest opponents, roaring challenges left and right (with rupture Roar to gather their attention), use Saoire's token to reflect the first two attacks that manage to land on him. That done he will proceed to be an evasion tank, blinking this way and that, flickering to one opponent's vital points to tempt them to attack each other, then blink back out
Before the fighting
Jasper will help make sure all none combatants are safe. After that he will take his sleipnier to drop fire into the row boats and use his fire manipulation to make the temperature of that fire unbearable hot or just but the rowboat out right. His brother would prepare those who can shoot among the npc to fire upon the landing parties. Astra will go with the children taking the baby. Rewan will wake up his forge to sharpen any weapons as needed. Dasjat will prepare any to help with healing if needed.
If there's fighting / if they land
Jasper will return to the ground, and will fight. His two brothers, and his Sleipnir will join to defend the community. Astra will be prepared to act as final defense if any pirates some how get that far. Dasjat will join Astra and help care for the children.