[The Forging] Souls

From Tried's Mouth to the mysterious Tower, the waters around Scalvoris and the island itself hold a vast array of secrets, just ripe for discovery. Here are landmarks, jungles, mountains, forests and islands of note.

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[The Forging] Souls

And so, fully equipped and with riders who controlled them, the sohr kahlImage took to the skies. These flying creatures were beautiful and, alongside the member of the Elements who held on to the reins, they took two individuals each. It wasn't after all, a long journey. They flew over Scalvoris Town and they turned, then, to the Scaltoth Jungle. The air was freezing and, from their vantage point they could see.

Scalvoris was frozen. Even the water in the docks was freezing.

The majestic Sohr Kahl had to circle over the Scaltoth Jungles to find a place to land and, as it did they saw all sorts of strange things. Creatures which simply did not belong there seemed to be walking in the jungles. They spotted all sorts of strangeness. The rivers which ran through the jungles were frozen and so, the Sohr Kahl landed in the clearing of The Tribal Grounds in the South. They landed in an unpopulated area of this tribal land, but the tribes were there. They saw. Ice crunched underfoot and the rivers and wells were frozen solid. There were all sorts of animals here. Predators and prey - and all of them mingling together in a manner most unusual.

As for why the riders landed there? Well, that was easy. They'd seen it when they were in the sky. There was one part of the Scaltoth which was not covered in ice. Instead, this one was covered in fog and mist. Multi-coloured, swirling mist which twisted up towards the sky. For any who knew (and even if they did not, maps were part of their equipment), the mist was swirling from the area called the "Ruins of Fei" on the map they were given, just nearby.

When they landed, and the riders looked to them helping them down and supporting with equipment etc, they could see where the mist was coming from, more specifically.

The map showed that these ruins were in a clearing - but they were not. They were on a small islet - the waters around which had frozen over. All that seemed to be on that islet were ruins and a tree. From those ruins arose mist in four colours - white, blue, green and red, which swirled into the sky.

There was no snow or ice on the ground of the Ruins of Fei. Yet, all around it was frozen.

"Our orders are to drop you off and then circle" One of the two Elements who had flown them there said. "We'll be watching. Keep safe."

And with that, they would make sure that the group had everything they needed, and would take off.

And the members of the Tribal Settlement saw it all happen.

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Scaltoth Jungles in direct response to this thread
  • There are two Elements with you. They will do as you ask - but they will follow Kura's instructions first.
  • Please be aware that it is freezing. Like really really cold. If any of you have been to Ishallr, it's that cold everywhere.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • Ralgar has been given permission to post here - as he could not be in the main thread since he's two pcs.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Include any additional equipment you are carrying. Magic stuff etc. This is important and please remember that you were pulled here.
  • Include information about your journey on the Sahr Kohl here AND your landing. (Ralgar, you include info about seeing them arrive)
  • Make up an animal that you see (you don't need to dev it) - it should be either a) an existing animal but with unusual colourings etc or b) a hybrid of existing creatures. The theme for this is "Earthsoul"
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use the words Sail, Princess and Infection in your post.
  • Start a sentence with the words "Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...."
  • Fail at something you'd expect to succeed at (IC)
  • Succeed at something you'd expect to fail at (IC)
Next Post: Sunday 2nd May
word count: 809
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [The Forging] Souls


As he rode far above the ground, on the back of a Sohr Khal, Woe reflected that he couldn't stand to sail through the air. Much of the journey to Scaltoth, he hid his eyes behind the hood of his heavy cloak. His outfit was suitable for the cold weather, and he'd procured it quickly from a local tailor in Scalvoris proper before departing for this mission. His upper body was wrapped in a forest green great cloak, mantled at the shoulders by gray, black, and white magpie feathers. Beneath it, he wore a vested doublet of dark brown, quilited velvet. Around his legs a pair of quilted trousers of charcoal gray. His feet were covered by a pair of simple, dark brown travel boots. Around his wrists and hands, a pair of thick, dark brown leather gloves.

Apart from dressing for the weather, he really wasn't prepared for the absolute upheaval that flight on the back of a terrible winged creature presented. He would never fly again, he decided. It wasn't that he was afraid of heights, but he couldn't abide having no stability, only the trappings of rider equipment strapped to the back of a great beast. Flying all the way there was not his idea of a good time.

So it came with some relief when they finally dropped them off on the grounds of the Ruins of Fei, as they were called. Another place Woe had no familiarity with. He only hoped his companions were more knowledgeable about it. While Woe had confidence in his abilities, he wasn't sure how useful a glorified diplomat would be in this instance.

Woe felt his stomach churning, painfully twisting as if wracked by some terrible infection. Then he let the ground know what he felt about flying through the air. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to empty his stomach, he vomited.

In short order, after recovering his lapse in constitution and will, he slipped on the ring of paradigm, deciding that it might be better that he not have magic in this place. He was a skilled mage, but somehow suspected the nature of the spirits wouldn't take kindly to a magic user in their midst. Hart may be a different matter, as he was a mere fledgling, infected by only one small spark at present. Woe looked to his acquaintance, making sure he was well from the flight there.

Once he was satisfied that Hart was well, Woe checked his equipment. He had the goggle/shades that protected his eyes from excess light. He wouldn't need them too badly, given that his sensitivity to light was tied sharply to the spark of Empathy. But they still might serve as decent eye protection, and allow the swift transmission of knowledge from himself to one of his companions.

Woe turned to Yeva, whom he'd recognized from before, and smiled slightly, "It seems we're to venture into yet another spiritual den. What do you make of all this?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement, whether Yeva responded, he'd turn to look toward the movement. It was a strange hybrid of monkey and spider, with eight limbs, not counting it's tail, and a bulbous thorax that practically glowed with orange colors on its back. It scuttled into the undergrowth as he spotted it however, and he turned from its sight once it retreated.

Woe would defer leadership to Nir'wei, given his obvious penchant for wilderness living, judging by his appearance. Woe wasn't entirely sure if he was with the rangers or otherwise, but having known others of the type, he thought he had him pegged right. That decided, he walked over toward Hart, after having whatever words Yeva would share with him, and then pat his fellow Mortalborn on the shoulder. "I'm glad we're here together. I will try to keep you safe, as your little princess, Ru."

Once that was said, and Hart had his say, Woe would turn to Nir'wei, and wait him to provide them direction.
OOC Objectives
Words used: Princess, Sail, Infection.
Journey Described.
Failed at resistance, endurance, and discipline and vomited on the ground.
Succeeded at not falling off the Sohr Khal, surprising himself even with his lack of mount skill.
Made up an animal: Spider-like Monkey thing.
Used the following phrase: Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...
Masterwork+ Blooded leather bullwhip.
Blooded Leather and Embersteel Riveted armor (Masterwork), worn over his clothing as described.
Domain Bag. (Worn in satchel)
Cloak of Hiding. (Worn)
Coin Bag. (Worn)
Master's Ring (Worn)
1 Cavani Cloak (Worn)
Portal Footwear (Worn)
Sinith Slug Ash (4 doses) (In Domain Bag)
1 basic+ quality Bullwhip viewtopic.php?f=317&t=23673 (In Domain Bag)
1 basic quality bronze eating knife. viewtopic.php?f=317&t=23673 (In Domain Bag)
Ring of Paradigm. (Worn)
Chamadarst's Coin - The Coin which Woe finds in his pocket is icy cold and made from glass. It has a single use of a favoured ability on it from the mark of any Immortal NOT listed as sibling, ally, or enemy of the Coinking. Alternatively, it may remove 1 curse from 1 individual. Please choose one use and PSF it. (In Domain Bag)
Magic Shades (worn)
Diri of Sorrow, Breen (Accompanying on the ground.)
word count: 903
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


Merged Shadow
Poison Blood
Strong Shadow
Horned Shadow
Winged Shadow
Ignorance Domain
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

30th Ashan, 721

The three hours from the Glass Temple to Scalcoth were, at once, very quick and very slow. The flight went quickly, more quickly than Hart had thought possible; the sohr kahl was very quick, and the frozen lands went by in a blur, and the lands like a frozen map and the cold and the wind took Hart's breath away, and Hart was


But the flight went slowly as well, more slowly and more torturously than Hart had thought it would; he trembled the entire time, like he'd trembled in the vault from holding still. Moving so quickly while holding so still was both rapture and hell.

When the sohr kahl landed, Hart was quickly off the beast. He trembled violently, and the trembling worsened the lingering agony in his chest. Woe asked if he was well from the flight and Hart said, "I'm okay. Just, just the trembling. You?" Woe had vomited, presumably from flying.

The Elements told them their orders to circle them in the sky.

They had landed in an opening in the icy jungle, and Hart looked quickly over their surroundings. There were structures to the side of them and then, in the distance, the ruins surrounded by mist. They'd received supplies at the temple, and Hart looked briefly at the map. They'd landed in the tribal lands of the Scaltoth Jungle; the ruins to the east were the Ruins of Fei. The rest of their surroundings were jungle trees.

"The map is different," Hart said quietly. He pointed with a trembling hand to the ruins. "There's no water marked," he said. "Not at the Ruins of Fei." Looking down from the sky, the ruins had been surrounded by frozen water.

There was a bit of jungle between where they'd landed and the ruins, and Hart looked briefly in that direction. He was hoping to confirm from the ground that there really was water surrounding the ruins.

But when he looked, he saw something... different. Hart was silent a moment, looking at the jungle.

There was a lion in the jungle.
"There's a lion, there," he said quietly, so the others would know.

The cool greys and blues of the constellion's mane and fur were mostly hidden, now, the lion's fur a rich jungle green. Because of that, the constellion was visible against the icy white of the frozen jungle. It was looking at them, and when it huffed out a breath, its breath was like the swirling mist surrounding the Ruins of Fei.

Something about the lion and how it was behaving was off to Hart, and he looked at it quietly a moment. The lion was looking at them but not... not dangerously, he thought. It looked interested in them, but playful almost, and Hart looked at the jungle, silent. He remembered what he'd said in the Glass Temple. We have eight days of peace for Scalvoris. During those eight days, there will be no violence in Scalvoris. But it will be winter here.

Was the peace affecting the wildlife, as well?

...the peace.

It was winter in the jungle; the trees and ground were white with frost and ice. But it wasn't winter at the Ruins of Fei. The water had frozen to ice surrounding them; but the ruins themselves were not frozen. He thought a moment, and then he let out a slow breath. "The Wish might be affecting the wildlife," he said quietly, indicating the lion. In the distance, the lion huffed out another breath. "But I don't... believe the Wish is affecting the ruins. It's not winter there."

Letting out another slow breath, Hart said, "I'm assuming Nir'wei's the leader of the group. He's the council member, and he was designated by the Albarech." He looked at Woe and Yeva, in the event that either of them wanted to offer to lead. But he didn't think they would.

He looked at Nir'wei. "We landed in the tribal lands. The Scaltoth peoples might know things, information, about the ruins that we don't." There were rumors about the disposition of the Scaltoth peoples, but Hart thought it was worth asking them for information. "Kura said we might contact a man named Ralgar Warborn."

Hart assumed the tribal lands, here, belonged to Ralgar's tribe.

Having said his bit, Hart looked over his supplies, though only for a moment. Then, he was quiet. He was in pain, and he was trembling a bit, still, from the flight. Mostly, he wanted to get moving. He wanted to get information about the ruins if possible, and then get to the ruins as quickly as possible. But Nir'wei, he assumed, was the leader of the group.

That meant that, if Nir'wei had orders to give, Hart would listen.
Hart is assumed to have the equipment that the Elements supplied him. He didn't have many of his belongings with him when he got to the Glass Temple, just what he was wearing. His equipment would be things like

- a set or two of clothing. the clothing would be layers / warm clothing if possible
- equipment like the items that would be in a fieldcraft skill kit, and simple toiletries like soap
- rations
- a small knife
- a map of Scaltoth, and if possible some charcoals and a notebook for writing
- a bag to hold the equipment
- if possible a small [small!] tent

Let me know if he wouldn't have any of that.

Hart's boots are the only item of note with him. They're a renown item with the ability on them. He doesn't have any other equipment that is magical, though he does have other abilities / magics not related to physical items or equipment.

Objectives met in this post are
- all must-do objectives
- no can-do objectives
word count: 993
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Re: [The Forging] Souls


Ralgar looked to the sky as the creature flew overhead, the tribe blowing loud horns to alert the tribe that a creature or person was arriving. Club resting in his hands, the Mortalborn took a few steps towards the entrance of his village, watching as the large creature landed. Tribal shouts in various languages and horns filled the air around him, almost as a show of intimidation to those that would land near the tribal land. Yet Ralgar watched and thought. It had been a long time since civil folk had entered Scaltoth and the tribes, save for Newbloods and a few other people that knew of their existence. It was no coincidence that a small group of them would land here now, let alone that the group would be well-geared for wherever they were headed. The sudden cold added another element to the equation and Ralgar knew that he had to be ready.

It was time.

"Tell them to stop the horns, that I will go investigate. Tell the Elders to send my help outside the walls, to meet the strangers. Quickly" he said with a confident, sharp voice to the newblood beside him. As the young man ran into the tribe to try and stop the horns, Ralgar held his weapon in his hand, slowly walking forward alone as the other members of the tribe prepared themselves. They hadn't told him how many would come with him, not in truth, but he was promised he would not go alone. Those that agreed to come would be able to find him easily enough. As of now, he would talk to the group of people as a messenger.

While the group prepared themselves and landed the Deathkissed walked towards them through the thick Jungle, glancing aside for a brief moment as he spotted a strange creature. A snake, or so it seemed at first, the size of an anaconda. It had deep blue scales and was only visible as it surfaced the small body of water. Yet as it moved out of the water and onto the land the scales of the creature changed to match the deep brown of the ground beneath it, quickly slithering into the trees. It was strange, Ralgar thought, as was the sudden cold that had overwhelmed them all. Even by the standards of a place like Scaltoth, this trial had been a weird one. Perhaps the people ahead of him would have answers.

Once he finally made it close enough to the group the tall Lothar stopped a short distance away, not wanting to startle any of them just yet. He wore his thick bear cloak over a warm shirt and trousers. Along his arms, able to be seen slightly peering out of his shirt, rested tattoos that represented his position in the tribe of death. Skulls and crowns, trees and Jungles. Each arm told a story of his life and he did little to hide it. Had the weather stayed its normal state he would wear nothing but the bear cloak, but with everything going on it seemed only fitting that he wore something warm.

"Ralgar Warborn" he introduced himself, his voice giving away his unfamiliarity with the common tongue, his voice harsher than most would be speaking common. As he spoke his own name he placed a hand over his chest as a sign of respect to them all, before reaching it out and offering to any that would take it. As he introduced himself another member of his tribe arrived, one that would be able to translate for the man as he spoke in the Lothar tongue of Haltunga. "I am Ralgar Warborn, Deathkissed of the Bro'ky'na tribe of Scaltoth, tribe of the Southern Lands. These are my brothers and sisters. What brings you to our land?" he asked, back in his usual tongue as one of the tribe members translated it. It was a short and simple question, Ralgar making no assumptions just in case. Should they be here for a different reason than he thought he would need to be ready.

Assuming somebody answered then the tribesmen would translate it back for Ralgar, the Deathkissed turning to look to the civil folk. "Then we have no time left to waste. What few people I can offer will help you find what you are looking for, and will help protect the Induk" he nodded to the team, placing the head of his club against the floor with a confident expression. "Where do we begin?"
~~Haltunga~~ Common~~
word count: 761
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

? Ashan 721

The trip to the Scaltoth jungle was unlike any Yeva had ever experienced. Flying still held novelty for the woman, but even desensitized by having ridden a Scalvwing, the mere speed at which they travelled was enough to make her head spin. She felt like royalty, a princess atop a noble steed. Far below the landscape of the island rushed past in a swath of white and she tried to spot the most familiar landmarks from her vantage point. She spotted the university, following the roads with her eyes until they were far beyond the city outskirts.

With neither the wind nor the temperature bothering Yeva, the young woman enjoyed the flight, closing her eyes to feel the crisp air against her rosy cheeks. Time passed quickly to the young woman, just as her first life had. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to embrace the last bit of happiness before they landed and the fate of the island weighed on them, Yeva opened her arms like a sail to a ship, pretending for a moment that she was the one flying through the air. Her bravery was short lived, however, and she felt her stomach drop as a healthy fear returned and she gripped at the beast with a rush of giggles. Not everyone shared the sentiment.

Woe sat in front of her, bundled in layers of clothing. His face practically kissed the saddle and the medic wanted to offer a soothing touch but feared any unexpected impact might send the man into a panic, “Are you alright?” she shouted, but even with the proximity to the man, the wind seemed to steal the sound of her voice.

Eventually, they landed.

Woe in quick succession dismounted, stumbled, and puked.

Yeva flinched, carefully climbing from the beast and thanking the Elements. She had never seen a Sohr Kahl and touched the beast's fur one last time in an effort to commit the scene to memory. Fog and mist surrounded them and the medic considered offering her skills but his retching was not brought on by illness or infection. It was of the psychological variety and out of the two of them, Yeva knew he would be far better in that department than her. She had, after all, sought him out after her revival yet he eluded her in Viden. Funny how we meet again now, she thought.

Woe began to recover and Yeva checked her gear, looking up when Woe asked Hart if he was okay, "Hart, you're shaking. Are you sure you're well?"

Both men were adamant that they were fine and she turned away to hide the doubt on her face. This was their group? It was just like Faldrass, when everything started to fall apart before it even began. Which reminded her...

Yeva eyed Nir'wei, turning when Woe moved within her peripheral vision. Color had returned to his face, "It seems we're to venture into yet another spiritual den. What do you make of all this?"

She smiled despite herself, "Well... I've met just about seven Immortals and have been pulled into at least three spiritual imbalances. At some point, I really should get around to writing my will." the humor she offered was dark, bordering on what once would have been uncharacteristic for the bright woman, "Or maybe just invest in a really tall tombstone."

While speaking, Yeva seemed to take notice of the sheer amount of wildlife around them. It was... incredible.

Hart pointed out a lion, and Woe appeared preoccupied by a monkey. Yeva was captivated by the ethereal appearance of the jungle's beauty and found herself admiring a pair of strange birds that flew to perch above her head at the edge of the clearing. Yeva took a step closer towards the tree until something at eye level moved along the trunk and the redhead went leaping backward like a petrified cat. Tiny spider-like orbs went skittering up the wood, but it was only when she clutched her chest that she realized they were miniature turtles with shells of green moss.

She hurried back to the men, again the only woman on the adventure. She looked to Nir'wei, waiting for his command. Just in time, a figure appeared by the treeline and she took a step back at the careful depth of voice. The stranger was tall - the largest among them at seven foot - enough to dwarf her by comparison. His voice was thick and harsh, with an accent that had her linguistic interest peaked. She noted his name and gesture and stepped out from behind Woe.

Even beneath Ralgar's coverings, Yeva spotted the promise of thorough inking. Tattoos!

These were the locals of the jungle? She had heard rumors of cannibalistic savages among the trees, but it seemed the stories were wrong. Or... at least in this instance. This must have been the man the others had mentioned, "Yeva of Rharne.The Brave. The Dead. The Living. Hero of Fladrass," she offered, for the first time giving the accumulation of titles she had gathered in the last arc. She mimicked his body language, holding a hand to her heart. Customs were so very important. She listened to the translator and then looked at her group. Well? her gaze seemed to ask.

Having help on their journey could be a matter of life or death.

"We seek an Induk, a great spirit,"
she eyed the man's club wearily, questioning if her friendly nature was always the proper approach. After a moment. she stepped aside and allowed the others to clarify further should they desire to. Nir'wei was, clearly, the designated leader. When it came to 'where to begin', Yeva silenced.

Now wasn't that a loaded question?
Yeva's Equipment

30ft rope - In backpack
Gateway Ring - Worn
Engraving Quill - In pocket
Metal Morph - Worn as ring
Medical Kit - In backpack
Water Skin [Full] - Worn on hip
Glow Stone - In Pocket
Flint & Steel - In backpack
Sevrath [Divine Grace] Necklace (3/3 charges remaining) - This is a powerful healing ability, able to stop all ailments and heal the character or individual from fatal wounds almost instantly. Worn.
Hand Axe - Worn on hip.
Sling - In backpack
Order of Adunih Cloak - Blue w/green hood. Worn.
Necklace of Starlight - Worn
Thread of Shared Consciousness- In pocket
Jar of Flour - In backpack
Small Pouch of Spices - In backpack
Rose Goggles - These goggles allow you to "identify" one thing a trial by touching it while wearing them. You will know the function and use of the item and, if relevant, how to activate it etc. If it's a puzzle, you'll know the solution. Worn around neck.
Syroa's Spoon - In backpack

Not sure if she can have all that, but the majority of them are just trinkets she's picked up on her travels.

Must do:

Describe journey - done.
List gear - done.
Spot a Creature. - done. Choice: Treetles. The oddity was that they were palm-sized and fast.

Can do:
Use the words Sail, Princess and Infection in your post. - done
Start a sentence with the words "Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to ...." - done
Fail at something you'd expect to succeed at (IC) - done. Detecting treetles, and having the discipline to not get scared.
Succeed at something you'd expect to fail at (IC) - done. Tell a morbid joke. Also gave a confident introduction with her full name (to a jungle man, no less).
Last edited by Yeva on Wed May 05, 2021 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1255
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

The air felt different. Up in the high altitudes that Traveller cut through the wind like a sail, the air always felt different of course; thinner, sharper, like the edge of a blade running across his cheeks just lightly enough to not draw blood. Now, however, there was a dangerous chill that made it somehow even more perilous. Like the blades had been re-aligned so that their points prickled on the surface of his cheeks and lips. It might well have been the only thing that stopped icicles forming on his cheeks from the air's moisture, was the constant activation of Faldrass' Blazing Heart, heating his body as rapidly as the air tried to freeze it, and Velduris' Regulated Temperature running in tandem to bolster its effect and maintain his core levels. A small thought was spared for the others atop the mounts of the two Elements, but then he began to wonder about all the other people of Scalvoris. The budding villages in Faldrass, the streets of Almund and Scalv Town and Egilrun and so many others. Better not to go down that road. He could do nothing for them more for them other than to hope for their safety and work to undo this damage as swiftly as possible.

The same, he would have said, for his companions as they landed one by one to the sound of distant alert horns. As Traveller drew close to the patch of land not yet covered by the spread of ice and snow, he nudged his leg on Traveller's side to turn him and find a better angle - only realising his error when one of Traveller's giant beating wings snagged briefly against a thick tree branch, causing him to stumble and land heavily. Though Nir'wei was very nearly hurled from his back by the error, he was no stranger to rough riding, and gritted his teeth as he hung to the Sohr Khal's back until he found more firm footing and settled. "Sorry," he muttered, patting Traveller's neck soothingly. It's been a long time since I made such a basic mistake. Of course the first thing he did after dismounting was to check the wing while the others dismounted and Woe made some very undignified retching noises, but he couldn't find so much as a scratch. A lucky brush, he guessed.

Finally, his attention was drawn back by the sounds of distant footsteps growing near, and Hart's exclamation. Funny, for the first thing on his mind to be how useful one of those would be at that moment. He couldn't see it though. Instead, when he looked up to the treeline and peered through the mist, pale and wisp-like things caught his attention as they weaved through the trees slowly, in a careful and measured fashion. It took a few moments to make out their shapes, but as they drew close, the first Screeching Hound sniffed near Traveller, its head cocked in fascination. The normal ruddy reds and browns were nowhere to be seen, replaced by a clean white too uniform to be a covering of snow. The black socks on its legs were the faded blue of a frozen pond, and matched its bright, blind eyes. He didn't know whether that actually made him feel better or not. Suddenly beset by an almost overwhelming urge to reach out to the creature with an outstretched hand, he steadied himself and chided his own curiosity. "Personally, I doubt it. This is likely the work of whatever... magical infection warped their bodies into these strange colours. And even if it isn't, we would be foolish to bet our life on the Peace. Keep your wits about you."

The footsteps resolved into a man, tattooed across his arms and about as grizzled as one would expect from a tribal leader he supposed. Ralgar Warborn. "Nir'wei," he offered simply in return. "The great balance of Scalvoris is tipping. We must find and free a spirit of great power hidden within Scaltoth, one of three to help us restore this balance, before the islands and everyone on them are swallowed by a dark and empty pit from which there is no escape." He was very glad indeed to hear that this resonated with them somewhat. However, what could they do? "What can you tell us about the Ruins of Fei? Legends or myths? The mist that covers it, the surroundings... the history of it, the creatures within?" The Tribes of Scaltoth surely knew more than any of them. Even rumours and legends could sometimes hold nuggets of truth. "We'll need you to help us navigate it, to find the source of the mist and this energy that's changing the animals."

"Do you have mounts?" It might have been shocking, but time was too short to worry about such fragilities; Ralgar was no princess. At a thought, Greyhide appeared, a great grey wolf that would have dwarfed a draft horse in comparison. Sovar appeared as well, matching in size, and Vabina shortly afterwards, a great azure sabretoothed cat with a great curved horn jutting from her forehead. "Hart, you will ride with Sovar. Don't wander from him." The great wolf nudged at the side of Hart's head and puffed a wave of hot air across his neck and shoulders. "Yeva, you'll ride with Grey." His Sense of Prey itched whenever he looked to either of them, and he'd need to accommodate for that with the most capable of his companions to operate under pressure. "Woe. Take Vabina. She'll serve you well." He was perhaps the only one who might do well with an actual battle companion, after all. "We'll ride to the Ruins, as quickly as possible, to bypass the creatures, hostile or not. We stay together and don't let the mist separate us. And we search for the chamber, just like the one in Faldrass, that contains the bound spirit." They'd been beset with multiple paths in Faldrass, of course. The one furthest down had eventually led to the chamber that held Faldrass, but the others had held the stones required to release its bonds. Would the same be true here? Perhaps, but perhaps not; this was, for now, above ground and on an even field. There was no easy telling which route would lead to the source.

Each wolf crouched, awaiting its rider, and Nir'wei likewise dropped to his hands and knees, sucked in a breath, and transformed smoothly from a man to a giant wolf, slightly larger than his two Alphas. Cold and Myrth, two more wolves that stood almost level with the average man, formed flanking either side. As soon as the others had mounted themselves, the two Betas ran ahead, followed by Nir'wei. The other mounts would listen to their riders and orient themselves in whatever positions they chose; intelligent enough to interpret whatever verbal commands they gave.

1x knitted thick wool hat. (no bobble!) [Master]
1x knitted thick wool cardigan. [Master]
1 x knitted thick wool scarf. [Master]
1 x pair of gloves - two layers to them, underneath is a knitted thermal fingerless glove, above which is a full glove. The top layer can be peeled off if small or detailed work needs to be done. [Master]
2x pair of thick socks. [Master]
Standard cotton shirt, trousers and boots.


Charm of Anonymity [Equipped] [Inactive]
Treid's Charm [Equipped] [Inactive]
Bow of the Eternal Hunt [Equipped]
Storm Quiver [Equipped]
Mastercrafted Dagger [Equipped]
Mastercrafted Longsword [Equipped]
Large Waterproof Canvas Bag [Equipped], holding:
Traveller's Pack [Stowed]
First Aid Kit [Stowed]
word count: 1286
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: [The Forging] Souls


They arrived.

Woe was not a natural lover of flying and, although he was warm and well-equipped, he quickly vomited as soon as he landed. This was neither a pleasant nor easy thing and as the extreme cold caused the ejected contents of his stomach to steam, sizzle, and freeze, he took the time to make sure that his equipment was in order and that both Yeva and Hart were well. Then, he turned to Nir'wei to see what the group would do.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
EarthSoul ~ Your animals met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Hart, meanwhile, was in the strange love / hate situation where flying was wonderful and terrifying in equal measure. He noticed, as he studied the map, that there was a discrepancy, and then he checked the actual place and saw, in front of him a lion. It regarded him, gazed directly at him, and then it very obviously bowed its head before turning and running off. And Hart spoke, reminding the group of the name of the man they might meet.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
EarthSoul ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Which, as it turned out, was Ralgar and he was approaching them. When he stepped forward and introduced himself, the others must recognise his name. He asked what the situation was, and he waited for an answer.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
EarthSoul ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

Yeva was the first to speak after Ralgar had arrived and she put her linguistic ability to good use, copying his actions. She told him that they sought a great spirit, after she had introduced herself to him. The translator Ralgar had brought with him translated her words, and Ralgar's back to them.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
EarthSoul ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Secret Objective: Hunting In Packs ~ You described a group of animals. This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

And then, Nir'wei spoke. He wasted no time, informing Ralgar of what the situation was and what they knew. And then, without further ado, he organised transport.
Objectives Met!
Fully Equipped! ~ You included your equipment, the journey and landing.
EarthSoul ~ Your animal met the objective! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Secret Objective: Hunting In Packs ~ You described a group of animals. This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
There, in front of them were the Ruins of Fei. Across water which should not be which had frozen into ice which was not natural. Each of them had a choice.

Did they take the offered ride? As they looked at the ruins on the should-not-be-there island, they all saw the same thing. There was a glow there, a sort of strange, subtle glow. It was hard to make out through the mist, but they could mostly make it out Competent Detection = some detail, Expert or above - you know it's in the middle.. There was a glow and there, in the very middle of the ruins - if they moved across the frozen water, they'd all see it eventually - was a small, but very obvious "rip" in reality.

Above them, a crow cried out.

Woe, Yeva, Nir'wei: Objectives Met!
Words!~ You included the appropriate words! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Urges!~ You included the phrase!! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.
Success & Failure~ You surprised yourself, twice! This will have positive consequence at the end of the thread.

But, of course, that was if they went. Ralgar's tribe would offer for others to come with him. At least his translator, more if they wished it. But Ralgar knew, that would take time. So, his choice was him and the brother who translated for him, or more of them but slower.

Nir'wei, of course, knew from the bigger picture of the things that were happeningI'll update with specifics, but if you want all the info, you'll need to read the Life & Death thread! . Specifically, on the ride there, he had got the message about FeiDoran is concerned that people are clear. You should approach any places that are related to the Original Being Fei with the utmost caution and respect. Chrien’s anger about her mother’s death and the fact that people are desecrating graves play an important part in the current conflict. But now, he got the message that someone called ChucklesImage was talking about the ScalvFlameThe Scalv Flame is the burning, beating heart of Scalvoris. There are four Induks but it is the fifth, the soul which binds together the body. It is what gives life to the island, and allows the island to serve its purpose. It is connected to each Induk, by tunnels of ice and lava and water and air. The men in masks, they sacrificed to the ScalvFlame, believing they could harness it. Sought to strengthen the chains around the Induks, but The Hat-Man Arlo killed the Death Forged Rose and they did not succeed in their foolish quest. It is a great responsibility, to maintain the balance of Scalvoris. It is the gravestone which holds the pike.. And how important it was that they release the induks in orderTo release those which are trapped, you must break the seals. They are the chains, which hold them in place. Chainstones. Three for each Induk, break them together or it will burst out and destroy without reason. Ishallr must be freed first, or Faldrass will fall into the water. With only one Induk free, Scalvoris is in danger! You must free Ishallr, and then Scaltoth and Sweetwine together.

And in front of them, were the Ruins of Fei. The multi-coloured mist swirled around them and, reality seemed almost to be broken, or breaking. Fragile.

Would they go across to them?

Info & Rules

  • This thread is for those who have gone to Scaltoth in direct response to this thread
  • The Elements have flown up and are circling.
  • Ok, lovelies! Please remember that this is as cold as Ishallr normally is.
  • Due to the time-sensitive nature of this, I can not hold out for people to post. If you miss a round, there will (I'm afraid) be consequences.
  • This style of event moderation - with objectives etc - was taught to me by a dear friend and one of the most talented Storytellers I've ever known. With thanks to Crimson / Straylor.
 ! Message from: Reminder
There are no required skill levels for this.
It is - undoubtedly - dangerous. It's a war.
What will get you hurt is NOT if you are low skilled. What will get you hurt is doing something foolish. There's plenty for everyone to do.
Equally, being highly skilled is not a guarantee of anything. This will need teamwork and smarts.

Current State

 ! Message from: Current State
  • Arrived at destination
  • Met Ralgar
  • Assigned a group leader
  • Got ready to go across the water
  • Noted the unusual phenomenon
  • Woe You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You not hungry.
  • Hart You are managing against the cold, your Ezere abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Ralgar You are managing against the cold, but you're feeling it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Yeva You are managing against the cold, your Fire Forged abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.
  • Nir'wei You are managing against the cold, your Fire Forged abilities are negating it. You are not yet tired. You are not hungry.


 ! Message from: Must-Do Objectives
  • Decide what you're going to do. Wolf express across the water, or wait for more tribesmen to join you?
  • Whisper something under your breath.
  • Use a piece of your listed equipment.
 ! Message from: Can-Do Objectives
  • Use a malapropism in your next post.
  • Start every sentence with a vowel.
  • Face a fear (IC)


Between leaving and arriving, you get the following information:
  1. Magic has gone haywire. Don't use it unless absolutely necessary.
  2. The strange animals are happening all over the place. None of them seem to be violent
Next Post: Sunday 9th May
word count: 1463
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

Accompanying Woe, Breen emerged from the Beneath when he sensed his master’s upset upon setting his feet on the ground. At the moment that he saw Yeva, he seemed standoffish, compared to how he’d related to the woman in the past. Emotions and morale were still rather high strung as it was, and so Breen naturally showed less interest in her as a result, but he was glad to see her well.

Arriving from the frozen jungle that surrounded them, Ralgar made himself known. A large Lotharro he was, a breed of man that Woe had no shortage of acrimonious interactions with. Of course, he’d only met a handful of them, but that handful had been more than enough trouble than he’d been willing to deal with. Argider in Augiery, Fridgar in Rynmere, the Purveyor… And many others besides. It occurred to Woe that perhaps this was a bad sign, that their venture would fail by virtue of his negative dealings with the beastly breed of men. Even so, he shook the man’s hand when offered, and fixed his goggle-shades on his eyes, trying to impart the knowledge of what was going on to this newcomer, if he would allow it in the space of a moment. ”Is wood to eat you Ralgar,” Egilrun’s newest resident made the malapropism through chattering teeth. Intense cold had robbed his tongue of its usual eloquence, although the Silver Tongue gifted by his mother still ensured that all would hear his very unusual malapropism.

Intending to shake off that mistake of words, he nodded to Nir’wei, as their leader bid them to mount up on the animals he’d brought with him. Enormous Vabina stood ready to accept Woe on her back, and had she not been well trained as she was, Woe would’ve been given pause as to whether or not he’d even attempt to mount her. Auspiciously, she allowed him to stumble onto her back, showing just how well trained the large Zephyrus was.

On the back of the large beast, Woe signalled to Nir’wei and the rest that he was ready to move, whatever Nir’wei wished to do. Advice was given, however, as Woe did have an opinion. ”I am afraid time is of the essence, and we may not have another opportunity before this one closes to enter that chamber…”

Unsure of the soundness of his advice, he whispered under his breath. ”Another bit and we may have to wait out in this cold…”
Must do objectives:

Decide what you're going to do. Wolf express across the water, or wait for more tribesmen to join you? Jumped on the wolf express.
Whisper something under your breath. Whispered at the end of my post.
Use a piece of your listed equipment. Used his magic spectacles to relate the entire situation to Ralgar in the space of a moment.

Use a malapropism in your next post. Is wood to eat you Ralgar
Start every sentence with a vowel. Yes, I think so, and unique words too.
Face a fear (IC) He's facing his slight antipathy/fear/intimidation by Lotharro by shaking the big man's hand.
word count: 538
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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Re: [The Forging] Souls

30th Ashan, 721

Yeva asked if he was certain he was well, and Hart said quietly, "It's just a bit of trembling. Look." He held up a hand, and though his hand was trembling, it wasn't trembling nearly as badly as when he'd dismounted the sohr kahl. "It's getting better," he said quietly.

The pain in his chest wasn't getting better, but the pain wasn't... it wasn't getting worse, either.

In the distance, the lion bowed to him. Hart didn't know why it bowed; was it because it was of Daia's domain? Whether the lion had bowed because of Daia, or whether it had bowed for some other reason, Hart bowed to the lion in response. The lion bounded off and Hart watched it, silent, before he noticed the sound of horns.

The horns were sounding from the structures to the side of them, the village. Hart had noticed the village before; of course the village had noticed them. A group of people moved toward them, and one of them spoke. Hart understood his name, Ralgar Warborn, and when the man placed a hand over his heart, and Yeva did, Hart did the same.

He bowed his head to Ralgar and said quietly, "My name is Hart." Nir'wei asked about information Ralgar or his tribe, the Bro'ky'na tribe, might have about the Ruins of Fei, and the others answered Ralgar's questions. Hart, other than introducing himself, was quiet. The questions that he'd had, Nir'wei was asking; the questions Ralgar had had, were answered.

Because he didn't need to respond, he was able to write down some notes when they spoke, using the notebook and charcoals the Elements had supplied him. He wrote down a brief
about what they were doing, and things that he and the others in the group, as well as the Bro'ky'na, had noticed about the Ruins of Fei and the jungle. If possible, he would write down when they'd noticed what, glancing up at the sky to get a sense of the time of day.

When the others had spoken he said quietly, "Does the Bro'ky'na tribe need any help, during the length of the winter?" Their objective was to release the induk; but they were able to
to Kura if the tribe was in need of help. If Ralgar or the others requested help, Hart would look to Nir'wei. "Would you please relay that message to Kura?"

When the great wolf appeared by his side, Hart jumped. He didn't know if he'd ever been near a wolf before; he did know that he'd never been near a wolf this big. But the great wolf, Sovar, simply huffed a breath at Hart and nudged him with his nose. After a moment, Hart held a hand out to the wolf in greeting. "Sovar," he said quietly. "I'm Hart."

Nir'wei's orders were to mount the wolves, or in Woe's exception the saber-toothed cat, and to ride to the Ruins of Fei. Nir'wei said they would look for some sort of location in the ruins, just like the one in Faldrass, that contained the bound spirit.

Hart had questions; he didn't know anything about Faldrass or the spirit that had been bound there. But his questions weren't important. He knew Kura had mentioned the Fire Forged, and indicated that Nir'wei was one of them. Stan had mentioned Faldrass as one of the four balancing induks, the Fire of Faldrass, but they hadn't sent a group to Faldrass. That, as well as what Nir'wei had said about Faldrass, seemed to mean that Faldrass had been released by Nir'wei and others.

Was the eruption of Faldrass related to the induk being released? Hart didn't know. What he did know was the information that Nir'wei had relayed to them from the Glass Temple. Ishallr needed to be released first, or Faldrass would fall into the water.

Hart was temporarily unable to breathe at the thought. He thought of the people of Faldrass; he thought of his people on Faldrass.

But he got in a breath, and then another. The group on Ishallr needed to release their induk to balance Faldrass. This group, the Scaltoth group, needed to release their induk to balance Sweetwine.

Getting in another slow breath, Hart said, his voice rough, "Nir'wei." The man had turned into a wolf; Hart nearly jumped again. Assuming Nir'wei was able to understand him, he said quietly, "Ishallr needs to balance Faldrass first. We need to locate the chainstones and release Scaltoth; but not before Ishallr is released. We might have some time." Woe had advised moving quickly.

But if there was time, and Hart thought there was, he thought it best to utilize it.

"Time for more of the Bro'ky'na people to organize to go with us, to look," he said, and bowed his head again to Ralgar and to the other Bro'ky'na.

"Do you know how long the ruins, there..." he pointed, aware that the Bro'ky'na might not know the ruins as the Ruins of Fei, "...have been surrounded by water? Do you know anything about the water, or about..."

He looked over at the ruins.

"...about that," he said, and realized he'd whispered the words under his breath. He said it again so the others would hear.

In the mist, there was some sort of , and Hart looked grimly over at it.

The ruins were like the animals, he realized; the land there, surrounding the Ruins of Fei, was different than it was meant to be. Was the Rip in Reality why things were different, here in the jungle?

Somewhere above them a crow cried out, and Hart glanced up momentarily. The crow circling above them seemed... different than other crows, as well. It seemed to be looking at them intelligently, and Hart made note of it.

"Let me look at the Ruins, before we ride over," Hart said after a brief moment. He looked to Nir'wei. "I'm able to summon an emeyan. She's able to appear here, in Reality, for about half a break. I'll be able to look through her eyes. She's able to fly."

If Nir'wei gave him the order, Hart would summon Tamsen. The emeyan appeared beside him in the form of a small girl, with light hair and white feathered wings. She was wearing a dress made of white feathers; but when she heard the crow cry out, the dress became black, the feathers those of a crow. She glanced at them all, one by one, then at the jungle, and then looked at Hart.

With a sigh, the emeyan shifted larger, her bones popping and pressing against her skin, her wings twitching horribly. She was still small, no larger than Nir'wei, but she seemed more like a young adult now, rather than a small girl. She fluffed her white wings out and looked at Hart, unamused.

"Tamsen, I need you to go look at the Ruins of Fei, there," Hart said quietly. She looked over toward the ruins, and the unamusement turned to something more, surprise. Her wings twitched some more, the feathers puffing like a bird's in winter. They, too, became black like a crow's.

"When you go over, do not touch anything, not even the ground. Please be cautious. Look at the Ruins of Fei from all sides, if possible; look for an entrance to the ruins. Don't go for more than a handful of minutes, then come back here. If there's time, look at the Rip in Reality as well. But do not get too near, and do not get near it at all if it seems dangerous." He glanced at the others, if they had something to add.

To the others he said, "Is there any way to communicate with the Elements, above?" The sohr kahl were high, high in the sky, circling. "I don't know if the ice will be able to hold the weight of the wolves. If we're able to communicate with them, it would be best to get information on where the ice looks the strongest."

Hart knew it was cold; it was very cold judging from the others' responses to the frozen jungle. But he didn't know how well the water might have frozen in just a couple of hours' time. The wolves were giant; would the ice hold them? They would be able to ride over more safely, on the strongest ice.

If it was needed, Tamsen would be able to do a circle of the ice herself, looking for the best way over. But if the Elements were able to get them information from above while Tamsen was looking at the ruins, that would be quicker.

That said, Hart dropped to a knee on the icy ground, and shifted his focus to Tamsen. Abruptly he was looking through her eyes. It was strange, looking through her; he saw himself, kneeling, and saw their surroundings and the others as if from her height. She looked at him a moment, and then turned and ran toward the ruins.

The moment before her feet touched the ice, Tamsen's wings shot out and she jumped. Her wings grasped the cold wind, the wind lifted her up, and she shot out over the ice. She glanced down at the ice a moment, and then looked up, at the ruins she was quickly approaching. When she got to the islet, Tamsen circled the outside of the ruins, looking for important details, like the entrance. She stayed well back from the Rip in Reality when she circled the ruins, not getting too near to it.

Only when she'd flown around the Ruins of Fei, looking for the entrance, did she then fly down nearer to the Rip. She circled the Rip, distant at first and then nearer, nearer. She would get slowly nearer to the Rip in Reality, looking at it, though she wouldn't get too near if she sensed it was dangerous.

Hart looked through Tamsen as she flew, and he spoke quietly about what they were looking at, describing it to the others. If they saw an entrance to the ruins, Hart would memorize the location to mark on the map.

When five or so minutes had passed, and assuming that Tamsen was back with the group, Hart would shift his focus again, looking once more through his own eyes. The shift was uncomfortable, sort of, almost a sense of vertigo. But it was gone quickly, and Hart asked Tamsen to
what she'd sensed near the ruins. Hart was able to look through her; but he wasn't able to hear or feel or smell or taste.

When she spoke, Hart wrote down notes, and marked the location of the entrance to the ruins on the map, if they'd noticed one.

But, if Nir'wei didn't give him the order to summon Tamsen, Hart would listen to his and the others' advice to move quickly.

Hart didn't know if the ice would hold them, and he said quietly, "Will the ice be able to hold the wolves?" But, if the others advised to move quickly, Hart would mount Sovar despite his reservations. When he did, he was careful not to pull the wolf's fur. Riding the great wolf's back, he let Sovar determine where he was running in relation to the others. The ride was simpler, that way; Hart was not good at riding, and so the less he needed to do, the better.

They ran over the ice.

In the moments before they got to the winterless Ruins of Fei, Hart said quietly to the great wolf, "Sovar, be wary of danger where winter doesn't touch." He would advise Sovar to remain back, away from the Rip in Reality.

He would advise the others to remain back, as well. "The Ruins of Fei are our objective," Hart said, lifting his voice despite the pain in his chest and throat, so the others would hear. "Let's remain back from the Rip."

Remembering what Doran had said about Fei, Hart said to the others, as well as to any Bro'ky'na that were with them, "We're doing this to release the induk and balance Scalvoris. Balancing the induks will, hopefully, prevent the Warden's false daughter from drawing power from Fei's Fracture. But we need to remember not to disrepect Fei's grave, or her memory."

Perhaps he was speaking to any who might be listening outside of the group, as well.

Assuming that nothing prevented them from doing so, Hart would ride with the others to look for the entrance to the ruins. He would enter the ruins with them as quickly as possible, not only because it was their objective, but because entering the ruins would get distance between them and the Rip.

Objectives met in this post are
- 3/3 must-do objectives
  • Decide what you're going to do. Wolf express across the water, or wait for more tribesmen to join you? Listen to Nir'wei's orders, and the others'. Hart will send Tamsen to look at the ruins [also giving time for more tribesmen to join!], if Nir gives the yes to Tamsen. But he'll "wolf express" if Nir'wei gives the no to Tamsen. And he'll look for the entrance to the Ruins of Fei, and will enter the ruins quickly if possible.
  • Whisper something under your breath. Hart whispered about the rip in Reality.
  • Use a piece of your listed equipment. Hart wrote down some notes.
- 2/3 can-do objectives
  • Use a malapropism in your next post. Retort, rather than report.
  • Start every sentence with a vowel.
  • Face a fear (IC). Hart was afraid of Faldrass falling into the water, but got through it by focusing on Scaltoth. He was afraid the ice would break, but rode Sovar over the ice, if the Nir and the others thought it best.
word count: 2394
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Re: [The Forging] Souls

? Ashan 721

Introductions were passed quickly as they had little time to spare. As they stood, Yeva noticed a tiny creature go scurrying across the jungle floor, "I have never met anyone from the Scaltoth before. You have to admit it's a mice day to save the world," Immediately the woman winced, shaking her head, "Oh, I meant nice. I'll just stop talking now."

Animals aside, Yeva agreed with Nir'wei. In regards to the peace, they shouldn't put all their eggs in one basket and expect it to hold. If the Warden was as powerful and all knowing as Hart seemed to believe and his daughter a force to be reckoned with, who knew what could happen? An unsettling thought, to not fully know the capabilities of a man who had very little to lose and everything to gain.

"Every time I have followed a story, I have found some truth that had aided in my journey,"
Immortals certainly weren't easy to draw the attention of but, then again...

"Oram's tale drew Cassion's favor at Faldrass. If we are lucky, there will at least one legend to teach us something,"
Expectations were exceptionally low on any real intervention from the Man of Roads but the mere whispers of prophecies about Linca and his story had led her to answers. All because her tenacity and unwillingness to risk another unfortunately ending. Adventure awaited, after all. Arlo was involved in Ishallr, so surely Cassion was lurking somewhere. If not to oversee his own blood then for the curiosity on how this mess would unfold.

Exhaling, Yeva thought next of Moseke. Induk, Fei, or Wish involvement, the natural world was being changed, and whether or not its affects were lasting, surely the stakes were high for the great mother. If they failed... "Incidentally, I believe Woe is right. Our time is limited... It's best to keep moving," After waiting to see if her words needed translation, Yeva was soon approached by a massive wolf. Intelligent eyes regarded her and she took a step back, reminded again of Faldrass and the canine that had appeared in the tunnels. At the time, she had not understood, still adjusting to the mental link with Nir'wei and the emotions they had both warred with. Extraordinarily intimidating for a companion, that at least had not changed.

"Oh, boy," Anxiety was forced out of her whispered voice "Uh... A lot of firsts today..."

Another deep breath following, Yeva first stroked Grey's fur and took her spot upon the hunter's back. Above, the strange glow persisted above the ruins. Ever curious, Yeva gripped the goggles around her neck while the men discussed what to do next. It was suggested by Hart to use an emeayan being to scout the skies before they ran across the ice.

In the midst of the discussion, the redhead lifted the rose goggles to look at the ruins, the crow. Ultimately, if nothing immediately caught her attention, she would lower her gaze to Ralgar and their crew. Exceptional timing on their part to take action so quickly upon their group's arrival, "About the ice, if we are unsure of its strength... Allow me to go first. If it breaks, I have experience swimming," It was far more dangerous than her simplified offer, but she wanted to help in whatever way she could. Once upon a time, the young woman had shuffled across a bridge suspended over lava... After all, what was one more extreme?
Yeva has expert detection so I made notice of the fracture and surroundings. Yeva's just looking around with her activation goggles which I believe were noted as mundane in Sweetwine Song review.

Must do:
Decide what you're going to do. - Done. Wolf Express
Whisper something under breath. - Done. The bit about the firsts.
Use a piece of your listed equipment. - Done. Rose colored activation goggles, looking around.

Can do:
Use a malapropism in your next post - Done. A mice day to save the world, instead of nice. (Ha, I tried to stay on the animal/earth theme)
Start every sentence with a vowel. - Done... I think.
Face a fear (IC). - Climbing onto the wolf's back after how scared she on Faldrass (and still is. It's intimidating!) Also, offering to go onto the ice first.
word count: 729
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