• Graded • [Hopetoun] The Bear Necessities

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] The Bear Necessities

Arc 721, 42nd of Ymiden
Ledas' giant paws kicked up small clouds of dirt as he made his way along a dusty Hopetoun street. The sight of an ice tiger with flaming veins should have sent panic through the settlement - and, indeed, a creature who once called Ishallr home making his way across the volcanic island of Faldrass certainly drew the eye - but nobody seemed to mind.

That was, perhaps, because on this particular occasion, his fear-inducing baleful gaze was somewhat offset by a giant ball of yarn that was gripped within his maw. Although the general sense of calm was just as likely due to the fact that walking beside Ledas was Darius Baer, Baron of House von Smooglenuff and founder of Hopetoun.

The bearded Scalvorian might have been forgiven for looking weary. He had, after all, just come back from a feast that was hosted by Saoire and attended by several other Immortals and several Idalos citizens. And before that, he'd carried the dead form of Bao into Zuudaria.

He had been very busy of late, but there was a skip in his step as he made his way through the settlement. He greeted and Hopetounians who crossed his path with a warm smile, and most of them did the same in return. Word of his involvement in the Forging had begun to spread, and a few of the settlers vocalised their gratitude. One even came up to him and shook his hand.

Darius felt glad to be back in Hopetoun. More and more, it was beginning to feel like home, and its inhabitants his people. But they were not who he was most looking forward to seeing.
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Bear Necessities


Astra was in Hopetoun. She had been there when Darius had returned from his unexpected disappearance in Ashan, and she was there again when he was due to return from Saoire's feast.

The difference this time was that his absence had been anticipated - planned, even - and so the pangs of worry she had felt in Ashan were no longer present as she patiently awaited his return.

As it turned out, it was Ledas who was spotted first. Even from a distance, it was difficult to conceal a giant tiger made of ice against the backdrop of a hot and dry volcanic island. Word quickly spread among the settlers, so that by the time Darius crossed the threshold of his house, the half-biqaj brunette had poured him an ale and set it on the table as he arrived.

"Travel is thirsty work," she said with a thoughtful smile.

"Aye," Darius grinned, setting down his pack and - after a quick dusting down of his clothes - he greeted Astra with a brief embrace. "Thank you."

Ledas, for his part, was quite content to wander past the pair and take himself into the master bedroom, where he leapt up onto the bed and flopped onto his side. For a creature from Ishallr who complained about the Faldrass heat, the ice tiger seemed to be quite comfortable in Hopetoun.

"How did it go?" Astra asked as she took a seat at the table and poured herself an ale to match Darius'.

"Good," Darius responded, which was probably the understatement of the arc.

He had been a soul bearer for Bao, and had then gone to a feast filled with Immortals. 'Good' didn't quite cut it, but he knew what would.

Darius collected his pack from the ground, and then sat at the table opposite Astra. After taking a solitary swig of ale, which was met with a satisfied sigh, he reached into his pack and pulled out a vial of liquid.

"These were given to me at Saoire's feast," he stated rather simplistically.

"From Saoire herself?" Astra asked, her eyes showing a hint of orange at their edges.

"Close enough," Darius grinned. "If you drink its contents, you'll see what happened when I disappeared the first time."

"This will show me what happened to you?"

"Not just me. Everyone."

Darius pulled out a second vial, which appeared to contain the same liquid, but it was only half full.

"I tried a bit at the feast," he added, "but I wanted you to see. So I asked for another one. We can drink together."

Astra nodded, her gaze narrowing ever so slightly, as she swished the liquid around in its vial and studied it. Cocking her head ever so slightly, the half-biqaj looked up at Darius and nodded.

And then, after a moment, they both drank.
word count: 476
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Bear Necessities


There had been a lengthy silence after they'd both finished drinking. Astra's gaze, normally boasting a hardened exterior, had changed. Her eyes changed colours a multitude of times, her biqaj heritage betraying the flurry of emotions she felt as she processed what she had just witnessed.

And then, after everything seemed to sink in, Astra rose from her seat, rounded the table, and hugged Darius as he sat. The bearded blond held onto the arms that tightly embraced him. It was a display of affection that he was not used to receiving from the fierce beauty that, but he was grateful for it. In the presence of any other young woman, he'd have blushed - and he had done precisely that in the past - but somehow it was different with Astra. It felt...comfortable.

"Well," she said, pulling back to briefly look towards the bedroom, where Ledas remained sprawled out upon the bed, "that explains the ice tiger!"

As if hearing this, Ledas climbed up onto his feet upon the bed, before pawing at the ball of yarn and flopping back onto his side.

A nervous laugh was shared by Darius and Astra, breaking the tension, but as the brunette eased away, Darius could see that her eyes were glistening in the natural light that crept through the window. She was quick to wipe her eyes with the back of one hand as she returned to her seat and looked back across at Darius.

"And then," she added, appearing to catch her breath, "you went to the garden?"

"Aye," Darius nodded.

Astra had been referring to the Garden Of Remembrance And Thanks in Scalvoris Town, for Darius had told her that he was going there. But there had been another garden that he'd ultimately stepped into...

So he told her of Bao the Brave, and the journey he had shared with the cadouri, and Zoro, and the young girl named Joy. He spoke of Bao's death, and of carrying him into Zuudaria. He told her about his encounter with his mother, Jean Baer, a name the half-biqaj knew from the rowboat that accompanied the Libertalia. And he explained as best he could the experience of entering a feast hosted by Immortals.

Throughout it all, Astra listened intently, taking everything in. As unbelievable as such tales might have seemed, there was nothing in the way Astra reacted that suggested she thought he was telling anything but the truth. Darius had shown himself to be an honest man, and she didn't appear to doubt his claims.

And besides, she had drunk the contents of the vial.

It was to that small glass container that the brunette pointed as she took one last swig from her drink and placed the empty tankard upon the table. Her eyes glowed orange, which Darius knew to be a sign of respect.

"And that vial was a gift from Saiore?" she repeated her earlier question.

"Aye," Darius nodded, "but it wasn't the only gift. She also gave Ledas that ball of yarn. There were a couple of other things, but I really wanted to show you this one."

The bearded blond reached into his knapsack, then, and pulled out a small wooden carving and held it out in the palm of his hand. The carving was in the shape of a rampant bear, standing on its hind legs with its claws and teeth bared. Astra watched on with a furrowed brow.

"This bear is a form of protection," Darius explained. "It is a sentry. I can see what it sees, and I can bring it to life."

Astra exchanged glances between Darius and the seemingly harmless wooden carving as the settlement founder spoke. Joining her was Ledas, who had been stirred by his curiosity - an aspect of his catlike behaviour that never seemed far away - and he stepped out of the bedroom to watch.

"We can keep it here, in Hopetoun, or on the Libteralia, and it will protect the settlers and the crew."

He paused as he looked at the carving, and then had a realisation.

"We should probably do this outside," Darius added.

A few moments later, the trio stood behind the building, in what passed for a quiet part of Hopetoun. Darius had asked one of the settlement's guards to ensure they weren't disturbed, and now they stood, staring at the small wooden bear that had been set down upon a large rock.

"I'm not entirely sure how to make this work," Darius admitted, "as I haven't seen it done before, but I don't think it should be too difficult."

A few moments of silence followed, as Darius studied the wooden carving and focused his thoughts on 'waking it up', he soon discovered that he could see three figures: a man, a woman, and a tiger. Beyond them stood a soldier, his back turned. He quickly realised that he was looking back at himself, as if he was the one on the rock. As he focused harder, there was a rumbling noise that came from the stone.

Astra took half a step backwards as the rock itself began to shake, and loose pebbles and clods of dirt fell to the ground. But the carving stayed put, even as the shaking increased in its ferocity.

But then, all of a sudden, the wooden bear appeared to leap off the rock of its own volition. In midair, it grew in size, its wooden form being replaced by fur-covered limbs. By the time it landed on the ground, the carving was no more. In its place stood a hulking brown bear, still on its hind feed, almost twice Darius' height. The beast let out a roar, saliva and spittle escaping the bared teeth in its jaw.

Darius felt a surge of adrenaline run through him, but strangely, he did not fear the creature. His trust in Saiore convinced him that they were safe.

Then it dropped down onto all fours, and became surprisingly docile as it approached Darius. It nuzzled against him, though its form was so powerful that in doing so, it almost knocked him over.

He looked at the others. Ledas didn't appear fazed by the creature's appearance. But Astra was watching with an expression of awe, and then he turned to see that the guard was doing the same thing. Darius quickly realised that the news of his protective bear would not stay quiet for long.
Last edited by Darius Baer Bottom on Mon May 01, 2023 1:52 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1087
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Bear Necessities


Detection: I noticed you noticing me...
Discipline: Holding your ground in the face of a potential threat.
Endurance: Getting to the end of a long journey.
Leadership: Finding another way to protect your followers.
Storytelling: Recounting what happened to you.
Storytelling: Show and tell.

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 10, for giving Hopetoun a new guardian!
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Oh my! Ledas’ walking through Hopetoun with a giant ball of yarn in his mouth was a great way to start the thread in my opinion. Sometimes, he’s really just a big cat, isn’t he?

You portrayed the mixture of weariness, gratitude and happiness that Darius felt upon returning to Hopetoun well. There was something calming about his interaction with Astra.

It is immediately obvious that they are comfortable in each other’s presence!

I loved how Astra quietly listened when Darius told her about Bao, the trip to Zuudaria and the feast in Telka and didn’t doubt him. She’s such a well-realized NPC, and a great companion for him!

That bear carving was a fitting gift for Darius Baer. I was quite surprised when it turned into an actual, gigantic bear upon being activated.

That was an exciting scene!

Hopefully, it will keep Hopetoun safe!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 222





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