Point Bank Collection 3

This forum holds the thread review request queue, and all threads for "claiming" rewards (Languages, Medals, Wealth, etc).

Moderators: Staff, Peer Reviewer, Wiki Worker, 18+ Peer Reviewer

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Pig Boy
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Point Bank Collection 3

Point Bank Collection

Hello and welcome to Standing Trials Point Bank Collection thread where you can apply to have your points approved. You must submit proof in the form of links to approved development, reviews, or anything else you have done to earn points. Please understand that participating in this is NOT mandatory!

You can read up on our Point Bank System here.

The Point Bank awards you based off of what you do IC and OOC. There are some regulations players must follow to ensure fair point awarding:
  • Players are to post proof of their point bank claims to the collection thread only. Try and post once a month if you can - it helps.
  • Links to supporting evidence should be included for every submission.
  • You must identify a single pc account where you will centrally record your Point Bank points. You may spend them on any of your pc accounts, but this must be identified clearly (eg: Echo Scroll: Character Name: Cost : New Total). You may not collect PB points for another player.
  • In your first point bank claim (or the first one following this edit) you must inform us which pcs you wish to share the generic "pool" of your Point Bank points. You will then be PM'd a link which you must put in the "Point Bank Thread" field of your User CP for EACH PC who are going to be sharing your PB pool.
  • You must keep your PB ledger accurate and link all approved PB claims
  • You may purchase items from the Point Shop at any time throughout the year. Purchases must be noted on your Point Bank Ledger. NPC purchases must be submitted to the Prophet Support Forum for approval.
  • Players may give Point Shop items as gifts to other characters, as long as those characters are not their own. The characters must know each other, and the exchange must occur in-thread and make IC sense (ie. it must seem reasonable to the reviewer that the other character is receiving this gift).
  • Players may collect points as far back as August 2016, but no further than that.
Note: Keep in mind that for every point you're claiming, you need to provide a link to that information. So if you've written a poem for ST, we need a link. If you've reviewed a thread, we need a link. If you've created anything, we need a link. Players may calculate their points going back to the beginning of August. However, you are not allowed to go any further.

If you would like to purchase something from the Point Shop, you may do so at any time without getting approval, just make sure you list the purchase in your point bank ledger. The only exception is NPC purchases. These must be submitted to the Prophet Support Forum for approval.
word count: 478
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

March 2021
Doran, March 2021

Review (Getting Hired) 10 10
Review (Good Hand, Kodi) 10 20
Review (Elements of sparring/spearing) 10 30
Review (Dam you! Dam you for all eternity!) 10 40
Review (Learning New Skills) 10 50
Review (La Casa De Black) 20 (4.500+ words) 70
Review (The forages for the ages) 10 80
Review (Man's Best Friend) 10 90
Review ([Letter 1: Being A Dot] History Is....) 10 100
Review (Wire 'U' doing this?) 10 110
Review (Taking Notice) 10 120
Review (First Test) 10 130
Review (Directionless) 10 140
Review (Charting from the Skies) 10 150
Review (Rough Landing) 10 160
Review (Who needs goals...?) 10 170
Review (Balm For A Frozen Heart) 10 180
Review (Ashan Cleaning.) 10 190
Review ([Haven] Elemental Truths) 10 200
Review (Building a More...) 10 210
Review ([Letter 3: History Teaching pt 2]) 10 220
Review (Oram and the Amazing...) 10 230
Review (What Needs Must Be) 10 240
Review (Garaian Lunacy: The Return) 10 250
Review (Devil's Reject) 10 260
Review ([Saoire Event] Faith and Ari'sora) 10 270
Review ([Haven] Knock, Knock) 10 280
Review ([Haven] A Child With Scissors) 15 (3.000+ words) 295
Review (The Meditation Rumination) 30 (7.500+ words) 325
Review (Past & Present) 20 (4.500+ words) 345
Review (Balthazar Bazaar) 10 355
 ! Message from: Pegasus
word count: 227


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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Elisabeth Black
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

Footsores and Footnotes – 2,309 words = +10
The Man of Road...to War – 1,855 words = +10
A very average day – 1,533 words = +10
Phase Transition – 2,026 words = +10
Assessing the Damage – 2,943 words = +10
Locust classicust – 3,261 words = +15
Daddy Issues – 6,855 words = +25
The Seeds of War - 1,889 words = +10
Ash-Flaw - 1,504 words = +10
Borrowed Echoes - 3,317 words = +15
Yes It Time - 3,729 words = +15
Watch of the Hollow Hand - 1,632 words = +10
Out of the Kennel, Into the Doghouse - 4,307 words = +15
Exception to the Cruel - 1,647 words = +10
Nature's Masterpiece - 5,875 words = +20
Brand of the Crystal Blade - 1,601 words = +10
Trial and Error - 3,364 words = +15
Moss Bunny Stew - 1,955 words = +10
Returning from a Nightmare - 2,111 words = +10
Alchemy 101: Letter Ceritification Part 1 - 6,810 words = +25
Sickness? No thanks - 6,618 words = +25
Ignorance is Bliss - 5,883 words = +20
Practical Learning - 1,809 words = +10
Saoire: Zunylanih and Yeva - 3,365 words = +15
Total= 335

Reach +75 in a Skill
Endurance = +5
Total= +5

Finish a Collab Thread w/ 2 or more pcs
The Trial of Balthazar Black = +5
Total= +5

Earn a Medal
Painting with Words + 5
Land Lubber +5
Chrien's Watching +5
Total= +15

Create Approved ST Flora
Links: Tempest Lily + 2
Links: Rubrum Berry + 2
Create Approved ST Fauna
Links: Ignis Clam +2
Create Approved Material
Links: Ignis Clam Shell +2
Links: Fire Pearl + 2
Create An Approved Location
Links: The Ashwoods +5
Total= +17

Meet An Immortal or Mortal Born
Once Upon a Time = + 2 (U'frek)
Total= +2

Total = 379 points
Previous total = 38
New total = 417
 ! Message from: Pegasus
word count: 296
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

New List!!

The Point Bank List has changed! Please see here for an updated list of what is worth how much.
Oh no! Change! Ahh! What do I do!?

1. If you have already claimed something - it's claimed. It's done. You've had the points for it. New points are going forward.
2. If, however, we've added something here that you have never claimed (like - getting Adored status in your Mark - Reaching GM in a skill) - you can claim for it retroactively.
3. If you are unsure what size a piece of Dev is - we'll have a look!

Hope that's clear!
word count: 107
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
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Pig Boy
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Point Bank Thread
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

Small Dev: 10 each

Flea Flour 10
Pain Button 20
Toṣeọrun Tree 30
Silver Loom Spider 40
Lunar Spider 50
Lunar Silk 60
Busker's Claw 70
Pilot Ivory 80
Pilot Mice 90
4 NPCs for Egilrun OotA Outpost 130
Blooded Leather 140
NPC: Pang the Crystal Blade Kinsell 150
Copper Sand 160
Black Sand 170
5 NPCs: The Desnind Delegation 220

Medium Dev: 15 Each

Location: The Devil's Pasquinade 235
Location: The Shrine of the Arachnid 250
Location: Deori 265
Egilrun Tannery 280
Glassblower's Guild 295

Reviews: 10 each +5 for every 1500 beyond the first 1500

The Seafood Ex'Clam'ation 1500+ words - 305
Helter Skelter and Seeking Shelter 1500+ words - 315
If I Had a Hammer 4500+ words - 335
Planning, Plotting, and potatoes? 1500+ words - 345
Help will always be given to those 1500+ words - 355
do this job or else 1500+ words - 365

GM Skills: 15 each

Woe: GM Psychology and Combat (Whip) 380
Kalortah: Singing 395

Capstones: 5 for every capstone above the first.

Woe: Dissociative Regulation 400
Woe: Fallen Star 405
Woe: True Lash 410
Woe: Whip it Good 415
Woe: Shattering Coils 420

Reached Adored Mark: 10

Woe: Lethroda 430

Threads with 5+ PCs: 20 each

Rise of Rhaum, Fall of Rharne 450

450 total
 ! Message from: Peg
word count: 221
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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3


I haven't created a point blank ledger previously so I will need a new one.
Gennadiya will be the primary account for this, but Jasper is my secondary and will be supplying points and such.

Earned a Medal Local Name 5 Gennadiya
The Little Voice in My Head 5 Gennadiya
Three Arcs 5 Gennadiya
Pioneer 5 Gennadiya
High Society 5 Gennadiya
All or Nothing 5 Gennadiya
I'm Not a Hero 5 Gennadiya
One Arc Later 5 Gennadiya
Terrible Twos 5 Gennadiya
Favored Blessing Mosekes Mark 5 Gennadiya
Ziell Mark 5 Gennadiya
Daia Mark 5 Gennadiya
Adored Blessing Ymiden Mark 10 Gennadiya
Create Approved Small Dev NPC - Gorm 10 Jasper
NPC - Toka 10 Jasper
NPC - Gerick 10 Jasper
NPC - Bryril 10 Jasper
Monster - Grendel 10 Jasper
Create Approved Medium Dev Location - Yggdrasil Citadel and Park 15 Jasper
Location - Alivilda 15 Gennadiya
Reach Expert in a Skill Medicine 5 Gennadiya
Disipline 5 Gennadiya
Surgery 5 Gennadiya
Psychology 5 Gennadiya
Meditation 5 Jasper
Reach Master in a Skill Medicine 10 Gennadiya
Disipline 10 Gennadiya
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill Medicine 15 Gennadiya
Finish Collaborative Thread with 2 other PC Healing Women 5 Gennadiya
Return of Light and Rebirth of Storm's Edge 5 Gennadiya
Who thought This creature up 5 Gennadiya
Avid Pupils 5 Gennadiya
Finish Collaborative Thread with 3 other PC Maybe I just wanna fly, wanna live, don't wanna die. 10 Gennadiya
The Last Knights of Storm's Edge 10 Gennadiya
Rummaging around, down below..... 10 Gennadiya
Standing Beneath an Orange sky 10 Gennadiya
The heart of the matter. 10 Gennadiya
Finish Collaborative Thread with 5 other PC Lady Mercy Won't Be Home Tonight 20 Gennadiya
Answers, Burned Away 20 Gennadiya
The Rise of Rhaum; The Fall of Rharne. 20 Gennadiya
Mummer's Ball 20 Gennadiya
Participate in, Complete a city Event The Rise of Rhaum; The Fall of Rharne. 10 Gennadiya
Mummer's Ball 10 Gennadiya
Meet a Mortalborn/Immortal IRP Ziel 5 Gennadiya
Rhaum, 5 Gennadiya
Icarus 5 Gennadiya
Daia 5 Gennadiya
Qyolis 5 Gennadiya
Syora 5 Gennadiya
Xuir 5 Gennadiya

total is 415
 ! Message from: Peg
All Approved! Please could you add this thread to your User CP viewtopic.php?f=327&t=26401 and please DM me and let me know where you are keeping your personal PB ledger for tracking your incoming and outgoing points! Thanks!
word count: 396
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Balthazar Black
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

PCs in Pool: Balthazar, Azrael, Ulric, Mathias, and now Revan Blackhand (once/if approved)
Current Total Approved: 380
New Claims:
Bending Over Backwards - 1,578 words - +10 points
Body Language - 2,455 words - +10 points
The Chancellor, Part 2 - 1,603 words - +10 points
Patience Grasshopper - 18,018 words - +65 points (?) - correct!
Fake Human Reunion - 13,854 words - +50 points (?) - correct!
An Enigmatic Spirit - 1,801 words - +10 points
A Banquet for Karem, Part 1 - 1,574 words - +10 points
A Banquet for Karem, Part 2 - 1,526 words - +10 points
Arcanesultation - 6,226 words - +25 points
Sticky Fingers - 2,689 words - +10 points
Fine Jewels for a Good Cause - 2,665 words - +10 points
Teaching Young Pups New Tricks - 1,680 words - +10 points
Tinder Box? Or Thunder Bolt? - 1,559 words - +10 points
Using Crops to Save Crops - 3,305 words - +15 points
A Mortal Heart - 6,375 words - +25 points
Review Points Added: 280

Skill Progression:
Since the last claim Balthazar has reached;
- Expert in Tactics, Detection, Leadership, Alchemy, Investigation, Strength, Endurance, Discipline, Mediation, and Blades (Intelligence and Attunement passed through expert) - +50 or +60 points
- Master in Defiance, Rupturing, and Attunement (Unarmed Combat and Intelligence passed through master) - +30 or +50 points
- Grandmaster in Intelligence and Unarmed Combat - +30 points
- Additional Intelligence Capstone: Cracks in the Foundation - +5 points
- Additional Unarmed Capstone: Flurry of Blows - +5 points
Skill Progression Points Added: 120 or 150 (if skills that moved through the levels before being claimed count)

Munny Farm Location - +15 points
Elliot Ratched City NPC - +10 points
Bloodleaf Trees Flora - +10 points
Lovers' Folly Flora - +10 points
3 City NPCs - + 30 points
Development Points Added: 75

Initiate Another PC Into Domain Magic - +10 points
Be Initiated into a Magic - +5 points
Finish collaborative thread with 5+ PCs (Mummer's) - +20 points
Finish collaborative thread with 5+ PCs (Rhaum) - +20 points
Earned a Medal - Tearjerker, Legend in Waiting, Heartbreak, Saoire 2020 - +20 points
Awarded Favored Blessing IRP - +5 points
Meet an Immortal IRP (Vri) - +5 points
Meet an Immortal IRP (Saoire) - +5 points
Meet a Mortalborn IRP (Rhaum, Vega, Vivian, Varlum, Icarus) - +25 points
Meet an Immortal IRP (Xiur, Qylios, Syroa, Daia, Ziell) - +25 points
Achievement Points Added: 140

Old Total + New Stuff = 380 + 280 + 120 (or 150) + 75 + 140 = 995 (or 1,025)

Total Point Bank Points: 995 or 1,025
 ! Message from: Peg
It only doesn't count if you have claimed for the skill before. When you claim doesn't matter - so - Approved for 1,025 PB points! If you're unsure how much a review of a thread is worth, there's a list pinned in the PSF Training channel on Staff Discord!
word count: 453

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

Approved 8th April 2021
Adored Blessing (Taithir) +10
Small Dev (Willow) +10
Small Dev (Antonia) +10
Meet a Mortalborn x5 (Rhaum, Vega, Vivian, Varlum, Icarus) +25

Attunement (Expert) +5
Defiance (Master) +5 +10
Discipline (Expert) +5
Endurance (Expert) +5
Hone (Master) +5 +10
Leadership (Master) +5 +10
Meditation (Master) +5 +10
Polearm (Master) +5 +10
Shield (GM)(+2 Caps) +5 +10 +15 +5*2
Tactics (GM) +5 +10 +15
Unarmed (Expert) +5
~~~~~165 (220)~~~~~~

Threads with 5+ PCs
Answers, Burned Away
Well, that’s not good
The Rise of Rhaum; The Fall of Rharne

City Event
The Rise of Rhaum; The Fall of Rharne
~~~~~70 (290)~~~~~~
Small Wiki Edits
Created CWs
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Kura_Wolf ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Nauta_F%2 ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Pash_Raj% ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Kali%27ri ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Seira_Shi ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Kirei_Qe% ... on=history

~~~~~60 (350)~~~~~~

Wiki Edits
Faction Abilities



~~~~~15 (365)~~~~~~

Character Wiki Update Thread






~~~~~30 (395)~~~~~~

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Dissociat ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:A_True_Fa ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Agenda_Re ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Five-Year ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Keen_Insi ... on=history

~~~~~10 (405)~~~~~~

Magic Mutation
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Cr ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ro ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Pa ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_La ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ul ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ro ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ra ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Qi ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Lu ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Lo ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ll ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ob ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ma ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ca ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Am ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Fr ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Fa ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Ez ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Do ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_De ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Magic_Mutations_Hi ... on=history

~~~~~35 (440)~~~~~~

Notable Threads
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Rey%27na_ ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Niv_Notab ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Arwel_Not ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Delta_Not ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Lakia_Not ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Malcolm_N ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Kylar_Not ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Peake_And ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Zvezdana_ ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Yanhalqah ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Sabine_No ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Vera_Nota ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Andraska_ ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Sintih_No ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Silaqui_F ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Xi%27tali ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Navik_Not ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Asari_Ros ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Ricky_Not ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Qit%27ria ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Rafael_Wa ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Vluharqih ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Vincent_D ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Ti%27niva ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Tei%27ser ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Symbri_No ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Noth_Nota ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Jachiel_N ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Rita_Feny ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Quio_Nota ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Cirrina_N ... on=history
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wiki/index.php?title=Category:Ari%27sor ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Nauta_F%2 ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Yanahalqa ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Pash_Raj% ... on=history

~~~~~60 (500)~~~~~~

Misc Small Edits
Notable Threads
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Kali%27ri ... on=history

Special Abilities

Faction Abilities

~~~~~5 (505)~~~~~~

Created Retired Mutations Category (Medium)
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Retired_M ... on=history

~~~~~10 (515)~~~~~~


Review 76 - 1887 Words - 10
Review 77 - 1758 Words - 10
Review 78 - 1744 Words - 10
Review 79 - 3085 Words - 15
Review 80 - 1541 Words - 10
------55 (570)------

Review 81 - 4531 Words - 20
Review 82 - 1860 Words - 10
Review 83 - 1503 Words - 10
Review 84 - 1526 Words - 10
Review 85 - 1671 Words - 10
Review 86 - 5162 Words - 20
Review 87 - 2348 Words - 10
Review 88 - 1825 Words - 10
Review 89 - 2493 Words - 10
Review 90 - 1763 Words - 10
------120 (690)------

Review 91 - 2586 Words - 10
Review 92 - 1975 Words - 10
Review 93 - 1551 Words - 10
Review 94 - 1885 Words - 10
------40 (730)------

This bit is kinda rough bc there's like over a hundred pages changed and I don't think y'all want to click through every link.
I've added screenshots taken from here that shows all my wiki contributions. These are the first 140 edits that I made, standardizing and rejiggering all the PC pages that existed at the time, screenshotted in 7 batches of 20.
Image proof
140/3 = 46 (rounded down)
------230 (960)------

Impact Thread Rejiggering (More small wiki edits)
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Glo ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Glo ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Glo ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Glo ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Ryn ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Ryn ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Ryn ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Ryn ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Ryn ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Rha ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Rha ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Rha ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Rha ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Des ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Des ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Des ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history

wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Story_Sca ... on=history
wiki/index.php?title=Category:Alexander ... on=history
------40 (1000)------

Claiming 100 points for a total of 1065 points
Previous claim thread here viewtopic.php?f=362&t=13082&p=152932#p152932
 ! Message from: Pegasus
1,065 points approved!
word count: 1505
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Re: Point Bank Collection 3

Approved 4/8/2021
CS Approvals
Diana = 10


Past, Present, Future = 9,448 words = 35 points
Snow, snow, snow =4,330 words = 15 points
The SIgn of Five = 3,682 words=15 points
Once Upon A Time = 4,819 words= 20 points
The Rising Stars =6,503 words= 25 points
Hear My Voice = 3,700 words= 15 points

Total = 125

Blessings Awarded IRP
I'm not claiming any favoured blessings.
Faith: All Blessings Listed & Linked
Adored of Famula = 10
Exalted of Famula = 15
Champion of Famula= 20
Adored of Vri = 10
Exalted of Vri= 15
Adored of Moseke = 10
Exalted of Moseke= 15

Adored of Qylios: here = 10
Adored of Xiur: here= 10
Exalted of Xiur: here= 15
Cursed by Faldrun: here= 5


Reach GM + Capstones
Vega (all are here
GM Blades = 15
+ 1 additional capstone = 5
GM Fiddle = 15
GM Strength = 15
GM Endurance= 15
+2 additional capstones= 10
GM Leadership= 15
+2 additional capstones.= 10
Tier 2 Sword= 20
Tier 2 Fiddle= 20
Faith (all are here
GM Baking = 15
+1 additional capstone= 5
GM Business Management= 15
GM Caregiving= 15
+ 1 additional capstone= 5
GM Cooking= 15
+ 3 additional capstones= 15
GM Discipline= 15
GM Detection= 15
+ 3 additional capstones= 15
GM Endurance= 15
GM Investigation= 15
GM Leadership= 15
GM Logistics= 15
+ 1 additional capstone= 5
GM Medicine= 15
+ 6 additional capstones= 30
GM Needlecraft= 15
+ 3 additional capstones= 15
GM Psychology= 15
+ 2 additional capstones= 10
GM Research= 15
+ 1 additional capstone= 5
GM Surgery= 15
+ 3 additional capstones= 15
GM Tactics= 15

Total: 485

Dev Stuff
Cadouri (Large Dev) +20
Order of the Adunih (Large Dev) +20
Graft (Hooooge) +30

Total: 70

Wiki Work:
PC Impact Threads: here
Personal Impact Threads: here
Immortal Impact Threads: here
Global Impact Threads: here
City Impact Threads: here
Death Threads Repository: here
Invention Threads Repository: here
Repository of PCs here
Repository of Blessed PCs here
Repository of Dead PCs here
Repository of GM PCs here
Repository of Magic PCs here
Repository of Notable Discovery PCs here
Repository of PCs by Race here
PCs with 1000+Renown here
PCs with 750+ Renown here
PCs with 500+ Renown here
PCs with Higher Education here
Tier 2 PCs here
Character Wiki Template here
18 template categories for this

Total = 380

Participated & Completed:
Global: Cassion's Gambit = 20
Global: War of Death & Souls = 20
Global: Crack in the Wall = 20

Pervading Darkness = 10
ScalvHunt1 = 10
FireForged= 10
Mapping the Ice Caves= 10
Dark Hearts= 10
Cylus Dusk = 10
Archaeological Ruins = 10

Total = 130

Grand Total= 130 + 380 + 70 + 485 + 135+ 125 + 10 = 1335
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Approved for 1335 points! Thank you.
word count: 447
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!
User avatar
Approved Character
Posts: 1644
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2018 4:25 am
Race: Mortal Born
Profession: Baron Smooglethorn
Renown: 1145
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 10




RP Medals



Re: Point Bank Collection 3

Approved 8th April 2021

Skill Achievements:
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Alchemy): +15
Have an approved additional Capstone after the 1st (Racial Blood Magic): +5
Have an approved additional Capstone after the 1st (Reverse Engineering): +5
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Blades): +15
Have an approved additional Capstone after the 1st (The Stabbing Edge): +5
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Chemistry): +15
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Research): +15
Have an approved additional Capstone after the 1st (Source Search): +5
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Strength): +15
Reach Expert in a Skill (Intelligence): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Endurance): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Transmutation): +5
Reach Master in a Skill (Discipline): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Endurance): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Medicine): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Meditation): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Research): +10

160 points

Create Approved Medium Dev piece for ST (Anther’s Ettyne): +15
Create Approved Small Dev piece for ST (Orik Qy’Azour): +10

25 points

Favored Blessing Awarded IRP (Nalos): +5
Favored Blessing Awarded IRP (Daianya): +5

10 points

Finish Collaborative Thread with 5+PCs (The Mummer’s Ball): +20

20 points

Earned a Medal (In Your Favour): +5
Earned a Medal (Philantropist): +5
Earned a Medal (Right in the Feels): +5

15 points

Approved Character Sheets & Created Wikis for the Following PCs:
Nicholas Erobern: 20 + 5 = 25
Evangeline Quinn: 20 + 5 = 25
Bond: 20 + 5 = 25
Nikolaus: 20 + 5 = 25
Zephy: 20 + 5 = 25

125 points

Meet a Mortalborn / Immortal IRP (Syroa): +5
Meet a Mortalborn / Immortal IRP (Daia): +5
Meet a Mortalborn / Immortal IRP (Vega): +5
Meet a Mortalborn / Immortal IRP (Llyr): +5

20 points

Total for Doran: 375 points


Skill Achievements:
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Deception): +15
Have an approved additional Capstone after the 1st (Living a Lie): +5
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Medicine): +15
Reach Expert in a Skill (Seduction): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Discipline): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Meditation): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Becoming): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Cosmetology): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Persuasion): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Acting): +5
Reach Expert in a Skill (Detection): +5
Reach Master in a Skill (Medicine): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Cosmetology): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Persuasion): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Lute): +10

110 points

Create Approved Medium Dev piece for ST (Bad Man’s Hollow): +15
Create Approved Small Dev piece for ST (Glowing Chickens): +10
Create Approved Small Dev piece for ST (Spiritweed): +10
Create Approved Small Dev piece for ST (Purple Sand): +10
Create Approved Small Dev piece for ST (Night Scented Stock): +10
Create Approved Small Dev piece for ST (Yellow Sand): +10

65 points

Finish Collaborative Thread with 5+ PCs (Cylus Dusk): + 20
Finish Collaborative Thread with 3 other PCs (Past, present, future.): +10

30 points

Meet a Mortalborn / Immortal IRP (Saoire): +5
Meet a Mortalborn / Immortal IRP (Zana): +5

10 points

Total for Devin: 215 points


Skill Achievements:
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Sculpting): +15
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Writing): +15
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Etiquette): +15
Reach Grandmaster in a Skill (Alchemy): +15
Reach Expert in a Skill (Seduction): +5
Reach Master in a Skill (Politics): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Alchemy): +10
Reach Master in a Skill (Persuasion): +10

Total for Tristan: 95 points


 ! Message from: Pegasus
Approved for 685 points!
word count: 592


  • Due to an encounter with a magical tree Devin has bright violet eyes.
  • Devin has fancy black claw-like nails. The Grafter Rakvald made them from the spines that grow on the dubaebo's back and attached them to Devin's hands.


Devin owns a Ring of Reversal. He's always wearing it, unless stated otherwise.


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