Point Bank Collection 3

This forum holds the thread review request queue, and all threads for "claiming" rewards (Languages, Medals, Wealth, etc).

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Pig Boy
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Renown: 666
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1



RP Medals



Re: Point Bank Collection 3

Claimed June 2022
Reviews in UCP: 280
Medals: Pig Boy 30

1. Me Gooseta
2. Addict
3. Scandalous
4. Puppet Master
5. Painting with words
6. Right in the Feels

Capstones: Woe 20

wiki/index.php?title=Category:It%27s_a_Gift - It's a Gift
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Unflinching - Unflinching
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Slow_and_Steady - Slow and Steady
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Divine_Focus - Divine Focus

Total: 330
 ! Message from: Peg
Confirmed, approved, etc! 330 PBs for yew!
word count: 85
| Skills used (0)
    | Knowledges being claimed (0)
      | Loot (0)
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          Injuries (0)
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            User avatar
            Pegasus Pug!!!
            City Moderator
            City Moderator
            Posts: 10503
            Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
            Race: Prophet
            Renown: 666
            Plot Notes
            Point Bank Thread
            Wealth Tier: Tier 1

            Re: Point Bank Collection 3

            up to date!!!!
            word count: 3
            | Skills used (0)
              | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                | Loot (0)
                  | Losses (0)
                    Injuries (0)
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                      ~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

                      Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
                      User avatar
                      Approved Character
                      Posts: 142
                      Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2022 4:50 pm
                      Race: Human
                      Profession: Chemist
                      Renown: 55
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                      Wealth Tier: Tier 6




                      Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                      Approved for 15 point bank points
                      Just realised I had a PM about claiming some PBPs from this post. 15 points. Can't really remember the point bank system but I need to create a new ledger for Leo as he's a new PC.
                       ! Message from: Pig Boy
                      Please check your pms for a message from me, and add your point bank thread to your UCPs. Thanks!
                      word count: 66
                      | Skills used (0)
                        | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                          | Loot (0)
                            | Losses (0)
                              Injuries (0)
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                                User avatar
                                Approved Character
                                Posts: 1086
                                Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:38 am
                                Race: Mortal Born
                                Profession: Councillor of Natural Affairs
                                Renown: 992
                                Character Sheet
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                                Plot Notes
                                Personal Journal
                                Wealth Tier: Tier 5




                                RP Medals



                                Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                Approved for 6/20/2022
                                This is my first ever time doing one of these - so I'm claiming everything.
                                I think I've done this right - I'm just claiming the big bits and it's my first time doing it so let me know if I've messed up anywhere.
                                Total Points with Nir - 780.
                                35 medals = 175 points.

                                Favoured of 4 Immortals (Karem + Cassion + Saoire + Xiur) = 20
                                Adored + Exalted + Champion of Karem = 45

                                Expert in 8 Skills = 40
                                Master in 4 Skills = 40
                                Grandmaster in 4 Skills = 60
                                8 Capstones after the first in Grandmaster skills = 40

                                Saoire's Heroes - meeting 5 Immortals (Saoire, Daia, Cassion, Qylios, Xiur, Ziell), plus Seasonal Event = 35
                                Ruin's Dawn - meeting 10 Immortals (Raskalarn, Kata, Syroa, Valtharn, Faldrun, Cassion, Daia, Audrae, Aelig, Mastes), plus Global Event = 70
                                Life Forged - Seasonal Event with 5+ others = 10 + 20
                                Cylus Dusk - Seasonal Event with 5+ others = 10 + 20
                                Forged in Fire - Seasonal Event with 5+ others = 10 + 20
                                Another Day in Andaris - Seasonal Event with 5+ others = 10 + 20
                                Mixed Messengers - Global Event with 5+ others = 20 + 20
                                Crack in the World - Global Event + meeting Unity with 5+ others = 20 + 20 + 5
                                Council Meeting Rebirth 722 - (5+ others) = 20
                                Council Meeting Cold 721 - (5+ others) = 20
                                Council Meeting Rebirth 721 - 5+ others) = 20
                                Council Meeting Ashan 720 - (3 others) = 10
                                Total points with Squirrel - 345
                                The Play's The Thing - Reviewed by Squirrel = 60
                                Siege of Storm's Edge: Roaring Flames, Smoking Steel - Reviewed by Squirrel = 30
                                The Rise of Rhaum; The Fall of Rharne - Modded and Reviewed by Squirrel = 155
                                Answers, Burned Away - Reviewed by Squirrel = 85
                                A Special Kind of Stupid III: Stupid Is As Stupid Does - Reviewed by Squirrel = 15
                                 ! Message from: Pig Boy
                                Approved for 1125 point bank points in total.
                                word count: 299
                                | Skills used (0)
                                  | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                    | Loot (0)
                                      | Losses (0)
                                        Injuries (0)
                                          Hide the claims summary
                                          We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
                                          User avatar
                                          Pig Boy
                                          City Moderator
                                          City Moderator
                                          Posts: 6839
                                          Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:54 pm
                                          Race: Prophet
                                          Profession: Rharne City Moderator
                                          Renown: 666
                                          Point Bank Thread
                                          Wealth Tier: Tier 1



                                          RP Medals



                                          Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                          Approved 06/30/2022

                                          Point Bank Claim
                                          Link Title Point Bank Value Point Bank Total
                                          wiki/index.php?title=Category:Woe#Deception Woe: Deception GM and a 2nd capstone 20 20
                                          viewtopic.php?t=29749 Woe: Detection GM and 2nd capstone 20 40
                                          wiki/index.php?title=Category:Woe#Discipline Woe: 3 Discipline capstones beyond the 1st 15 55
                                          wiki/index.php?title=Category:Woe#Psychology Woe: 2 more capstones for Psychology 10 65
                                          wiki/index.php?title=Category:Woe#Socialization Woe: 8th Socialization capstone 5 70
                                          wiki/index.php?title=Category:Woe#Combat:_Whips Woe: 6th Whip capstone 5 75
                                          viewtopic.php?t=29026 Lorogh: Magma Beast Seasonal with 5 other PCs 10+20 105
                                          viewtopic.php?t=17963 Rakvald: Global event with 5+ other PCs 20+20 145
                                          viewtopic.php?t=25507 Kalortah Seasonal Event with 5+ other PCs (Cylus Dusk) 10+20 175
                                          viewtopic.php?t=21428&start=10 Kalortah: Seasonal Event with 5+ other PCs (Fireforged Event) 10+20 205
                                          viewtopic.php?t=27610 + viewtopic.php?t=27675 Woe: Meeting 5 Immortals + Seasonal Event + collab with 3+ otehrs 45 250
                                          viewtopic.php?t=27610 + viewtopic.php?t=27678 Rakvald: Meeting 5 Immortals + Seasonal Event + Collab with 3+ others 45 295
                                          viewtopic.php?f=262&t=22290 Kalortah: Council Meeting Ashan 720 (Collab with 3+ others) 10 305
                                          viewtopic.php?f=262&t=28317 Woe: Council Meeting Cold Cycle721 (Collab with 5+ others) 20 325
                                          viewtopic.php?f=262&t=29025 Woe: Council Meeting Rebirth 722 (Collab with 5+ others) 20 345
                                          viewtopic.php?t=28189 Woe: Seasonal + Collab with 5+ others (Spooky Spectacular: Fright Night) 10+20 375
                                          Check UCP please. Reviews 310 685
                                           ! Message from: Avalon
                                          Approved for 685 Pig Boy Points!
                                          word count: 287
                                          | Skills used (0)
                                            | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                              | Loot (0)
                                                | Losses (0)
                                                  Injuries (0)
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                                                    User avatar
                                                    Posts: 888
                                                    Joined: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:23 pm
                                                    Race: Prophet
                                                    Profession: Bootiful Bean
                                                    Renown: 0
                                                    Point Bank Thread
                                                    Wealth Tier: Tier 1





                                                    Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                                    Approved 6/30/2022
                                                    Elisabeth Angelus Black

                                                    Earned a Medal (+5)
                                                    Helper + 5
                                                    Met a Dragon +5
                                                    Married +5
                                                    3x5 = 15 points

                                                    Reach Expert in a Skill (+5)
                                                    Etiquette - +5
                                                    Intelligence - +5
                                                    Gardening - +5
                                                    Medicine - +5
                                                    4x5 = 20 points

                                                    Reach Master in a Skill (+10)
                                                    Athletics - +10
                                                    Meditation - +10
                                                    2x10 = 20 points

                                                    Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (+15)
                                                    Logistics - +15
                                                    Socialization - +15
                                                    Leadership - +15
                                                    3x15 = 45 points

                                                    Reach Tier 2 in a Skill (+20)
                                                    Logistics - +20
                                                    1x20 = 20 points

                                                    Have an approved additional Capstone after the 1st (+5)
                                                    HR Savant (Logistics) + 5
                                                    A Little Extra Pocket Change (Socialization) +5
                                                    Snap Analysis (Socialization) +5
                                                    3x5 = 15 points

                                                    Participate in, and Complete, a City Event (Seasonal Events run by mods) (+10)
                                                    The All-Taverns Tournament +10
                                                    The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly +10
                                                    The All-Taverns Tournament: Infirmary +10
                                                    Quarter Final 3: Elisabeth Angelus vs. The Ladyman +10
                                                    Grand Finale: Fury's Gauntlet +10
                                                    5x10= 50 points

                                                    Finish Collaborative Thread with 5+ PCs (not including your PC) (+20)
                                                    What does love do?
                                                    1x20= 20 points

                                                    Elisabeth total = 205 points

                                                    Natalia Gregorios

                                                    Earned a Medal (+5)
                                                    High Society
                                                    Met a Dragon
                                                    3x5 = 15 points

                                                    Skills Tab Alpha Test Bonus - 15 points

                                                    Natalia total = 30 points


                                                    Approve A Character Sheet (+10)

                                                    Vincent Steinitz - +10
                                                    Parlance - +10
                                                    Russel Kandor - +10
                                                    3x10 = 30 points

                                                    Reviews - Please see UCP
                                                    = 310 points

                                                    Avalon total = 340 points


                                                    Elisabeth total = 205 points
                                                    Natalia total = 30 points
                                                    Avalon total = 340 points

                                                    Grand total for this claim = 575 points
                                                     ! Message from: Pig Boy
                                                    Approved for 575 Pig Boy Points!
                                                    word count: 260
                                                    | Skills used (0)
                                                      | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                        | Loot (0)
                                                          | Losses (0)
                                                            Injuries (0)
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                                                              User avatar
                                                              Pig Boy
                                                              City Moderator
                                                              City Moderator
                                                              Posts: 6839
                                                              Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:54 pm
                                                              Race: Prophet
                                                              Profession: Rharne City Moderator
                                                              Renown: 666
                                                              Point Bank Thread
                                                              Wealth Tier: Tier 1



                                                              RP Medals



                                                              Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                                              Approved by Peg. 24th July 2022

                                                              Point Bank Claim
                                                              Link Title Point Bank Value Point Bank Total
                                                              viewtopic.php?f=412&t=28449 Woe: Employed Perdita for 6 seasons so far 30 30
                                                              viewtopic.php?t=29162 Rakvald: Medium Dev (Location: Heart's Knell Hollow) 15 45
                                                              viewtopic.php?t=29240 Woe: Medium Dev (Location: Egilrun Smith) 15 60
                                                              viewtopic.php?t=29350 Kalortah: Small Dev (Song: Devin Schmevin) 10 70
                                                              viewtopic.php?t=29363 Ink: Small Dev (Song: Pink Sand and Glass) 10 80
                                                              viewtopic.php?t=29833 Woe: 15000th thread Medal 5 85
                                                              wiki/index.php/Category:Engineering Medium Dev: Skill: Engineering 20 105
                                                              wiki/index.php/Category:Tunawa#Player_Notes Medium Wiki Work: Tunawa Player Notes 10 115
                                                              My UCP Reviews 185 300
                                                               ! Message from: Peg
                                                              Approved for 300 PB points. Reviews from "Libertalia" to "Woman vs Door" counted. Please delete them in your UCP. Thanks!!!
                                                              word count: 149
                                                              | Skills used (0)
                                                                | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                  | Loot (0)
                                                                    | Losses (0)
                                                                      Injuries (0)
                                                                        Hide the claims summary
                                                                        User avatar
                                                                        Pegasus Pug!!!
                                                                        City Moderator
                                                                        City Moderator
                                                                        Posts: 10503
                                                                        Joined: Sun Sep 11, 2016 1:08 am
                                                                        Race: Prophet
                                                                        Renown: 666
                                                                        Plot Notes
                                                                        Point Bank Thread
                                                                        Wealth Tier: Tier 1

                                                                        Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                                                        Sincere apologies for the delays here.
                                                                        Up to date!
                                                                        word count: 9
                                                                        | Skills used (0)
                                                                          | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                            | Loot (0)
                                                                              | Losses (0)
                                                                                Injuries (0)
                                                                                  Hide the claims summary
                                                                                  ~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

                                                                                  Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
                                                                                  User avatar
                                                                                  Pig Boy
                                                                                  City Moderator
                                                                                  City Moderator
                                                                                  Posts: 6839
                                                                                  Joined: Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:54 pm
                                                                                  Race: Prophet
                                                                                  Profession: Rharne City Moderator
                                                                                  Renown: 666
                                                                                  Point Bank Thread
                                                                                  Wealth Tier: Tier 1



                                                                                  RP Medals



                                                                                  Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                                                                  Approved 08/20/2022
                                                                                  Heya, I got some point bank points to claim:

                                                                                  Reviews: 200 as per UCP tally. Please to add these thanks!
                                                                                   ! Message from: Avalon
                                                                                  200 Pig Boy Points approved! Please delete from your UCP!
                                                                                  word count: 36
                                                                                  | Skills used (0)
                                                                                    | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                                      | Loot (0)
                                                                                        | Losses (0)
                                                                                          Injuries (0)
                                                                                            Hide the claims summary
                                                                                            User avatar
                                                                                            Posts: 888
                                                                                            Joined: Tue Dec 15, 2020 8:23 pm
                                                                                            Race: Prophet
                                                                                            Profession: Bootiful Bean
                                                                                            Renown: 0
                                                                                            Point Bank Thread
                                                                                            Wealth Tier: Tier 1





                                                                                            Re: Point Bank Collection 3

                                                                                            Approved August 20th 2022
                                                                                            Please, please....I have 220 pbps to claim per my UCP for reviews! :D

                                                                                            Thank you muchly!
                                                                                             ! Message from: Pig Boy
                                                                                            Very good, have 220 pig boy points for your reviews. And don't forget to delete them from your UCP! From One Hell of a Show to Teacher's Pet! Thanks!
                                                                                            word count: 53
                                                                                            | Skills used (0)
                                                                                              | Knowledges being claimed (0)
                                                                                                | Loot (0)
                                                                                                  | Losses (0)
                                                                                                    Injuries (0)
                                                                                                      Hide the claims summary
                                                                                                      Post Reply Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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