13th Trial, Ashan, 719
Orm'del Sea
Southwest of Volta
Orm'del Sea
Southwest of Volta
Continued from here
"I really don't know about this."
"It's not that complicated."
"That's not what I mean."
"I know."
"I could kill you!"
"Aye, that's a possibility."
Legonne studied that leathery old face for any sigh of jest. His eyes roved the sharp cheekbones, the high brow, the chin dusted with stubble and most of all, eyes black as his hair and the metal of that cutlass at his belt. All he saw in the last was his own reflection, staring back at him with incredulous eyes. This man was serious, and nothing more. By his tone and manner, Legonne wondered if he'd ever told a joke in his life. He rubbed a hand over his mouth and shook his head.
"I... I don't know-"
"I'll double my offer."
"It's not about the money."
"Nonsense," the man snorted, with all the disbelief one would expect from an Etzori, born and raised in a city similarly forged from endless mercantilism. "It's all about money, and whether or not you'll get to spend it."
"Look, I'm-"
There was a metallic thunk as a bag of coins hit the deck between them. Legonne looked down at it from atop his barrel. It was... large. Half the size of a fist. Maybe a third what he was getting paid for this voyage, if he had to guess. Paid to do what came naturally to him, if truth be told. To allow his Spark and the friendships he'd made with the elements around him to be conjured, harnessed, and put to practical use. Now he was being offered yet more, and for... quite a simple task, really.
And possibly a fatal one.
"How do I know you'll be able to handle this?" He said suddenly. He almost blurted out the words, tugging fretfully at his short red beard, seasickness forgotten. "If your barrier is weak, or malformed, for even a few-"
Kasoria decided that words would not longer be of use in this negotiation. All the words in the world couldn't take some people out of their reservations; sometimes it was best to show them your point. He glanced around briefly as the hedge mage kept babbling about the risks. The deck of the Lucky Lady was alive with activity, if not especially lively, as it were. Always some work needing to be done, but the crew were pacing themselves. Kasoria realized that they'd not seen his magic, yet. Oh, they knew he was a right little shit with his bare hands and a blade, but a mage as well?
This should be interesting.
"-and that's not even taking into consideration the... the..."
Legonne's words deserted him as the little man raised his arm, and something started to happen. Light oozed out from it, like mist back-lit by a dozen massive candles. It glowed and pulsed and spread up and across and yet there was a mind to it. No, not a mind... his mind. The mage spared a brief glance at Kasoria's face, but then he was entranced anew by the magic he was working. The little man had told him he needed "help" with his magic, comparing it to the sparring he'd done trials before with that big thug Kilmain. Legonne had smiled and humored the man. Wondered what trinkets of mystic knowledge he might know that he may have been told were arcane lore.
Now he saw how wrong he was, as the man they called "Mister Thagoras" formed and hardened the glowing energy into a construct about two feet across. Fastened to his forearm like a buckler shield. Opaque like thick, hard ice. Legonne reached out without even knowing, then caught himself and looked up again. Kasoria gave a half-smile and nodded. His finger's continued and-
"... oh, my."
It was like touching lightning, trapped behind glass. Like caressing a thunderstorm, casked and corked within a barrel. Ethereal and terrestial all at once; a shield that could deflect a blade or a mace, yet was made from stuff drawn and fashioned from a man's very soul. Legonne drew back his hand and as he did, Kasoria breathed out... and the Shield dissipated into the wind. A gust caught it as the ship crested another wave, blowing the lightning mist into nothingness.
He looked around. The scrubbing had stopped. The sellswords stared. Even Captain Senter was watching with a hanging jaw. He snorted and turned back to the mage, spreading his hands.
Legonne took the money.