Credit goes to Finn for the original, Chronicle for the revision
To the north of the monumental Temple of the All Gods is a reserved area on the sacred grounds, tucked away with the vegetation found growing on the shorelines of Lake Rea. The Northern Temple is a unique stone temple built off the wall that harbors the waters of Ne'haer from the lake beyond, with pure white stone that shines a brightly under pure sunny days. The temple was once used as a temporary fort for the city, serving as a watch over the bay as ships would seek port. The building itself has been converted into a modest temple dedicated to several Immortals, as the part of the wall became annexed into the sacred grounds once construction of Ne'haer's vast wall had finished. It's at this temple sailors as well as pilgrims are frequenting when it comes to travel over seas, as they come here to seek prayer for Chrien's mercy as well as U'frek's blessing on long voyages.
The temple has a long corridor with shrines on opposite ends, while U'frek's shrine rests besides a doorway which leads into a stairwell. When one travels up this long flight of stairs, faithful devoted to the Immortal Qylios will even be found atop the tower that stands above the temple. It is this tower that not only serves as a religious joint of the faithful, but as a beacon of courage for intrepid souls braving the dangerously vast waters. Atop the the tower of Qylios's shrine is a station set up for the navy, which consists of a look out point with a bell to alert the city of danger incoming from the sea; with a great fire pit in the middle to light the way for ships sailing under night.
One important piece to the ground floor shrines is the fountain located outside with a depiction of U'frek, and a school of koi that inhabit the fountain for faithful purposes. At night when the moon tends to shine bright enough, the koi tend to glimmer with silver much like a Biqaj will; often a symbolical lineage to the origins of the watery tribes that traverse the open seas. There is one more separate body of water on the premises and that is behind the temple completely closed off to the public. It is a pond of small size, with clear water that reveals its stone bottom. It was not man made so the theory has it that the water seeps upwards from in between the stones, the source being the lake. As the back part of the premises of the temple are off limits, it is also believed that the anchorite has his/hers humble living house there too.
High Seas, Low Skies
High Seas, Low Skies is a one-day ritual solely devoted to Chrien and U’frek. It is designed to please both Immortals regardless of their relationship or view on other races. The anchorite leads it all the way through and the audience can choose to join in, or spectate. Since the ritual has been performed in the temple for as long as anyone can remember, those who attend it regularly know the schedule to the T. The ritual, without any fail and regardless of any obstacles, always happens in the middle of the arc on the last day of Saun (246th trial in one arc). With the temple being near water and incorporated into the vegetation surrounding the shore, coupled with the heat, the air is humid and heavy. Hence, the anchorite, be it a man or a woman, tends to perform the ritual with as little clothing as possible whilst still remaining decent. It has no religious significance. It is just a matter of convenience.
The ritual starts at the first break after the sunrise. Before then, the anchorite goes through cleansing rituals in the body of water behind the temple. At the first break after sunrise, the anchorite moves to the front of the temple all the way to the edge of the water where fish are already gathered in hopes of stray bits of food falling into their gaping mouths. The anchorite disregards them, descending into their midst until the water reaches the waist. With arms stretched out to the sides as if offering one’s self to the mercy of the Immortals, the anchorite starts intoning words that everyone considers sacred words, almost a prayer of the greeting kind. It is to make the Immortals aware that they are going to be honoured, today in particular. The audience either stands on the shore, or some can choose to enter the water as well, but never did it happen that anyone would go further than the anchorite is , because he, or she, is the one who leads the ritual. The recitation usually last for half a break after which, those in the water return onto the shore.
The rest of the day is filled with similar actions but performed inside the temple. The anchorite retreats inside to sit cross-legged in front of the unique statue, intoning more of the sacred texts. Groups of people enter in intervals. Up to seventy people can fit inside the hall sitting in the same manner, but they are touching knee to knee with their neighbour. Oftentimes, attending just one of those intonations is considered enough by the locals or those who are familiar with the proceedings. However, the anchorite performs them all, with a break for food at mid-trial and shorter breaks in between each intonation. Occasionally, people stay for more than one intonation. However, due to the spatial constraints, not everyone is able to attend the recitals inside the hall. Due to that, it is common to find those who can’t fit in, and can’t wait, or prefer the outdoors, to sit cross-legged all over the place, either quietly meditating or reciting the words they have memorised.
The Mystery of the Anchorite
Only those who have lived long enough are able to pinpoint the oddity about the anchorite. Those whose skin is already wrinkled and teeth are starting to fall out would be able to tell you how strange it is that there is always someone at the temple. Why? There are no formal links to other religious bodies from which an anchorite could come; no connection to a family which would own the temple; nor any other trace why a stranger would take over a temple. Yet, somehow, there is always one and every so often, just at the life expectancy of a person, new anchorite comes along and assumes the role. There are theories that perhaps there is a family hiding away at the temple. After all, the back of the temple is strictly off limits and no one really dares to trespass. Some more outragoues theories suggest that an Yludih has taken over. However, these theories dont't stand their grounds very well as the anchorites have been of various races and both genders.