• Graded • [Faldrass Waters] 'Ottery Shards

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Faldrass Waters] 'Ottery Shards

Arc 721, 18th of Vhalar
"Weigh anchor!"

The deck of the Libertalia was abuzz with activity as the chain was pulled and the heavy weight that kept the brig from drifting with the currents and tides began to be lifted out of the water. Sailors hurried to their stations, hauling on the rigging side that the ship's sails could be unfurled.

Darius stepped up and onto the quarter deck so that he could be seen by the crew as they went about their familiar tasks to enable the brig to set out to sea.

"Our task is simple," he announced to the crew. "Find the Dread Otter and end its trials of piracy!"

There were murmurs of agreement, but little detail of a plan. That was because they knew little of their prey.

Darius first became aware of the pirate sloop in the aftermath of an ambush on the road between Hopetoun and Smooglenuff Manor. Those who had attacked them had attempted a mutiny aboard the ship and had been marooned and left to fend for themselves.

That the four sailors had resorted to banditry was a source of disappointment to Darius. Had they sought shelter in Hopetoun, he would have happily taken them in, and - had they been willing to earn the respect of the other settlers through hard work - they could have spent their trials in peace. Instead, they had lived their last moments in fear and pain as a bear tore them to pieces. As far as the bearded baron was concerned, it was a pointless waste of life.

Those who remained aboard the Dread Otter would receive less sympathy. They had not ceased in their attempts to raid the coastline, threatening some of the smaller villages, but they had not dared to get close to Hopetoun.

Until now.

Less than a break had passed since sentries on the settlement palisade had caught a glimpse through the morning fog of the outline of a ship that matched the sloop's description. It had retreated behind a nearby headland, but its presence still endangered Hopetoun's food supply.

The settlement had a pair of fishing boats that were critical providers of seafood each trial - especially during Vhalar, when the harvesting of crops on the land would soon come to an end - but they were vulnerable, and so they were called back to the shore so that the Hopetounians could meet the new threat.

Darius had wasted no time in heading down the the dock and boarding the Libertalia, where he was addressing the crew.

"We hunted Breachfang," he reminded them, "but the sea wolf knew no better. It had been brought to the surface by the eruption and it was acting on instinct."

Darius thumped a fist onto the taffrail, surprised by his own passion.

"But these pirates have no such excuse! They are preying on other Faldrassians and we must put a stop to it!"

The murmurs of agreement from earlier erupted into a roar from the sailors as the anchor was catted and fished. The unfurled sails caught the wind, Astra turned the wheel, and the Libertalia began its journey by slowly creeping into the fog.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:36 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 531
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Re: [Faldrass Waters] 'Ottery Shards


The fog was just beginning to lift by the time the Libertalia rounded the nearest headland. The opaque mist hovered a few feet above the surface of the water, but it still formed a blanket thick enough to obscure anything in the water more than fifty or so yards away.

On the way, they had passed the Kester, one of the settlement's two fishing boats. The ketch was hastily retreating to the dock, but its sister ship, the Brigitte, had yet to be seen.

A hush had fallen over the crew as soon as they'd caught their first foggy glimpse of the next bay, with most pairs of eyes staring into the mist. It was there that the sentries had caught sight of the Dread Otter, and only a few were looking further out to sea, as the absence of fog in that direction meant they could already see as far as Ishallr without hindrance. For several bits, the silence of the crew was challenged by nothing more than the lapping of water against the brig's hull and the creaking that the ship's frame as it sat in the warmth of the Faldrass currents.

And then they heard it.


The yell came from within the mist. It was a man's voice, but anything else he shouted was illegible. The crew of the Libertalia appeared to visibly tense, but Darius remained disciplined and calm. He strained his eyes, searching for movement.

More yells followed, and they were getting louder; closer. Some of the fog nearby swirled, indicating movement. And then a shadow began to appear.

"Sail ho!" cried one of the brig's crew just as Darius spotted the tip of a mast peeking out the top of the mist.

The shadow darkened, then took form, and a small boat with two masts came into clearer view, and the blond Scalvorian recognised it as a ketch. The Brigitte slowly revealed itself, its crew working at a frantic pace. Behind it, another shadow loomed, with a single mast: a sloop. It was gaining on the Brigitte, but both ships were heading straight towards the Libertalia.

"Gybe ho!" the cry came from the Brigitte, and the pursued vessel began to turn.

A similar cry arose from the sloop, and it began to follow the ketch's lead, but the Libertalia was a much larger vessel with a wider turning circle.

"Hard to starboard!" Darius yelled.

The crew of the Libertalia attempted to turn, too, but the brig was much slower than the two other ships.

The Brigitte and the Libertalia swung away from each other, sailors scrambling across both decks as they attempted to avoid a collision. The crews braced for impact, and Darius held onto the taffrail as the gap closed, the sloop a persistently threatening presence beyond.

There was a jolting thud that ran through both ships as their port sides scraped against one another. Darius felt his heart thump from the adrenaline, but the Brigitte, being the smaller ship, rocked back, but settled, and all hands returned to their feet. A few grabbed barge poles to push themselves free of the Libertalia as they resumed their task of retreating to Hopetoun.

"Hard to port!" Darius yelled as soon as the ketch broke free.

The brig lurched back, turning towards the oncoming sloop, in an attempt to cut off its pursuit. On the bow of this swift interloper were painted the words Darius and his crew had been seeking: DREAD OTTER.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:36 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 586
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Re: [Faldrass Waters] 'Ottery Shards


The Dread Otter had been pursuing the Brigitte, but it soon became clear that its path had been cut off by the LIbertalia. As the Hopetounian fishing ketch made good its escape and rushed towards the settlement, the sloop had a decision to make.

For a few trills, it looked as the though the pirate ship might follow the Brigitte, but with a brig bearing down upon it, Captain Demba was forced to take evasive action. The Dread Otter changed direction, pulling to its port side - the opposite direction from where the Brigitte was headed.

Darius felt a sense of satisfaction at the sight of the sloop ending its pursuit of the ketch, for it meant that the settlers would surely reach the safety of the settlement. But the pirates were still a threat, and he ordered the Libertalia to keep turning towards them.

The Dread Otter revealed itself to be a manoeuvrable craft, and it turned sharply. But its captain had hesitated a trill too long, and the bowsprit of the brig clipped the sloop's mainsail and tore it. Darius watched as the smaller ship ricocheted off his own, and he counted eight pirates sprawled above deck.

The roar of approval that went up from the crew of the Libertalia was short-lived, however, interrupted by a small volley of arrows that was sent from the pirates. The missiles sent the sailors ducking for cover. One embedded itself into the main mast, while others either clattered onto the deck or flew over to the other side and landed in the water. Another volley was fired, and it was just as intimidating and ineffective as the first, with one arrow piercing a sail that would require a minor repair later.

It was quickly evident that the lower height of the sloop's deck had put their attack at a disadvantage, but Darius' crew were sailors. They simply weren't equipped to fight back.

It seemed they were at something of a stalemate.

Captain Demba appeared to recognise this, too, for the arrows ceased and his crew began to prize themselves free of the larger ship with their bargepoles. Darius let them do it unhindered. He had done what he'd come to do. The Kester and the Brigitte had escaped the Dread Otter and would soon be safely delivering their catches of fish at the settlement.

The sloop broke free, and began to limp away. The Libertalia was swift for a larger vessel, but it couldn't keep up with the pirate ship - and it certainly couldn’t outmanoevre it - even when the sloop had a damaged mainsail. And even if they could, the pirates were clearly up for a fight that Darius had no interest in joining.

So the settlement leader had his crew hold their position and guard the headland as the Dread Otter retreated back up the coast. The sailors aboard the Libertalia cheered as the sloop departed, but Darius doubted it was the last time they'd encounter Captain Demda and his pirates.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Thu Mar 31, 2022 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 508
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Re: [Faldrass Waters] 'Ottery Shards


Combat: Ranged: Shooting from a low height is a disadvantage.
Seafaring: A ketch has two masts, with a foresail, mainsail and mizzen.
Seafaring: A sloop has one mast, with a jib and mainsail.
Tactics: Confronting the fog of war.
Tactics: Taking evasive action.
Tactics: Be prepared to lose the battle if it means winning the war.

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 10, for driving the Dread Otter away.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10

Consequences: None, but please report this incident to the Elements!
- - -
Comments: I really like how you dealt with the consequence that Jackalope gave you!

I’m glad that Darius decided to take care of the pirate threat. Darius gives me the impression of being a good leader. I like that he would have taken the four sailors in if they had sought shelter in Hopetoun rather than sending them away again, but alas, they decided to resort to banditry instead!

The search for the Dread Otter was well-described and exciting to read. You play a sailor very well in my opinion.

It’s unfortunate that the Libertalia couldn’t keep up with the Dread Otter, but at least they managed to drive the pirates away, and the Kester and the Brigitte can safely deliver their catches of fish to the settlement.

People will appreciate that!

Hopefully, Captain Demba and his pirates won’t return anytime soon!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 239





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