• Mature • Swashing Buckles (Graded)

6th of Ashan 719

The Orm'del Sea is an ocean that separates Eastern and Western Idalos. It is said to have many horrors awaiting those that wish to travel through its waters.
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Swashing Buckles (Graded)

6th Trial, Ashan, 719
Orm'del Sea
Southwest of Volta

There was a restlessness in seafaring that Kasoria discovered within a handful of trials. Once the shore had become a sunny haze behind them, then vanished entirely, there was naught but a vast emptiness of water in every direction. Break after break, they saw nothing beyond their wooden vessel, save for other ships that passed them occasionally. No land, though. No islands or shorelines. One might have the imagination or inclination to think the whole world had been drowned, all soil swallowed, leaving nothing but this single element covering everything. Naught intelligent on the globe, save for those souls floating on the surface of it.

That particular distraction lasted Kasoria about a break. Then he got bored again. Keeping watch and doing chores took time, but he still needed something else. Fortunately, he had something new and deadly to fill his hand. A fine weapon, but one he lacked familiarity with. Not in the same way that his could wield his gladius or the charmed karambit like extension of his own body. No, the cutlass he'd looted the previous season was still an unknown quality.

Not for long.

Metal clanged into metal, booming out across the deck. There was no rhythm to it, for the two fighters were canny enough not to be so predictable. The sailors and smattering of other sellswords flinched every few moments as another, unexpected crash of iron and steel split the sky. The Captain's eye twitched and he looked down from the quarterdeck. His frown turned into a glare as he saw the source of it. Noisy bastards, he thought. Every fucking trial, now.

Kasoria paid him no heed. It was all he could do to keep his opponent from slicing him up; he'd no attention to spare on disapproving observers. The other men hired to guard the Lucky Lady on her voyage lounged in the shade. Sharpened weapons, ate porridge, drank weak grog. Watched the little man from Etzos, and the taller, tubbier man with the tattoos covering his bare arms. Both were shirtless and every swing and parry and dodge and thrust sent a spray of sweat across the deck. They all remembered how the little man had dismantled Shaz and Raader trials before. Took them apart after taking a beating himself, just to prove that he could. But a pirate's assault wouldn't be barehanded; there'd be blades and bludgeons to bring to bear, and they'd not seen him handle those.

Mayhap a few of them had thought the Captain had erred; hiring the little man based on one, impressive but singular act of violence. He was, after all, no proven swordsman. Until the first time he and Kilmain had stripped off and got to sparring. Then those doubts vanished.

Thus runs the theory, anyway.

The bigger man lunged at Kasoria from the side, sweeping his own cutlass through the air and expecting a block-

-but Kasoria ducked and weaved under the blow, letting it sail over his head-

-moving forwards and to the same side the blow had come from, seeking to backhand Kilmain under his guard-

-only for the cutlass to sweep back down vertically before it had even completed its chop, blocking Kasoria's blow, and the little man kept moving-

-kept sliding across the deck, turning as he went, ending up behind Kilmain-

-who turned himself, swift on his heel with more grace than a big man with a beer gut had any right to possess. Then they faced each other again, cutlasses out, circling, circling, circling slowly...

"All about the hack an' slash with this'n," Kasoria said, raising his black blade slightly. "More used to me gladius."

Kilmain spat to one side, taking a step back before he allowed himself the distraction of doing so. He'd already learned not to underestimate the little man from across the sea. He flexed his arms and rolled his head on his shoulders. Old boy had ten arcs on him, he'd wager, but he was the the one tiring.

"More of a soldier's weapon, y'know? Use it wiv' a shield, in a line. But this?" He held up his own cutlass. Plain and unadorned. Well-worn and oft-sharpened. A weapon of efficiency and long, proven service. "This is for the fray. Boradin' parties, fightin' off pirates, where y'won't have time fer shields or battle lines or any a' that shite. So you swing-"

He did just that, a diagonal blow that would have crashed through bone and kept going into Kasoria's torso... if he had meant it, of course. They were sparring, after all, and both men were pulling their punches, as it were. Strikes and swipes that would have cleaved open flesh were neutered into the movements of men playing with their children. Oh, they were still real swords, of course. Sharpened daily and not wrapped in cloth of scabbards. But the Captain had made it clear he wanted no killing on his boat, unless he was the one ordering it.

Kasoria's own cutlass came up and the blades crashed together, but Kilmain didn't shove him away this time. In fact, he stepped forwards, grinding the blades together. Kasoria ground his teeth and gripped the cutlass hilt with both hands, needing all their strength to keep the heavier man at bay. The sellswords watched with the bored indulgence of cats as Little and Large pressed their swords together. Screeching, straining, squealing metal scraped over the decks, making men wince at the sound.

"This 'ere?" Kilmain spoke through gritted teeth. At least he was suffering, too. "This is called a bind. Shite can bugger up yer edge, but wiv' a blade like this... it's long enough to slide-"

Kilmain shifted his feet and Kasoria knew he'd been suckered. All that pressure, the pushing, the force against his blade, focusing his attention and his efforts into a pointless grinding. But Now Kilmain slid the length of his cutlass up, Kasoria's own blade squealing against it, until Kilmain's blade clanged against his hand guard-

"-an' slice-"

Kilmain stepped to the side and twisted his cutlass into Kasoria. The little man's sword was squashed between Kilmain's and his own body, but where his weapon was immobilized, Kilmain's was already moving, sliding, blade long enough to keep the bind but at the same time reach Kasoria's upper arm-

-and with a feral grunt Kilmain yanked his blade free from the bind-

-Kasoria hissing as the last five inches or so of the cutlass laid open his right bicep in a straight, shallow wound. At once blood sprang from it and started pouring down his arm. Kilmain slid away from the smaller man, sword dripping blood onto the deck as he settled back into a defensive stance. Kasoria scowled at the wound he'd earned.

"Jus' like that," Kilmain said with a smirk. "Long blade like this, you can do more than jus' one thing at a time."

The little man from Etzos flexed his arm up and down... then tossed the cutlass to his other hand. Kilmain's triumph wavered upon his face for a trill or two. The little man had sand, he'd give him that. Half his arm was already crimson, nasty but superficial wound halting most ordinary men. But this Thagoras from across the sea - and damned if he believed for a moment that was his real name - just hefted his cutlass in his fresh hand.

"Youse good to keep goin'?"

"Oh, aye," Kasoria said, smiling right back and ignoring the stinging, pumping pain in his arm. "m'learnin' plenty."
word count: 1294
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Re: Swashing Buckles

It was a flea bite. A scratch. Barely worthy of the name "wound". His body growled and hissed as the pain rippled through him, every beat of his heart pushing another dram of blood out of the slit, but he ignored it. Already his mind was bricking up and walling off the effects of the pain. He focused on the man, his weapon, the wooden boards they trod on.

That was the setting. The stage. The play was not yet over, and he had an audience.

Sellswords and scum, he reminded himself, as if their look would ever let him forget. They sense weakness, you won't make it home alive.

A glance at the bare arms of Kilmain should have told him he was more than just a common thug. He'd seen that ink, those symbols, those markers before. Like the chalk scrawls that littered the Outer Perimeter of Etzos, they weren't just pretty doodles from bored children. They were signals. Warnings. Advertisements. Telling the world who you were and what you'd done and, most importantly, who you ran with. Kasoria had been around men like Kilmain - of the seafaring and land-lubbing variety - long enough to know them.

The snake twisted around an anchor. Pirate. Raider.

The weeping woman holding an hourglass. Convict. Long sentence.

Crossed swords, one dripping blood, the other black as pitch.

Swordsman. Deserter. Killer.

"Gonna just stare, mate?" He blinked as Kilmain's mocking words wormed their way into his ears. "Or are we still doin' this?"

There was a chuckle from the gallery of watchers. Clearly the younger, beefier man was their favorite now. Kasoria had little interest in playing politic with these bastards, but he did need to make a good impression. Even The Captain was sneaking glances now and then, curious despite himself. The sailors going to and fro about the deck were doing the same. Busy, occupied, productive... and curious.

He wasn't the only one bored.

So give them a show. And let him know you have your own tricks.

"You know us old men," he said with a smile, flourishing the cutlass with his left hand, as if that was the one he'd be using his whole life. "Need a breather every few bits."

"Yeah, well, I don't-"

Kasoria lunged. A cheap truck, an old one, and an expected one. Kilmain was already sweeping down with his cutlass to parry the thrust, only it didn't land-

-feint clanging off his steel but not deflected, Kasoria sliding around him. Should have gone for the legs, he mentally chided his opponent. Slows them down wonderfully.

He swung at Kilmain's thigh, but again the cutlass stopped him. As the metal screamed again, before it had even finished echoing off the deck, he was drawing back, swinging higher, forcing Kilmain back with this unexpected burst of energy-

Not for long, he reminded himself, driving the swordsman back and back until he ran out of wooden floor. Gonna have to hope he makes-

Kilmain blocked another blow, and his other hand lashed out in a short, vicious jab. Landed straight on Kasoria's bleeding arm, smearing blood over his knuckles and making the older man grunt. His focus distracted, if only for a trill, Kasoria relented, stepped back-

All the opening he could need.

Kilmain scented quite literal blood in the air and lunged. He swung down and Kasoria met the blade, pushing back as well. Grunting, panting, both hands on the hilt of his weapon, just like Kilmain. Their cutlasses scraped and squealed against each other, faces inches apart. He could see the ink under the man's beard, now. The tattoos it covered, like a shame even a man who bore his sentences upon his bare arms could not afford to reveal. Gold and wooden teeth grinned at him.

"Fast learner?"

"Has been known-"

Kasoria pushed up, and knew he'd only get one chance. The two blades stayed locked as the two men gripped hard and pushed even harder, neither wanting to give way. But Kasoria was pushing a touch harder, forcing his strength into the risky maneuver. He pushed Kilmain's arm and sword up, then in a semi-circle down, until the blades were low to the ground-

-and he didn't stop. Didn't straighten or break. Instead he let the weapons slam onto the deck with a clatter and before they'd stopped shaking-

-stamped hard on both blades where there were locked, right hand vanishing behind his back, Kilmain already letting go of his pinned, useless weapon to-

Afterwards, it would make Kasoria smile. Reassurance in the face of entropy would do that, after all. He may have been older, and lighter, and not as skilled with that particular blade... but it was nice to know that when it came to it, he was faster.

Kilmain had his hand around the hilt of the dagger at his hip when he saw a flash of silver fly from the top of Kasoria's boot like lightning. So fast he was sure the sparring was over and he was a dead man. He hadn't seen the ruse coming, nor the disarm. Now he was without a weapon, his back up in its sheath, and the lightning-


-as the dagger halted, caressing the rough skin below his chin. Held in reverse by the little Etzori, Kilmain could look down and see every inch of it, from left to right. Serrated edge and fine, pristine, lethal fore-edge. It didn't tremble a jot, just like the hand that held it. The only movement was thanks to the ship under their feet, swaying and rising and falling. Out the corner of his eye, he saw the other sellswords whisper and jabber.

"I thought..." He said slowly, as he rose back to his feet. Kasoria mirrored the movement, dagger unwavering. "... it was just gonna be swords?"

Kasoria smiled, showing his teeth. "Thought wrong."

"You two ladies done wiv' yer pantomime? Hmm?"

Both swordsmen looked around and up at their master, Captain Senter, glaring down at them from the quarterdeck. The helmsman pioneered that massive wheel behind him, and the tame wizard he'd hired was at his shoulder. Dressed in red robes like some monk, the shade of green he was turning hardly complimented it. The Captain didn't have that problem. He felt more sick on land than at sea, after all these arcs.

"Aye, we're done, Cap'tin."

"Good! Mister Thagoras? Sew that arm and scrub that blood off my deck."

"Aye, Cap'n!"
word count: 1106
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Re: Swashing Buckles

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"Not bad work, that."

Kasoria was apt to be a little more self-critical. He wasn't born left-handed; he'd learned how to use that hand, painfully and clumsily. Especially the first part. He'd squatted on the barrel for the better part of a break, muttering curses as he sewed up the bloody wound after cleaning it with some bottled foulness. It surely killed half the hairs in his nostrils, so he'd trust it to kill any infection. But the straight, businesslike line of a scar would be asking too much. The stitches were ragged, uneven, even doubled over in a few places.

Better than nothing at all, he reminded himself. And better they see you're the sort who can sew himself up without needing a sawbones.

He looked up and found Kilmain standing over him, partially blocking the sun. He held a bottle in one hand and offered it. Kasoria took it and slugged down a generous measure of... Fates, that was indescribable. He smacked his lips and tried to use the sound to hide the fire in his throat. Kilmain grinned like he knew what was going on, and leaned against the forecastle.

"Born able t'use both?"

"Nah. Had t'learn. Never now when y'might not have both."

"Hmm. True enough."

Kasoria studied the man for a second, before he bit off the thread snaking out of his bicep. Amazing what you could read in a man, with only a handful of words. No threats, no posturing. No apologies or justifications, either. As if they were both past such things, such... irrelevances. Kasoria smiled to himself, thinking the man might have been worried about him bearing a grudge. The thought alone was amusing to him.

"Gonna be right come the morrow?"

"Oh, aye," he said, flexing his arm before binding it in a bandage. An armband of thick white soon stained in a single spot by a blotch of red. "Good night in me hammock an' some breakfast, no bother."

"S'good..." Before Kasoria could count to ten in his head, Kilmain finally came out with it. "Worried y'might take it personal."

The assassin looked into those bright blue eyes and pondered his reply. After a few moments he shook his head, not breaking eye contact. "I don't hold grudges," he said with perfect, technical accuracy. "Like I said, I learned plenty."

"You wanna learn s'more-"

"I'll know who t'go to."

Kilmain nodded, saluted with his bottle of trapped lava, and wandered off. Kasoria watched him go. No, he did not hold grudges. He held a grudge. Just the one, a vast and ever-bleeding vendetta that encompassed all others. One he never spoke of, never let live in the world through script or speech. A burning, hateful thing that would never die, never heal, never rest. He'd let it loose only a handful of times in close to thirty arcs. The sad fact was, he never got enough chances. But everything else, every ganger scrap and bounty taken, every itch he scratched, every bit of mortality he'd meted out... no. It wasn't personal. It was just what he was good at.

The little man leaned back on the barrel and thought about home. About his list of names, each one needing to be struck through before he could keep moving west, forever west, and never see Etzos Prime again. Even they were not personal, or vengeful. They were precaution. He ran through them again. He could not forget them, but every time he did, the means and method for said striking became clearer. Or grew larger, until-

"Mister Thagoras? Those stains won't scrub themselves!"

"Aye, Captain!"

Mister Thagoras scuttled off and let the thoughts of Kasoria rest for another trial. He saw the tall, skinny figure of the mage at the prow of the ship as he fetched a bucket and brush. Oh, he was always looking for fresh chances to learn. The man staring out the prow of the Lucky Lady was but another opportunity... but first, he had his own blood to scrub.

Continued here
word count: 701
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Re: Swashing Buckles

Thread Review


Skill Points: +10 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5 for sparring well in front of sailors while out to sea.

Injuries/Overstepping: Bloody but shallow gash to right bicep (cleaned and stitched)
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Blades (Cutlass): Designed for Hacking and Slashing
  • Blades (Cutlass): Long Enough to Slice and Cut Around a Bind
  • Detection: Recognizing Tattoos Common Among Criminal Fraternities
  • Discipline: Training To Be Proficient With Either Hand
  • Tactics: Sacrificing Your Weapon to Rob an Enemy of Theirs
  • Tactics (Sword-fighting): The Bind
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • NPC Kilmain: Current Sellsword, Former Pirate (probably)
  • NPC Kilmain: Skilled with a Cutlass
Notes: n/a.

Kasoria on the sea: amusing that he's getting so bored, but a great opportunity to practice like he is doing. It's awesome Kas found a sparring partner that'll improve and practice his skills. Speed really does provide a great advantage when in a fight. Kilmain is a fun foil NPC for sparring and you described him well.

Excellent action prose like usual, flowed in an easy fashion. Enjoyed the inclusion of tattoo markings as communication, made the scene all the more immersive by including those details. Also enjoyed the bit of internal narrative that lent insight into Kasoria's character toward the conclusion.

Wonderful job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 3122 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=117940#p117940

word count: 250
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