[Ne'haer] Locations & Linkmap

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Ne'haer Linkmap

Siason's Stichery
Credit goes to Qia'nru

Siason's Stitchery has been doing business in Ne’haer for over twenty arcs. They provide the finest alterations and custom clothing creation in the city. Their quality work isn’t the only thing that keeps people coming through the doors; it’s as much the professional environment and superb customer service. There are scant few seamstress shops in Idalos that are able to offer such fine craftsmanship with a guarantee of timeless on garments altered or ordered from the shop. It’s also why they’re able to boast members of the Council of Minäihe as some of their top clientele.

Each of the warmly painted walls in the waiting area is adorned with pictures of the owner’s work, making it as much a showroom as a work space. Colorful garments hang from racks around the room, so that customers might sample her stitching for themselves. Behind the counter is a large, open room where the seamstress’s workstations are set up. Customers can view them hard at work on various projects at any given time. The transparency of the open space both creates excitement and helps the fledgling seamstresses better their work.

Nicasia Saison, the shop’s owner is as passionate about teaching others as she is about her work. She has a sharp eye when it comes to picking out new talent and while her methods of squeezing the best out of them may seem odd at times, she has turned out many of the season’s top seamstresses.

Nicasia Saison

Name: Nicasia Saison
Race: Human
Age: 42 Arcs
Skills: Sewing 55 Expert, Business Management 50 Expert, Negotiation 30 Competent, Politics 35 Competent, Teaching 40 Competent

Nicasia is beautiful and passionate. It’s under her steady hand that Saison’s Stitchery has grown into the successful business that it is. When she bought it all those arcs ago, it was falling apart at the seams. It is her unwavering will and steel backbone that helped her build it back up to what it is today. She's given up everything personal to invest all of her time, energy and nels into the shop, so there is no way the rumors about her long-standing affair with one of the Council members could be true.

Price List

Item Name Pricing Item Name Pricing
Undergarments (Women) 5 sn Coat 7 gn
Undergarments (Men) 2 sn Cloak 5 gn
Dress 5gn Stockings 10 sn
Overdress 2 gn Robes 18 gn
Underdress 1 gn Shirt 12 sn
Gown 9 gn Gambeson 3 gn
Corset 10 sn Brigandine 7 gn
Skirt8 sn Tabard 5 gn
Blouse 6 sn Doublet 3 gn
Chemise 12 sn Jerkin 15 sn
Bodice 10 sn Briefs 8 sn
Tunic 8 sn Gloves 2 gn
Vest 1 gn Pants 3 gn
Breeches 1 gn Trousers 5 gn
Jacket 3 gn Cape 1 gn

Trimmings and Modifications
Item Name Pricing
X-Small x.15
Small x.20
Medium x.30
Large x.60
X-Large x.80
Item Name Pricing Item Name Pricing
Lace (Trim) 5 sn Ribbon (Trim) 5 sn
Fur (Trim) 4 gn Gimp (Trim) 15 sn
Passementerie (Trim) 2 gn Fur (Misc.) 10 gn
Buckles 12 sn Bells 7 sn
Lining 1 gn Fastener 5 sn
Cord (Braided) 18 sn Cord 12 sn
Embroidery 8 gn Tassels 2 gn
Fringe 5 sn Chains 12 sn
Beads 8 sn Feathers 15 sn
Bone 9 gn
Note: Custom orders can be arranged.
Moderator's Note: Players are welcome to use this NPC if they're writing about this location.
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Steeltail Armor Shop
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As one draws near to the coliseum, one will find a building with doors made of a wood foreign to Ne'haer's shores and a sign with a shield seemingly made out of serpent scales, though in reality it's the same wood as the doors. Upon entering this place, one would be greeted with row after row of helmets, breastplates, gauntlets, grieves, and shields, made out of plate, chain, or leather. Owned and operated by immigrants from the distant island nation of Yithiral, the Steeltail Armor Shop deals in the Ithecal's primary export, armor and shields.
Notes Regarding Steeltail
While not massive, the shop is big enough to keep armor in a good many different sizes and makes. However, since they import their goods, they cannot do special orders in any great hurry. Also due to this, the armor bought here is of good, but not extravagant or masterwork quality. Due to the Ithecal mind set, decorative armor likewise cannot be found here.

The shop is a two story building, but the stairs are behind the counter, as the family that runs the shop lives above it.

Culain Ivorian

Race: Ithecal
Skills: Business Management - Expert
Rhetoric - Expert
Melee Combat (Uses a Warhammer) - Competent
Endurance - Expert
Cooking - Competent
Mark: Taithir - Favored
Personality: An ex-member of the Yithiral Militia, Culain moved to Ne'haer to start the Steeltail Armor Shop after a combat injury left him too slow to serve on the front lines. Now stubborn and somewhat irritable, Culain is nevertheless a kind and loving husband and parent, and customers who are serious about wanting good armor will find him helpful, while collectors and those in search of useless, fancy armors, will find him rude, abrasive, and hostile.

Natalia Ivorian

Race: Ithecal
Skills: Business Management - Novice
Rhetoric - Novice
Melee Combat (Uses a Longsword and Dagger) - Expert
Endurance - Expert
Fishing - Competent
Mark: Taithir - Favored
Personality: Unlike her husband, Natalia didn't leave the militia due to injury, but rather to support her husband as he set up his new venture in Ne'haer. Not a businesswoman in any sense, Natalia works more as security and helps out Ne'haer's military from time to time. While still kind, Natalia's is more taciturn and moody than Culain, but is still willing to help customers who come to the shop and even more willing to chase out people who aren't interested in serious protection.

Solreth Ivorian

Race: Ithecal
Skills: Business Management - Competent
Rhetoric - Novice
Melee Combat (Has an arming sword) - Novice
Smithing - Novice
Endurance - Competent
Mark: None
Personality: Born and partly raised in Ivorian, Solreth had started to learn basic smithing before his father and mother choose to move to Ne'haer. Though they offered to let him stay, Solreth chose to accompany his family. Calm and quiet, Solreth isn't particularly outgoing and no one in Ne'haer outside his family can claim to know him well. That said, he is willing to help those who come to the shop, even if he isn't as outgoing as the rest of his family.

Lania Ivorian-Ne'haer

Race: Ithecal
Skills:Endurance - Novice
Rhetoric - Novice
Melee Combat (Has a dagger) - Novice
Mark; None
Personality: The youngest of the family, Lania was born just before they moved to Ne'haer, and thus is more a child of Ne'haer than Yithiral. However, she still desires to visit her family home as she gets older, and wants to join the military like her mother. Young, impulsive, and occasionally bratty, Lania is nonetheless an endearing child who is eager to help and generally very sweet, despite the universal flaws of young children.
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The Sphinx's Armaments
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The Sphinx's Armaments is a shop settled right before the harbor. It sees plenty of business even though there are along two people manning the store. Nevertheless, they get their orders done in a timely fashion and have received praise for the excellent craftsmanship of the weapons they've made. The store front is neat and organized when a customer walks in and the first thing the may notice are the number of swords hanging from the display cases surrounding the shop. From decent quality iron blades to exaggerated, fashioned weapons meant for decoration, there is an array of weapons that can be purchased from the sphinx's armaments.
For custom requests, please speak to the shop keeper. If you've acquired the materials for the weapon you would like designed, Thakrid will most likely give you a discount on the price.

Thakrid Edwic

Race: Biqaj
Blacksmithing - Master
Observation - Master
Armed Combats (Sword) - Expert
Business Management - Competent
Siege Weaponry - Expert
Weaponsmithing - Master
Vaelus: Exalted
Taithir: Favored
Details: Thakrid use to work in Ne'haer's military force, rising quickly into a notable rank and becoming quite a formidable opponent on the battlefield. As the arcs passed, he was discharged from the force and given quite a nice pile of gold to live off of for the remainder of his life. With that money, he purchased a store that sat just before the harbor and invested his time into learning how to use the forge and what he could make from using it. He is old now, and though he doesn't disclose much of his personal life, he is content to take on any apprentices who wish to learn from him.

Ilevai Ivorian The Apprentice

Race: Ithecal
Weaponsmithing - Competent
Medicine - Competent
Armed Combats (Lance) - Competent
Observation - Competent
Blacksmithing - Expert
Taithir: Adored
Personality: Ilevai is a citizen of Ivorian, brought over on one of Ne'haer's trade vessels. Due to the two cities alliances, Ilevai decided to venture to this bustling place of trade and commerce in hopes of expanding his education and skill. Though, his travels where decent, his welcome to the city was anything but such. How could he have known the Biqaj have a dislike for "tailed" races. Ilevai later found that the relationship between the Ne'haerians and the Mer tribe weren't exactly friendly when he arrived as there has been an attack just days prior. Nevertheless, Ilevai had stumbled into Thakrid's shop, already prepared with his documentation. He didn't say but a few words to the older man before he was hired on the spot. Since then, Ilevai has been in Ne'haer for nearly an arc. He is welcoming to customers and is usually the first to approach any who walk into the store.
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The Crying Cow
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Place Holder for a leather shop.
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The Glass Rose
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The Glass Rose is a well known establishment in Ne'haer by virtue of its reputation. Have a husband that simply won't take notice of you? Have a wife that's too busy with the children? There will always be someone available that will direct you to the most reputable brothel in the city, resplendent in its interior and exterior architecture. The haven of pleasure nestled between two mundane shops is instantly recognizable by the stained glass windows depicting blooming roses that pays homage to its name.

Step inside the doors of the Glass Rose, where long drapes of silk frame the large, ornate chandeliers above, and where doorways are carved in the likeness of tangled vines. In one corner of the brothel there lies a bar, filled to the brim with exquisite wine, with a handful of tables carved of wood and seats accentuated with deep red. In the opposite corner is the lounge, where private musicians play to a host of men and women sprawled over various couches and divans. Occasionally, performers will play on the raised dais, such as burlesque or dancers. Every inch of the area is gilded, intricately detailed and draped in soft satin fabric.

There are two stories to the establishment. The first consisting of the bar, the lounge and the rooms used for sensual needs. Each room is garnished with a bed, more drapery, and plenty of extra accessories should the customer have need of them. The second story is the home of the men and women who work in the business, and are furnished with a bed, a dresser, a drawer, a multitude of personal items and a hearth. At the end of the long hallway of the second story is the room of the proprietor, Madame Amaryllis, strictly off limits to everyone but the most wealthiest and most influential of customers.

Madame Amaryllis

Name: Amaryllis
Race: Human
Age: Unknown (A lady always keeps her secrets.)
Skills: Seduction Expert, Business Management Expert , Poisons Competent, Politics Competent

Many secrets surround Amaryllis and her respected establishment. Some say she is the bastard daughter of a far flung royal family, others say she was an orphan who built herself up from the ground up using her wily skills and quick wit. Anything could be the truth for Amaryllis, for she prides herself on her secrets and her ambitions. She is shrewd, calculating but masked in a loveliness that makes her approachable and seductively charismatic, but many know that she is not one to be trifled with, for the Madame can be fearsome when her workers or her establishment is threatened.
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Written Wisdom
Credit goes to Inali

Written Wisdom can be found near the eastern wall of Ne’haer, far from the humid air and bustling noises of Lake Rea. The outside of the shop is decorated with a large wooden sign that hangs just above a dusty window. The sign reads: Written Wisdom, Books for everyone! The interior of the shop is split into two levels: a lower level that contains non-fiction works, cookbooks, practical guides, biographies, reference books, and maps. The small upper floor houses fiction books, children's tales, blank journals, and assorted stationary supplies. The shopkeeper, a bearded human by the name of Gregory Aspilen, sits at a crowded desk on the eastern wall of the shop. Towers of books that have yet to be shelved surround the desk and Gregory will often try and convince his patrons to buy the top book off any given stack. The shop carries a wide variety of books that are written in Common and Rakahi, and a much smaller collection written in other languages. Written Wisdom is known for its vast collection of non-fiction books, and one can easily find books on subjects dear to the citizens of Ne'haer such as: seafaring, navigation, religion, or wine.


Name: Gregory Aspilen
Created by: Inali
Race: Human
Age: 35 arcs
Born: Ne'haer
Blessings/Curses: Xypha (Favored)
Appraisal - 45 points (Competent)
Persuasion - 30 points (Competent)
Business Management - 25 points (Competent)
Other Information: Gregory enjoys discussing books that he has recently read or acquired and is eager to recommend books to anyone who seeks his help. While he can be rather opinionated about the best non-fiction books in a given category, he will always listen to the thoughts of his valued customers. Gregory has a particular interest in books on business management and biographies of failed entrepreneurs. He believes himself to be an ideal businessman and dismisses any suggestions that involve tidying the store up.

Price List

Non-Fiction Book - 10gn
Fiction Book - 8gn
Maps (Western Ne'haer) - 30gn
Blank Journal - 5gn
Fine Paper (10 pages) - 5gn
Ink Well - 2gn
Ink Pen - 1gn
Sealing Wax (assorted colors) - 5sn
Plain Wax Seal Stamp (assorted letters and designs) - 4gn
Fancy Iron Wax Seal Stamp (ornate letters and designs) - 7gn
This location can be self moderated. Requests for rare books or books written in languages other than Rakahi and Common should be run by a local Prophet.
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Eastern Temple
Credit goes to Finn for the original, Chronicle for the revisions

The Eastern Temple is an idealistically a park for the faithful to gather and bask within, with a lonely stone structure that houses the shrines for worship. It is an area that is densely populated with plant and smaller forms of wildlife, and serves as a natural sanctuary for the religious that follow Moseke. The temple itself is a stone domed structure that houses a main chamber where nature itself is decorated with floral and tapestry, and a white oak tree is found at the center for those to pray at. With nature and stone the main feature of this temple the other lobbies contain shrines to a few different Immortals as well, so that those that come here may pay homage to a variety of Deities that associate with nature and the changes it undergoes each season.

Among the acolytes found here at the temple; pilgrims and followers of the temple are often found pitching in by not spreading the word of faith, but also crafting trinkets and accessories that can be bought for various prices. All purchases they receive of course contribute to the upkeep and maintenance of the Eastern Temple.

Well of Forgiveness

Well of Forgiveness is a sizable, round, stone structure filled with clear water. On its edge, there are small round stones (around half a cm in diameter) free for taking by those who wish to pray at the well. An individual would usually pick one of those stones, dip it in the water of the well and pray for forgiveness for someone, or for strength to forgive. After the prayer or request to Ymiden, the individual casts the stone into the well in the symbolism of casting away the stone from one's heart that has been weighing them down. The well gets cleaned twice an arc to gather the castaway stones.

Room of Rebirth

Room of Rebirth is used for those who want to shed their past and start afresh. It is for those who want to leave one life behind and start anew with blessings from Immortals and reassurance. It can be in connection with profession, love life, putting an end to painful past to start a brighter future. Hall of Rebirth is usually looked after by a maiden who also performs the ritual.

Person wishing for the ritual of Rebirth undergoes an initial confession with a priest after which a ritual takes place in the Hall. During this ritual the individual sits in the middle of the hall and the maiden recites texts from the sacred books. The purpose of the ritual is for the person to meditate upon what they are letting go off and where they want to head. Oftentimes, the maiden will light incense created from the trees growing around the complex.

Similarly, as it is with the Main Hall, even Hall of Rebirth consists of two sections. The front one is where the ritual takes place. It is rather void of decoration, unlike the Main Hall. Yet, it has long narrow windows which allow for breeze and light to come in. At the back of the Hall is a small library with appropriate sacred texts.

After the ritual, voluntary donations are welcome.

Testimony Gardens
This garden is generally used for weddings. It's a spot where life-long oaths are given and expected to be kept. Natural wildflowers of different colors and structure decorate the area, with a boulder sized stone etched with markings awaits to hear the exchange of vows.

The Tunawa Refuge

Much like Zuroni's Animal Sanctuary which is located just outside the walls of Ne'haer, the Shrine of Moseke is that of a white oak tree that serves as a place of refuge for Ymiden's tiniest creation. Tunawa are often seen looking after and taking care of the well being of the white oak, and some are even considered tiny priests and priestesses of both Moseke and Ymiden as well. They are more philosophical compared to your average Tunawa but also very insightful when it comes to spreading the teachings of Ymiden and Moseke, and easily spotted roaming the reaches of the temple if not the sacred grounds dedicated to Moseke herself.


Those visiting a shrine will find particular items that fit the domains of that Immortal decorating their shrine, for example Ashan's shrine will have flowers. Visitors are welcome to offer tribute to any shrine of choice as they will be considered gifts for the Immortal tied to the shrine.

Ashan - Shrine of Fertility
"Find yourself and your freedom"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even floral arrangements

Vhalar - Shrine of Oath
"Honor the promises that you make"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, art, and even golden leaves during the fall

Moseke - Shrine of Life
"May stone cradle you and nature bridle you"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, and even floral arrangements

Ymiden - Shrine of Birth
"Every night breaks with dawn"
Offerings can be Nel, or even personal items

Ziell - Shrine of Prophecy
"May the future be calm and cold"
Offerings can be Nel or personal items

Dawn Gazing

Dawn Gazing isn't as much a building as it is a perfect spot at the premises to watch the rising sun. Due to the way that the temple was built, the three Halls shield the spectators from the rush and even the presence of Ne'haer as they look out towards the East where Ymiden ushers the fiery globe onto the arch. This spot is favored mainly during Ymiden and the temple has officially scheduled Dawn Gazing event twice a fortnight. During each session, donations are voluntary but encouraged.

Outside of those times, the Dawn Gazing area is supposed to be off limits to citizens. However, you can sometimes see certain people defying that unspoken rule and coming to watch the Dawn at that place anyways. Usually, it is the elderly and the temple staff often leaves them be to their devices.

The area of Dawn Gazing, outside its prescribed times, is used by the temple staff to perform various tasks, for example, incense making.


Name: Liliwen Bunner
Age: 59 arcs
Race: Human
Blessing: Sevrath
Title: Matriarch
Languages: Common
Skills: Gardening, discipline, leadership, psychology, sculpting
Other information: Liliwen was born and raised in Ne’haer. She has never left the city, never felt any need to. She loves it, simply put. Ever since young age, however, her head always seemed to be aloof, not focused. The only time, she was able to bring herself down from the clouds was when she worked with her hands. By the young age of twenty-five arcs, she has tried almost any manual job there was and was at loss of what to do since nothing she tried was truly fulfilling. Thankfully, after working at Eastern Temple as an Aide Maiden, she was told that the Southern Temple was looking for Aide Maidens too. It was perhaps that Liliwen was starting to slack in her job there that she was directed elsewhere, but the promise of working with her hands more, as that's what aide maidens were said to do in Southern temple, she happily switched workplaces. In the Southern Temple, Liliwen could fully immerse herself in gardening, sculpting, writing and other manual jobs. She found herself enjoying the world of Moseke’s sanctuary. She fell in love with the charity of the Tunawa Refuge, the chipping away on stone even if her hands bled when her chisel slipped. One day, as the matriarch was to pass away, the title was given to Liliwen for her devotion and determination.
Note: The temple hires up to five Aide Maidens.

Price List

Small Amulet5gn
Medium Amulet7gn 50sn
Large Amulet10gn
Pebble Charm8gn
Pouch Charm6gn
Stand Rental5gn/day
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Northern Temple
Credit goes to Finn for the original, Chronicle for the revision

To the north of the monumental Temple of the All Gods is a reserved area on the sacred grounds, tucked away with the vegetation found growing on the shorelines of Lake Rea. The Northern Temple is a unique stone temple built off the wall that harbors the waters of Ne'haer from the lake beyond, with pure white stone that shines a brightly under pure sunny days. The temple was once used as a temporary fort for the city, serving as a watch over the bay as ships would seek port. The building itself has been converted into a modest temple dedicated to several Immortals, as the part of the wall became annexed into the sacred grounds once construction of Ne'haer's vast wall had finished. It's at this temple sailors as well as pilgrims are frequenting when it comes to travel over seas, as they come here to seek prayer for Chrien's mercy as well as U'frek's blessing on long voyages.

The temple has a long corridor with shrines on opposite ends, while U'frek's shrine rests besides a doorway which leads into a stairwell. When one travels up this long flight of stairs, faithful devoted to the Immortal Qylios will even be found atop the tower that stands above the temple. It is this tower that not only serves as a religious joint of the faithful, but as a beacon of courage for intrepid souls braving the dangerously vast waters. Atop the the tower of Qylios's shrine is a station set up for the navy, which consists of a look out point with a bell to alert the city of danger incoming from the sea; with a great fire pit in the middle to light the way for ships sailing under night.

One important piece to the ground floor shrines is the fountain located outside with a depiction of U'frek, and a school of koi that inhabit the fountain for faithful purposes. At night when the moon tends to shine bright enough, the koi tend to glimmer with silver much like a Biqaj will; often a symbolical lineage to the origins of the watery tribes that traverse the open seas. There is one more separate body of water on the premises and that is behind the temple completely closed off to the public. It is a pond of small size, with clear water that reveals its stone bottom. It was not man made so the theory has it that the water seeps upwards from in between the stones, the source being the lake. As the back part of the premises of the temple are off limits, it is also believed that the anchorite has his/hers humble living house there too.

High Seas, Low Skies

High Seas, Low Skies is a one-day ritual solely devoted to Chrien and U’frek. It is designed to please both Immortals regardless of their relationship or view on other races. The anchorite leads it all the way through and the audience can choose to join in, or spectate. Since the ritual has been performed in the temple for as long as anyone can remember, those who attend it regularly know the schedule to the T. The ritual, without any fail and regardless of any obstacles, always happens in the middle of the arc on the last day of Saun (246th trial in one arc). With the temple being near water and incorporated into the vegetation surrounding the shore, coupled with the heat, the air is humid and heavy. Hence, the anchorite, be it a man or a woman, tends to perform the ritual with as little clothing as possible whilst still remaining decent. It has no religious significance. It is just a matter of convenience.

The ritual starts at the first break after the sunrise. Before then, the anchorite goes through cleansing rituals in the body of water behind the temple. At the first break after sunrise, the anchorite moves to the front of the temple all the way to the edge of the water where fish are already gathered in hopes of stray bits of food falling into their gaping mouths. The anchorite disregards them, descending into their midst until the water reaches the waist. With arms stretched out to the sides as if offering one’s self to the mercy of the Immortals, the anchorite starts intoning words that everyone considers sacred words, almost a prayer of the greeting kind. It is to make the Immortals aware that they are going to be honoured, today in particular. The audience either stands on the shore, or some can choose to enter the water as well, but never did it happen that anyone would go further than the anchorite is , because he, or she, is the one who leads the ritual. The recitation usually last for half a break after which, those in the water return onto the shore.

The rest of the day is filled with similar actions but performed inside the temple. The anchorite retreats inside to sit cross-legged in front of the unique statue, intoning more of the sacred texts. Groups of people enter in intervals. Up to seventy people can fit inside the hall sitting in the same manner, but they are touching knee to knee with their neighbour. Oftentimes, attending just one of those intonations is considered enough by the locals or those who are familiar with the proceedings. However, the anchorite performs them all, with a break for food at mid-trial and shorter breaks in between each intonation. Occasionally, people stay for more than one intonation. However, due to the spatial constraints, not everyone is able to attend the recitals inside the hall. Due to that, it is common to find those who can’t fit in, and can’t wait, or prefer the outdoors, to sit cross-legged all over the place, either quietly meditating or reciting the words they have memorised.

The Mystery of the Anchorite

Only those who have lived long enough are able to pinpoint the oddity about the anchorite. Those whose skin is already wrinkled and teeth are starting to fall out would be able to tell you how strange it is that there is always someone at the temple. Why? There are no formal links to other religious bodies from which an anchorite could come; no connection to a family which would own the temple; nor any other trace why a stranger would take over a temple. Yet, somehow, there is always one and every so often, just at the life expectancy of a person, new anchorite comes along and assumes the role. There are theories that perhaps there is a family hiding away at the temple. After all, the back of the temple is strictly off limits and no one really dares to trespass. Some more outragoues theories suggest that an Yludih has taken over. However, these theories dont't stand their grounds very well as the anchorites have been of various races and both genders.


Those visiting a shrine will find particular items that fit the domains of that Immortal decorating their shrine, for example Chrien's shrine will have scales. Visitors are welcome to offer tribute to any shrine of choice as they will be considered gifts for the Immortal tied to the shrine.

Chrien - Shrine of the Storm
"Never challenge the wrath of a tempest"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even scales/bones from sea mammals
Qylios - Shrine of Guidance
"Let the light bring you home"
Offerings can be Nel or personal items
U'frek - Shrine of the Wave
"Gentle waves carry you safely on your voyage"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even sea shells


Name: Josara
Age: 35 arcs
Race: Biqaj
Title: Anchorite
Languages: Common, Rakahi
Skills: Discipline, Agriculture, Meditation, Singing
Other information: No one really knows when Josara took over the temple, or where she came from. One day, she just stepped outside of the main hall and performed the High Seas, Low Skies and everyone somewhat accepted the fact that she was the new person in charge of the Northern Temple. She mainly keeps to herself. So that doesn’t help others knowing much about her either.
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Southern Temple
Credit goes to Finn for the original, Chronicle for the revision

The Southern Temple stands a both a pinnacle of commerce and religion for the common folk of Ne'haer, as many artisans who are among the faithful tend to gather here for the praise of Immortals like Aeva. It is the temple that is most easily found as it tends to be the first to garner visitors, as well as foreigners seeking to explore the sacred grounds of the five temples. It is also close to the Hall of the Blades so many of it's members can be found here as well, to honor and pray to Ethelynda and Raskalarn as they continue to serve their city. Overall it is an impressive building composed of both painted wood and stone, and yet is dwarfed in comparison to the Temple of the All Gods that sits to the north.

The temple itself has a main lobby that separates into two long chambers, one headed east and the other west, that divide the shrines so the faithful can gather in separate areas. This is due to the fact those who will gather for the shrine of Zanik, tend to do so with instruments and party favors for the Immortals shrine. Music is always heard playing at all Breaks of the Trial within hall of this shrine, and within the neighboring hall across from Zanik's shrine is Aeva's own shrine, where artisans and even smith workers will gather to praise her name. Down the west corridor the split into separate shrine halls is the same as the eastern corridor, only those who wish to pray to either Ethelynda or Raskalarn in silence will find peace in doing so.


Those visiting a shrine will find particular items that fit the domains of that Immortal decorating their shrine, for example Zanik's shrine will have wine. Visitors are welcome to offer tribute to any shrine of choice as they will be considered gifts for the Immortal tied to the shrine.

Aeva - Shrine of Innovation
"Reach ever higher and ever onward"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, crafts, and even metals/alloys
Ethelynda - Shrine of Honor
"Shelter those who cannot fight"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, and even snake skin
Raskalarn - Shrine of Discipline
"You will heed my word"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, and even snake skin
Zanik - Shrine of Harmony
"Fill yourself with the sound of music"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even accessories


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Temple of the All Gods
Credit goes to Chronicle

Among the massive pieces of monumental temples devoted to the Immortals resides a large, nearly colossal, temple at the heart of the four temples situated around it. A centerpiece that provides the community a place of open public worship to the Deities that do not have their own temples of tribute, the Temple of the All Gods is where those that might worship the other Immortals within Idalos. Here however certain Immortals, like Ifrek, do not have shrines as the rest of do within the main chamber of worship. It is the centerpiece of religion within Ne'haer and therefore the pinnacle of it's foundation, and a proud part of the city's culture when foreigner's come from all over to lay eyes upon it.

All around the great temple is what the people consider holy ground that pilgrims are allowed to tread, so long as they remain on the man made paths that will take them to the residing temple of choice for their worship. At the heart of these paths is the massive white stoned temple made from the same rock as Ne'haer's walls, with great and heavy pillars carved to such incredible heights and amazing stone works from the mason's of the city. Upon going inside there is the main hall where acolytes are found helping the faithful and misfortune with needs, while those who are pilgrims or native to the city are allowed free entry into the Grand Chamber of Worship. It's here that massive stone shrines depicting Immortals are found in line. Priests are easily found serving the faithful here, and eager to spread word of the deities they pay homage to with a warm presence.

All are welcome to come and pray to any of the shrines here, and any offerings for the Immortals are taken to a vault down below; so that when the Immortal decides to pay a visit they will receive these offerings from their devoted faithful. Usually Nel or personal belongings are appropriate donations to the Immortals, many of the faithful leave offerings that might pertain to an Immortal's domain sometimes.

Moderator's Note: This location is free to self moderate in.


The Immortals

Those visiting a shrine will find particular items that fit the domains of that Immortal decorating their shrine, for example Delroth's shrine will have mirrors. Visitors are welcome to offer tribute to any shrine of choice as they will be considered gifts for the Immortal tied to the shrine.

Cassion - Shrine of Adventure
"A story begins with the first step in any journey"
Offerings can vary from Nel to personal items

Chamadarst - Shrine of the Grey
"The best side is nobodies side"
Offerings are typically Nel, personal items, or even glass

Daia - Shrine of Prosperity
"Together is how we can thrive"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even stools of thread

Delroth - Shrine of Vanity
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Offerings can be Nel, personal items, or even mirrors

Ilaren - Shrine of Thunder
"Drink and be merry"
Bottles of alcohol as well as Nel are accepted

Karem - Shrine of The Pack
"The Hunt strengthen you"
Animal Pelts are mainly offered as patronage

Ralaith - Shrine of Wisdom
"Heed the wise and their word"
Nel and personal items can be offered

Thetros - Shrine of Passion
"Live fiercely and love passionately"
Nel and personal items can be offered

Treid - Shrine of Longing
(The text is faded from the shrine)
Nel and personal items can be offered




Players coming here to pay homage should note that Immortals, particularly those found worshiped within the Underground, are not fondly spoken of here. Therefore open acts of worship in Immortals Ne'haer is against results in deduction of fame, as well as personal escort off the grounds by acolytes for displaying such beliefs.
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