[Ne'haer] Locations & Linkmap

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Ne'haer Linkmap

The Armory of Ne'haer
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This is a placeholder for the location to be written up later. If you would like to develop this location for bank points and medals, please contact the city's prophet.
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The Stone Dungeons
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The stone dungeons contain criminals from the simple felons to the ones that bath in blood. The dungeons sit across from the Judgement Hall and is built like a fortress to contain the people locked inside. There are a number of levels to these dungeons, all of which are settled in darkness with the only light being from the torches the guards carry. Often times, people go insane in the darkness, trapped in the confines of a small room for unknown Arcs.
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The Hideaway
Credit goes to Mythic

Isolation is the new face of the Seekers. Once a very public and powerful organization, the Fall of Arcanis has rendered the Seekers into a more covert organization, and it is with that identity that the hideaways were born. Na'haer's was the first, a two story hovel built close to Na'haer, though far enough that visitors to the city and even locals would not venture unless they knew where they are going.

The hovel itself is unremarkable, a place primarily suited to housing young, learning sorcerers. However, the space surrounding the hideaway is entrenched in magic. Marked with wards that channel Illusionism, the hideaway is made to look like a densely wooded area, camouflaging it from view. Open space is also available for sorcerers to cast their spells, create focal points and practice to their heart's content. Inside, there are five rooms, three of which have four bunk beds and a small restroom. One of the remaining rooms is a master bedroom with two beds: one for the presiding Warlock and the other for any visiting Inquisitor to utilize. The last room is a small kitchen. The Na'haer hideaway is primarily for lower-ranked and younger members of the Seekers, with a select few teachers and a presiding Warlock to oversee the development of these young minds.

Hideaway Commons

Cramped and dirty describe the Hideaway as a whole, though the Commons would be the noteworthy exception. While not spacious the furniture of the commons allows for the illusion of space to exist. A long sofa dominates the southern wall, followed by twelve seats on the western wall, six more on the east and a chalkboard on the northern wall. Three small tables are set in front of the sofa, creating a comfortable environment for Seekers of any age or rank to find themselves in so that their mind can grasp at the pillars of wisdom.

Roslyn Havel

Race Human
Age 31
Skills 81 Teaching, 62 Gravitation, 59 Attunement, 46 Meditation, 51 Empathy, 39 Research, 33 Persuasion, 21 Negotiation.
Marks None.
Rank Warlock
Information Roslyn was raised with the Seekers. Orphaned by the war, she was found by the late Inquisitor, Alan Ressel when he was but a Sorcerer. Alan took Roslyn under his wing from a young age, giving her a conduit at the age of 13 years. Roslyn proved herself to be a talented sorceress, easily outclassing many elder, experienced Neophytes. Roslyn was made an Acolye at the age of 15, and began her journey through the ranks of the Seekers from there. She spends much of her time raising Neophytes and testing their boundaries, spending cycles or even arcs at a time teaching a single student, much like a Sorcerer would. However, she oversees all aspects of the hideaway's activities, ensuring its survival for posterity.
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Valfield Farms
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The farm land is open to public use from sunrise to just before sunset. Anyone looking to purchase livestock, seeds, plants, vegetables, fruits, and herbs are welcomed to visit the property. The Elnan family is open to teaching and mentoring those who wish to take up the farming life style, but for a cost. Whether it's through bartering services or paying gold outright, lessons can be arranged at the customer's request. Anyone seeking goods or services should speak to Graros Elnan.


Enriched Feed - Mixed with home grown grains, special powders, and vitamins that keep your livestock plumper and healthier throughout the seasons. Giving your livestock enriched feed will yield better quality meat, egg, milk, etc.
Small (20 Chickens) 20gn Per Season
Medium (1 Goat) 40gn Per Season
Large (1 Cow) 60gn Per Season
Enriched Fertilizer - Mixed with a blend of dirt and special powders, processed enriched feed, and added vitamins that dissolve with water contact, Enriched Fertilizer will help your produce become plumper and healthier and can yield almost three times more produce than regular fertilizer.
¼ Acre - 40gn Per Season
½ Acre - 60gn Per Season
¾ Acre - 80gn Per Season
An Acre - 100gn Per Season


All seeds sold enough for ¼ Acre for 2cn each. Already grown plants are sold at 1gn per plant. If you do not see a specific kind of produce, please inquire with the business owner about specially ordering it.

[columns=4]Carrot Seeds
Bell Pepper Seeds
Corn Seeds
Tomato Seeds
Green Beans
Potato Seeds
Lettuce Seeds
Cucumber Seeds
Zucchini Seeds
Onion Seeds
Radish Seeds
Apple Seeds
Watermelon Seeds[/columns]

Farming Equipment

Some items must be specially ordered if they are not currently available. (OOC Note: All equipment is discounted so long as you make the purchase in RP. If you do not, you must pay regular listed price on the price list.)
Sickle5 gnScythes5 gnWooden Plough20 gn
Rake1 gnSpade2 gnWatering Can2 gn
Water Wagon40 gnWagon Small10 gnWagon Large50 gn
Grain Cart10 gnGrain Flail3 gnBucket1 gn
Iron Shears4 gnDraw Hoe5 gnHand-fork4 gn
Wooden Roller15 gnHorse Drawn Hoe50 gnPruning Knife2 gn
Pitchfork4 gnPlant Box Small15 gnPlant Box Large25 gn
Strawberry Planter3 gnPruning Hooks7 gnHorse Drawn Rake15 gn
Seed Sower10 gnSoil Sifter3 gnWheelbarrow7 gn
Branding Iron5 gnChisel Small2 snChisel Medium1 gn
Chisel Large2 gnChicken Coop 25 gn

Livestock For Sale

Chickens (20)5gn
Goat 7gn


Strawberry Picking - Ashan Only - 15gn Per Medium Bucket
Apple Picking - Ymiden Only - 20gn Per Large Bag
Pumpkin Picking - Vhalar Only - 5gn Per Pumpkin

Beginner's Gardening Class - 30gn - Bonus 3 skill points for Gardening/Agriculture skills only once thread is completed per individual. For Novice level skills only.

Intermediate Gardening Class - 50gn - Bonus 3 skill points for Gardening/Agriculture skills only once thread is completed per individual. For Competent level skills only.

Graros Elnan

Agriculture - Master
Animal Husbandry - Expert
Wrestling - Competent
Intimidation - Competent
Gardening - Expert
Sevrath - Adored
Details: Graros Elnan is an energetic spirit. Owner of Valfield Farms, he and his family tend the grounds while educating those interested in agriculture. Graros can be an intimidating fellow upon first impression but after brief conversation, one will find he is quiet the humorous farmer. Utterly in love with his wife, if he isn't talking about his daughter's achievements, he's quite openly bragging about the mother of his child. Graros is a good man, one who doesn't mind negotiating prices and helping those in need, when he can.

Wẹnalawa Elnan

Herbalism - Master
Meditation - Expert
Linguistics - Competent
Unarmed Combats - Expert
Teaching - Expert
Observation - Expert
Dodging - Competent
Sevrath - Exalted
Details: Like all Sev'ryn, Wen travel from Desnind in search of her spiritual companion. It was when she'd successfully completed her journey and was headed back home did she stop and, eventually, settled within Ne'haer. Wen chanced upon Graros one evening whilst leisurely taking in the view of the Lochgrass Gardens and from there, the two were nearly inseparable. Now, after having a child, Wen is just as devoted, if not more so than her husband, to the farmland that they own and share. Between educating those that stop by, tending the land, and taking care of their daughter, Kaïse, Wen somehow manages the time to meditate and care for her spiritual companion.

Kaïse Elnan

Mixed Race - Sev'ryn/Biqaj
Investigation - Novice
Gardening - Novice
Details: Kaïse is the daughter of Wen and Graros Elnan and quite a handful to say the least. She is an adventurous spirit that loves mystery and solving perplexities that come her way. Being young and wild often involves trouble and Kaïse is nearly a magnet for it. If she's not tending the farm with her mother and father, she's off wrecking havoc in some place.
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Ne'haer Linkmap

Zuroni's Animal Sanctuary
Artwork created by Unknown artist.
Credit goes to Niv

On the outskirts of the city just before the Willow Woods begins, Lies a large animal sanctuary that bustles with life. It was originally the Home of Zuroni, a veterinarian who often took in injured animals and brought them back to health. The mans good will attracted the attention of local Tunawa who began bringing him even more creatures in need of his care. Space became limited quickly and together with the Tunawa, Zuroni was able to build a space that could house quite a bit of different creatures and Tunawa alike.

It is now a small town where Tunawa and animals live, and a place where residence of Ne'hear can come to adopt or learn to train their animals. The animal fences in the sanctuary are actually made of stacked up Tunawa houses and buildings, and the massive cages are littered with tiny stairways and bridges for the tunawa to easily travel about. large trees filled with various birds and vibrant plant life decorate the landscape to make the animals and tunawa feel more at home.

The tunawa are most proud of the assortment of obstacle courses they constructed to aid in training and rehabilitation. They put a great deal of effort into making elevating by levels of difficulty so that every animal could feel challenged but comfortable.

The money Zuroni makes from selling the animals goes directly into keeping the sanctuary alive and towards building new additions. It is advised that you take care of the pets you adopt because the Tunawa are know to keep tabs on customers from time to time.


Name: Zuroni
Created by: Niv
Race: Biqaj
Age: 30
Born: 14th of Ashan, Arc 686
Title: Owner
Skills: Medicine (Competent), Surgery (Competent), Animal Training (Competent), Animal Husbandry (Competent)
Other Information:
A kind and generous man of great patience and compassion. He can be a bit stand offish and quiet however, and prefers the company of animals and Tunawa over the people of the city.


Name: Alarin
Created by: Niv
Race: Tunawa
Age: 17
Born:7th of Ymiden, Arc 699
Skills: Animal Husbandry (Expert), Animal Training (Competent), Leadership (Competent)
Other Information:
Alarin has always had a way with Animals, even when he was small all manner of creatures would be calm in his presence. This ability also helped him organize the Tunawa that live with Zuroni, and ensure they they all did their part to help the sanctuary.
He was never a slave but chose to travel along with his sister Lyssae and see the animals the world had to offer. He set up root in Ne'hear not long after after meeting his romantic partner Jenberon who convinced him to stay.


Name: Jenberon
Created by: Niv
Race: Tunawa
Age: 18
Born: 7th of Ymiden, Arc 697
Skills: Carpentry (Competent), Construction (expert), Sculpting (Competent)
Other Information:
Obsessed with building and making object and buildings, Jenberon was the Tunawa that organizes most of the ongoing construction for the Sanctuary. Unlike his Partner Alarin, he can be a bit abrasive and stubborn especially when he has a lot of work to do. His personality switches when Alarin's calming presence is around and he becomes more friendly.

He was a slave in the past but he doesn't like to talk about it.


Name: Lyssae
Created by: Niv
Race: Tunawa
Age: 10
Born: 25th of Ymiden, Arc 706
Skills: Animal Husbandry (Competent), Stealth (Competent), Intelligence (Competent), Investigation (Competent)
Other Information:
Lyssae is the best at finding injured animals and strange goings on. She's less trusting than her brother Alarin and is usually the one to follow new pet owners to see if they are taking care of their pets properly. She's weary of most strangers after hearing so many horror stories from local Tunawa.


Small Dog - 15gn
Medium Dog - 40gn
Large Dog - 75gn
Cat - 5gn
Lamb - 5gn
Kid (Goat) - 5gn
Lizard - 3gn
Turtle - 1gn
Garden Snake - 1sn
Duckling - 5sn
Duck - 1gn
Drake - 5gn
Goosling - 1gn
Goose - 2gn
Gander - 10gn
Pigeon - 10gn
Dove - 15gn
Owl - 20gn

Note: The above prices are for untrained Animals. To obtain the price of a trained Animal or Mount, double the listed cost.

Exotic Pets

Hawk - 30gn
Falcon - 80gn
Eagle - 300gn
Ocelot - 50gn
Feather paw Necromancer - 400gn

Note: For the safety of the citizenry, the above Pets can only be purchased fully trained. The listed prices reflect the cost of training these spirited mounts!


1 Hour Training Session 10gn
Animal Check Up 20gn
Players are free to self Moderate this location.
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[Ne'haer] Locations & Linkmap

Character Name: Alistair Venora
Business Name: Kaelserad, formerly Sabaissant Medical Offices
Business Location: Ne'haer
Type of Business: Physician's Center
Business Description: This is a physician's office, specialized or general, as well as a surgery center.

The business charges a standard fee for each procedure, as well as the cost of any antidotes or drugs supplied to cure one of any diseases or poisons or prevent further illness, etc. Drugs NECESSARY to the surgery and absolute wellbeing of the patient are given for free, though extra dosages (if one complains about pain for example) will cost. The company promises not to give patients unnecessary supplicants/antidotes/drugs, and asks before applying any sort of drug unless the patient is in critical or unaware condition.

Disclaimer: Kaelserad is not responsible for the deaths of patients, and has been excused from any legal drawbacks in their death unless evident willful neglect of their health can somehow be proven!

Price List


Poison Antidotes
Ivorian Kora Sap: 5gn each Snake antivenin
Whitemoss:30gn each General poison cure
Buzz: 10gn each Cures Fuzz (which over-sensitizes and strengthens nerve connections)
Fuzz: 10 gn each Cures Buzz (which numbs and can break nerve connections)

Medical Drugs
Acid Crocodile Blood: 25gn each General speed healing supplicant of the Northern Region
Brain Berries: 5gn each Mental recovery/enhancement supplicant
Cat's Tongue: 2gn each Helps cure food poisoning
Clam Leaf Tonic: 5gn each A numbing agent, multipurpose (almost always applied before a surgery)
Fist Nut: 30gn each A coagulate for excessive bleeding by competent doctors
Fog: 5gn Drug resistant
Garrotte Vine Sap: 25gn Slightly less effective anticoagulant than Fist Nut
Giant Leech: 2gn Saliva is anesthetic
Ice Block Tea: 25gn Helps one survive the extreme cold or the effects of it.
Ignis Beans: 1gn Protein supplement
Leechbane: 10gn Blood booster
Psinia Shield: 20gn Versatile painkiller
Scarf-Rot: 5gn Anti-Infection Poultice blend, sleep agent, anti-scarring burn balm, and anti-aging cream
Rockmaze Moss Powder: 5gn For rapid bone healing and health
Strangler Fig Bark: 2gn Boiled, the steam is a general health tonic

Eye Cataracts: 100gn An extremely painful and dangerous surgery that does not usually yield the greatest of results due to the unsophisticated medical technology by modern standards. This is gruesome. Period. However, some people require it and so they deal with the pain and high cost.
Blocked Bladder Surgery: 80gn This surgery requires less exceptional focus and precision, and so costs less than some of the other more extreme surgeries. This is more advanced than the old medieval catheter surgeries performed, instead using pressure as well as Cat's Tongue. Sometimes incisions are made and the stomach is inspected to uncover damage or other issues, but this is often considered an extreme that is avoided.
Brain Surgery: 150gn An extreme surgery performed by several medical professionals, with Alistair often requiring large numbers of assistants for such an operation, often the family of the patient. Incisions are usually made to inspect the skull and tools such as a 'drill' as well as a plucking tool are used to repair damage to the skull and inspect the greatest ailments of the brain. This is extremely dangerous and has often resulted in death, frankly about as frequently as it's saved individuals, though a more proficient medic can increase their success rate over time.
Arrow Removal: 25gn per arrow Another dangerous procedure, though much less dangerous than the others. Arrow removal is tricky as often arrow heads come off of their shaft when loosed into a victim. This procedure involves an "arrow spoon", a device that with proper precision can attach onto the arrowhead and pull it out before it causes further damage. After that, cautery is performed to improve the recovery of the victim and prevent bleeding out. However, scars are almost certain.
Childbirth: 75gn Childbirth is somewhat deadly. Usually for childbirth the patients are requested to bring in any family or dear friends they have in case of the relatively low (but still notable) chance that the mother is to die. The surgeon will perform the midwifery and give birth to the baby, though the extremely long and drawn out process results in a fairly high cost. As surgical experts, Kaelserad flaunts a much higher survival rate for the mothers than with midwifes or other random groups of individuals, often giving mothers a much cleaner process with the use of painkillers, recovery tonics and other agents.
Amputations: 50gn One of the most gruesome surgeries, the amputation is one reduced in cost merely out of support for the victim who is assured of a negative outcome. This requires precision by the doctor as well as the use of hot irons and other practices to prevent wild infection after the amputation has been performed.
Other Surgeries: Variable There are many more surgical procedures out there, and their prices and procedures can be discussed IC.
Business NPCs/PCs

Kleine Volgotha

Full Name: Kleine Volgotha, known previously as the slave "Kaiserion"
Race: Lotharro
Age: 24
Title: Receptionist
Skills: Plotnotes

Kaiser, or Kleine, was born in the Fields of Gauthrel, to the clan Nordhoff. Born as the life mate (Likrjyr) of the leader of the clan, Kleine was cherished among his people and given exceptionally high status. As he developed, he was placed in charge of slave control and affairs, essentially an intelligence position within the tribal territory meant to ensure the continued subjugation and obedience of the slaves. This was considered an extremely high station within Nordhoff, and as such he was seen with much credence and respect. However, as time went on and as he pursued his profession, he discovered that - in fact - he loved the slaves he'd been assigned to subjugate.

Servitude as loyal as theirs was something he admired, and shortly after the rise of this realization, he determined that he would help slaves from within rather than without. The reason for this, unbeknownst to others, was due to a rise of commitment to the Immortal Famula. In her name, he swore to serve the interests of slaves and servants, ensuring their happiness amidst their dedication and labor. He would live as a model example, educating and empowering them to have integrity and to possess depth and will, while yet still content from behind their shackles. He commanded his life-mate, the leader of the Nordhoff, to place him in chains as a sign of his own free will. Reluctantly and with sorrow, the man obliged. However, considering Nordhoff bears no Lothar slaves, Rio was sold to a black market organization within Ne'haer that trafficked slaves through the city.

In the midst of transport between one city to the next, Kaiser encountered Alistair Venora, a man he considered to have exceptional depth from the start. Rio, given greater autonomy due to his almost fanatical obedience, was allowed to spend portions of the evenings with Alistair while being brought from Rharne to Rynmere. Over time, he began to grow a devotion for Alistair, and what appeared to be a subliminal message ultimately brought him to request the Venora Lord take and keep his lock and key: in his own personal journal, from combining the capital letters of each paragraph, the words "ALISTAIR YOUR MASTER" were formed.

Being sold to the Lord, Kaiser has since begun a new and very different life.
word count: 1242
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”J.R.R. Tolkien
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