Mature [Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)

Sea of Light festival coincides with Jo'qan's funeral.

10th of Cylus 723

The home to the Induk Sweetwine and populated by fairies, this enchanted forest has many secrets

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[Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)

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After they left the ship, Vega and Huw had parted ways.
"You'll make sure that the children are taken care of?"
, she said and Huw nodded.
"You know you don't have to do this alone, Eva?"
he said and Vega looked at him and smiled but shook her head, firmly.
"I do, Huw. I do have to do this alone."
Huw looked at her and his lips pursed tightly together. Vega knew her cousin well and she met his gaze.
"You may be right. But Arlo isn't here so we won't know, will we?"
Huw's expression softened.
"It isn't fair that you know what I'm thinking you know."
Vega gave a slight shrug and said, softly.
"You're like an open book, Huw. Full of pictures."
He mock-frowned at her and then, squeezing her arm, the cousins parted ways.

Vega moved over to her father's tent. There, his body was laid out on a table. He was laying on heavy fabric which was folded and sewn to take long poles either side. Those would be slid into the holes in the fabric and that would be how they carried him.

But, before that, she had to prepare him. She had, in her hands, some fabric and a rope from her father's cabin aboard the Wanderlust.
"Hello, Papa,"
Vega said quietly.
"I've got what we need. It's jus' me an' you now, so we can get you ready."
She took the rope, first and she gently and carefully wound it round her father's hands.
"This is the rope what wrapped around your hand an' mama's hand, on the day you got married."
she said.
"You hold on to that, Papa."
Her voice cracked and shook, but she shed no tears. Doing this right was the last thing she could do for her father, and she would not allow herself to cry.

Next was the fabric she had brought from his memory chest.
"This is the fabric given to you at your birth,"
she said. First, she kissed him softly on the forehead, then she lay the square over his face.
"It's so that those who've passed an' migh' not recognise you will know it's you who's there. The rope will lead you to Mama, Papa, an' this will lead your brother to you. "

Biqaj traditions tended towards broad concepts and then clans each had their own interpretations. In their clan, there was a simple tradition, and so Vega wrapped him in the warm blanket which he lay on and then she waited. Sitting next to him, Vega spoke and sang the whole time, making sure that it was never silent. That was a strange superstition among her people, not to be silent in the presence of death.

After a few moments, her cousins arrived. Huw carried the two long poles, Reese and Shon walked in behind their brother. Vega continued to sing as the boys inserted the poles and then they moved and stood, one at each corner.

The plan was that the four of them would go to the shoreline where they would transfer her father's body to the raft and set it out to the ocean. When it was a distance away, they would fire a flaming arrow to it. Vega was ready for that, she knew what had to happen and that was fine.

"One, two, three... lift."
Vega said and the four of them lifted her father's body up. Vega stood next to Huw, the two of them at her father's head and they interlocked their arms around each other's shoulders. With the outside hand, she held the pole and the three men did the same. Then, Vega's voice once again lifted in song. She sang with an awareness that she needed to project that sound and so made sure to breathe through her diaphragm, no matter how emotional she felt. Again, the song was meaningful, because it was a song her father liked; one that reminded him of her mother.

Singing, she stepped out of the tent in unison step with Huw and the twins and there, Vega's voice shook and for a moment she stopped.

She'd been expecting it to be just them. Just them in a small, private ceremony but as she looked out with eyes which now swam with tears, there was everyone. Every member of Sweetsong was there and they lined the small distance between the tent and the shore. Every one of them held a candle, a light in the darkness. Vega looked up and there, in the sky, she saw a star which she'd never seen before.
"Look, Papa,"
she whispered as tears fell.
"Look at that star. It's jus' for you that is."

The trail of lights led down to the shore. Vega breathed in and as they started to walk again, she lifted her voice once more in the song. Ahead of them was the shoreline and she saw the many, many lanterns, as traditional for this trial but which, today, would join her father on his final journey, lighting the way like stars in the darkness. She didn't know what to do, so she stepped forward, one foot in front of another and she looked around in the hope that someone might be stepping forward to direct things, because she was fairly sure that she couldn't.

word count: 920

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch

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Re: [Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
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Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm

Word had spread about Joq’an death shortly after it had happened. There had been silence on the subject since then not that there hadn’t been plenty of other events arise in the few trials. Then the whisper came as they prepared for the Sea of Lights night that tonight would also be Joq’an’s funeral. The Ardiechy understood what was about to happen as far as the Sea of Lights, though they were a little lost on the reason being it, but agreed to participate.

Jasper felt sorrow for Vega and the community at large. Joq’an was a grandfather to the whole community, and as far as Jasper could tell, and even better father, uncle and grandfather to Bega’s clan. His loss was deeply felt by everyone. His efforts would be missed, but his memory would live forever in the community. Jasper was positive that Vega and her cousins though were struggling. As they were getting ready Jasper looked down at one of his own little boys, and though about his parents, who while alive were on the other side of the world. Their support was still there but not in the same way. While he didn’t understand the loss of parent, he could empathize with the removal of their loving helping as the arcs would role by.

As everyone moved out the Ardiechy clan joined them, but they joined them in their own way. They were on Scalvoris, but they were Melrathi and had decided to craft that into some type of hybrid. So it was that they were each marked by the ancient symbols of death blending with those indicating the dead was one of the honored dead. The triplets couldn’t really be left in the tent, so they were bundled up and placed in slings. Jasper was actually carrying the youngest of the boys, while his brothers each carried one. Astra wasn’t carrying a child at all. The last thing they wanted was one of the boys smelling mom and wanting to be feed during the events. Astra true to form wasn’t about to be left out. So with Jasper’s and Bryil’s support she walked with them. Rewan followed along with a chair.

So it was that the Ardiechy clan joined the line, of settlers. Astra sat in the chair flanked by Jasper and his brothers. Each held a candle as they waited. They didn’t have to wait to long before the procession came out of the tent. Jasper watched them as they walked and sang. Jasper turned away to see Astra standing up and saying to him. “Help Vega. No one should run their own father’s funeral.” She whispered. Jasper turned and could detect something in Vega’s face.

“But you need help.” Jasper whispered, and he got glared at for that. Jasper moved forward after the bier passed and he motioned to all of Joq’an’s grand children to follow immediately behind the their family. He didn’t try to put the children in any order as he felt sure Joq’an would like the childish chaos. Though those adults carrying the youngest stayed at the back. Following that he motioned for the children of the settlement to follow, and then have the line fold up into the end as the bier passed so that they would all end up in a half circle along the beach and the bier.

Astra and Jasper began to sing along with Vega as they marched. Rewan and even Bryil joined in the singing. This appeared to be a tradition they had in common. Though the songs were different. The song spread to all of the community some, sang and some hummed. The children joined in as best they could. Being not a large settlement nor a lot of people it wasn’t long before they came to the shore and the prepared raft.

Jasper came/was shoved forward (by Astra even as she sat in the chair Rewan brought). He let the song reach its natural end before looking at Vega to see if she wanted him to continue. Once the body was placed on the raft that would carry it out to sea where it would be burned. Jasper turned to face the crowd.

“I will not take long.” Jasper said to the crowd, “Joq’an is much beloved by everyone here, and for many reasons. He will be missed by all but most especially by those whose his life has blessed the longest.” He said and nodded to Vega and her kin. “We all sorrow for his loss, but let us give praises for the life he lead. He was a gift to this world, and his love, his words, stories, song and influence will continue to sustain us.” Jasper looked up. “We will weep and miss him, that is right and good, but we will not forget him.” Jasper carefully raised his arms to the sky and called out. “Idalos, our great mother, we now return the body of this man to your eternal embrace. Immortals we send this man’s soul to your realms that he may continue his journey. But we will keep his love for us, the memories he crafted with us, and the fruits of his labors.” Jasper carefully set his candle in between two boards. “Xuir and U’frek watch over Joq’an and all gathered.” Jasper said as he stood up. Astra, Bryil and Rewan came forward and placed their candles also in the raft.

Jasper helped Astra as they stepped away to allow others to place their candles and once done push the raft into the water. They came to the Vega and her family to give hugs and kisses. Jasper looked at Vega and said. “May we ask you for your father’s name to give to one of our sons?” He said indicating to the bundle carefully secured to him. He titled the bundle a bit so that they could see his face, his lips motioning that food was hopped for soon.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 20ft.

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Re: [Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)

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In the trials and arcs to come, Vega would find that she remembered this day in a strange way. She would recall it as though she was watching someone else tell a tale. This was a defence mechanism, of course, because the pain she felt in that moment was simply too much for her to deal with.

As Jasper directed them to, the grandchildren walked behind.
Huw's wife, helped Jasper do this and she made sure that both Wren and Ru were in that line-up. They were not Jo'qan's grandchildren, but they were family.
held tightly on to Wren's hand and tears fell down her cheeks, but she said nothing and simply walked forward. One step at a time.

Once they reached the shore and the body had been placed carefully down, Vega looked for someone - anyone - to help her and she met Jasper's gaze. She saw what he and Astra had already done and she noticed that they had done this with three newborns. The rush of emotion caused her eyes to swirl in a kaleidoscope of colours and she nodded her head to him, mouthing the words "Thank you." Then, she looked at the children and she opened her arms - as she did, Joy and Wren and Ru all rushed forward, and Vega wrapped them up in a hug. She lifted Ru into her arms, checking on Conlan and Akor who were held by the useless twins, and she put her hand around Wren and Joy's clasped hands, so she was touching all three of them.

Jasper turned to face the crowd and Vega felt such gratitude to him and Astra that she could not put it into words. Jasper spoke and Vega listened carefully; he spoke as well as any of them could have - better than most could, in fact - and that said a lot about the man Jasper was. He hadn't been here long, in the grand scheme of things, and he hadn't had a lot of dealings with her father. Yet, he had watched and paid attention and he had made an effort. Vega knew that her father would be pleased with his words, with what Jasper said.

They put their candles down, around him, and her father was bathed in the flickering light of a thousand flames, it seemed to her. Vega watched it all and she held on to the children and as her father's raft was slowly pushed out to sea, Vega once again lifted her voice in song.

Others joined in, some who knew the words singing them, others humming or playing. As the raft sailed out, Vega watched it. In Rharne, they would burn the body, and that was a tradition usually among her clan, but Vega looked at her cousin
the eldest of her cousins and the pair of them shook their heads in unison. The raft would float and one of the candles would catch the funeral pyre in it's own time. It was right that it did.

And, indeed, as the last notes of the song she sang faded into the still air, the flames on the increasingly distant boat began to lick up into the air. That was the time to turn away and let him rest. So that was what Vega did.
"Look after each other, ok?"
she said to Wren and Joy as she put Ru down. The three of them held hands together, with Ru in the middle.
"I'm so proud of you, all,"
Vega whispered and she kissed the three of them. Then, there was Jasper and Astra and Vega turned and wrapped them both in heartfelt hugs of gratitude.
"I can't thank you enough, I thought I could do it, but I couldn't"
she said with no shame at all.

Then, Jasper had a question and Vega looked at him, and Astra, with surprise in her eyes. But there was no doubt what her answer would be.
"Oh, he'd be righ' honoured, he would. That's so lovely. Names are important to us, so for his to live on like that, it's important."
She put her hand out to stroke the baby.
"He'll stand upright an' be strong. Be righteous an' true. I don't doubt it."
Fussing over all three of the babes, Vega looked at Astra and, most sincerely, spoke.
"I'm so grateful to you for comin' to-trial. You shouldn't push yourself too hard, though. How are you feelin'?"
She wanted Astra to be sure of her next words, also,
"Because if we can help with anythin' , it's our pleasure to. No matter what the day is."

word count: 794

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)

Jaspers Stats
6 Feet 3 Inches
205 pounds
Brown Hair
Brown Eyes
Scares on Right Arm
Tattoo on Left Arm - Matches scares
Moon Tattoo on Left palm
Sun Tattoo Right palm
Diapers Always Need Diapers

Jasper stepped back and joined Astra, his brothers, and Dasjat as they watched the other members of the community come forward to place their candles. Jasper stood behind Astra as she sat in her chair. He rested his hand on her shoulder even as he looked down at the bundle slung across his chest. He was still a bit in chaos himself. So much had been happening that he was still coming to terms that these little ones were his children. As he watched the love expressed for this man, this father, he felt a deep stirring. He wanted to leave such a legacy. He wanted these boys to know how much he loved them. He was scared in that moment. He was scared for these children and all that might lay ahead. He was also excited and excited for what they could become. And he briefly wondered if Joq’an had felt the same way with his children.

Jasper plundered these emotions as he watched the raft drift out into the water. Eventually the candles consumed the pier and they all watched as he went on to that next place. It was at this point that they and Vega hugged as they came to talk with her. He was glad to see that even in her sorrow she was still herself mostly. He noticed at that time her doing a quick count of babies. He could easily believe that she had yet been informed of their own events. “You are welcome. We are glade we could help.” Jasper said in responses to thank you.

She was over joyed and seemed to have a very similar belief about names, and granted them the use of her fathers name for their little boy. Jasper gave a soft smiled as she cooed over the baby. No parent can’t not get warm and fuzzy over other people appreciating their baby. Vega then spoke Astra the true hero of yestertrial. The new mother titled her head and said while smiling. “At this point a mess. I am still amazed at these little boys and a bit overwhelmed that there are three of them. My body is sore and sleep sounds better then paradise right now.” She leaned against Jasper “He helps me get as much sleep as possible. While he can’t feed them he makes sure they each get their turn. Though even sleep can wait for this.” She paused and the said. “Diapers, I didn’t prepare enough diapers for three children.” She said in all seriousness in response to anything she needed. She smiled then and with Jasper’s help took the seat that had been brought for her.

Spirit Meld-When near a spirit, can mental sense its emotions.
Spirit Sight-Perceive all spiritual forms within a ten foot proximity.
Rupturing-Detect all motions within 20ft.

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word count: 526
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Re: [Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)


The raft of Vega's father went out to sea, lit by the candles that the village and its settlers had laid on its surface. The song seemed buoy him on his way out to sea, on his final journey past the Sea of Ghosts. The star that Vega had spotted shone deeply against the gloomy Cylus skies, and even shone through the clouds that began to move in, obscuring the moons.

She'd feel Xiur's presence then, and sure enough the dusk-skinned Immortal appeared next to her and Jasper. He was accompanied by a villager, who they'd seen but not really spoken to much, other than to give instructions. This drifter had been helpful and aided in small tasks, happy to do the manual labor required surrounding the more complex planning around the snow storm.

"Hello Vega... Look over yonder, U'frek has decided to see his faithful off on his journey!" The villager pointed out the silhouette of a man amidst the burning candles on the raft. Light of hair and tanned of skin, rowing along to speed the raft along. He saluted those on the shore, as they spotted him. But he said nothing to them other than to make that signal. "I'm U'frek's friend... Ashan."

Xiur seemed surprised at this, as Ashan rarely lingered in the company of others, lest they grow too attached. And sure enough, he looked like he had packed his belongings, ready to move on with his journeys through Idalos. Xiur lifted his brow at Ashan, and with a hand on Vega's shoulder, speechless for the moment.

Ashan then turned to Jasper, and with a gesture, a winter rose lifted from the snows on the ground. He spoke directly to Jasper then, "You have walked well with spirits all your days. Your spirituality and respect for the freedom of all nature's creatures is commendable. I would offer my mark. Should you wish it."

"If you do, pick up that rose, and hold it to your chest, and there my mark will grow in time with your dedication to the spirits. Seek ever to free the downtrodden , celebrate the life that Spring brings, and always defend and seek accord with the spirits."

This said, Ashan left them with the rose, and walked off with a short wave at Vega and the rest. He was moving on, and there was little more for him to say at the moment.

Xiur merely watched him leave, dumbstruck almost. But then he regained his wits, and continued to watch as U'frek sailed off with the raft.

"You're a real marvel, Vega." Xiur said, chuckling, "It seems you bring prosperity and hope wherever you go. And so, I grant you another boon." He pat her on the shoulder once more, and would stay with her on that night as long as he was welcome by them.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Granting to Jasper, an opportunity for Ashan's Mark, if he wishes it.

Granting to Vega, a Champion Ability: Deliver To a Star: Once a Cycle, Vega can send up a thought/hope/request to the night sky. Around the thought that she sends, a star will form, and act as a beacon and announcement to all who see it, the thought she's sending. It will be visible for several nights, no more than five trials, before it winks out and falls from the sky. Where it falls, it arrives at Vega's position in the form of a small clear gem, which returns the reactions/thoughts/information that anyone willingly sent up in response to her thought, hope, or request. Only those who sent up returned thoughts or reactions can access the information that Vega sent up.

This is not coercive, and if a person doesn't want to respond in anyway they don't have to. It's mostly a useful plot device that helps Vega cooperate in a broader area.
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Re: [Sweetsong] Story end. (Open)



  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15


  • Discipline: Holding back grief to make sure a loved one gets a proper send-off
  • Singing: Singing in a funeral is a very emotional thing and the voice needs to be projected


  • Champion ability from Xiur as described in the above post. Please PSF ticket this so it can get seen to in a timely manner.



  • Renown: 10
  • XP: 15


  • Socialization: Finding about local traditions
  • Psychology: Relating to someone else loss.
  • Leadership: Stepping forward to help when not asked to
  • Singing: Following along as best you can to a specific song.
  • Research: Finding our which Immortals one worships


  • Offer from Ashan to become marked by him. Please PSF when/if you accept his mark.
Wowser, what an emotional rollercoaster. Poor Vega but all she can do to work through the grief is to help run and observe and officiate her father's clan-based funeral. I really enjoyed all the effort and wonderful writing you poured into this thread. You both wrote wonderfully and portrayed your characters magnificently.

I will say the mention of diapers toward the end was a little too down to earth for me, but it was a cute moment between Jasper and Astra. Still, Jasper has been a rock during the snowstorm plot and I look forward to what he does with regards to the spirit stuff in Scalvoris!
word count: 235
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