[Location] Lostand Foundry

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Pegasus Pug!!!
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Plot Notes
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

[Location] Lostand Foundry

Lostand Foundry

Near the foot of the volcano, wreathed in sooty smoke, squatted the black-chimneyed stone pile known as Lostand Foundry. Those who set foot within found themselves oppressed by pulsing heat, confining clutter, and the droning din and bustle of relentless industry. Such visitors might have to endure these things for some time before the source of all that industry -the owner, namesake, and sole operator of the foundry- took notice of them.

Regnel Lostand had thrown up his forge with remarkable speed -too much speed, some felt- as soon as the islanders had started to recover their lives after the catastrophe of Ashan 720. The erstwhile ironmonger lost no time expanding his metal offerings to include the many tools and fixtures Faldrassians needed to rebuild and re-appoint their homes and businesses, as well as the arms they might need to defend them. Though not as masterful in the craft as Forbick had been -as the natives never tired of pointing out- the seemingly tireless Lostand had yet to fail to deliver metal goods of sufficient quality and quantity whenever needed, at a fair price. This was all the more remarkable (and, some muttered, suspicious) given that Lostand appeared to work entirely alone.


Name: Rengel Lostand
Race: Mixed Race (1/2 human, 1/2 biqaj)
Age: 20 Saun, Arc 676
Title: Proprietor, Blacksmith
Skills: Smithing (Expert), Business Management (Expert), Appraisal (Competent), Seafaring (Competent), Combat:Sword (Competent), Alchemy (Novice), Science (Novice)

Other Information: Rengel Lostand is a medium-height, heavy-set man with graying hair and weather-beaten features; he looks somewhat older than his 40-odd arcs, though he is still in good health and quite vital. He takes far more strongly after his human father, both in temperament and appearance, than his biqaj mother, the only obvious bequeaths from the latter being an affinity for the sea, and a slight and variable pinkish cast to his eyes.

Lostand’s manner (and it’s always “Lostand”, never “Rengel”) with customers is brusque, humorless, and strictly business. Nobody knows what he is like off work because he keeps to himself. Apart from his not being pleasant company, however, non-natives will be hard-pressed to find a reason for the distrust and resentment the islanders harbor towards the smith.

The reason for this hostility lies in history. Before the recent disaster, Lostand was an obscure ironmonger who visited the island occasionally to trade with Forbick. The alacrity with which he moved to replace Forbick’s Forge with his own foundry afterward struck the natives as both disrespectful and suspicious. Some folk mutter rumors of the newcomer’s having had ties with the Pirate Kings -or even being a former pirate himself, and thus owing his apparent fortune to ill-gotten gains from that earlier career. Lostand himself is reticent and defensive about any inquiries into his past, which of course only further inflames the islanders’ suspicions.

Price List / Goods Available

If appropriate
Item: Price:
Tools and metal household items Wealth Tier 1-6
Bladed weapons and metal weapon heads Wealth Tier 4-6
Armor pieces: Helmets, Hauberks, Greaves Wealth Tier 4-6
Metals: Common and uncommon Wealth Tier 1-6
Weapons and weapon heads, as well as any armor pieces other than helmets, need to be custom-ordered

Player Notes

 ! Message from: Pegasus
Anyone is more than welcome to visit Lostand Foundry
There are jobs available here!
There are many secrets to be discovered here!


Credits to: Oram Mednix
Submitted for Development: 4 February 2021
Approved: Feb 2021
Posted to Faldrass sub-forum: August 2021: Peg.
Developed by: Oram Mednix
word count: 604
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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