[Ne'haer] Locations & Linkmap

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Ne'haer Linkmap

The Academies
Credit goes to Ilinis

A wonder to behold in Ne’haer; The Academies are formed by five large stone buildings, each used for its own specialization of knowledge. Beginning at the age of 5 Arcs, children are required by Ne’haer to attend the Academies in the first of the five buildings – The Foundation. There they receive their general education including reading, writing, and history. At the age of 12 Arcs, citizens are then required by Ne’haer to attend within The Structure, The Pillars, or the Enlightenment.

The Structure, the second of the five buildings, focuses their teachings on fields that support the citizenry of the city. With Ne’haer’s standing as one of the most influential fishing cities within the region, a large portion of the education of the Structure focuses on this. However, knowledges of herbalism, medicine, farming, and other related materials are also taught here.

The Pillars, the third of the five buildings, focuses their teachings on fields that uplift the citizenry of the city. Those within the Pillars harken back to when Ne’haer’s craftsmen were considered among legend. Due to the local natural resources, craft fields that deal with stone and clay are the most widely spread. However, the Academies ensure that any that hold interest within other trades shall receive the resources needed for them to gain the practical knowledge required in addition to book knowledge and lecture.

The Enlightenment, the fourth of the five buildings, focuses their teachings on fields that are more abstract than those of the Pillars or the Structure. It is a place of research and experiment to advance the fields held by the citizens within the city. In addition, the Enlightenment also functions as a campus of education for those who hold interest in the Immortals and their works. It should be noted, however, that the Academies ban all research into personal uses of the arcane or use of the arcane.

The last the buildings houses the Great Library of the Academies. The Great Library is only accessible by those that have completed their education at the year of 18 Arcs and are also citizens of Ne’haer or have received permission to enter by the Council of Ne’haer. The Great Library is treasured for the wealth of knowledge it holds on its enormous oaken shelves that line each wall. As part of its philosophy, the Academies value those who can take initiative themselves, and the books and maps contained within are often sorted by broad categories as opposed to a specific system. While the Great Library allows citizens within the read or copy tomes, it does not permit the tomes to leave the Great Library, as The Academies do not wish to risk losing of any knowledge.
 ! Message from: Chronicle
One should look here to understand the structured curriculum those will find here in Ne'haer.


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For those who are taking basic classes, self-moderation of NPC's is allowed!
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The Underground
Credit goes to Finn for the original, Chronicle for the revision

"Ne’haer welcomes its diversity and tolerance of religious practice, however, dislikes worship of Immortals who seek to unmake and destroy the foundation of the city. Therefore, they’ve decree that all worship of destructive, chaotic Immortals be done within the Underground Tunnels. Even then, there are strict regulations placed on the worshipers."

The issue behind the Council's decree is that it does not mention that the tunnels beneath the city are a maze and anyone who decides to venture below in search of those cults is most likely as insane as the Immortal Kata herself. However, somehow groups of people are still able to gather in certain locations, worshiping those who seek their end. It is an impossible task to pinpoint individual places that have been turned into underground, miniature temples. It is usually only those initiated into the congregation who are then taught the way to that location and are sworn to absolute secrecy.

Among the glorified Immortals, there are a few who are the most popular - Delroth for greed, Faldrun for turmoil, Edasha for jealousy and adultery, Audrey for deception and secrecy. In many ways the occurrences within the tunnels, the Immortals worshiped there, are like the other, unseen side of the city - the ugly, rotten side that is hiding away for the time being. Everyone knows about it, but they choose to ignore it for as long as they can until a horrifying rumour bubbles up that might make people's skin crawl.

In general, those who worship the Immortals in the underground tunnels have taken their assigned location as banishment, which resulted in brooding resentment towards the authorities. In consequence, the groups stick closer together, keep their rituals, meeting points and even members as unknown as possible, often committing an offence of the regulations imposed on them. However, it still means that authorities don't really know much about the happenings below and no one considers the gatherings to be of enough danger to send a spy there to find out what's happening.

The Cistern of Whispers

It is rumored that within the vast network of underground tunnels that spans below Ne'haer, that there resides a secret hideaway for a private faction known as The Whispers. This band of roguish thieves and cutthroats are a peculiar lot that are believed to hide away a shrine to Yvithia, and nobody outside the organization knows of any way to reach them... save from within.

The Bloodied Halls

Yet another rumor of a secret cult or organization that proves just as elusive as the Whispers, the Crones Blood is a secretive group of seers determine to remain hidden away. Their purpose and intent is unknown within Ne'haer for the time being, but many up on the surface speculate they're plotting something.

The Followers of Azerath

Just as Ne'haer is filled with cultists and followers that worship the Immortals the city favors less, there resides many unimportant groups hardly worth naming; save for the Followers of Azerath. Though scattered throughout the whole underground system, this small growing cult of fanatics seems to be gathering followers for purposes not yet known. Are they truly mad fanatics believing in a false god that never existed? Or is there more to the mystery than these cultists are letting known to public ear?


  1. Every member must register with the council. Failure to do so results in a fine of 50gn.
    The first few did. Those are unofficially called the Originals. However, after the council imposed more rules on this outsider society, new members were encouraged not to register. Partially it was in fear of discrimination. Later it turned into a form of defiance. As such the actual number of worshippers is no longer accurate.
  2. Only known entrances must be used to enter the tunnels. That is for the safety of the citizens.
    Each entrance is guarded at certain intervals. It was a way of further documentation of who enters the tunnels. As such, worshippers have gone to the lengths of finding new entrances. Council has soon followed and the whole affair has turned into a race or even a competition of who discovers a new entry point first and manages to catch the other one out.
  3. All worship - including festivals and rituals - must happen within the tunnels. Failure to do so will result in the detainment of involved members.
    In other words, those who worship Immortals who seek mortals' undoing must not perform their religion outside that area, in the streets of Ne'haer.
The council is constantly trying to find ways how to regulate the underground tunnels without coming across as restricting and discriminating. As such, temporary rules are often enforced for a certain amount of time and if they prove effective, these are then implemented as regulations. However, so far there have been only these three core regulations.


Those visiting a shrine will find particular items that fit the domains of that Immortal decorating their shrine, for example Lisarra's shrine will have insects. Visitors are welcome to offer tribute to any shrine of choice as they will be considered gifts for the Immortal tied to the shrine.

Aelig - Shrine of Chaos
Nel and personal items can be offered

Audrae - Shrine of Shadow
Nel and personal items can be offered

Edasha - Shrine of Beauty
Nel and personal items can be offered

Faldrun - Shrine of Destruction
Nel and personal items can be offered

Kata - Shrine of Ruin
Nel and personal items can be offered

Lisirra - Shrine of Pestilence
Nel and personal items can be offered

Mastes - Shrine of Vices
Nel and personal items can be offered

Sintra - Shrine of The Arachnid
Nel and personal items can be offered

Syroa - Shrine of Fury
Nel and personal items can be offered

Yvithia - Shrine of ?
Nel and personal items can be offered


Name: Malai Hoargent
Age: 27 arcs
Race: Naerikk
Title: Leader of the Pyroflies
Language: Common
Skills: Deception, Unarmed combat, Poisons, Forgery, Intimidation
Other information: Malai is probably one of the most unlikely leaders one could imagine. Little is known of her life outside the worship. Even less is known of her capabilities. However, many believe that she his behind all the major turmoils, uprising and skirmishes within the city. It is believed that she is able to organise an uprising in a flick of a finger. She certainly seems to thrive on chaos.
Name: Rosalind
Age: 49 arcs
Race: Human
Title: Leader of Edasha worshippers, last of the Originals
Language: Common
Skills: Seduction, Business management, Gambling, Intelligence, Persuasion
Other information: Rosalind is, to this day, the only known, official leader within the tunnels. She was one of the first to officially register with the council and she does not hide her religious believes. It is to no surprise that this woman owns several brothels in the city.
Name: Nameless
Age: Unknown
Race: Thought to be Avriel due to the eyes, but lacks the wings; rumours that Nameless might be Yludih
Title: Leader of Audrey worshippers, not one of the Originals
Language: Common
Skills: Deception, Disguise, Intelligence, Discipline, Endurance
Other information: Little is known of Nameless. Only that it's a woman based on her voice. She once appeared in the tunnels, quietly sat during the congregations, partook in the rituals. She then challenged the previous leader, one of the original registered members. Few trials later, the leader did not arrive and Nameless gradually assumed her new position.


You are free to self moderate your experiences within the Underground Tunnel, transactions for drugs can be made and should be referred to by the City Resources thread here.

You cannot however locate one of the three newly highlighted secret factions above, without contacting a moderator for a thread or at least permission first. Until then you are allowed to at least hear 'whispers' with any npc's you come across down here.
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Western Temple
Credit goes to Finn for the original, Chronicle for the revision

The Western Temple sits, obviously, westward of the massive Temple at the center, and serves as holy ground for the departed of Idalos. It is a structure built from dark stones giving off a somber feel. Its dedication is to Vri, the Immortal who looks after the dead, and might have been an inspiration for the down to earth design. Yet, the peculiarity of this temple sits within the fact that it has been built up on an artificially raised plot of land. Anyone who arrives needs to first ascend a set of stairs in between small terraces planted with red flowers and grass that contrasts starkly against the stones. At set intervals, there are also smaller statues of no defined gender or specific features. Those are placed in the middle and edge of each terrace. Some say those are the guardians of the temple and the souls who come to depart within its perimeter.

Past the ‘gate’ (two pillars, one on each side of the stairs) at the top of the stairs, one is presented with open space area where the architecture is even more unique. The building stones have been carved and stacked atop of one another so that often they give away the illusion of swaying against a cloudy sky. Yes, the shapes might be gently curved. The courtyard itself is spacious but almost void of buildings. In total, there are only two buildings which are connected by a closed off corridor - Cleansing Hall and Parting Hall.

Since the Western Temple is mainly used as a site for funerals, it is not missing its own graveyard which stretches along the furthest side of the courtyard, behind the halls and like arms to embrace it runs in a semi circle to the left and right. However, most importantly, the temple implements its own funerary rites. At the center between these two halls one will find the Shrine of Hope, where the faithful can pray to Xiur for the departed among other things.

Cleansing Hall

Cleansing Hall is strictly off limits at all times to those who do not work at the temple. It is a small dark building where the body of the dead is cleansed. There is only one simple table on which a body would be laid. Furrows along the bottom of the table direct the water to either of the four drains, each in one corner. Along the two longer walls, there is a long table which has no legs and seems to be directly part of the construction. On top of it, various tools are laid that are used by the Preparators.

Parting Hall

Parting Hall is used for funeral proceedings. It is much larger than Cleansing Hall, capable of housing up to hundred seated citizens. The body is lead on an altar at the centre of the hall. The benches then surround it in a perfect square that fans out towards the walls. Once again, the benches appear to be a direct part of the building and cannot be moved. It is not the most comfortable of halls, especially for the consistent breeze coming through. Reason being that the hall has thin slits in the walls through which cold air can come it. It works as a ventilation through any time of the year so that the odour from the dead is not too oppressing. However, due to those slits, the halls is lacking any windows and needs to be constantly lit with candles.

The Passage of the Just

The Passage of the Just is more a cavern underneath the premises of the temple, than an actual building. There is this notion of journeying, however, tied to the place. First and foremost within this cavern; Famula as well as Pier & Pre are worshipped. As dark and unwelcoming as the idea of cavern might be, this one is perhaps the most astonishing of them all, and certainly not claustrophobic. Whilst not large, the cavern has a high ceiling, it’s walls are more grainy than rough, hinting on manual labour that has come into carving it out. Instead of the black decor of the Halls above, the cavern carries a calming shade of gray. What rids the place of its confined presumptions is the Lucien Feather that grows along the floor, concentrated around the edges and certainly at the back of the cavern.

Anyone is able to recognise that the cavern is dedicated to Pier & Pre because from within the concentration of the Lucien Feather at the further side of the cavern, there are two perfect circles interlocking amidst their growth. Those are the same black as the rest of the temple and stand out stark in the light of the flower, even more so that in the middle of each circle stands a singular candle.

As for the notion of Passage, one has to walk through the graveyard first to arrive at the Gate of Descension. The Gate is located in no particularly important spot but it marks the entrance to the tunnel that leads towards the cavern. The tunnel itself isn’t long. However, for those coming for the first time, it might feel rather uncomfortable. It is because, once you enter, you are enveloped by near darkness and have to lay your fingers on the carved wall to guide yourself forth. It most certainly is a psychological trick, because in darkness we are faced with nothing else but ourselves and our minds. As one progresses through that passage, a soft glow will then start to caress the floor and walls until the first blooms of Lucien Feather appear. The emergence from the tunnel is almost ecstatic to some as the might feel a particularly strong sense of deliverance.

Pier & Pre are frequented just as the Immortal of Oaths is. However, these twin Immortals are favored by those who got on the wrong side of the law, as well as those with vengeance troubling their heart. Some even believe that those with not entirely lawful past and yet to be caught by the law come here to mock the Immortals. Some even say that somewhere within the Passage, or the cavern itself, there is a secret entry from the underground tunnels, used by the low life who disrespect Pier and Pre.


Those visiting a shrine will find particular items that fit the domains of that Immortal decorating their shrine, for example Pier and Pre's shrine will have weights. Visitors are welcome to offer tribute to any shrine of choice as they will be considered gifts for the Immortal tied to the shrine.

Pier & Pre - Shrine of Judgement
"Truth is not an end but a beginning"
Offerings can be Nel, or personal items
Famula - Shrine of Servitude
"I stand ever watchful in the beyond"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even samples of blood.

Vri - Shrine of Passing
"Never forget those we love"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, and mementos

Xiur - Shrine of Hope
"Keep your eyes to the sky"
Offerings can be Nel, and personal items

Funerary Rites

  1. Cleansing - Once the temple is made aware of a departed mortal and their relatives submit a request for a funeral, the temple transports the body from its holdings into the temple's cleansing hall. Cleansing is a part of the funeral during which acolytes of Vri care for the body. It can involve as simple things as washing the body, or as complicated matter as removing organs if it has not been done yet. Aside from body washing, the Cleansing also involves incense burning. Usually it is that of the Tus tree. Acolytes humming words to themselves is also rather common as they are reciting words which are meant to prepare the soul for leaving. The last step of cleansing is rubbing a scented oil into the body. Not only to further eradicate the potential unpleasant odours, but also to prevent further smells from spreading during Departure.
  2. Parting - After cleansing, the body is moved through a closed off corridor into the Parting Hall, where the formal and public service takes place. There are no speeches done. It is said that further words would distract the soul from its journey. On the other hand, no one wants to put the mourning family, or friends through further hardships of having to deliver monologues about those they loved and they themselves need to find peace to part with them.
  3. Departure - Departure is the moment when the deceased is set alight on the altar. That is, if those paying for the funeral wish for it. If they do, the oil that has been previously rubbed into the skin functions as a spark for the flame and helps it spread whilst not oppressing the onlookers with the smell of burning meat. Many say that the walls of the Western Temple are black precisely for the fact the bodies are burnt on the premises. After the burning has finished (it is not required for the onlookers to stay for the entire duration; oftentimes, once the body is set alight, many leave unable to bear the sight), the presiding attendant gathers the burn remains into a chosen urn to be then deposited at a family, or brand new grave.
    However, there are instances when it is requested to bury the dead in a coffin. In which case, the price rises and once the Parting has finished, the body is transferred into the coffin and taken to its grave. It is up to the gathered citizens then whether they would like to follow or not.
  4. Remembrance - Remembrance is not a set part of the rite. It is the action of those left alive who come to remember the ones they’ve lost.
Note: I might not be entirely correct with the rites dependent on the perception of death in Idalos. So if there is something odd, missing, or wrong, I will happily correct to make it more fitting.


Name: Wa Rakuli Thietran
Race: Mixed race (human, Qi’ora)
Age: 68 arcs
Title: Presiding Attendant
Languages: Common, Umaya
Skills: Business Management, Medicine, Discipline, Rhetoric
Other Information: Rakuli looks younger than he is, as is the nature of Qi’ora. He has grown in the hotlands before travelling to explore the world and finding himself in Ne’haer one day. He has always been an extreme hard-worker. However, as he arrived within the city, he suddenly found himself without a coin to pay for his travel back home. He took odd jobs here and there, even worked at the Western Temple. The temple then was in disarray. The Presiding Attendant of that time a greedy man who robbed those in need of their money and delivered an extremely poor service. Ask Rakuli how he ended up being the Presiding Attendant and he will look just as surprised as you. “It just happened one day.”

Note: The temple does not employ as per say. It finds its manpower within the lay acolytes and those who are desperate for coin to care for the dead. Rakuli is present at the temple every day and it is perhaps thanks to him that there is at least another knowledgeable follower of Vri who can recite the texts.

Price List

Basic Funeral (Cleansing, Parting, Burning, Plain Urn)30gn
Funeral I. (Cleansing, Parting, Burning, Decorative Urn)50gn
Funeral II. (Cleansing, Parting, Coffin)70gn
Grave Space Allocation (if no family grave)5gn
Cleansed Study Subject10gn
Note: Dead beggars are burnt, their ashes stored without charge; sometimes bodies can be just cleansed and then passed to students of medicine, or the medicine department that pays for them.
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Bank of Ne'haer
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The Bank of Ne'haer is a large institution managed by Rauve de Vesci, member of the council of Minaih. It is known for its devotion to the development of businesses and institutions within the city, and as a result the city's economy - through the bank's investments - has flourished across the past few decades, making it one of the wealthiest and most populous cities, with the bank a large and fundamental supplement to the economy.

All citizens are allowed to join the bank of Ne'haer without charge, though their loans must be repaid in a timely manner or they risk the absolute extortive practices of the Bank's personnel.

Note: Loans are put into your Narrator Notes. The requests can be put up in this thread, and approved by any moderator of Ne'haer, but the proper staff members must put the loans into your Narrator's Notes.

Interest Rates:

1 season: 2% (If withdrawals are made).
1 season: 7% (If no withdrawals are made).
1 arc: 25% (bonus for depositing 250gn per season for one year without withdrawing anything).

  1. You can only make one deposit or withdrawal per season.
  2. It costs ten gold nel to open a bank account with Ne'haer Bank.
Bank Loans:

1 season: 6%
1 cycle: 15%
1 arc: 25%

Bank of Ne'haer NPC List

Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use these NPCs if they're writing about this location.


Race: Biqaj
Age: 28 arcs
Title: Bank Manager
Skills: Business Management 70, Mathematics 60, Leadership 55, Negotiation 40, Persuasion 35, Rhetoric 30

Deimos is renowned for his excellent management capabilities, and is known as one of the most trusted men under Rauve de Vesci's employ, one of the leaders of the council of Minaih. He is well-liked by his employees for his sense of humor and his impartial behavior, and is also a fairly popular comedian on the western side of the city.


Race: Human/Biqaj - Mixed Blood
Age: 25 arcs
Title: Banker
Skills: Research 60, Appraisal 50, Negotiation 40, Detection 35, Seduction 30

Nathaniel is the cousin of Deimos, and the one who oversees most business loans. He is known to be meticulous and practical when deciding which businesses to offer a loan to. Like Deimos, he is quite charming, and is rumored to give a flat loan - minimal interest involved - for... favors, anyone applicable. Mod permission required to pursue this.


Race: Yludih
Age: 32 arcs
Title: Loan Shark
Skills: Stealth 70, Intimidation 55, Blades - Dagger 55, Running 45, Poisons 35

Not much is known about Maya, except for maybe the fact that she's the reason most individuals pay back their loans nearly always as they're scheduled to. She approaches under many guises, and demands the money the bank is owed. If it is not given to her, the intimidatory and crude tactics that follow are often not quite what you'd expect from a government or business individual.
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Cistern of Whispers
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To be developed eventually.
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Council of Minäih Judgement Hall
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The Judgement Hall sits across from Ne’haer’s famous dungeons and is a massive stone structure that houses hundreds of rooms for both interrogation purposes as well as meetings to determine the crimes one has committed in front of either the elected council or appointed judges.
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Crones' Blood Halls
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This is a placeholder for the Seers known as the Crone's Blood
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Hall of the Blades
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This is a placeholder for the Blades of Zafra
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Order of the Adunih
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Known for being one of the world's largest factions of healers, the Order of the Adunih seek to promote health and wellness throughout the vast lands of Idalos. Focused mainly on healing injuries and sickness, a priest of the Adunih doesn't need any particular blessing to become apart of the organization. Most adventurers who come across a healer will find they are apart of the organization. The Order provides supplies and benefits to its members so they may help prolong a human's life, if even by a day.

It was rumored that the Order was established even before the war between Immortals and the near extinction of humanity overtook the world. Their history runs far across the Arcs and their roots run deep, however, they didn't make an appearance till only recently. Before Immortals became involved within the dealings of man, there was only what one could do with their hands and a little bit of knowledge. Cleaning wounds, stitching, bandaging, cutting the skin open, mental health— all of these things were done without the use of 'Divine Marks' and still continue to be done without the help of the Immortals.

There are no records showing where the order originally established. Some say the faction was originally formed by a group of travelers who withstood many obstacles and became famous for their great deeds, going by the alias 'The Adunih'. Others say they were a group of priests housed in the mountains that were burned away upon Faldrun's arrival. No one is certain of the fact, though there are many fiction novels that circle from these notorious rumors.

  • Any player may join the Order, whether they are just starting or have been playing for a while.
  • There is a joining fee of 10gn, to help provide materials to all members of the faction.
  • When you progress from one cloak color to a new cloak color, there must be a modded 'graduation' ceremony. Each graduation ceremony is different and based off the culture of that city.
  • Players can choose to take up residence within the faction's location. Each city will have some kind of outpost or building dedicated to the faction where members may reside, educate themselves, and assist the populace. Though living within the faction is free, providing for it is not. If you choose to reside within the faction, you must complete 2 additional threads to be submitted to this topic. One thread must be collecting money/goods for the faction through donations or odd jobs (working with/for the people of the city), the other thread must involve teaching one of the members/getting involved within the faction itself (working with/for someone or a group of people inside the faction building). Both of these threads must be submitted to this topic by the end of each cycle or your character will be force to find their own place! The room itself is quite spacious, 300 square feet, with a window. There are no bathrooms connected to the rooms, however, there are gender separated bathing chambers in the facility.
  • Each character is allowed to start with a free Medical Kit and these pieces of knowledge: Faction: Order of the Adunih, Order of the Adunih: Green Cloak. These DO NOT count toward your total starting knowledge. They are in ADDITION to them.
  • Members have the option of visiting the Order to restock their Medical Kit at no charge.
  • Members may visit the order for free educational lessons on healing, meditation, psychology, or mark ability lessons.
  1. Green Cloaks
  2. Hood-less
    Every new member begins as a green cloak. Hood-less green cloaks mean that they have no skill/unskilled/novice level medicine skill, no skill/unskilled/novice level surgery skill, and less than 8 total knowledge between the two skills.
  3. Hooded
    Every new member begins as a green cloak. Hooded green cloaks mean that they have novice/competent level medicine skill, novice/competent level surgery skill, and a total of 10 knowledge between the two skills. They have also acquired 3 SPECIFIC pieces of knowledge dealing with growing medicinal herbs.
  4. Gold Trimming
    The trimming indicates that this green cloak member has novice/competent level medicine, novice/competent level surgery, a total of 15 knowledge between the two, 4 pieces of knowledge about the Order of the Adunih, and has tended to the wounds/sickness of 1 person.

    Blue Cloaks
  5. Hood-less
    A member with a hood-less blue cloak indicates that they have competent level medicine, novice/competent level surgery, 18 knowledge between the two, has donated the profits of 2 jobs to the Order (See Bounty Board), and has tended to the wounds/sickness of 3 people. They must also acquire mentorship from a Grey or White Cloak member.
  6. Hooded
    A hooded blue cloak indicates that the member has competent level medicine, competent level surgery, 21 knowledge between the two, has grown 3 medicinal herbs and used them to help wounds/sickness, has studied with their Grey/White Cloak mentor, and has acquired novice level meditation along with 2 knowledge in the skill.
  7. Gold Trimming
    Trimming indicates that the Adunih member has competent/expert level medicine, competent/expert level surgery, 28 knowledge between the two, has acquired 5 knowledge of their mentor, has acquired 3 knowledge of the Order of the Adunih, has taught something related to medicine to 1 order member, and has tended to the wounds/sickness of 3 people.

    Gold Cloaks +100 Fame
  8. Hood-less
    A hood-less gold cloak indicates that the member has expert level medicine, competent/expert level surgery, 32 knowledge between the two, has donated the profits of 4 jobs to the Order (See Bounty Board), has tended to the wounds of 3 people, has taught something related to medicine to 2 order members, and has crafted an antidote for a poison and used it on an individual to successfully cure them.
  9. Hooded
    A hooded gold cloak indicates that the member has expert level medicine, expert level surgery, 35 knowledge between the two, has saved someone from a near fatal wound, has 6 SPECIFIC knowledge about medicinal herbs, has reset a dislocated joint or bone, and has crafted 10 different kinds of medicine for sickness/ailments/injuries.
  10. White Trimming (Choose a path: Discipline of the Mind / Discipline of the Body)
    Trimming indicates that the member has chosen a discipline to follow, either of the mind or body. Mind Discipline: the member has competent level psychology and meditation. Body Discipline: the member has competent level of endurance and teaching. --- As well as a chosen discipline, the member has expert/master level medicine, expert/master level surgery, 38 knowledge between the two, has 3 knowledge related to their mentor, 3 knowledge about the Order, has taught a class of members, and has addressed the wounds of/healed 5 people within 1 trial.

    Grey Cloaks +100 Fame
  11. Hood-less
    A hood-less grey cloak does not require the guidance of a mentor any further. Instead, they are encouraged to seek out a green cloak, though it is not a requirement of the rank. A this rank, the member has master level medicine, expert/master level surgery, 40 knowledge between the two, has traveled to an entirely different city, has donated the profits of 2 jobs to the Order (See Bounty Board), and has acquired a healing mark and the first 3 abilities from it.
  12. Hooded
    Hooded grey cloaks indicate that the member has master level medicine, master level surgery, 44 knowledge between the two, has traveled to 2 different cities, has perform 4 jobs to help the local populace, as taught 2 classes of green cloaks, has crafted 12 different kinds of medicine for sickness/ailments/injuries, and has acquired the second tier ('Adored') of a healing mark.
  13. Gold Trimming
    Trimming indicates that the member has master/legendary level in medicine, master/legendary level in surgery, 48 knowledge between the two, has donated a total of 5,000gn to the organization, has donated a total of 5 rare kind of medicinal herbs to be used by the organization, has performed surgery on 5 individuals, and has removed a curse from someone.

    White Cloaks +200 Fame
  14. Hood-less
    A hood-less white cloak indicates the member has legendary level in medicine, master/legendary level in surgery, 50 knowledge between the two, has removed curses from 2 individuals, has acquired a green/blue cloak to mentor, has performed 2 jobs for the local populace, has donated 8,000gn to the organization, and has recruited 2 members into the organization.
  15. Hooded
    A hooded white cloak indicates the member has legendary level in medicine, legendary level in surgery, 52 knowledge between the two, has acquired the third tier ('Exalted') of their healing mark, has traveled with 2 groups of people (3 or more), quested into a dungeon/participated in a combat event with 1 of those groups of people, has mentored their green/blue cloak till grey cloak, has healed the wounds/sickness of 8 different people, has planted and grown 2 rare herbs, has donated 10,000gn to the organization, and has recruited 3 members into the organization.
  16. Gold Trimming (+200 Fame and a personal familiar.)
    A gold trimmed white cloak is the end all, be all of the Order. They are legendary healers sought after by almost everyone, masters of the art of healing disease, of injury, and removers of curses. Some of these healers are also Champions to the Immortals. Acquiring the rank of gold trimmed, white cloak is immensely difficult. If your character is attempting to go for this rank, special quests and permissions must be given to you in the Narrator Support Forum.

    Black Cloaks -250 Fame
    Black cloaks are given to exiled members who have done injustice against the Order, an individual, or a group of people for criminal or personal reasons. Upon being cast out from the organization, the exiled are given a cloak so that they are reminded of their misdeeds, so that they may repent for them, and so that they remember the Order will be there for them should they return from the darkness that's consumed them.

    Exiled members must run through a series of quests should they wish to return to the Order.

Alright lovelies, as I said, you don't need special permission to join the faction unless you have a mark. However, I would LOVE to know who joins the faction so I can stay up to date on all your charitable deeds.


Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 560px; border-radius: 10px;background-color: #8B100A; padding:30px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #FF756E; font-size: 14px; color: #FF756E;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Living At The Facility:[/b] (Yes/No)
[b]Current Medicine/Surgery Level:[/b]

New Rank

Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 560px; border-radius: 10px;background-color: #8B100A; padding:30px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #FF756E; font-size: 14px; color: #FF756E;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Current Medicine/Surgery Level:[/b]
[b]New Rank:[/b]
[b]Achievements:[/b] (Provide links to the required achievements for the new rank. Example: If you are going for hooded gold cloak, you must link me the thread where you saved someone from a near fatal wound.)


Code: Select all

[style=max-width: 560px; border-radius: 10px;background-color: #8B100A; padding:30px; margin-top:30px; margin-bottom:30px; margin: auto; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px #FF756E; font-size: 14px; color: #FF756E;][googlefont=Roboto][align=justify]
[b]Character Name:[/b]
[b]Current Medicine/Surgery Level:[/b]
[b]New Cloak:[/b]
[b]Requested Moderator:[/b] (If you have a preference.)
[b]Achievements:[/b] (Provide links to the required achievements for the new rank. Example: If you are going for hooded gold cloak, you must link me the thread where you saved someone from a near fatal wound.)
word count: 2035
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Prophet of Old
Posts: 332
Joined: Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:02 am
Race: Prophet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Ne'haer Linkmap

Sea Port Docks
Credit goes to ?

This is a placeholder for the location to be written up later. If you would like to develop this location for bank points and medals, please contact the city's prophet.

Jovira Qau'fnaj

Development credit goes to Ilied

Name: Jovira Qau'fnaj
Created by: Ilied Loraeva
Race: Biqaj
Age: 18
Born: 1st Trial of 1 Ymiden, 698
Title: Unknown
Languages: knows Rakahi, Common
Occupation/Location: Fishmonger, frequents the Sea Port Docks and City Square
Skills: Seafaring: Competent, Swimming: Expert, Fishing: Expert, Negotiation: Novice, Etiquette: Novice
Other Information:
Jovira "Jovi" Qau'fnaj is one of the more familiar Biqaj faces around Ne'Haer. This bright eyed, ever-smiling fishmonger can often be found along the ports selling her crew's daily catch. Rumors have it she might even haggle a bit, if someone can pique her interests. When not selling fish, Jovira can be found wandering the city, though she's mostly likely to be found around the City Square and nearby locations. A seeming inhabitant of Ne'Haer (though merely a Biqaj making business in the city with her Clan), it's not unlike Jovira to be found at other locations or to tag along to cultural events throughout the city. Outgoing, friendly, and a bit on the wild side, she seems to be a wonderful person to befriend. There's no telling what she might know having so many acquaintances…
Notes: If encountering Jovira on the market, please see a Narrator or appropriate Staff Member if your character desires to haggle for prices or information. When encountered outside of work, Jovira is less comfortable engaging in business relations, but more open to friendship. Feel free to befriend the NPC and take her on a date in the great city of Ne'Haer!
word count: 300
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