• Closed • Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

Perdita plz

15th of Ashan 721

The shallow bay Egilrun is situated upon is used, these trials, for crafts and crafting. From boatmakers to weaponsmiths, glassblowers to metalworkers, the sound of hammers and saws can be heard almost every break of the trial, with crews working in shifts to produce the beautiful craftsmanship which they might, one trial, become famous for.

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Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

15th of Ashan 721

The boy was no more than twelve years old, perhaps older, but short standing at four feet and about a half. He ran with a big gray Quacian Bloodhound, teasing it with a short stick, waving the stick in Botany’s face and then throwing it. He ran after the dog as it bounded to fetch the stick through the garden, winding around the fences and footpaths around the brambles that made up the place. The first shoots of spring were starting to come through by then, so it wasn’t as cold as the day Perdita had first arrived at his house. In fact, it was getting warmer everyday.

Woe had soothed his sparks, deigning to wear a ring of paradigm, and give his sparks a rest. They had been acting up of late, and he wished to see how well he could function, longer and longer without them. With the sparks’ rest, so too went the thirst, and he felt himself quite safe to be around. He wouldn’t tolerate anything less for the young girl that was working on his art. It’d been a bit reckless to allow her inside the house, with his sparks still active albeit soothed. But one that he learned from in retrospect.

Iago, the aforementioned boy playing with Botany, was beginning a new game with the dog, and raced around the newly budding brambles with him. Then, the Quacian bloodhound alerted, breathing a bark into the air as it sensed a newcomer in their midst. It sensed Perdita’s arrival before she made herself seen or known.

Before Iago could stop him, he began bounding toward the girl, his big clumsy legs twisting and pumping against the ground as he rushed to meet this new person. Woe was seated just outside of the fence that led into the garden, it was a simple precaution to show her where he was, so she wouldn’t have the nervous adventure of knocking on the door, wondering when he would answer, where he was, if he was in the middle of something, and so on. Woe was careful to consider what might make the girl nervous, and try to mitigate that, as he had no magic at the moment to settle her if her anxiety began acting up again.

”Botany! Iago, please don’t work him up!” Woe sighed in dismay as the dog began bounding off on the road into the rest of Egilrun, looking for that foreign scent. The paradigmed mortalborn got up from his seat, and began running after the dog, trying to keep pace so he wouldn’t tackle the poor artist.

Breen, come and help me with Botany will you? The telepathic message sent to his diri, and Breen appeared at his side, coming with him and rushing to intercept Botany if he got too rough with their visitor.
Last edited by Woe on Sat Mar 13, 2021 2:56 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 484
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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

Out of the Kennel
s she approached the house, Perdita was nervous. She clutched the bag she had with her, in which were the carefully constructed canvases and drawings, each one wrapped and then stored in a sturdy wooden tube. She'd gotten rather over-excited, she knew, and there were probably more in here than he'd like to look at. Eli must think her quite mad, she had considered more than once. But that was neither here nor there, because she had wanted more than anything to get it right - to give him options and to make sure that he had a choice of at least something reasonable.

And, all in all, Perdita was pleased. Not happy and certainly not content but she had exceeded her own expectations in what she had been able to do. All safely held, locked away.

Which was foremost on her mind as a large dog came charging towards her. "Meep!" Perdita exclaimed and, glancing around, she put the satchel with the oh-so-carefully stored artwork on to the low flat rock which was conveniently nearby and then she turned and put herself between it and the dog. She saw her employer running after the dog and then, next to him, her gaze landed on "Breen!! Oh! Oh!" The last two exclamations were as Botany (although she did not know that was his name) reached her and Perdita fell to her knees and opened her arms for the dog.

As Woe - and Iago - and Breen arrived, Perdita was being covered with large, slobbery, licks. Her eyes, usually so serious and nervous, were lit with delight and, although there were some nerves, happiness overcame them. It had been the moment she saw Breen that Perdita's emotions had changed. She'd been fond of the dog when she visited here previously, but since then? Since then she had immersed herself in study of - and drawing of - Breen, and she felt connected to the Diri (although she did not know that was what Breen was) at a much deeper level than she otherwise would. And so, she proximity of Breen gave her calmness and focus and she held her arm out to Breen as soon as the dog with the vivid blue eyes was near.

Looking up at Woe she smiled, and she blushed, of course. "Good trial," she said and she stood, her hands continuing to fuss the dogs. "I trust you're well?" Her cheeks flamed but even in this short time she seemed a little calmer, a little more composed. "I brought drawings," she said, in case he was worried she had come empty handed. She pointed to the rock she had placed the bag on. But first, it was important to simply make sure that all was well and everyone was alright. So, she started at the beginning. "How are you?"
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Botany of course covered the new person with licks and slobber, his heterochromatic red and silver eyes drooping from the brow, but visible now to the artist as she got a look at him up close and personal. His wrinkly jowls shivered and flapped as he covered her face and neck in licks, getting her scent, memorizing it. Once he was satisfied with having acquired her scent, he settled down a bit, and allowed her to pat his short coat.

Breen and Woe and Iago arrived at once, and Woe turned to Iago, relieved that Botany hadn’t knocked his artist to the ground. Iago, vai dizer ao Gloom que está quase na hora do almoço.”Iago, be a good lad and tell Gloom it’s almost lunchtime.” Gloom would want to cook for their guests, it being one of his few precious pastimes that made him anything but miserable.

Iago nodded, Sim, papá”Yes, Papa.” The boy replied in Vahanic. He still hadn’t gotten a good grasp on common, and it was high time that Woe taught him how to speak it. But later. For now, he was anxious to see what Perdita had done with Breen’s image.

”Come away, Botany” Woe gently called the gray bloodhound, it reluctantly swung its head to him, drool forming from its jowls, spittle flying from the motion. Then side-eyed Perdita. Finally, after being urged again to come to his master, he acquiesced. Woe pulled a piece of bonemeal-covered meat from his pocket and fed it to the dog. ”Good Botany.”

Then Woe stood up, and Botany sat down on his haunches, waiting for further hand-outs. For now, that was enough for Woe. He turned to Perdita, and gave her a small smile, ”Good Trial. Yes, we’re all well. How have you been?”

She informed him that she’d brought the drawings, and he nodded. ”Yes, I’m very eager to see what you’ve done. Let’s go to the outdoor space, there’s a table set up where you can show them to me. And Gloom will be by soon with some food for us, if you’d like?”

So saying, he led her along the path, back toward the house, which Iago was swiftly running toward ahead of them. For a short lad, he was swift of foot. And they lost sight of him through the hedges as he made his way indoors.

The day was balmy, and getting warmer with the onset of Ashan. There was a fresh green scent in the air arising from the garden as they went into it, and found the table that Woe had told her of.

He drew out a chair for her, and then went around to the other side and pulled out one for himself, which he then sat down in.

”How is school going, by the way?”

word count: 484
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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

Out of the Kennel
nce she had extricated herself from the overly enthusiastic dog, Perdita noticed the dog's eyes. "Oh, he's beautiful!" she said, and she looked up at Woe as he spoke to the young boy and she recognised nothing of what they said, except for one word. Papa. Perdita smiled as she looked between the two. He was Woe's son? That was a very good thing, to have a family, and she experienced a sudden flush of excited and happy for him.

"Very well, thank you," she said when he asked how she had been. Perdita realised that she was surprised that Woe had a family. She'd thought of his dog a lot over the last few trials, and really she'd considered him as a dog-owner. She was more than pleased, therefore, to find out that he was a whole person and not simply someone who was the owner of the dog she was drawing.

She nodded when he said they'd move to the outdoor are and when he added that there would be food. "That's very kind. Thank you," she said. Then, she walked with him. Back along the path and and towards the back of the house. The young boy ran ahead of them and Perdita quickly lost sight of him. She was busy maneuvering her feet so that she didn't stumble. The area he led her to was perfect and Perdita smiled and nodded in acknowledgement as he held out the chair - his manners were impeccable. "Thank you," she said, and she sat.

How was school going? "I love it," she said, honestly. "So much learning, it's amazing." She was nervous, though, and so she grabbed her bag and started pulling out the tubes which held her work. "I thought you might want a sketch-like piece" she explained. As she said that, she showed him the full-canvas sketchImage. But that was a small thing and her gesture more or less dismissed it as she unraveled it. Then, she unwrapped the second pieceImage. "I liked the idea of this as him in the grass, but I'm not sure about the eyes here." She wasn't selling it well, but then - she wasn't selling it. But - no matter how good she got at this, Perdita would be honest. Truth was simply too important to her.

However, that meant something else. "I'm happier with these," she said. Then, she unrolled a large canvasImage. "I liked the way that he was tilting his head, I thought I'd try and capture that." Perdita explained, then showed the same imageImage but with a more soft-edged pencil.

Lifting her eyes up to him, she smiled. "But then, I thought you might like something more formal, so I made this," and she unrolled the more formalImage piece of art. Then, once she had weighted everything down and made sure he could see it all, she waited to see what he thought. She had spent hours and hours of time on this, but Perdita did not mind that. She had learned so much.

"There's no commitment on your part, if you don't like anything," she said, softly. Then she waited to see what he thought.

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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

”That’s good.” Woe said of her enjoyment of schooling. ”I enrolled in Viden for a course of Humanities, but was too busy to ever make it to class. I envy your dedication.”

Still very much a novice to purchasing art of any kind, save for artwork in the form of weaponry, armor, or finery, Woe was still rather uncultured for all the airs of sophistication he tried to maintain. Even so, he could see there was real quality in the works the young girl had drawn.

”Honestly?” He began, lifting a brow as he looked them over carefully. After a pause, he spoke again, ”I like them all.” He said, nodding at each of the pieces. ” It’s almost a shame, I’d like for you to keep at least one of them… Perhaps the fourth one, with the softer edges. You should keep at least some of your best works for your own study and portfolio.”

Woe looked at the sketches again, keeping his eyes on the details of Breen’s face. Breen’s voice whined into his master’s mind, ” Master, does she think I’m handsome?”

”I believe so, Breen. I think she’s done very good justice to your features… Want to see?” Having sent that thought to his diri, he picked up the fifth work of Perdita, and showed it to the dog.

Breen tilted his head, as he scuffed the ground with his right paw. He always was very expressive. Then he began whining, and groaning in miserable fashion, although it was probably the closest expression the Diri of Sorrow could make that resembled joy. ”Ohh, she does think I’m… Oh…” He whined louder as he looked intently at his image, reflected on the canvas.

Woe decided his poor diri had had enough of the emotional reveal for the moment and placed the canvas back gently on the table. ’ So, You’ll keep the fourth one for your study and portfolio, and I can take the rest? Does that sound alright to you?”

Presently, before she could answer, Iago came out, bearing a couple of plates, holding sandwiches of pickled tuna, flavored with cream of dill sauce and chutney to compliment it. The bread was plain old loaves bought from the market.

Iago stared at Perdita a few long moments before setting the plates down on the table and then bounding off without another word. Woe called after him, Obrigado, filho.”Thank you, son.”

Iago didn’t respond, but bounded off, with Botany chasing after him, perhaps smelling the scent of the tunawa chef on him.

Woe looked to Perdita apologetically, ”I regret you cannot meet Gloom today. Botany is out, and he cannot abide the poor creature. Gloom is a tunawa, you see, and Quacian Bloodhounds alert at the scent of creatures that don’t have typical blood as humans and biqaj.”

”We should get these drawings somewhere safe while we eat, so we don’t make a mess of them. Unless you’re pressed for time? Sorry, I don’t want to assume.”
word count: 513
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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

or Perdita, education was proving to be a wonderful thing and she was very much enjoying it. It was challenging, very much so, but Perdita was not afraid of a challenge. She was shy, yes, unsure of herself - certainly. But she had to admit that this - this moment of him looking at her artwork and her fearing to breathe out in case it fouled his mood and impression - this was an awful moment. People did this, and she would have to learn to get used to it, she knew, but the feeling of being judged was something which she found very difficult indeed.

And then, he said he liked them all and Perdita breathed out. She was not a religious person, but she felt an almost religious sensation of contentment wash over her as she realised that he looked and sounded entirely genuine. Breen then approached and it was almost like the dog understood, Perdita thought to herself. She was delighted at Breen's reaction to the drawings he saw and Perdita tilted her own head watching him. Did he know how much she had enjoyed this? How much she had learned? Leaning forward, she fussed the dog and whispered. "Thank you, Breen."

He wanted four of them? Not just one? Perdita looked up at Woe and her face showed her amazement at his words. "Really?" She looked at him and her face lit in a beaming smile. "That's wonderful!" She was both delighted and utterly shocked. "Yes. Safe. Yes."

She got the canvases back in the rolls and then she turned to see when the young boy came into the room with a plate. "Thank you," she said to him, softly. Perdita smiled to him and when Woe spoke, she spoke in a repeat of his first word - assuming it to be the thank you bit. "Obrigado?" Perdita asked rather than stated. When he said he didn't want to assume, she shook her head. "It's lovely, thank you."

Perdita wasn't great at small talk and she felt rather overwhelmed. But then, there was a topic which was able to be shared. Botany. "I'd be delighted to draw him, if you wanted," but as soon as she said that, she wondered if he was thinking that she was after money and she was quick to add, "with no expectation or commitment." Be quiet, Perdita, she thought and she took a sandwich and smiled apologetically. "I'm glad you like them." Perdita gestured to the artwork. She was quiet for a moment and then asked, softly. "I heard that Egilrun is going to war," she said. "Could a researcher help?" She looked at him with a determined and yet slightly worried expression. "If I can help, I'd like to."
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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse


Woe enjoyed the drawings, and the way that each one showed a definite progression of understanding of the form of his Diri, and very nearly captured his essence. He'd find a good place for the pictures in the meantime, but for now would be satisfied with keeping them rolled up.

"Yes, Obrigado is thank you in Vahanic." Woe confirmed for Perdita.

When she jumped at the idea of drawing Botany, Woe was surprised by her boldness, but equally amused at her eagerness. Whether it was love of more coin or actual interest in the subject matter, Woe couldn't quite tell. It could've been both. Nevertheless, Woe enjoyed being a patron, he found, and all the societal capital that came with being generous with nels.

"Yes of course, I'd enjoy if you painted or drew Botany. You're obviously coming a ways in your training, and I am eager to see how you improve." So saying, he had a bit of one of the sandwiches. After chewing for a bit and finishing the sandwich, she came with the offer of researching services, having heard that Egilrun was going to war.

Woe's face became serious. He didn't want to worry her more if it was possible, given her anxious manner. Yet, she was an adult, and she had asked him about the war. It was fair that he answer as honestly as possible.

"I just happen to be involved in an investigation of sensitive nature. Yet I'm terribly lacking in background information on several key areas." Woe said, clasping his hands together on the table, "What I need to find out, if you're willing to look into it, either here or in Scalvoristown, is more information on the history of Slag's Deep. I'd suggest requesting ledgers and writs of employment. Particularly from the Watcher's Union, as I believe the powers of Slag's Deep have drawn some of their employees from that Union."

"I advise discretion and caution, however. Perhaps save the acquisition of ledgers and writs of employment until after the less risky inquiries into Slag's Deep's history." Woe shrugged, sliding over a pouch full of onyx nels. Inside, was enough to pay for the drawings. He also reached into one of his pockets, and produced several more onyx nels, placing them on the table for her. "If you want, I can accompany you on the trip to the Union. I can be very persuasive, when it comes to extracting the appropriate research materials."

Woe nodded to the nels on the table, "You might notice I overpaid you by a few onyx. I expect that money to go toward the purchase and procurement of research materials and relevant information."

He smiled apologetically, opening his hands and facing them upward. She would see a pair of copper nels marked upon his palms, delineating him as one of Chamadarst's chosen. "There's one smaller matter that I'd like for you to attend. An errand of sorts. Would you go to the Glassworkers Union, and pick up four bespoke glass frames for the drawings you've done? As you're familiar with their aesthetic and dimensions, I would like you to arrange for their creation and design."

With that said, and realizing full well that he was probably pushing more nels on this young woman than she'd likely seen in ten cycles of work, he coughed uncomfortably. "Now, shall we eat?"

So saying, he enjoyed the lunch in silence, allowing her to absorb what had just happened.
Woe is giving Perdita 10 wp for the drawings, which she can add directly to her ledger. As well, he's giving her 10 wp to pay for a tier 10 research kit, which she can keep. Also, 8 wp will go to the purchase of four glass frames for the drawings for Woe, which she can describe if she likes. Or I will describe them once they're done.[/ooc]
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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse

Out of the Kennel
ecause she was naturally a shy young woman, Perdita tended to notice things. To analyse them. Often, in fairness, to over-analyse and over-consider. Was she being pushy, she wondered. She certainly was not intending to be but he seemed happy with her drawings and she wanted to do what she had signed up for. When he commented on her growth as an artist, Perdita nodded. "Thank you," she said, softly. She felt that there had been growth, too, development. But it was so very hard to tell.

As they ate, she asked about the war and Woe told her that he was investigating it and he needed background information. Perdita listened, carefully, and she had a slight frown of concentration on her face as she listened to his words. He wanted her to research Slags Deep, the history of it especially. Ledgers and writs, records of employment and so on. Perdita considered how she might be able to do that best and a plan - or something like one - began to form.

And then, he started pulling out money like it was chips of wood.

Perdita's eyes flickered down to the pile of nel and she made no secret of the fact that she was surprised. She was an Immortals-awful actress anyhow. But, while she was undoubtedly surprised by it, she wasn't overwhelmed at the sight of it. Perdita had grown up around money, after all, her parents and her grandparents were rich and she had literally never wanted for anything. But she looked at the bag of nel and she frowned, "It feels wrong," she said quietly. "To take money." Lifting her gaze to look at Woe, Perdita explained it as best she could. "I learned so much," she had. Drawing Breen had been an incredible learning experience for her. "And I loved it." It was true. She had. Her father said that - if she was lucky - she would love what she did for a living and she finally understood what that meant. "Thank you," she said quietly. It would be hard for her to put into words any better than she had. It wasn't the money she was overwhelmed at.

It was the validation of her talent. Of, she supposed, her worth.

However,she nodded her head to what he had asked her. "I'll do that, get the frames, and I'll get the best equipment for the job." As they ate, Perdita spoke up. "I'm studying History and Art," she said. "I have homework." It may seem like a strange thing, but Perdita hoped it was helpful. "To compare two sources," she explained, her shyness still the thing which made her pause and hesitate. "writing about the same place or event in Scalvoris." She frowned, slightly. "Extension activities included going direct to a primary source."

That said, Perdita considered. "If I write my report on the Watchers Union," not Slags Deep, she thought. That would be too much. Too close. Too obvious. "They could confirm with my professor. It's legitimate." And, of course, she would be able to ask for information when she got there. "What do you think? Is that a good angle?"

Either way, she would - when they were finished - go to the Glassblower's Guild and get frames for the artwork. The darker piece would have a dark wood-grain frame to encapsulate it, but the one where Breen was tilting his head, that she went for a shades of green and blue, to pick out his eyes. The same for the one close-up in the grass, - those three were classic lines, elegant and non-fussy. The dark sketch was in the only one where, due to the simplicity of the picture itself, she went for a more scrolly-type frame with some interesting and elegant carving. She'd discuss timelines with him, and then? She'd get on with the job he'd asked her to do.

The other thing which she would do was make sure that he saw the purchase writ for things - and if they turned out to be less expensive than the money he'd given her for them - she made sure that he got the change.
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She said it felt wrong to take money. Woe wasn't sure what to think about that. Money was good, it was a useful thing to get people to do things, to buy things, and just make way for yourself in the world. The girl would have to get used to handling money if she was serious about doing what she loved. Then again, Woe himself wasn't unknown to engage in his 'hobby' for pleasure without the thought of monetary gain. "Wealth is fleeting." Woe said to her, "It can ease you on your way, but only if you can see yourself letting go of it. I like nels. They have no sentimental or intrinsic value apart from what they can buy. They are not good or bad, right or wrong. And so it's easy to see myself taking them, or letting them go. They'll circle their way back around sooner or later."

Woe nodded at her, to insist that she should take the onyx, and say nothing further about it.

When she mentioned the work with the University, the Professor, Woe hesitated only a moment, not sure who this Professor was or who they might be connected to. But then, the girl didn't seem much of one for duplicity, and so he didn't want to make her blow her cover by adding to her anxiety with extra instructions for hiding her interest from the Professor. It was best that she go to him or her in forthrightness, without any precautions. Just as part of her coursework. It was a good angle. "Yes, that sounds promising. It's lucky you happen to be studying that subject?"

Once more he smiled, and soon enough they were done with the food Iago had fetched for them. Woe would wait for her to finish and get ready to leave, before shaking her hand, "Goodbye, Perdita. Best of luck in your schooling." He smiled at her once more, watching her leave, then he went inside to attend to his runic journal. The paradigm effect would last some days, and if they were to meet again tomorrow, he needed to consider if it'd be worth revealing what he was to Perdita.
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Re: Out of the Kennel and into the Doghouse


Review Rewards
Name: Woe

Points awarded: 15

Running: x 2
Investigation: x 2
Persuasion: x 4
Appraisal: x 2

Loot: Artwork and -28 wp (CS checked)

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level
Name: Perdita

Points awarded: 15

Appraisal: Appraising your own skill is hard
Appraisal: Determining what would make good pieces to sell .
Appraisal: Identifying the wishes of your employer
Business Management: Explain your business decisions
Business Management: Sometimes, honesty is the best policy.
Investigation: Sometimes, you need to be surreptitious
Design: Consider composition when deciding a frame
Design: Use frames to bring out colour
Design: Simple frames can be striking.

Loot: 28 wp

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriate to level

A lovely read. There are multiple things going on in this thread that struck me...but I'll try to be brief and concise (I said try....not that I'll actually be able to do it!)

Perdita is wonderfully written as always. I smile at her love of animals! The character is developing in a really authentic way that I enjoy reading about. In each story I read with her, she makes just a bit more progress with something - whether it's art or socialization. She's constantly evolving...and it's because of the characters around her. I love watching characters feed off other characters, allowing their interactions to change them in some small way. To me, a reader, it's the most natural form of evolution for a character...and so very rewarding. I particularly enjoyed how she thought over what Woe asked of her and shifted the plan so she could work it into what homework she already needed to do. Smart girl! I look forward to seeing how deep Perdita gets into the Slag's Deep plot.

Woe took some risks here. He must think very highly of Perdita to feel comfortable sending her off on a research mission like that. That decision, juxtapositioned with the earlier part of the story where he was concerned about making her uncomfortable or worry regarding her arrival - was a lovely contrast. It took me a minute to catch up and figure out that Woe is using the available resources he has, which is a smart move, but I worry about Perdita's involvement! Stay safe Perdita!! However, the character is as beautifully complex as ever and I'm looking forward to seeing how he does with the rest of the upcoming war.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!


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