• Solo • [Haven] Knock, Knock

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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Elisabeth Black
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[Haven] Knock, Knock

15 Ashan Arc 721

In the grand plan of ‘try everything to get information’, Elisabeth was pulling out all the stops she could think of to figure out what the Beneath was going on. Step one…had been the vision itself. Step two…tell Balthazar. Well, that had really been more of a showing thing when it came down to it. Step three…had been going back to the tent researching and penning the letter to Kura. Step four…convincing Balthazar to let her send it.

Sighing a bit, she sat on the sand with one of her newest discoveries. A small plant with roots buried in the sand, Elisabeth had noted it the trial before but the few buds that had been visible weren’t opened then. Yet when she walked past it that night, one was…glowing the softest white light imaginable. It gave her the opportunity to marvel at the wonder of things on Faldrass and give appreciation for the beauty she was now a part of.

But there was another piece of the puzzle that she needed to explore. It wasn’t something she was completely comfortable with…but if she didn’t try and something happened, Elisabeth would have never been able to forgive herself.

At the end of the vision, she had seen Xiur. Whatever was happening, he was a component of it. Elisabeth was not a marked of his nor had he ever spoken to her…but she did know who he was. She had lifted her voice in conversation to him before, notably at Mummer’s Ball and again in Almund. Xiur, to her, was stars and hope. Stars helped her think, quieting the noise in her mind and hope…well…that was Balthazar. He had and continued to, give her hope…regardless of what challenges they faced.

Moving into the position she used for meditation, Elisabeth briefly stopped, worried about repercussions. She had been meditating earlier when the vision came. What if something else happened? Her pulse raced – just a bit – but she knew that it was something she wanted to do. If Xiur knew anything that could help them, maybe he would be willing to shove her in the right direction? Indeed, she had…hope. Hope would always be a part of her, and she had to believe that if she could get his attention in some manner, he would want to help.

Her past conversations with Immortals had always been extremely one-sided. Elisabeth wasn’t sure how this talking-to-Immortals business was supposed to go but maybe if she concentrated on the impact of Xiur’s Domains on her life…and then ask her question, maybe that would work? Stars and Hope. Those were the only ones she knew of but had both of covered. Stars, check. Hope, double-check.

Sighing softly, she closed her sapphire eyes and began. Two meditation sessions in one trial. Had to be a record.

Stars. For as long as she could remember, the stars had helped guide her. Even as a young child, she clearly remembered the night young Elisabeth had figured out if she laid down on the grass in the lawn of Viden Academy and looked up at the night sky, concentrating on the stars helped her mind slow down and not overwhelm her. The young mage wasn’t sure why…but perhaps simply the act of focusing on something other than whatever was whirling around in her mind did the trick. Elisabeth wasn’t too keen on solving the mystery because…that would defeat the purpose.

There had even been that night in Rharne, where she told Balthazar about her trick with the stars. They shared like minds. He was always thinking, much like her. The pair enjoyed comfortable silences while both worked through whatever issues their minds were chewing on. In fact, when together, some of those moments were her favorites. One didn’t always need to be talking to enjoy being together.

Ooops. Without realizing it, she had drifted straight into the hope portion of the meditation – bringing her to Balthazar. It wasn’t that he was the only thing in her life that represented hope, but he was the strongest example of something that filled her with it.

“I’m sorry to bother you…. but why didn’t you knock your opponent unconscious right away? It was apparent that you could. His footwork was sluggish, and he didn’t have the power you do. He didn't have a plan. He wasn't watching your response to his movements. There was no way he was going to win that fight. Hence, my question. What am I missing?”

Those words had begun their journey. The ever-curious Elisabeth questioning the mysterious young man regarding his fighting tactics. The Turning Wheel had been the background. That evening, she had learned a lot about him…but in some instances, it was her final words in that conversation that held the most weight for her.

“I’m not going anywhere.”

She really hadn’t. Something had been apparent to her that night. Something about him drew her in and made her want to know more. Of course, there had been no indication of the journey she was about to depart on with him but that glimmer of something that sparked her interest – interest that no one else ever had sparked – had been hope.

Hope had brought her to the Copper Prince, at Balthazar’s invitation. Elisabeth remembered him grinning one night as he greeted her while fighting. The obvious reaction had been a quick roll of her eyes and comment about ‘boys’, but inwardly, that grin made her happy. That grin still made her happy, even though it had been a while since seeing it. The young woman secretly hoped that something she was planning soon would bring back the smile for one trial…hopefully.

Copper Prince, a series of nights where they had grown closer together. A fateful conversation…and an embrace. Hope within had increased and by the end of the tournament, Elisabeth knew there was something to their relationship, at least for her.

Mummer’s Ball. Oh boy, what a night. Something of a whirlwind if she were being honest with herself. Elisabeth brought that night to her mind. The beautiful ball gown had hung perfectly on her slender frame, thanks to Faith. And Balthazar, who had looked exceedingly handsome in his own tailored black ensemble. Then again, he always looked exceedingly handsome to her, regardless of the clothing.

Unbeknownst to her at the time, Xiur had actually been there at the Ball – a lucky thing for them all. Her first dance with Balthazar, recalling the butterflies she felt as he had pulled her into the dance. Sitting next to him at dinner, she recalled their conversation, smiles, and laughter. Chaos reigned later that evening but hope had helped her through.

Storm’s Edge. The dream and beyond. That was the night that she had known for sure that her feelings regarding him were returned. Hope swelled, remembering the embraces and kisses shared.

From that point on, things began racing. Balthazar opened up to her, confessing his fear of losing her. He had shared pieces of his past more thoughts regarding who he was. Elisabeth had gifted to him a beautiful dagger, something she knew he cherished. And trials later, he had initiated her into Defiance. The initiation had been difficult, but they had gotten through it…together. Hope again triumphed.

Hope had led the pair through challenges and bumps, but it also surrounded them in the best moments…which led her to where she needed to go.


Taking a deep breath, she began.

"Xiur – it’s me again. I wanted, first, to thank you…well…for many things. The stars, for one, and their guidance over the arcs. Two, for hope in so many things in my life. I wasn’t sure what would become of me when I got to Rharne, but events showed me that despite not knowing, hope would always be there and I shouldn’t abandon it, ever. And I haven’t. And I won’t. Sometimes that’s hard…but I know that within me, there will always be that light that believes and tries. I should have thanked you the night of the Ball, but I was preoccupied and for that, I ask forgiveness.

There is something I need to ask you. I was given a vision today…that included your presence."

Quickly, Elisabeth brought forth the vision in her mind, full and complete…and then began speaking again.

"Vega was there…and someone speaking about the Death Forged and the Heart. I don’t know why I received this vision, but I am humbly asking if there is anything you wish to impart about the events that happened? I fear something troublesome is coming and I’m trying to gather information the best I can…to protect the people here on Faldrass to the best of my ability…and maybe impart a bit of hope to those that need it.

Again, thank you…for everything you’ve done."

Elisabeth held onto the moment for a bit longer, filling herself with thoughts of her hopes for the future. A life on Faldrass, with Balthazar. Helping him build something that would stand the test of time. During the trial, that was all she had asked for, the chance for a life with him. She had that now and she was going to hold on to it with everything she had.

word count: 1601
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Re: [Haven] Knock, Knock


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Comments: I loved the way that you started the thread, with Elisa sitting down in the sand with one of her newest discoveries. That plant sounds pretty, and you really made Faldrass sound like a beautiful place. I can’t help but wonder if Elisa’s discovery already has a name though …

You described Elisa’s worries whether something would happen when she tried to meditate again very well. Fortunately, nothing (bad) happened this time. As for her conversations with the Immortals, including Xiur, being one-sided – maybe someone somewhere heard her, nevertheless?

I found it interesting that Elisa seemed to dedicate her meditation to specific things – you mentioned a hope portion, for example – and how Balthazar represented hope to her. I like that you referenced previous conversations and events in order to emphasize that, and I’m impressed by how dedicated to him and building something with him she seems to be.

Hopefully, she’ll eventually figure out what is going on!

Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 184





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