Learning to Dance

45th of Ashan 719

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Learning to Dance


45th of Ashan, Arc 719

Evonshire was a noisy place, even at night. There were always animals demanding to be fed, people bustling around, militia members training. It gave the village a liveliness that Prae loved, but it did mean that he often had to go some distance from the village to get some peace and quiet. 

Tonight, for instance, Praetorum had found himself unable to sleep, and so instead had elected to go for a run, clad only in his sleep clothes, his scythe and buckler. It was, perhaps, not the wisest decision one could make, not in a place like the grasslands of Yaralon, but Praetorum had grown confident in his ability to, if not defeat, at least evade or escape any danger. In the very worst case scenario, a strength rune along his legs, combined with his Paltharnum physiology, would let him outrun most anything. 

It was, he was well aware, a level of overconfidence that he should disapprove of in himself, but it was hard not to feel confident when the elements themselves had your back. So Praetorum ran, making a wide circle around the village, always keeping it in sight, while himself staying just a little too far to be easily spotted from within. The earth, absurd as it might have seemed to say, ran with him, the dirt molding slightly under his footfalls so he always landed on comfortable dirt, never a loose rock or hidden pothole. He did nearly trip over a tree branch, though; it seemed there was only so much that the world could, or would change for his convenience. It was no matter; he'd survived this long without defiance, he was accustomed to having to watch where he was going. 

Praetorum wasn't sure how long it was he ran for, only that he'd fallen into a sort of peace, as he often did during strenuous exercise. It was the peace that came with long marches, or running drills on a saun day, or even standing guard, where a man grew so accustomed to a task his mind ceased to consider it at all, his body acting on rote while his mind wandered. 

So as he ran, Praetorum considered the elements, his friends. It shocked him, honestly, how quickly he'd taken to this spark, and how well it had taken to him; it hadn't been a dozen trials, and he already could not imagine living in silence again, without the hum of the ground under his feet and the whistle of the wind in his ear. Not even a dozen trials, and Prae could already feel the spark changing him in a way the Hone spark still hadn't. Praetorum had never been so restless before, never felt the need to run for the sake of running, or swim just to feel himself slicing through the water, but he felt it now, an everpresent itch to move, to flow, to do anything but hold still. 

It should worry him, he thought, that he was changed, even in such a small way. 


The fire lulling him to sleep, the air settling warm and affectionate over his hide, the ever presentness of the elements, it filled a hole in him that Praetorum had spent near a decade pretending didn't exist. The need to have someone there, right at his side, someone he could turn to at any point and just know that they would always be together. It had opened in him long before his brother had died, long before he had even disappeared. 

He'd never thought he might find something like that again, never thought he would want to even if he could. But no one could take the air from him, or the ground beneath his feet. Water and fire could always be found again, no matter how many times they were snuffed out or drained away. 

Praetorum held that comforting thought in his mind as he shook himself back into reality. How many loops around the village had he done, all the while lost in contemplation? Praetorum didn't know; all he knew was that his breathing was ragged, and his thighs and core ached. Before, he would have stopped then, taken a breath. 

One more loop.

Last edited by Praetorum on Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:19 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 715
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Learning to Dance


45th of Ashan, Arc 719

The air licked lazily at his knees as he ran, the wind puffing in time with his every footstep. His defiance witchmark still surprised him occasionally, when the wind picked up and his witchmark with it, but for the most part, he'd grown accustomed to it. It was a breeze that matched its surroundings, and Prae expected when the storms came he would be extremely grateful for that wind at his back. 

Hmm. That gave him an idea. As he whispered his idea into the air, the wind began to pick up, pressing up to his back as he began to pick up some speed, the space between his steps growing larger as the wind caught him with every bound, sending him surging forwards. He was faster this way, he could tell, if only by a little. But just a little more speed was maybe all one would need in the heat of battle. 

Letting the winds return to their natural speed, Praetorum slowed to a jog, then to a run, then to a stop. He'd learned his lesson long ago about sudden stops, when he'd nearly thrown up, and then fainted, and worst of all, gotten a break long lecture about the importance of warming down and blood pressure and eating before you exercise Praetorum you idiot. 

Shaking the memory from his head, Praetorum rubbed at his thighs, wincing at the ache there. Praetorum had grown too accustomed to short sprints in the heat of battle; he'd forgotten how much a long, sustained run could ache. 

He'd forgotten how good it could feel too, to just run and run until your body was so tired that you reached a breaking point, and suddenly felt amazing again. He wasn't there yet, not even close, but this run had reminded him, just a little, of good old days, angry instructors and loud, proud, idiot trainees. 

Kaldwyn would have been amazing with defiance. He'd always been an atheletic, acrobatic young man, and Prae could only imagine how he could have moved with the wind and earth at his command. If he'd survived—

Something smacked against the back of his head, and Prae whirled around, suddenly on guard. There was a blur of movement out of the corner of his eye, and Praetorum lashed out with his shield, forgetting for a moment that he wore the buckler and not his tower shield. A projectile, coming for his head, his shield too small to catch it, his reflexes too slow to dodge it... The wind leaped to help at his silent request, gathering around his buckler as it swept towards the projectile. As the projectile—a rock, he saw now— came flying towards him, the air around his buckler went tight with tension, just for a moment. Then as his buckler came close to the rock— almost, but not quite close enough to knock it out of the way— the air rushed outwards, a small explosion of force that sent the rock tumbling off out of sight.

"Have you been practicing, or did that just come to you on instinct?" Praetorum, halfway through pulling his scythe from his back, paused, then relaxed. 

"Fates, Edyn, don't scare me like that."

His mentor grinned, the flickering fire in the palm of her hand casting grotesque shadows over her face. "Sorry Prae, couldn't help it." He rolled his eyes as she closed her hand, the fire climbing up her arm to settle on her shoulders. "But I have to say, I'm impressed." Prae raised an eyebrow at that. "Hey, I mean it! Prae, do you realize what you just did?"

He paused. "I... asked the air to help me deflect that projectile?"

"You convinced the air to move in a way it never would, or could naturally." She clapped him on the arm. "That's quite something, you know." Prae stared meaningfully at the two little flames hovering over her shoulder, not burning her hair. "Oh shush. I'm a master of the craft, this is only expected of me. But you, my young apprentice? You just learned how to dance, all on your own."

In the face of Edyn's beaming expression, Prae couldn't help but smile, at least a little bit. "Dancing? A bit of a fanciful term, isn't it?"

"Ah, but it is a dance." Edyn swept into a bow, twirling an imaginary partner. "Because when you dance—" 

"Which I don't."

"— you contort your body into the strangest shapes, make movements that you would never need to normally, all in service—" she bowed here, theatrically— "to the music. And its conductor." Prae clapped, half sarcastically. "Hush you." She flicked her finger, and the wind obediently passed on a cuff on the back of the head, before swirling around his shoulders in apology. "Dancing is what most people think about when they think about defiance. Stone, rising in great pillars to the sky; water, still and sharp as any blade; fire, dancing through the air like swallows." She smiled at him. "And air, a weightless shield in the hands of one who knows how to ask for it. Your execution was a little clumsy, not as efficient as it could have been. But you called, and the wind answered, and that, Prae, is all you really need. After that, the rest is just polish and practice."

Despite himself, Praetorum preened a little then, and the wind nudged him playfully. "Well then," he told her with a grin, "if that's the case, let's practice."
word count: 939
Let's play 'What's Weird About Prae'


  • A fiery rune shines under his right eye
  • A firey glow in the back of his mouth


  • A ring of blue runes floats over each of Prae's wrists
  • A silver shield marks the back of his right hand
  • A ring of light around his left forearm


  • His tail is about eight feet long, usually knotted around his waist
  • His body temperature is uncomfortably high


  • Wind gusts with every step he takes
  • The area around him is slightly more static-y than normal
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Re: Learning to Dance

Thread Review
I enjoy the developing relationship Praetorum has with the elements. And it certainly brings something to mind. Something you'll see soon.

Word Count: 1686
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?f=242&t=17435&p=116833#p116864
  • Skill Points - 10 (May be used for Defiance)
  • Renown - 0
  • Skill Knowledges
    1. Defiance: Wind can carry you when you run
    2. Defiance: Using the wind to sweep away projectiles
    3. Endurance: The pains and aches of a long run
    4. Running: Using defiance to gain speed
    5. Running: Don’t stop suddenly
    6. Shield (Buckler): Blocking a projectile reflexively
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards
Player 2
  • Skill Points -
  • Renown -
  • Skill Knowledges
  • Non-Skill Knowledges
  • Items and Other Rewards

Final Notes

If you have any questions, please PM me.

Code: Select all

word count: 144
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