• Solo • Review Request 2.2.1

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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Be Careful
City/Area: Quacia, Helice, Koros Island
Notes/Warnings: lot of referenced past threads with little in-thread explanation.

Requested Rewards:

Fridgar Knowledge
Endurance: The speed of sound.
Flying: The speed of sound.
Investigation: The reasons someone might return to a scene of trauma.
Investigation: Using your sense of smell to search for clues.
Investigation: The reasons someone might be afraid.
Investigation: The reasons someone might be avoiding you.
Investigation: People who lie have something to hide.
Investigation: Leftover tears are usually in wake of strong emotions.
Zarik: Possibly regaining his memories
Zarik: Avoiding you
Zarik: Lying to you
Zarik: Claims to be on drugs
Zarik: Afraid of you again
Zarik Knowledge
Deception: Harder to accomplish when anxious.
Deception: Agreeing with any easy explanation offered by the other person.
Detection: The intuitive sense that something is wrong.
Psychology: Too many confusing thoughts causes anxiety.
Psychology: Returning to the place it happened to recall memories.
Psychology: Familiar triggers to unlock repressed memories.
Psychology: Frustration can lead to crying.
Psychology: Repressed memories due to trauma.
Fridgar: Warned me about drugs.
Fridgar: Acts like nothing happened.
Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a
Wealth Points: n/a

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 207
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Arbiter
City/Area: Quacia, Helice
Notes/Warnings: Nu
Requested Rewards:

Blades: (Claymore) Parrying
Blades: (Claymore) Countering
Blades: (Claymore) Riposte
Blades: (Claymore) Blades are about precision
Blades: (Claymore) Disarming with a deflecting strike
Logistics: Fending off enemies to help settlements grow

Loot: Nu
Injuries/Overstepping: Nu
Renown: +10 for staving off a Guild assault and eliminating them
Wealth Points: Nu

Collaboration: Nu
Magic Experience?: Nu
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 73
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Arms For the Poor
City/Area: Koros, Helice{Quacia}
Notes/Warnings: Cursing and nude dosan
Requested Rewards:
Axes & Bludgeons: [War Ax]: Make some distance with a kick.
Axes & Bludgeons: [War Ax]: Striking with your shoulder can catch an opponent off guard.
Axes & Bludgeons: [War Ax]: Charge.
Axes & Bludgeons: [War Ax]: Stopping a stronger blade at the sacrifice of your weaker ax.
Caregiving: Much harder without empathy.
Palenon: Three sheets to the wind: Great at unarmed combat.
Persuasion: Saving someone's family makes them feel indebted to you.
Persuasion: Offering a choice.
Persuasion: Angering someone so that they come at you with renewed vigor.
Persuasion: Bark orders until they do it.
Psychology: Those with little restraint are easy to manipulate into doing things.
Tactics: Switching to unarmed combat for a less lethal approach.
Tactics: Using your preferred fighting style for better accuracy.
Teaching: Pushing your student to his absolute limit.
Teaching: Spurring your student on with chastisement.
Dosan: Went to the forest with you
Dosan: Conquered his fear of trees with you
Dosan: Caught you off guard
Dosan: Considering getting clothes
Dosan: You destroyed him in combat
Dosan: Managed to cut half your ear off
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: A Blade is an Extension of your Body
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: Has more reach than your shortsword
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: Basic Attack Swing
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: Leaning/ducking to avoid attacks
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: Slicing with a long sword
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: Trusting when unable to slash
Blades{Longsword - Chokoto}: Stabbing at their eyes
Stealth: Using trees to conceal yourself
Tactics: Staying out of one's sensing range
Tactics: Using what's available for a Distraction
Endurance: Enduring brute Lothar strength
Endurance: Fighting on in spite of severe trauma
Psychology: Chastising someone only pisses them off more
Strength: Adrenaline helps one to fight on
Strength: Gripping someone with your tail tightly
Fridgar: Brutalized me
Fridgar: Got me a new sword
Fridgar: The difference in our strength is immeasurable
Fridgar: Is a hard person to injure
Fridgar: Doesn't like the fact I want to wear clothes in town
Fridgar: I cut part of his ear off
- Good+ Quality Embersteel Axe for Fridgar
- Good+ Quality Embersteel Longsword{Chokoto} for Dosan

Injuries/Overstepping: Both will Chrysalis

Renown: N/A

Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 388
㊮ "I'm nothing more than a snake. With cold skin and no emotions, as I slither around searching for prey with my tongue, swallowing down whoever & whatever looks tasty." ㊮
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Transmogrification I
City/Area: Quacia, The Gleam
Notes/Warnings: brief mildly gruesome becomer transformation.

Requested Rewards:
Becoming: Also known as Transmogrification.
Becoming: Conserving ether.
Becoming: Preference for Privacy when Transforming
Research: Unique measurements to judge ether by.
Research: Choosing a constant to compare measurements from.
Caregiving: Recognizing the source of a child’s distress.

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a
Wealth Points: n/a

Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: Yes - Becoming (first time transforming back to his original body)
word count: 86
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Put some pants on!
City/Area: Quacia, Helice, Koros Island
Notes/Warnings: nekkie Dosan butt.

Requested Rewards:

Dosan Knowledge
Psychology: Animalistic Behvaiors
Climbing: Wall Crawling
Detection: Knowing when someone is up to something
Detection: Was that Sarcasm or nah?
Discipline: Resisting the urge to hunt your friend
Socialization: Speaking of ones own Aspirations to another
Socialization: Conversing on viewpoints of Quacian Nobility
Socialization: A Relaxing Day spent with a Friend
Socialization: Friendly discussions can be insightful
Socialization: Summaries are helpful in conversation
Politics: Its all a game
Politics: Everyman has a price
Intelligence: Contact - Zarik Venora, Lord of Marcovera
Intelligence: Everybody Has Secrets
Zarik: Is married to Alistair Venora
Zarik: Lives on Koros
Zarik: Is Lord of Marcovera
Zarik: Is playing with Quacian Nobility
Zarik Knowledge
Intelligence: Contact - Dosan Saito, Born Quacian and Fridgar's apprentice.
Persuasion: The promise of fame doesn't sway everyone.
Persuasion: The suggestion of greatness.
Psychology: Not everyone seeks ambition in the same way.
Climbing: A higher vantage point to say hello from.
Politics: Viewpoints on Quacian Nobility
Politics: The nature of prejudice in a city.
Etiquette: Offering clothes to a friend who has none.
Etiquette: Being naked in public is not okay.
Deception: Not sharing what you're thinking.
Deception: Fake gratitude.
Linguistics: Practicing with a native speaker.
Logistics: Discussing conquest of islands.
Logistics: Determining potential combat targets through discussion.
Dosan: Fridgar's apprentice
Dosan: Used to work for Duke Detlev of Lair
Dosan: Living on Koros
Dosan: Slept with Alistair back in the day.
Dosan: Traitor to Quacia.
Dosan: Kissed my Mark of Faith.
Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: +5-10? (for Dosan being in snake underwear/nude in public, while accompanying Zarik, lord of the town. For Zarik finding out that Dosan worked for Duke of Lair)
Wealth Points: n/a

Collaboration: Yes
Magic Experience?: No
word count: 313
Please — consider me a dream.
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: I Mark Thee
City/Area: Orm'del Sea
Notes/Warnings: Some Bad Language

Part Two of Three, general training and voyaging chicanery... oh, and mag-eek!

Requested Rewards:

Skill Knowledge:
Abrogation: Learning the feel of Defiance ether
Abrogation: Using Martial Arts Gestures to Get a Better Feel for Casting
Abrogation: Choosing Defiance as your Nemesis
Abrogation - Nemesis: Doubles the Power of the Abrogative Ether Used Against It
Abrogation - Barrier: Can Be Bowl- or Cone-shaped
Persuasion: Show, Don't Tell (the assets you have)

Non-Skill Knowledge:
NPC Legonne: Defier-For-Hire
NPC Legonne: Conjurer of Water, Air, and Fire
NPC Sima: Kasoria's Abrogation Mentor, Then, Now, and Forever

Injuries/Overstepping: (If applicable)
Renown: Maybe a little bit, like the last one, but it's not a biggie
Wealth Points: (how many and for what?)
Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: Yes
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 148
Common Speech | Thoughts | Ith'ession Speech | Speech of Others
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Thelma and Louise
City/Area: Andaris, Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: A fair amount of violence

Requested Rewards:
Acting: Faking a Last Stand
Leadership: Giving an Ally Battle Plans
Resistance: Fighting Through Lightheadedness
Resistance: Wading Through Sewage
Stealth: Hiding Behind a Door
Stealth: Killing Quietly
Tactics: Attack When They’re Distracted
Tactics: Providing Distraction
Chrien Ability - Twister: Spreading Fire

Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: Probably some injuries
Renown: 10 - Causing a scene
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)

Requested Rewards:
Acrobatics: Running and leaping up a stack of crates
Acrobatics: Backhand spring off of a person
Becoming - Unleash: Unleashing into bear form midstride in order to tackle
Becoming Form: Thiussum Ithecal
Becoming Ability: Devour
Detection: Watching the muscles of the arms telegraph an attack
Detection: Maxine's scent
Strength: Breaking down a door
Tactics: Make false trails obvious
Thrown (Javelin): Spinning into a straight line throw
Thrown (Javelin): Spinning helps to increase velocity of throw
Thrown (Javelin): First throw is distraction, second is for real
Unarmed Combat (Inner Beast): Kicking an Ithecal in the face

Loot: Becoming Totem: Thiussum Ithecal
Injuries/Overstepping: Yes - fixed with becoming ability Chrysalis later
Renown: 10 - Causing a scene
Wealth Points: No
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (Yes) - Built new forms using a master level ability, and several transformations in a shorter period of time.
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 231
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: The Final Dawn
City/Area: Andaris, Rynmere
Notes/Warnings: Nah, just feels. Pretty much a social/plot point. Brief and sweet.

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: N/A
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: (N/A
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: N/A
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: (N/A
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: N/A
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: (N/A
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: N/A
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: N/A
Wealth Points: (N/A
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Reviewed by Strange
Last edited by Qit'ria on Fri May 17, 2019 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 129
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Medicinal Madness
City/Area: Rharne
Notes/Warnings: Rudeness. Aneka abandoned

Requested Rewards:
Knowledge: (waiting to hear from Oonah)
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: 5 - making a small scene
Wealth Points: N/A
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)

Requested Rewards:
Caregiving: Using metaphors for children to understand things
Caregiving: Not letting children be sheltered
Intimidation: Kicking dust at someone
Medicine: Solomon's Seal to treat itchy skin
Medicine: Solomon's Seal makes you sweat
Medicine: Solomon's Seal prevents pregnancy
Medicine: Solomon's Seal is calming if smoked
Unarmed Combat (Inner Beast): Lower the shoulder when someone is running into you
Loot: N/A
Injuries/Overstepping: N/A
Renown: 5 - making a small scene
Wealth Points: N/A
Collaboration: (Yes)
Magic Experience?: (No)
Reviewed by Strange
word count: 136
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Re: Review Request 2.2.1

Rewards Requested
Thread Name: Transmogrification II
City/Area: Quacia, the Gleam.
Notes/Warnings: mild nudity, Becomer transformation.

Requested Rewards:
Becoming: Totem: Tyara
Becoming: It takes a high cost of ether to rapidly transform between totems.
Becoming: The differences between forms.
Becoming: Feeling when a totem needs rest.
Psychology: Distinguishing between self and spark.
Research: Don’t forget to take time-sensitive notes.
Lucretia: Her touch can clear my mind.

Loot: n/a
Injuries/Overstepping: n/a
Renown: n/a
Wealth Points: n/a

Collaboration: No
Magic Experience?: Yes - Becoming (new totem, first time with rapid transformation)
word count: 97
Please — consider me a dream.
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