
23rd of Cylus 717

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23rd Cylus, 717

Vega had arrived at the Mwẹnz Tsäbtä with two friends, delighted to be able to do that, but she had left with just Arlo. In the aftermath and hullabaloo of the realisation that they had shared their evening with an Immortal, there had been more than enough opportunity for them to just turn and walk away, which had been what they did after he pulled her up from the log she was sitting on. Normally, usually, she'd have batted him away at the attempt, but she just went with it. There had been a number of questions, of course, from those who were gathered there, since Cassion had kissed her, but she'd answered none of them. Arlo, too, had been bombarded with questions and so, they got out of there.

Ti'niva, the other friend they had arrived with, had wandered away some time before so, at Arlo's suggestion and following her own instincts both, Vega stomped off. She walked with the kind of stalking stomp which made her seem determined and moving with a purpose. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth as she was just walking. She wasn't entirely paying attention to where she was going, even, simply walking and thinking. By now, the journey back to the camp was a familiar one and her feet took her there without much thought. Just walking with Arlo and not speaking as she built up into a good head of steam.

That had been Cassion. Vega felt her cheeks burning anew and she picked up her pace. Arlo's hat was Cassion's hat and the more she thought about it, the more she realised that Arlo had known who it was. Long before he'd announced himself. She'd even thought how unusual it was that Arlo liked him quite so much and Vega's face settled into a deep frown. With the benefit of hindsight, it was obvious that Arlo had known him and obvious who he was. Of course, that really didn't help and if her frown had been deep before, it simply deepened as she thought it through.

They got to camp and she sat, back against a tree and heels dug into the ground. Vega was furious and she knew that; it wasn't a new emotion and she recognised it for what it was. However, what she couldn't work out was what, or who, she was furious at and why. She knew, in reality, who it was that she was angry at ~ it was herself. Her hand had been raising to punch him and then, rather than do that she had literally felt her knees buckle. What sort of an idiot did she look to be?

Vega usually didn't care about how she looked, what other people thought of her but the fact that her first kiss was in public, with an Immortal, in front of her friend who knew what was happening and didn't bother to tell her just made her want to kill someone. Anyone. Him.

"How long had you known?" Vega asked Arlo. "Who it was, I mean. How long had you known?"
Last edited by Vega on Thu Apr 13, 2017 2:05 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 539

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Cylus 717: Placeholder 03

There'd been questions for Arlo too, before they'd managed to leave the hunter's pit on the way back to camp. But he'd only met them with a smile, a shrug mostly, rather than providing any elaborate answers. At that moment, what he'd experienced personally was his, and he wasn't quite ready to share it with others he didn't know well. Now that Vega knew though, it would have felt awkward to linger much longer.

As it was, while they walked towards camp she was quiet. But the young man knew her well enough to realize she had plenty on her mind. And was, maybe, building up a good deal of steam. As if she was put out. But with who? Him? He couldn't imagine why, but wasn't about to ask either. So when they got back to camp, he left her to her thoughts long as she wanted it, and sat down himself to think about what had just happened.

It was a little too much to comprehend all at once. He'd just sat beside Cassion, the Immortal he worshiped, and traded stories. The one wore an offering he'd left behind more than an arc ago. And the hat in his hand was no longer an ordinary hat at all. And he'd been told that maybe, they'd met again. It made him wonder, all the prayers, the dedication, all of it, maybe it hadn't fallen on deaf ears after all.

Vega though, that was the thing that had caught him most unaware. And he wasn't sure why, really. Women were complicated and hardly ever made sense. Or so Arlo believed. Whatever the reason though, she appeared to be working up a good bit of mad. At him, he wondered. Whatever for? It wasn't him that had been making eyes at Cassion, and not him that kissed him either.

Then she finally spoke. How long had he known? Arlo considered that, and thought back though he already knew the answer. "I was sure I knew as soon as he stepped out of the shadows. I told you once that I'd dreamed I'd sat by a fire beside him. It was Jesine, posing as him. but turns out, she had him down to the very last gesture."

He couldn't say anything, Arlo added, because for all he understood and had learned about the Immortal he worshiped, he knew he didn't like being called out. "It's his way, they say, not to announce himself, and not to like being announced in front of others." He guessed, that was, unless and until it struck the Immortal to do it himself. A grand gesture and a grand departure, that's what it had been.

But Arlo wouldn't have been much of a devotee, had he announced for all to hear, what he'd believed to be true. "I thought about giving you a nudge to warn you," he uttered after a trill or two. While she was busy making eyes at the Immortal, he meant but didn't dare to say. "But you wouldn't have realized why, if I had." Would he have said something anyway, maybe whispered it in her ear if he'd anticipated what had happened? Maybe, but he'd been as surprised as her, and hadn't gotten the chance.
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He answered and Vega listened to his answer with care. Her temper was flaring and she found it hard to listen, but she forced herself to do so. Because she knew, in her heart of hearts who she was angry at. So, she let out a slightly shaky out-breath and tried to focus on being calm and not taking it out on Arlo. Her eyes were still a mass of different colours, not the usual for her at all. Usually, her eyes were one colour, sometimes with flecks in them. Even having a second colour meant, for her, some kind of conflicting emotions but in this moment, she was about as confused as she got.

So, she focused on what Arlo said and she smiled a tense and poor imitation of her usual. "It's been a big night for you. I bet you were near to popping when you saw him." That did provoke a genuine smile from her, it had to be said. At the next thing he said, though, Vega shook her head. "You did the right thing by not telling me, Arlo." If it was what the Immortal wanted, she said, as a worshipper of him then he had done the right thing. "I appreciate the thought though," she was entirely sincere when she said that. "Thanks. You're a good friend."

She was wound about as tight as she'd ever been and she wanted to kick someone, thump them until they stopped squirming. Maybe pull some hair, she considered although instead she focused on something else. "That gold butterfly, it was beautiful wasn't it?" She frowned, remembering the moment and the word that Cassion had said. "Why'd he call it Queen, do you think?" Her Xanthean wasn't great, still, but she'd been practicing it all season with her....

"Oh knickers," Vega let out a groan. "My aunt's gonna hear about this. Like I'm not embarrassed enough without her sticking her well meaning oar in." Vega's face looked positively pained as she pictured the conversation. "She's always telling me that I need to find a nice young man and settle down. She's hoping I'm gonna shack up with Ti'niva, I think." She'd not mentioned that before, but then why would she?

"Ohh, I'm so angry at myself I could really just... damnit" Yes, indeed, angry at herself was exactly what she was and it showed in every movement. She breathed in again, forcing herself to calm down. Maybe she could just stop visiting her aunt and pretend she'd died or something. Or moved away, she thought, rather than died. That would be mean. Still, she knew that what she'd do was to go the next trial, listen to the lecture and try and put it right.

She had something else to put right, though, first. "I'm sorry, Arlo. If I'd had any idea of who he was, how important that was to you, I'd never have even spoken to him." Vega was entirely serious in that and she sighed slightly, then carried on with a slightly calmer voice. "I've never heard anyone make a story come alive like that, Arlo. I mean, when he first came in to the circle, I thought he was a bit abrasive, and I didn't really like being called 'redhead', but when he spoke?" Vega looked utterly disgusted with herself, "I'd never heard anyone tell a story like that. I was totally entranced, but I didn't expect him to do that." Which was something of an understatement.

"I was gonna punch him." Vega admitted, not knowing whether he realised that or not. "I mean, good with words an' easy on the eyes great, but I'm not having that. I just.. well, I didn't, obviously." She sighed and shook her head, the fire of her anger not so much abating but speaking it gave it less heat somehow. "I couldn't. I mean, literally couldn't. By the time I was ready to smack him into next season for taking advantage, we were half way back here." She gave a half hearted grin then. "So, yeah, I'm sorry."
word count: 713

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Vega's eyes were usually one color or another. But they were rarely any of both. It wasn't that Arlo spent his trials or nights gazing into her eyes, but he'd been around her enough by now to take notice of what was unusual or rare. She was conflicted. And so was he, but for probably different reasons.

Putting his hat back on his head, he grinned a little and shrugged. Though it was a poor show of being indifferent. "I never expected it, that was for sure. I didn't know what to think, or say, and worried that I might say something stupid." It had been a very real fear, after following and worshiping the Immortal for as long as he could remember, to have become tongue tied or embarrassed himself at that very moment.

"I might have considered signing to you," he added after a trill's pause. "But it would have broken the spirit of the contract and with my luck he'd have recognized it anyway." Or as bad, Arlo figured, not known and been curious enough to ask. "Is that what the word meant?" he asked suddenly, thinking back to what Cassion had uttered when the largest butterfly had appeared.

"Do you think maybe that was Moseke?" he wondered with a curious frown. "Immortal of life, nature, right? Didn't she create the Sev'ryn or something like that?" So had two, rather than just one Immortal been among them that night? It made perfect sense to him, if that had been her. Where else, and at what better time would she turn up?

Her aunt had tried to match her with Ti'niva? He couldn't help but grin a little at the thought. The two of them didn't seem like much of a match to Arlo, but to each, his or her own he guessed. "She'll hear about it if she didn't see it herself. Everybody around here seems to know everything, about everybody else." There might be no avoiding that, he figured. If aunts were like mothers, he had it on personal experience that they rarely left things like that alone.

Still, he was surprised by the nature of her apology and shook his head. "There's nothing to apologize for Vega. And why shouldn't you have spoke to him? He wasn't there just to see me, or see me at all. He came to a festival." The Immortal liked rubbing elbows with mortals, from what Arlo understood. He liked be one of them, Arlo added. "There's no denying though that he's a master of storytellers."

It was true enough that Arlo had never really expected to meet Cassion face to face. Though he'd hoped there'd come a time that he would. And if he did again, as the Immortal had said he might. That would be something. "I thought for a trill you'd hit him though." Which led to a question that had struck him, though belatedly and he wondered. "So what are you the most mad about. That a stranger grabbed and kissed you? Or that it was an Immortal that did it," he asked.
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"You did the right thing in not saying anything. By word or sign, it wouldn't have been right." She was in no doubt about that, since he'd explained Cassion's preference. For herself, of course, she still wished he had told her, but even if he had, she'd have just known why she was so entranced by the fella, it wouldn't have changed the feeling. In fact? "If you'd told me, it wouldn't have changed anything and you'd have risked letting your Immortal down, or feeling like you did." Which led the argumentative young redhead to a simple, inescapable conclusion. "So I'm glad you didn't."

Was Moseke also amongst them that night? Vega didn't know but what Arlo said made sense and she nodded. "Might be." Her guess would be yes, in fact, but whether Moseke was the gold butterfly thing or not, Vega didn't know. "I mean, yeah, she made the Sev'ryn an' apparently she spends a fair bit of time around these parts." Maybe they'd best ask Ti'niva when he got back to camp, she explained and then pulled a face as she considered that, if Moseke was knocking about, she was willing to bet that she wasn't grabbing Ti'niva for a quick facelock.

"Shut up, I know." She couldn't help but grin back at Arlo's expression when she said that her Aunt fancied her matchmaking chances with Vega and Ti'niva. "He's a 'nice Sev'ryn boy', which seems to be her only criteria. That I settle down with a nice Sev'ryn boy." Vega let out a derisive snort "If there's one thing that I'm more or less prepared to guarantee it's that I won't be settling down, even if there were any offers of it. Honestly, the woman's obsessed."Vega had got to the point, she said, that she just zoned it out and nodded along.

He dismissed her apology but Vega shook her head. "When he called me redhead, I could have very easily told him to jog on. That would have put you in a horrid situation." She gave a slight shrug and added, "Like, you know, just happened." She couldn't help but chuckle slightly as Arlo said he thought she was going to hit Cassion ~ he was right that it was entirely her reaction. However, his question surprised her.

"Neither of those things. That's not why I'm angry. I'm angry at myself for not punching him into next Cylus." Vega was entirely serious as she explained that. "I wanted my first kiss with a bloke to be of my choosing. If anyone else had done that I'd have floored them, and I should have floored him, Immortal or not." Vega looked at Arlo like he was a bit dense for asking which, in fairness, she thought he was. "That's not to say that if he'd asked I've have said no." She would have, but she had an appearance to keep up, after all. "But I'd have chosen based in the moment. You know, once he'd reached the front of the big long line of them begging." She gave a good natured smile, her temper mostly gone though her eye colour remained mixed and confused, both eyes a mass of different colours. "I'm just mad at me, not him. He wanted to make a grand exit an' I was the only female who wasn't under twelve or over ninety. I don't mind that he used me to make his grand exit, I mind that I let him."

With a shrug though, Vega smiled. "I knew I should have worn my hat. Only woman in a two mile radius or not, he wouldn't have done that then, eh?" She gave him a companionable, and very restrained, thump on the shoulder."Besides, you don't need to be thinkin' about that. You just met your guy, and he said it was going to be the first meeting, not the last. Come on, that's got to feel good, right?"
word count: 702

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Not telling her, or anyone else that he'd known it was Cassion from the start or at least had believed it was, might have been the necessary thing where faith, following and devotion were concerned. But it didn't change the fact that not knowing had put Vega in an awkward position. Arlo frowned, lifting his shoulders then letting them fall again. "Well I'm sorry anyway."

It might have changed things if she'd known from the start, at least from her perspective. But it was done, no going back so no way of knowing for sure. "You shouldn't ever say never," he told her then, and grinned when she swore she'd never settle down with anyone. Or at least, not pick up with anyone if not choosing just one place to put down roots. Ti'niva didn't really strike him as her type. Though he had an idea what might be, based on the night's events.

"Well I'm glad you didn't punch him," he said, but then reconsidered. "It would've made things interesting and maybe he wouldn't have minded as much as some other Immortals." Something made Arlo think that Cassion might have been somewhat amused, if surprised should she have done it. "I'm not sure it was only a grand exit. I think he did it because he wanted to, and because, probably, not many mortals would tell an Immortal no." They were bound to have egos after all. Some more than others.

But sure it felt good, and he smiled as he picked up a stick and jabbed it into the coals to stir them and get the fire going again before adding another log. "It's an acknowledgement, you know? All the prayers, the offerings, the devotions. You start to wonder if they're seen or heard or known about. Maybe now, it's more likely they are, than not," he considered. Or the whole thing could have been happenstance and Cassion had only recognized the hat.

But whether or not it was the case, the prospect of meeting the Immortal again was enough to keep his imagination going for a very long time to come.
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Remove please.
Last edited by Malcolm on Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:18 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 2
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Location: Ne’haer
Immortal: Cassion
Cassion: Dislikes Being Announced
Arlo: Knew Cassion
Psychology: Surprises can Lead to Anger


- - -


Immortal: Cassion
Cassion: Dislikes Being Announced
Vega: Kissed Cassion
Moseke: Made the Sev’ryn

- - -


This thread was very interesting to read, though I had to do a bit of backstory reading first to get a rough idea of what had happened. Perhaps, in the future, you could provide a link at the beginning of the story, or in a OOC note for the ease of reviewers? Alternatively, you could try to expand and explain things through your character’s thoughts a bit more, and that might help reviewers as well.

EDIT: Ignore the above- I'm an idiot and copy-pasted into another doc, omitting what I thought was only the date. Oops.

Other than that, everything seemed fine grammatically, and I liked the pacing of the story.

As always, PM me with any comments, questions or concerns!
word count: 196
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