• Graded • -‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡- (Graded)

Working on common..while healing from his adventurous summer.

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-‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡- (Graded)

1st Trial of Zi'da

Winter had come upon the jubilant evergreens of the forests as the season continued. A season when Coroth had perhaps taken on too much for his body to endure, and had spent a number of weeks at his home having to stay there spending days and sometimes more than a week at a time healing and recovering from his accruing wounds. He had spent the endings of Vhalar in a dismal state of recognizing his mortality, and seeking the doom of the immortal who had a death wish upon his head if he did not bring to her the deed she had asked him to do for her, as a favor.

Sometimes, he told himself that he had injured himself in so many ways so he would have a reason to remain at home, vigilantly watching over lola and ensuring he would be there in case she was attacked. Not a single spider had arrived, or been seen since that day earlier in Vhalar within the northwestern caverns below the plateau. In that time, he had begun to spend more "quality" time with her. Conversing in broken common, and attempting to build his own linguistical knowledge of the thousands of words that were to be deciphered through her voice and the beauty of her moving lips. Who better to learn a new language from than a mans' lover?

It was one of these normal days that he would finally be healed up sufficiently enough to only feel the faded sting of a woman, or torn flesh that had been encovered by new skin, yet still existed at a deeper level where flesh met muscle. Where internal scarring was still dissolving, the few remaining pieces that were reminders of his afflicting adventures.

The weather had become colder, though in the jungle like environment of Athart, the heat kept the cold from becoming too much for those of thin bodies who took to the air, air that was to be warm enough to fly through as well. The area was not questionable why it was chosen so long ago for the rise of the Avriels. They could fly throughout any season he reckoned. Though there was neglect to question his elders, and find out that there were occasional seasons when the winds would blow cold fronts southerly, and give them all a taste of what the northern ice regions were like. But otherwise, one could surmise the avriels were free to fly without the hardships of hampering snow upon their wings. Or winds so cold that one could not even flap his wings. There were perhaps other reasons why birds seemed to flock to these wooded areas from the north. Coroth was no researcher on such matters.

Last edited by Coroth on Fri Jan 31, 2020 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 460
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Re: -‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡-


None the less, eyes of an amber lucidity clamored over the doe softness of furs that had been removed from the cutest a doe in the fields far north of the spires. The pelt was still lush with life, and the spirit of the doe had reminded him well of lola when he had been out hunting. It was brought back as well as the meat. Its shade of light tawny fur shifted continually before the dancing light of the fire that flickered and danced with warmth across from them. Her use of it assured him she was keeping herself warm to the chill of the air within his home that still kept within their breaths.

His wings shifted behind him, stretching some through the vigors of muscles that were in the process of being exercised. The lengths of their feathers were longer than that of even the largest of birds. They were felt softly passing amongst their enfolding stems buried within their warming curtain of sleek dark cobalt softness. Muscles along his arms remained terse and reflexive as they were warmed to the routine of exercises that he put himself through on different trials of the week. Exercises that included one weapon or the other. To assure himself that they were to be wielded with strength, precision, and dexterity.

One of which was in his hands, a leather cord was being woven about the handle of one of the weapons that he had acquired from an earlier adventure. The prior handle had fallen away during a practice of it's use. Eyes attentively lifted upwards towards lola who had little to do at times save offer a reflective gaze upon him from a most beautiful woman still of her youth.

For she shared his home, he fed her, and anything she could help him with, she did. She even kept him in the routine of exercising, finding little ways to remind him, or jibe him to keep with it and become all the more stronger trial by trial. Repetitively, his words were breathed through hardened lips, not afraid of her, but afraid he was not learning the words as fluently as he should if he were to travel elsewhere in the lands.

"Nehww..seinse?" A quirk of a thick dark brow lifted to question her attentive eyes. Checking if he pronounced the long word correctly. She stared at him a moment, then let a quirk of a smile curl upon the thin line of her lips that were also known to bring him kissings, and he could only watch from across the short distance of the chamber with a humored curl upon his own sterner tiers.

"Nuisance…that's what you are Coroth." Her dire lips professed how she felt about him, or perhaps she was just playing along with the lesson. He had garnered some of the language, but there were intricacies in how to use a word, or several words that seemed to become one big word that were interesting him in these moments.

"So..a new…sense? Sensinnng..something..new?" Coroth had a proud, vacant look upon his face, for he was also weaving the leather cord about the handle of the weapon in hand. Which also gave him half of a mind that it could be wielded, and be used in a violent manner. Thus, he was also disciplining his thoughts, and fighting at those more carnal thoughts of hitting something over the head with the blunt end of the wooden shaft whilst he worked with it and looked at her in those same moments. There was already a moment when a thought passed through his mind of clubbing her with it, and she caught him, and had gawked unbelievingly. But he had hurriedly apologized. Though, she still stared at him in fear and seriousness to determine whether it was really an accident of thought.

At certain moments the avriel blood within his condescending demeanor was noticed coming out. He had little to do to prevent his mental outbursts that he knew were chaotic, and would need more discipline to control and maintain a humanly civil behavior. He though was an avriel, surrounded by a city filled with both, avriel and their enslaved humans. Humans who they degraded in one way or many others. At times, he absently treated her in such ways.

"No..no..not a sense..not a..feeling. Well..it is a way to feel about someone..or something. When it, or them are bothering you!" Her words came out with an outburst of her own, as if she was done with the lesson, and would let it sink into his memory. The furs were pulled away from her smoothly bared shoulders, letting the staunchly cool air purge the warmth that had been concealing her delicate form moments prior. The attire she had made for him earlier in the season was still worn, for the furs were more than enough to keep her skin flushed and radiant with life. Though the sun had not darkened her skin, or his own this season, leaving it in a candescent hue even lighter than the furs that she adored so much.

Despite his melancholotic behavior his crafting was having upon her, she strode forth through the chamber, proud, and exuberating her flawless curvings that the outfit she wore exposed to his undying attentions. Knowing full well the gawk that swept over his features as she allowed him another basking gaze upon her lush little figurine. She knew he would not hurt her with the weapon in his hands, no matter what dreadful thoughts would pass through his mind whilst he tended to it. Any tendings, now stilled so he could eye her with the fullness of his blatantly staring attentions.

"Buuuttt…," his words were slowed, not from trying to pronounce the word, or figure out what to say next in the conversation they were having, but because suddenly, she was exposing another part of herself to his attentive eyes, and a sudden mocking acting of drooling seemed to dribble from his mind instead.

"No..not right now..," her words were sharpened with a pristine attitude as if she knew well by now how to control him in her own ways. And how to get what she wanted in others. Her sharp reply cut him off before he could continue his sentence, and Coroth was left merely with a smuggening grin upon his lips before she circled around the stone wall to head into another area of the chamber.

Rummaging could be heard through the fray weave of a basket before it stilled, and she would return, a morsel of a fruit in her hand that she took to her lips to munch upon. The light in her eyes catching as she eyed him provenly. Though gratitude passed through her thoughts as she walked in front of him to return to her furs. The sound of the delectable sugars of the fruit in hand drowning her own senses with the relishment of something that satisfied her.

"So..when..something..is new to someone, and they..bother someone else about it..they are a nuisance?" Coroth looked up from another binding of the leather cord, tucking away a length of it beneath another wrapped length to tie it off, and looked for his vial of glue to seal it with as he spoke. He had a sense of humor about him, and kept his vigil in maintaining his discipline to control himself and be mean to her as he continued to learn. For she was too beautiful to truly be mean to. Even if that chaotic side of his avriel blood ran through his instincts, and came out from his subconscious without his ability to control it at times.

"Yes..that's it exactly. Mmm..nomNomNoMm, Thank you for the fruit today!" Her voice finally jived up with some perk of enthusiasm. The satisfying thrill of the rush of juiced sugars drawing upon her own tasting senses becoming hers to lavish in as she snuggled her way back into the pile of furs cherishingly. Though as she was pulling them closer together, a sudden breeze seemed to pass from the entryway that swept nonchalantly through the cavernous abode. It weighed against the inner folding of the furs lining that was about her, causing the view of her assets to remain his to view when he looked upon her the following moment. And her flesh began to prickle with a spree of rising porish goose bumps that expressed her chill to the air that swept flowingly upwards in a caressful manner to tussle at her unbound length of dark encurling tendrils.

"Would you stop that..I know it's you." A look of temptable guise swept from her eyes over him as he teased her, and she made her humored demand with an air of superiority that mocked that of the avriels. As if she was a princess of her own tower.

word count: 1504
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Re: -‡- Linguistical Tickings -‡-


Experience: 10


Strength: Exercising daily helps maintain your abilities.
Leatherworking: Reworking a handle grip with a leather cord and glue.
Linguistics- Common: Some bigger words sound like smaller words put together.
Linguistics- Common: If you say long words the right way, you'll figure out their meaning.
Linguistics- Common: Nuiscance is when your bothering someone.
Linguistics- Common: Having new senses to something can bother others.

Renown: none

Skill Usage: Appropriate to level.

Loot/Losses: none

Injuries/Conditions: none

Consequences: none

Comments: Hmm, I know Athart isn't typically cold being a jungle, and I'm not sure if there are evergreen trees living in the mountains near there, but I'll let you have it since there's been no calendar with weather this season.

Linguistic threads can be fun to write. Full of dialogue and amusing linguistic quirks coming to bear when there's a language barrier. Looks like Coroth is getting prepared to travel abroad.

I wonder if he'll bring his slave with him, and where he'll end up going to?

Anyway, good job and enjoy the rewards.

If you have any concerns about this review, please PM me about them.
word count: 197
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