[hopetoun] and here [we] are living, despite it all

Vega please

41st of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[hopetoun] and here [we] are living, despite it all

41st of Ashan, 721
"Rakahi" "Common"

"Thank you once more," Hart said to Vega's cousins. They'd arrived at Hopetoun, and they'd left the ship off the shore, rowing in because there were no docks. Ruari was holding onto Hart's leg as he rowed, her eyes a pale blue, looking down at the water. Hart needed to be mindful of the oar, not to hit her, and it would have been better if she wasn't holding onto him. But she didn't like to let go.

In the vault, Ruari had been blinded to him. Holding onto him had been a reassurance that he was there; and he had been the only option for her, then, when it came to reassurance. Hart thought, with time, that she would get better.

He thought, with time, that he would get better, too.

Holding onto his leg, Ruari looked over at him and said, "Hat, a fish!" She held the sh noise on the word fish, and Hart said, "Did you see a fish, Ru?"

"Fish fish," she said, and he smiled. One of the cousins, Reese, looked at him when he did, and Hart smiled over at him. Reese didn't smile; he didn't like Hart, or maybe it was something other than that. When Hart smiled at him, he frowned.

Hart wasn't able to tell if the frown was in disapproval, or if it was something other than that.

"I've got money," Hart said, not for the first time. He was painfully aware that he didn't have any money on him, and that, up until this point, he'd had nothing to pay the cousins for their help. "The money's in Hopetoun, if that's..." The problem, he was going to say, but another of the cousins, Huw, said, "No."

Huw smiled. "No money needed," he said. "A friend of Vega's..." Is a friend of ours. He smiled big and the other cousin, Shon, seemed to agree.

"It's just that you've been very kind," Hart said, "And I would have needed to pay for a ship, if I hadn't met you at the docks."

"It's your good fortune then, that you did meet us," Huw said, and that was that.

The rowboat made its slow way to shore, and when they'd rowed all they were able to row, Hart lifted Ruari into his arms, saying, "Up." Ruari held onto him, still looking down at the water, and Hart stepped over the side of the boat into the sea. With his other hand Hart helped drag the rowboat to shore so it wouldn't be lost to the waves. "High tide?" he asked, and Huw nodded.

The cousins had agreed that Vega would either be in Hopetoun itself, helping out with things, or at their camp just outside of Hopetoun, helping out with things. Hart smiled a bit at that, and spoke to Ruari softly as they walked toward Hopetoun. "We're going to meet Vega and Wren," Hart told her. Ruari had heard a lot about Vega and Wren. "You want down to walk, Ru?" he asked.

But Ruari shook her head, and looked around with warm brown eyes. She pointed at the buildings and the palisade surrounding them, at what seemed to be a big tree to the side of the town with a spiraling stair and a sparkling light, or maybe it was a room, on top, and Hart said, "It's Hopetoun, Ru."

"Hoptoun," Ruari said, "Up up up," and Hart smiled.

"Hopetoun," he said smiling, not Hoptoun, but Ruari said again, "Up up!" There'd been some stuffed toys in the vault, and Ruari's favorites had been a bunny and a flunny. Up up up, was something she'd said when they were playing with the toys. Hop hop hop.

Walking where the cousins pointed them, to get to the side of the palisade, the first people in Hopetoun noticed them and Hart said, "Hello there."

They were in the settlement now. Judging by its size, there weren't all that many people; Hart and Ruari were bound to be noticed by most if not all of those that lived here. But that was helpful; that meant the settlers would all know one another. It meant the settlers would know Vega and Wren. "I was hoping you'd be able to point me to a friend of mine," Hart said to one of the people who'd noticed them. "Her name's Vega. My boy, Wren, is here and..."

"Hart!" Wren said, and Hart turned and saw Wren running toward him, through the small buildings. Hart dropped to a knee in time for Wren to run to him, and Hart wrapped one arm around Wren, the boy's face in his shoulder, and held him tight.

They were quiet for a moment, neither of them speaking, just holding on. Then Hart said, "I'm sorry," as Wren held onto him. Hart kissed the boy on the side of the head, above the ear, and held him as tightly as he could with one arm. "I'm sorry I said it might be a couple of days. I'm sorry it was longer." Wren nodded against him; it had been much more than a couple of days. It had been twenty-four days, or so the others said. Somewhere in there Hart had lost time.

Hart said, "I hope it didn't feel too long."

"It didn't feel too long," Wren told him. But the boy held onto him, and Hart did too. Ruari wanted to get down, maybe because of how long Hart held onto Wren, and he let her down. She held onto his shirt with one small hand and Hart wrapped both arms around Wren.

"You'll have to tell me all about what you've been doing here," Hart said, and Wren nodded. When it was time Wren let go, and Hart looked at him, really looked at him. He brushed a hand at the boy's messy hair, and then he looked over where Wren had run from and he saw Vega.

"Vega," Hart said, and the relief was evident in his voice. He looked at Vega and smiled, and he hoped she wouldn't notice that he was tired. He was so relieved to see her, and to see Wren. But he was very tired. "Wren, Vega this is my daughter. Ruari," Hart said. Ruari looked over at them, her hand still holding tight to Hart's shirt. Standing, he wrapped an arm around Wren's shoulders, and Ruari wanted to be held. He lifted her into one arm.

"Wren," he said to Ruari, so she would know who was who, and then he looked at Vega. "Vega," he said. "I met your cousins, they've been very kind. Though on the two days over, they insisted on telling me embarrassing stories about you." Huw laughed, a low sound.

Hart smiled. He was so relieved to be in Hopetoun. But there was much more than that when he looked at Vega. There was the tiredness, and there was something like disbelief. The disbelief spoke to the things that went unsaid; not with the people from Hopetoun who'd noticed them, and her cousins, and Wren there. Things like, Contrary to what I'd thought, he'd thought he might die, Ruari and I both lived.

Hart looked at the settlement, and his eyes settled on the sparkling, spiraling tree. "It's quite beautiful here," he said. They'd both lived. They both were there.
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Re: [hopetoun] and here [we] are living, despite it all

Hello, Pickle!
"Come on then, let's go down to the cove an' see what we can see." Vega said. "Those no-good cousins of mine should be back, now, with flour an' wood an' metal an' paint an' Immortals knows what else." It was true, each time they went on a supply run, they came back with something unusual. Glowing chickens, strange fruit. You name it, they had it. Vega stopped and pulled at Wren's coat a little. "There. You're warm?" He nodded, "Yes, Vega." His voice was serious, solemn as always. But, still. She grinned at him. "Don't be cheeky, I'm old an' allowed to fuss." A slight ghost of a smile tickled at the side of his lips and Vega stood and held out her hand.

Slipping his hand into hers, they made their way. Out of the camp, out towards the cove. She'd seen the Wanderlust returning, so she knew that they were nearly there, but Vega was expecting to wait slightly longer. They were walking through the small settlement of Hopetoun when she stopped dead in her tracks. She saw him before Wren did, and she squeezed Wren's hand. "Look, Wren," she whispered.

Wren turned his gaze to where she motioned and she heard the little boy gasp. His hand was out of hers and he ran.

Vega stood, where she was, and she watched at the two of them reunited. Tears stung against her eyes as she was witness to it. It seemed at once both intensely personal and as though every person should watch this. Because if anyone had doubted who Wren's Papa was, then this moment would put paid to all those doubts. It was a privilege, she knew, to witness this moment and she wiped the warm tear which she shed. The rest of the tears which caused her vision to blur she kept largely under control but equally she was having some trouble seeing.

Hart lifted his head, eventually, and he looked tired Vega thought. She smiled, though, pleasure and delight dancing on her face at the sight of him and she strode the space between them with ease. "Hello, you." Vega's eyes shone a bright gold and then she smiled at Ruari. "Hello, Ruari. Hello." There was something about Vega, there always had been, which meant that children liked her. Now, of course, she understood. She was the Mortalborn of Children.

"Yeah, well, that's alright," she said, when Hart said that her cousins had told embarrassing stories about her. "I can tell you about the time Huw fell overboard because I threw a ball to him an' he forgot he was on a boat." Her cousin glared at her, Vega beamed at him. Then, she turned her attention to Hart and Ruari. "Welcome home," she said, quietly. "I'm sure that you're tired, an' this lot probably bored you silly. So, lets get you up to camp. " Her hand was on Wren's shoulder and he looked up at her as she spoke. "We've got warm food, an' warm beds. An' a bear called Bert." That she said to Ruari.

"It is," she replied to Hart. It was beautiful here. "The people are good people, too." Wren nodded his head. "Vega's building a beacon," he said and pointed to the tree on the highest point of the cliff. Vega shook her head. "Not on my own, little bird. Far from that. " She took Wren's other hand as they walked back towards the camp. "There's people from Saoire's school here, what are helpin' me, an' Doran an' Arlo, too. There's Sir Chip, too, he grew the tree. It's nearly done." Vega smiled at Hart. "Wren's been learnin' woodcraftin' an' he's been interviewin' people."

Wren nodded. "Vega helped me."

Damn the tears which sprang to her eyes when he said that. "Well, in fairness little bird, you were helpin' me, so it seemed only fair." He nodded. "There's a bed made for you," Vega said to Hart. There had been since the first trial Wren had been with them. It was one of the ways she showed Wren that she believed he was coming back. "I made an area for you. You look tired." She smiled at him, softly. "Get yourself somethin' to eat, an' get some rest. I can watch the children for you. Then, I'll show you Hopetoun." She had a tinge of pride in her voice when she spoke of it. "There's things what Wren has made here, an' I told him that you'd be proud." He would be, she knew.

"Do you know Darius?" Vega asked. "It's his settlement. He's good people." She glanced at Hart. "Though him an' Doran an' Arlo all disappeared together an' then there was a storm an' a freeze. You involved in that at all?" They'd only come back just a couple of trials ago after all. Just long enough for the journey from Scalvoris Town to here. Vega raised an eyebrow. "Vega gave me a safe place in the storm," Wren said. "With a matron." Vega grinned. "It's an item. Keeps children safe."

She gestured, then, and pointed. "That's our camp," she said. "Come on, Pickle, lets get you sorted. Actually," she looked at him. "Where's your stuff?"
word count: 906

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [hopetoun] and here [we] are living, despite it all


Player Name: Vega

Points awarded: 15
Magic xp: none

Knowledge: None Requested.

Renown: 0
Loot: none
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Wealth Points: none

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: It's been a while since I've read a thread with these two together, and darn if it doesn't make me misty. The way Vega and Hart get along is just so poignant every step of the way. Hart is such an emotionally intense character, brought to life by his subtle interactions and reactions to the world and people around him. I hope he has his happily ever after in retirement.

I remember this is from the time when Vega was still pregnant, and getting misty eyed at the slightest provocation, but it's hard to beleive that this event wouldn't have made her tear up anyway, with the reuniting of Wren and Hart. I almost forgot her nickname for Hart, Pickle!

I wish this thread could've gone on a little longer, but such things happen. It was a nice read anyway.

Hart, if you ever bring this pc out of retirement, please resubmit to the queue or contact me and I'll put in your knowledges and xp awards.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 225
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