Vhalar 18
It was a cool and sunny autumn day in Yaralon. Very cozy and comfortable for a change. Unfortunately, Gan was having one of his terrible moments and this unusually pleasant weather was lost to him. Anger and sadness coursed through his veins almost as heavily as the wine he had been drinking.
It was not easy dealing with his pain. When he was working he felt fine, simply losing himself to the task at hand. However, on his days off he had a hard time forgetting the past. And there were a lot of these days in Yaralon.
Indeed, that fine morning was one of the days he could not schedule any work for the crew. After pestering all the established merc companies with no results, he decided to amble around the burhos in hopes to find a job. Of course he couldn’t just do such a task without being drunk.
Thoughts bounced around the madman’s head in no logical order. He remembered his brutal childhood in the mine. He believed that when he told people about the threat of the Immortals they would respond with courage and conviction, but that rarely happened. Ellen’wyn’s kiss on the moonlit pier was amazing and he had screwed it all up, why was he so stupid. He should have taken action against the birdman when he first met the vile tyrant instead of allowing him to get his forces up.
He twitched silently in anger at these thoughts. For reasons unbeknownst to him, he couldn’t get over them. The alcohol didn’t help either, however he was able to maintain his composure fairly well, though his face looked cross
“Gangui…” a whisper echoed down the streets of the northeastern burho.
The warrior was way too concerned with his own misery to notice at first, but as he continued his walk the voice got louder, “Gaannguuui…itssss meeee”
The bearded man stopped in his tracks and looked around. He still wasn’t registering the voice fully. Weaving through the crowd, he ignored the tickle in his ear from the strange and distant whisper. After walking a couple more blocks on the large road, he turned down one with less traffic. There he saw a couple small benches. Far from being a plaza or park, it was at least a small alcove for those in this burho to sit. Gangui took a seat on one of these rocky benches and took advantage some time alone, away from the hustle and bustle of the main-street.
After taking a swig of the wine-flagon, Gangui put his head into his cupped gauntlets. He just wanted to get revenge against the Immortals and be successful, but this made him angry. He had worked so damn hard at it, but was still not nearly close enough to victory. The worst part was he putting himself into these horrible situations. And the what was even more sad in his opinion, was the fact he was feeling like this. No Yari native would act like this and this made him feel weak.
Suddenly the strange whisper returned, seemingly carried by the breeze to the very open space in between the streets that Gangui now sat.
“It is meeeee… it is meeee your good friend...”
Gan nearly jumped out of his seat, “What?!” He could have sworn on everything he had heard Niv’s voice. But that couldn’t be so, for Niv had been killed long ago by the villainous tyrant Noth.
“Gan….gui… it’s me…. Niiiiiv...”
The bearded warrior almost lost his shit. Standing up he looked around he saw nothing. He yelled something incomprehensible, but there was no response. After a couple minutes he decided to chalk it up to drunkenness. Before he could return to sulking however, someone was approaching. He could hear them around the corner, but couldn’t see them yet.
Gan beckoned in confusion and suspicion, “Is that you Niv?”