[Hopetoun] The Golden Chain I: First Links

38th of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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[Hopetoun] The Golden Chain I: First Links

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.

~~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~~
38th of Ashan, Arc 721
Vega stood, well wrapped against the cold, and she looked at the ship which had dropped anchor off the shore of Hopetoun. It took all her self control not to bounce on the soles of her feet, and then she realised that self-control was for wussies anyhow, and so she did just that. The ship was met by the Waking Dreamer and the Wanderlust and her father and cousins were helping with the rowing aboard of the boxes and crates. Vega's eyes widened at what was happening here. She'd written to the Council some time before, and received a reply and now, here they were. They had actually arrived.

There were a number of people there, and Vega knew none of them. But, one, an elderly man with kind eyes stepped forward. "You are Vega Creede?" He asked and Vega nodded, holding out her hand. "I am. It's right nice to meet you." His hand wrapped over hers gently and he smiled. "I am Nyji Toraj, Master of the Spirits Rest Oasis. This is my assistant, Lissa Maewell. We are here to help. Councillor Bao put out the call and it is our pleasure to do so." Vega was, frankly, delighted. "There's so much stuff," she said and Nyji nodded. "However, these are the people you need to speak to," he said, and he gestured to a mixed race woman and an eidisi man, both of whom were carrying things off the boats. Vega made her way to them and smiled.

"Wotcha," she said. "I'm Vega Creede." They both smiled and the man spoke. "Hello! I'm Refed and this is Elise. We're from the Rangers," Vega shook both hands and spoke honestly. "I'm right glad you're here. Let me tell you about what's happenin'," she said. They turned their attention to her as their companions continued to unload the rowboats. "So, long story short," Vega said. She noticed that Nyji and Lissa were also listening and she included them all in it. "Xiur came by an' asked me an' my friend Doran to build a beacon of hope. He said that there were people comin' here. A ship-load of former slaves who'd been mistreated." They listened, nodding here and there. Elise made a few notes.

"They're goin' to need help those people. Thing is, I don't exactly know how many people or when exactly they're comin'. But Xiur said to watch for him in thirty trials, so that's what we're workin' towards. That'll be the fifty sixth." They shared glances, but Vega kept on regardless. "I've got people from the Order of the Adunih, I hope, but I were hopin' that we might be able to build like a place to keep them safe, these people."

Elise looked at Refed and he thought about it. But not for long. "Large, barracks-style building that can be repurposed if needed." Vega had been thinking of something similar and so she was pleased to hear that. "We've got some designs what have been given to us by some of the members of Saoire's School," she said. "They're here, but they're wokin' on the beacon. But I'm sure they'll be happy to discuss things." Refed and Elise nodded. "That's all that we need right now, " Elise said. "Give us a few breaks to get all this set up, and we'll get started."

Vega nodded. "I can't thank you enough. All of you." She meant it. Even in the darkest moments, Vega had hope - it was simply her way. But one of the reasons that was true for her - that hope was always there - was because of people like these.

word count: 655

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Golden Chain I: First Links

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.

~~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~~
38th of Ashan, Arc 721
During the few breaks that they needed to set up things, Vega went out to do some hunting. They had plenty of food, currently, but she wanted to make sure that this situation remained and, besides, she was keen to be moving. Vega found - always - the idea of being still to be difficult and so she went out. When she came back, she'd brought three kazan foul (or "turkey lookin' birds" as she called them).

After three breaks though, she delivered the carcases to the cooking tent, and Vega went back to speak to the newly arrived folks. They'd set themselves up and had got a small but functional camp. Vega looked at them as she approached and she smiled. "Righteo," she said. "I'm happy to help, what can we do?"

"Well," said Refed, "We'll need to start with foundations. This has a cellar for storage, so we're going to need to dig quite deep. If you have some willing volunteers with strong arms and shovels, that would help a lot." Vega nodded. "I can get those, yeah, no worries." she said. "Excellent," Refed smiled and gestured. "While you do that, we'll mark out the perimeter and get started."

Vega was very happy to go and find people to help. The people of Hopetoun were happy to help; those who weren't busy with hunting, fishing, or other things around the settlement itself -or, of course, helping with the beacon. That meant that Vega came back with eight volunteers, but she also brought her three cousins and her father and Escher.

"You will not be digging, Eva?" Jo'qan said to his daughter and Vega shook her head. "No, Papa. When will you believe me that I'm not takin' any risks." Her father looked at her and he managed to look amused and frustrated all at once. "You have never been able to resist risk."

"That's true, Papa," Vega said and she grinned at him. "But what you're failin' to take into account is the fact that this baby is the biggest adventure I've ever had. So, there is no risk worth takin'." He didn't believe her, Vega knew, but there was nothing that she could do about that.

word count: 400

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Golden Chain I: First Links

Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.

~~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe~~
38th of Ashan, Arc 721

They were digging a foundation for a cellar and, while she wasn't prepared to dig, Vega was happy to help. "I can make some poles for proppin' up the ground an' stuff, while you're diggin'?" That made sense and Refed was quick to take her up on the offer. He seemed to not really like the fact that she was sitting out of the digging, but Vega didn't care what he or anyone else thought of that. She wasn't prepared to jeopardise this baby in any way and anyone who had any concerns could talk to someone who cared. Which was not, be definition, her.

"So, what's actually the plan then?" Vega asked. Refed smiled and explained. "I'm who the Rangers send when they need to get something done quickly and to maximum efficiency. So, I'm happy to help out. We work together quite a lot," he said, motioning to Elise. "And we're able to work together quickly. We have a plan and we will implement it, it helps that you have people here and it helps that the Councillor sent us with the supplies we'll need." Vega nodded. "So, it's these plans you're usin'?" Vega asked and Refed nodded. "It can be an Inn, when your guests have moved in or moved on," he explained. "Ok, so, there's a cellar, here, an' then there's the big downstairs bit, an' a kitchen," Refed nodded. "In order to convert to an Inn, you're going to want to get yourself a bar or some such put in - see where the design shows? We won't be doing that, so you can use the downstairs for a large communal eating area or communal sleeping. Upstairs, then, you've got rooms." Vega looked and counted, yes, that made sense. "An' while they're here, when they come, those what might need it can have smaller rooms with three or four or even jus' one bed in there?" Refed nodded. "That's ... I can't thank you enough, I really can't."

Refed waved a hand. "It's my job, and my pleasure." He glanced around. "I'll get it done - we'll get it done - as quickly as we can. It will be quicker if the weather clears, and the speed will be dependent on the teamwork of the people here, and how well the put their backs into it." Vega beamed and she looked - and felt - proud. "Then you'll be finished tomorrow," she said. He looked at her with some askance, but he smiled. "The people of Hopetoun are hard workin' an' we work together really well," she said. Refed gave her an appraising look and, whatever the Eidisi saw, he obviously decided to believe her. "Then, I look forward to the work."

word count: 495

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Hopetoun] The Golden Chain I: First Links


Player Name: Vega

Points awarded: 10
Magic xp: none


Caregiving: Taking care not to take risks during a pregnancy.
Construction: x 3
Socialization: x 2

Renown: 5
Loot: Began construction of an Inn. Supplies arrive from the mainland.
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Wealth Points: None

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: I thought the conversation between Vega and her dad was an interesting one. Him asking her why she wasn't doing the heavy lifting involved in the actual construction, and coming back with it being a risk to the baby. Carrying a baby in itself is a risk, and it seems quite interesting that Jo'qan doesn't seem to get his daughter's reluctance.

The set-up that went into this endeavor really surprises me, and the idea that every step was covered and written out in detail is pretty impressive. Vega really helped marshal a lot of help for Hopetoun. I'm looking forward to the final stages.

Well done!

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 186
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