• Solo • Bayward Fishing

Rorom helps Zhaquarih Charas on a fishing trip

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Bayward Fishing

Mid Cylus

Bounty Info
Zhaquarih Charas wrote:
Taken by Rorom

My son recently enlisted into The Blades, so I need a hand manning the boat and fishing for my wares. Regardless of experience, I am in need of an able body who can assist me with fishing and navigation. If you're good enough, I let you take home some fish we catch.

Reward: Possible Food
Reward For Time: 50gn
After dropping off his seasonal shipment of fish at the various market outlets, Rorom made his way straight toward the Crest Break Tavern, one of the more popular watering holes in Ne'Haer. Although his pockets were empty (he dropped the fish off at the market for credit), old salts were usually welcome for their storytelling abilities. And if their stories failed to please the crowd, they'd get bounced unceremoniously onto the street.

That's not to say Rorom was an old salt or that he considered himself to be old. Although he certainly looked the part, he was still a young soul finding his way in the world. Nevertheless, if pressed he'd have a tale or two to tell if he could be bothered. His main point in being there, however, was to find employment with one of the captains.

His own Crag Dodger had accumulated some damage in his recent fishing trip into the icy waters of the Lake. He needed hard currency in his purse before he could do anything else, and if food was included into the bargain, all the better.

He made his way through the throng of sailors, drunks, and wenches toward the hearth, where most of the sailors hung around waiting for work. Typically captains had their pick of who to choose on whatever venture they were going to undertake, and so Rorom was pretty much at the mercy of fate's whim.

One captain, a white-haired old father approached the hearth. There were four others, all of them looking greener and younger than Rorom. Nevertheless, having the appearance of an experienced salt worked in Rorom's favor this time, as the man invited him to a drink of grog at the bar.

Two parts water and one part rum were poured into a shot for Rorom, while the Captain took a double for himself. He spoke well in Rikahi, for which Rorom was thankful, as he didn't want his terrible grasp of common to dissuade his prospective employer, "I have a son, joined the blades recently. Decided fishing and dragging up the beasts of the deep with his old man wasn't excitin' enough. You 'ave a son?"

Rorom shook his head, "No time to find a wife. Truth be told, I enjoy the solitude."

The white-haired captain laughed at that, "Well that's why you push off to sea. You only have to see the wife until you've had enough of her for a cycle..." He sighed. Rorom just nodded in agreement.

"Anyway, to the point, I need an extra hand on my schooner. We'll be netting fish down south, in Merodi Bay."

Rorom crossed himself at the mention of the place. He knew a bit about those waters. It was deep sea. There wasn't likely to be much ice, as the waves and tides ran deep enough for ice not to form. But there were other dangers and concerns to be had there. Bayward Pirates and Smugglers reaved and roamed those seas. Most of them were ill-equipped in rowboats and canoes, threw rocks, and generally were little more than a nuisance. But there were the odd well-equipped gangs that were more renown, sailed in fast but sturdy ships, and were infinitely harder to negotiate with.

The chances of evading their notice in Cylus were greater, given the lack of light out at sea, but Rorom still worried. He would have to trust in the old man's ability to defend himself if they were boarded. Otherwise, he'd have little more than a rusty old hatchet and belaying pin to defend himself, without the skill to use them.

"I'll gladly help, one honest sailor to another, but I have to know how much it pays. I'm running a bit light on coin." Rorom whispered, and then took a few sips from his diluted grog. "Name's Rorom Nji'Ihal, by the by."

"You'll get a good portion of the pay when we get back, fifty gold no less, and perhaps a share of the fish to boot if we manage to haul enough. My name is Captain Zhaquarih Charas."

Rorom nodded his agreement, and they shook on it. The sea wasn't done with Rorom for the season.
Last edited by Rorom on Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 790
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Bayward Fishing

Tavern Tab
1 gn for a grog
Rorom finished his shot, and then cast a glance toward the bartender, who looked at him expectantly, "Put on tab?" He requested in common, to which the bartender could only grumble. At least the man was witness to the fact that Rorom indeed had a job for pay. He thought that was the only thing to keep him from getting thrown out and mangled by one of the bouncers.

That settled, he followed the captain out.

It didn't take long for them to get down to the Harbour. When they did, Rorom could hear the voice of his Albatross, which flew in circles around the pair, cawing curiously at the stranger that Rorom was accompanying. It continued flying about until they threw the gangplank and boarded Captain Charas' schooner. Rorom removed the gangplank once he stepped aboard, placing it to the side, and whistling as he got a good look around.

The ship was impressive, with a fine, dark green paint job of the hull. There were barely any barnacles to be seen. The mast was at least half again as tall as the Crag Dodger's, and the captain's cabin was built above the lower decks. Must be nice not to wake up having to bail out your sleeping quarters in the morning. He mused to himself, but not with bitterness. The man set an example for him to live up to. Maybe he should have sought himself a wife to give him a son earlier. At least then he'd have the manpower to crew a ship as grand as this one.

As he wandered toward the center of the deck, Captain Charas moved behind Rorom, and began handling the rope that tied the ship to the docks. "Well?" He said, looking over toward Rorom, "Untie the aft cable, and ready the sails. I'll be handling the rudder."

Rorom nodded quickly. It'd been a while since he'd been cast out of his family's larger ship, and in the years that followed had become slightly unaccustomed to working on longer vessels. He untied the aft cable in unison with Captain Charas, and made his way toward the mizzen mast, while the Captain hopped up with surprising vigor for his age toward the steering wheel. There, Rorom waited for the signal to raise the sails.

For the most part, however, the current of Ne'Haer did well enough to lead them out of the dock toward the greater harbor. The river that emptied into the lake saw to that. But eventually they needed more speed than the current was giving them, and so Rorom pulled the rope to raise the smallest of the sails. After they cleared the Lighthouse and Harbor fortifications, he released the Mizzen, and thus they were on their way.
word count: 475
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Bayward Fishing

They traveled a half dozen breaks to the south, out of the Lake itself and into the seas proper. The deep cold of Cylus made Rorom yearn for liberty, or a warmer season. Even the rocking of the boat on a sea couldn't make him enjoy this weather. It was different on his own boat. There he had some sense of freedom on the open waves. The autonomy to turn back whenever he wanted. It reminded him of his loan, that was still outstanding.

When at last they neared the waters of Bayward, Charas clapped him on the back, and motioned toward the netting. Rorom was about to speak to him, but Charas put a finger on his own lips, shaking his head. When Rorom looked over the railing of the ship, he understood why. Black sails and torches, far out on the horizon. They'd probably catch them if they weren't on such a fast ship. It all depended on how fast their ship could run, and if the winds were on their side. Thankfully his captain knew what he was doing, the pirates were far enough downwind of them that they probably wouldn't catch up, barring some miraculous change in the weather. There may have been others in wait, pursuers whose sole purpose was to catch them off at the pass. Rorom feared those more than he did the big ships on the horizon.

Nevertheless, he obeyed the captain's call for silence, and went about netting the fish. The contraption Charas had for him was interesting. It linked a large net with a stiff pole that jutted out just far enough to catch fish, but with enough leeway on the inside to ensure stability. They could catch fish while barely trying.

Even so, there was always something to do on a ship. Rorom's hackles rose at the sight of those torches in the distance, signalling the presence of those ships. It may have been his eyes playing tricks on them, but they appeared brighter with every fish caught in their net.

He adjusted the sails while Charas manned the rudder, modulating the speed of their craft with the amount of fish, and checking every once and a while to see if the netting had turned up any catch. They brought aboard four loads of fish before Charas decided he'd had enough to make a reasonable profit for the rest of Cylus.

"Full sails, lad, I need speed if we're to negotiate these winds and ice blocks. And then keep watch for any other 'obstacles'." He nodded toward the lights that were getting brighter.

The pirates, no longer concerned with spooking their quarry, began gaining on them. With their approach, Rorom let the sails drop down, one after another. Not too fast, he didn't want them ripping in this wind. Then they really might have a chance of catching up.

So they made headway, back to where they'd come from. Rorom didn't notice until it was too late, that there was a vessel just off the starboard bow, making a run for them out of the mists.
word count: 528
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Bayward Fishing


"Boarders!" Cried Rorom to the captain, then following up as he rushed to the nearest mast.

"Veer to starboard! They're just behind us that side!" Having informed the captain, and getting a surprisingly calm 'aye' in response, Rorom shook his head as he pulled the rigging nearest the starboard and then Pulled on it with all his might, trying to avoid a collision with the enemy ship's rigging and theirs. Such a disaster would likely entangle them long enough for the larger ships in the distance to catch up.

The tightening of the rigging had the unintended, but happy effect of speeding their forward progress, enough that the other ship didn't collide with their hull. But soon Rorom was hearing the clinking of grapple hooks against the rails of the captain's ship.

Rorom let go of the rigging gently and gradually, and ran to pick up the nearest weapon, which lay on the wall of the captain's cabin. It was a sturdy, yet blackened trident, short in half but sharp when Rorom tested the points. However, he only knew well enough to thrust the sharp end into enemies, and that's where his knowledge of combat began and ended. He wasn't entirely convinced of his chances against the boarders, who, when he saw them through window of the cabin, numbered no more than three or four. It was hard to see all of them in the darkness, with the lantern light playing shadows against the deck.

They rushed past the entrance to the cabin, which Rorom took as an opportunity to knock the door open and then quickly stab one of the boarders when his back was turned. The man made a sound that made Rorom's stomach churn. The sound of blade piercing skin and finding purchase in the flesh and organs beneath. It was sickening, yet he knew well enough it would be worse if he were on the receiving end of such a wound.

The man fell to the ground, shuddering from the wound, while his comrade turned around. Rorom only heard the footsteps rushing from behind him, when he decided to thrust the butt of the trident at the next comer. Fortunate that he missed then, because it was the captain, who'd already bloodied his cutlass in conflict with the third boarder.

The remaining boarder took it on himself to club Rorom on the head. An audible crack was felt and heard, splinters running beneath the skin of his scalp, and stunning him to the point he fell on the ground.

The last thing he saw before he lost all sense of what was happening, was the captain slicing the last boarder's throat.

From there, Rorom leaned against the wall of the captain's cabin, and waited for him to cut the grappling hooks before they could be caught by the larger ships, which it seemed from the flashes of light and splashes of water, were firing flaming mortars as warning shots.

He was insensate when they arrived back at the Harbour of Ne'Haer, but able to keep his feet. A large pouch of golden nels were placed into his hand, and he was sent on his way. The captain said something, in a concerned tone, but Rorom couldn't understand immediately.

He merely wandered aimlessly into the city, eventually finding his way to the eerily glowing Lochgrass Gardens.

Continued in the thread, Medicine Woman, for any interested.
word count: 581
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Bayward Fishing

Thread Rewards

Skill Knowledge:
➳ Fishing: Winged Nets, a new fishing contraption.
➳ Fishing: Larger ships have better storage capacity for the catch.
➳ Detection: Spotting pirate boarders and near/distant ships.
➳ Spear (Trident): Deadly, even in untrained hands.
➳ Seafaring: Tightening the rigging to avoid entanglements.
➳ Location: Bayward: The waters near the city are rife with pirates.

Other Knowledge:
N/A (nothing ventured, nothing gained)

Loot: 50gn (you still completed the bounty, so I’m happy to reward you your loot!)
Injuries: Concussion, head lascerations, and splinters in the scalp (hey, I graded that other thread, too!)
Fame: Turn in a bounty +2
Devotion: N/A

Points: 10 | These points cannot be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
It’s good to know that the injuries in this thread were taken care of, right? Ha. I read these two out of order, but that’s okay, now I know how Rorom was injured! A little adventure for the Ne’Haer fisherman, eh?

Make sure you’ve recorded your gains and expenditures in your CS ledger! Let me know if you see anything I missed or have questions in a PM, please.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Now that your review is complete, don’t forget go back to your review post here and drop this image in!

Code: Select all

word count: 224
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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