• Graded • {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29th of Ashan 721

A small island with an active volcano, Faldrass is the home to Saoire's school and to the Faldrass Induk.

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{Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29th Ashan, 721
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Maybe it was because of the focus on banging in nails, or the way that they were looking but the woman who was walking next to him as he moved away from one job to another seemed to have been with him for a while. She was just there, and so much so that when it was a surprise to see her there, it was a surprise that it was a surprise.

"Hello Balthazar," Saoire said with a smile. She looked just as she had on Cylus Dusk and she seemed as pleased and as happy to see him now as she had been then. His guard, Tib'ron, was walking with him of course, and Saoire smiled at him, too. But, she kept her focus mostly on Balthazar as they walked. She didn't seem to know where he was going, but was content to simply walk alongside him.

"Things are coming on well, I see." She gestured to the settlement itself, to the places they had built. "I thought it was time I called in to visit Haven, as it's been a while since I saw you last," she said. Looking around at everything, she breathed in the chill Ashan air and she was quiet for a moment or two, like she was taking in the sights. The people who saw her saw who she was, saw that she was talking with Balthazar. Some waved - she smiled and waved and greeted each one of them, by name. But her focus was on him.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Saoire asked him and then she gestured to the settlement itself. "I understand that it is a big task we've given to you and Darius both, so I thought I should call in on you." She smiled as she looked at him, her gaze on him alone now. "And find out how you are."

word count: 325
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29 Ashan 721
Having spent the earlier parts of the trial working on his new house, barracks, and workshop with the build team, Balthazar was on his way to the building he had dedicated as the research center for the scholars that came to study the ingis clams Elisabeth discovered on their shores. He was not sure what he expected them to have found but it had been at least six trials since he dedicated the space to them so he was hoping to discover that it has not been a mistake. However about half way there he seemed to change his mind and start walking elsewhere, passed the research station and towards the Serenity Garden he had often insisted they leave untouched. It was never as empty as it used to be with a settlement of people so nearby it, but it was still quiet and serene. It still brought him some peace of mind. He preferred to go there when Tib'ron or Miranda were on duty because they were able to stand around silently a little more easily than Trean.

Trean always seemed to start shifting his weight after a break or so and it always made Balthazar feel as if someone was sneaking up on him which pulled the man out of his thoughts. Speaking of sneaking up on someone, when Balthazar turned and saw Saoire beside him (who he recognized rather immediately by this time) he nearly jumped. It was not every trial someone slipped beside him without notice but she was something special. She'd always been something special. Considering all the immortals he had seen, met, and heard stories about, Saoire seemed different. Kindness was not her domain and yet she seemed to embody it. Upon seeing the immortal beside him (after composing himself from being startled and then surprised that he'd been startled to begin with) Balthazar moved a little faster towards the garden. He remembered her indicating she did not want the population of the settlement to know the task had come from her and Faldrass so he wanted to find a spot he knew they could speak more openly... and he wanted to show her the jubiplant field.

"Hello, Saoire." He considered her words generous given his aspirations for the settlement. Things were certainly coming along; they had shelter up for everyone, they had a clam farm beginning to grow, a real farm equally beginning to grow, a windmill nearly complete, a research station on the rise, and Balthazar was closing in on a method of separating the salt from the water that he thought would work for a well or two. However Balthazar always found himself fixating on the smaller troubles they faced. They were waiting on seeds for the farm, the windmill had nothing to mill, they'd need more materials to build stronger buildings, and while he had an idea he didn't actually have clean water yet. Still, she'd asked if it was beautiful there and he could not argue it wasn't. Someone who spent as long as he did on the beach and in the garden would have been lying to say otherwise so he gave a small agreeing nod and moved on to what she'd said about the task she gave Darius and him.

"It's not that bad," Balthazar decided, thinking it not very different than what she'd asked of the barony, "Its just... very different than what I'm used to. We've had a few setbacks but things are progressing." He didn't know how to address the second part of what she'd said. How was he? Terrible. He had darker thoughts now than he had ever had with four sparks and he found himself constantly fixating on things that had passed. Things he knew he could not change but refused to banish from his mind. He did not want to forget. He did not want to fixate either but discipline failed him. When Elisabeth was away there were always quiet moments for the fixation to return and with it, anger. So when it did, he went to the garden. Terrible wasn't accurate. He wasn't terrible. He was alive and Elisabeth would come back and the settlement would thrive. What else could he want? A dark voice at the back of his mind always answered when he thought that question so he tried not to think it.

"I've been having a harder time adjusting than I expected. A lot changed very suddenly but Elisabeth says I'm clever so I like to think I've shifted well to the restrictions complicating the job." Balthazar decided. He didn't want to lie to Saoire but he also didn't want to express himself in more words. Saoire or not, he knew Tib'ron would report this meeting and his words so he still had to mind them. Though, like with the therapist, this was a very hard conversation to be careful of his words during. He wanted to talk to her. "I've been meaning to visit your school but haven't been able to move through the badlands in that direction yet. How have you been? I imagine opening a school on this island is something like starting a settlement?"

word count: 888

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29th Ashan, 721
immediately following this

She walked with him and Saoire watched him, but more than that, she listened to him. He spoke of how hard a time he was having adjusting and she seemed to understand not only what he said - but what was behind those words. She glanced at the Element who was with him.

"Tib'ron can't hear us right now," Saoire said softly. "I thought maybe you needed a rest from being watched and listened to every moment." She smile slightly at him as she said that. "It seems to me that you must find it exhausting." Her words were clear, gentle - she had no need or wish to upset anyone. "When we have spoken, you and I, I will let Tib'ron know that, and Tib'ron is free to report that to Kura, as is right." Green eyes were focused on him, and she spoke with the sort of quiet determination which seemed was her norm. "But that is my gift to you, to-trial." She thought that he needed it, and she was who she was. "A private conversation."

Walking with him, she considered his words. "It's a lot of change, for you both I'm sure." Saoire felt that it needed acknowledging. It was important to say, after all. "But the weight of responsibility rests on your shoulders. It must seem sometimes that there is no let up to it, no end to the demands and expectations on you." Their feet travelled together, walking side by side towards Serenity Garden. "I'm going to take some cuttings here," she said and smiled at him. Then, as they arrived and she knelt and started to take cuttings from the jubiplants, she seemed to be happy to work, to garden, to not stare at him but to simply be with him.

"The School is wonderful," she said in answer to his question. "I suspect I have a rather easier time of creating it than you do here. Not least, because I cheat." She chuckled, obviously joking but hoping to lighten the mood and let him know that there was no need for seriousness and formality. Then, she spoke again. "Is there anything I can do to help you adjust?" She asked it calmly, and if he did not answer or did not want to, she did not push him. It was not her way. Still, surrounded by jubiplants, she evidently hoped he would.

word count: 413
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29 Ashan 721
When Saoire said Tib'ron could not hear them, Balthazar's head instinctively twisted a little to look at the trooper who's expression seemed to confirm what the Immortal had said. It wasn't so much that he didn't trust her as he didn't think it possible for her to do. She was not the Immortal of Silence but with every passing trial he felt like he was learning more about them. He decided quickly that he didn't particularly care about how Saoire was achieving the veil of secrecy that she was, he was just glad that it was there. "Thank you," Even if she wasn't the woman he wanted most to speak openly with, he was far more than happy to have a few bits where he didn't have to live like a Yludih, "I'd say it means more than you know, but I feel like you have a good sense for these things." Balthazar said, a small smile shifted slowly back onto his face at the thought they really had some privacy.

He tried not to think about any inquiry his therapist would have about this little blip once Tib'ron reported it and honestly with Saoire there, it wasn't hard to focus on the better things. When Saoire said that it must have been a lot of change for both he and Elisabeth, the smile that had grown on his face seemed to waver a little. It wasn't the immortal's fault but Balthazar did occasionally feel bad that he and Elisabeth had to spend their waking hours in such secrecy. It was his sentence to bare and she'd chosen to endure it with him, for that he would give her almost anything. That was what showed him how she felt, not any of the words she said. The house was meant to be his way of showing her how he felt. He'd been very specific about the design of the bedroom based on what she'd told him she wanted in the past. One bed. He asked that it be a large one.

He pulled his thoughts from Elisabeth and brought them back to Saoire as she spoke again, saying she wanted to take some cuttings from the garden. Well, she said she was going to but with one like her she wouldn't have been refused. Quite the opposite actually, "If you tell me how, I could help you collect some?" He offered as she began to collect the 'cuttings' she'd mentioned. He did not know what that meant but he watched what she was doing and if she accepted the help, he'd try to give it. Regardless of whether they were both collecting cuttings now or not, Saoire eventually answered his question about the school and mused that she must have been having an easier time because she was cheating. He laughed softly, recognizing that she was trying to lighten the mood which he found amusing in it's own way. An Immortal lightening the mood, who would have thought? Then again he had bad examples... well Daia wasn't bad.

"You don't cheat, you just use all of the abilities at your disposal." He said in a soft voice, thinking about the abilities at his disposal more than the ones he did not have anymore. The garden helped and he spent more than a little time in it. "We can only ever do our best and let others decide if it was enough later." Then he took a deep breath and thought about what she'd asked him. Was there anything she could do to help him adjust? Well it wouldn't hurt to have the guards go away and the sentence revoked, but he didn't think that was quite what she meant and he didn't really humor the idea of asking her for it. It would have been nice to be able to bathe without being watched but he didn't mention that either, though he did think about it a little harder than the first thing. He thought about asking her to do this or that around the settlement to solve small problems but honestly he felt like he had a handle on it... most of it. They were relying a lot on charity and messages traveled slowly but Balthazar didn't think there was any way for Saoire to connect him to all the people he needed to write to. So what?

"I'm sure there is," Balthazar decided, "but I have don't know what to ask. I like to think I can solve all my problems and the ones I can't, Elisabeth can help me with." He lifted his left hand, wearing the silver ring she'd given him that was paired with Elisabeth's. "But I know I can't, I've seen what happens when I try, and I know it's unfair to expect her to watch out for my mistakes. I'm sorry, I'm-" He paused and shook his head a little "I'm not used to this. You get into the habit of guarding your words and it's hard to stop, you know?" He took a deep breath and began again, "If you could teach me how to cheat and build my own little 'Balthazar's Dream' on Haven, that would be wonderful. And I don't think anyone would mind a few more caudori walking around Haven." He said this as a way to lighten the mood, trying to keep things light as Saoire had intended. "I still have your gifts from the last time we met, both the box and the chocolates, thank you for those by the way, they've helped when it seemed like nothing else would. I didn't even know I'd like chocolate." He smiled, "You've already done so much, it feels... wrong to ask you for more. I suppose that's always been my problem though- Elisabeth thinks so. I'm not good at asking for help."

word count: 1025

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29th Ashan, 721
immediately following this

Smiling at him as he said that he thought she had a good sense for things, Saoire did not reply. He offered to help her take the cuttings, and she shook her head. "It's fine. Take a moment, relax." She thought that being able to feel any level of privacy must be a very good thing for him. He deserved a few quiet moments. Her hands moved, confidently, and she listened to his thought processes as he described them.

"Perhaps that's so," Saoire considered, in response to Balthazar's thoughts on doing ones best. "But maybe, doing our best is the complicated part" storing away the cuttings she had, she looked at him. "Life is not as linear, or one-dimensional, I think, to allow there to be a single 'I did my best' in anyone's actions." Her green eyes were intense as she tried to explain what she thought - what she felt. "Because we do our best according to our priorities. If someone finds an action of mine lacking, and I know that I did my best with it, did not make a mistake or mess it up, then they are actually saying that they disagree with my priorities." She smiled. "That is the nature of your convictions and sentence, I feel. Not that you didn't do your best where you were. But the priorities which put you there, rather than here."

With the slightest shrug, she smiled. "But it is not mine to judge. Just to help, be a listening ear when I can. Steal cuttings, that sort of thing." Saoire was quiet, then, as he spoke of feeling that he could solve all his own problems, that the ones he could not, Elisabeth could help him with. She chuckled at the mention of cadouri, though. "They are individuals who go where they choose," she said, although she gestured around. "But they are social people, generally. This place, this 'Balthazar's Haven', it is rather like it's namesake, is it not?" she looked around. "Cut off from the rest of the island, part of and apart from, by design?"

It was a question which didn't need an answer, unless he chose to give it. Saoire knew what she saw, and she hoped that her words helped him. "Chocolate is a wonderful thing. It is a delight, it truly is. And I am very glad that my gift has brought you help and pleasure." It was at his final words, though, that she glanced. "Is that your problem?" She wondered. "I understand it is what you have been told by others, but no one knows you truly. Even if you live a lifetime together, you can surprise each other. So, other people's opinions aside, what do you think?"

word count: 473
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29 Ashan 721
Saoire refused his help, imploring the leader of the settlement to take a few moments to relax while she collected her clippings. He couldn't help but find his eyes lingering on Saoire's hands while she did her work, trying to learn from her movements as best he could without actually doing anything. She told him to relax but it was never that easy for Balthazar to relax. This time with her felt special because she was both a guest in Haven who deserved the same formalities any guest did, and because she was an immortal. When a human took the time to visit you, it was only right to give them your focus. When an immortal took the time to visit you, well... you had better redefine what you call focus and give them the improved version. He didn't know how to just relax these trials because it always felt like there was something more important to do with the time he had. Still, if Saoire asked him to relax, who was he to refuse?

Saoire lingered on his comment about doing one's best longer than he thought she would but she provided an interesting, if not unconsidered, opinion on the events. She mused that life was not a one dimensional timeline of events and that one's best was never the same from one moment to another. She explained that, from her perspective, people judged others based on their priorities more than what they did. She further elaborated that she believed his conviction came from a similar place. He agreed and disagreed because while he had been found guilty of neglecting his duties, he had also been found guilty of other things he did not believe he had done. Endangering innocents in Viden was the one that stuck out the most to him but he didn't argue because it was a detail, not the core of Saoire's argument. He was being judged because he hadn't been in Scalvoris but he felt like if he had been, the Elements wouldn't have utilized him as well as he had utilized himself. Apparently they hadn't even noticed his absence so it was not as if they had needed him for something specific and he hadn't been there. The issue was always the general absence. However he cast that argument from his mind to focus on what she was saying because if anything, that argument only further proved what he had known since he returned. He liked making excuses for himself and his priorities no longer sat within the limited confines of the Elements and their leadership.

Not while Rand was running things. Not while Jacien was their standard. It was ego that made him think he could do better as a free agent, but it was also the sentence that had convinced him. If he hadn't been an Element when he left, they would have had less justification to do what they'd done to him. He wanted to help all people, not just those living in Scalvoris. He was content to limit himself now because his greatest means of 'helping' had been taken from him but... no... no that wasn't it. He was content helping now because he felt that for the first time in a while, he was doing something that mattered. Haven's growth and prosperity had usurped so many of the priorities he held before meeting the settlers. It and Elisabeth had changed so much for him- even since the trial.

"It must take a bold person to tell you that you're actions are lacking." Balthazar said with a bemused grin on his face as he looked into Saoire's intense green eyes. He chuckled slightly as Saoire shifted the tone of the conversation, saying it was not to her to judge. All she did was steal clippings, an idea that prompted another small grin from the former mage. The grin widened a moment later when Saoire chuckled purely because of the sound she made. An immortal chuckling was something to remember. It felt so human. She spoke about the caudori, mentioning they were an independent lot who would go where they wanted, and Balthazar nodded with what had grown into a smile on his face. The smile lingered as she spoke of 'Balthazar's Haven' which he thought a little bit better a name than Balthazar's Dream... but maybe Black Haven... or no... he couldn't think of another name before he heard Saoire mention it was cut off by design. He shook his head gently. "Not by design, but it is how things have turned out." He supposed she would want some elaboration.

"I told the settlers on the ship about the Serenity Garden because I had heard good things. I thought everyone would benefit from settling somewhere near the garden so that in hard times or when they felt like the loss was a little too much to bare, they would have somewhere to work through the dark thoughts. It was never suppose to be just my Haven. It's supposed to be ours." He paused for a trill and looked down at the jubiplant field, "I admit I thought it would give me somewhere to meditate when my magic felt a little too... influential." Then he looked back at Saoire "I didn't realize the Badlands cut us off from just about everything else but I had plans when I found out. Unfortunately I got curious, got in trouble, and lost necessary tools for those plans." Balthazar shrugged and the smile that had slipped off his face returned to it, "But we're making progress, and new plans together. Sometimes I worry the builders are growing tired of my presence but..." He shrugged. They'd get used to him. "I'll make it up to them. Once we have docks built trade will be easier and with all of Elisabeth's discoveries I'm sure we'll have plenty to trade when we are ready."

Then Saoire spoke of chocolate and Balthazar listened. He had never had a particularly sweet tooth but the things she had sent them were unlike anything else he'd had but thoughts about candy faded when Saoire asked a surprisingly pointed question. Was that really his problem? Did he think that was his problem? His eyes narrowed just slightly for a moment as he felt a strange sense of deja vu strike before his normal grin returned. "You sound like the therapist the order sent," he explained, "but I suppose that isn't a bad thing." Balthazar took a deep breath ad gave another gentle shrug, disappointed that he did not have a clear answer for Saoire. "Again, I don't know. It's hard to come up with my own opinion when so many people have said so many things that I can't forget. It used to be easier. I thought I knew what I wanted and I pursued it but I've spent every trial this season and most of last season having people condemn me for what I did in pursuit of what I wanted.. I thought I was helping. I wanted to help. All I ever want is to keep as many people safe as possible. It just seems that I'm not very good at it." Balthazar took another deep breath. "The trial was difficult because I listened to people from the places I had spent most of the last arc report about me like some maniacal mage. I followed all the laws within my ability and not one of them had an issue when my magic was helping them but when questioned? 'Stop sending your rogue mages!'" He did an impression of what he imagined the Melrathi who wrote the letter sounded like. "Well, I suppose they'll get their wish when they face the creep without me."

"I'm sorry, you didn't ask about that. It's not your place to judge right? Just to help." He seemed to get an idea as he said that. "Do you think you could make me better at it?Well... help me become better?"
word count: 1378

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29th Ashan, 721
immediately following this

He said that it must take a bold person to tell her that her actions were lacking and Saoire chuckled. "On the contrary," she said - and she was obviously not unhappy at this."I expect and encourage it from my companions. The cadouri are wonderfully honest people, and each critique, every comment or question or even statement of where I am failing, it is a gift." Saoire smiled, apparently not noticing his observation of her hands and she stored the last of the clippings. "For some, it is a gift from me to them, for they are not truly happy unless they are complaining." She - like her cadouri - was not naive or foolish, nor did she think that the world was always bright sunshine.

"But every time, it is a gift from them to me. It allows me to see another perspective. It gives me an insight into them - and to how my actions are being perceived" She chuckled, slightly. "The trick, of course, is to see it for what it is, to take it constructively - whether it was meant that way or not - and to make a decision, then let it go."

He spoke about why he had chosen here, and she nodded. "Things will get better." She spoke softly but with a real determination in her tone. "I am sure of it." Saoire listened to him, to how he felt and she was quiet for a moment. Then, she spoke. "It seems to me, if I may be so bold" she spoke softly, carefully. "That you are focusing on the past, and the future, but forgetting to live in the now." she looked around, gesturing expansively to include all of the settlement. "Celebrate your achievements, what has been done here. Just for a moment stop looking at what has or has not happened in the past, what will or will not in the future. Look around you and see what you have, right here and right now"

Could she help him to be better, Saoire shook her head. "You are perfectly, exactly, yourself." She spoke with absolute sincerity. "Who you are in this moment, is you. If there is a change you wish to make, you can make it. You don't need help." Looking at him, she smiled. "But I will always be happy to have a chat, if you need it. I can not promise to come if you call, the very moment you do - but I am on your side and will help you, if I can. Come here and let me know, if you need me."

With a glance at the movement of the sun, Saoire realised, "I need to go," she said. "Thank you, Balthazar Black, for spending time with me to-trial. It was a pleasure." She held out her hand, offering to shake his.
word count: 480
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

29 Ashan 721
The thought of people who wouldn't be happy unless they were complaining both amused and disappointed Balthazar. It as humorous to think people found joy from complaining but also unfortunate because it seemed to imply that so long as they were around, it would be hard to make the world content. He went through periods where he was arguably like that. He knew a few settlers like those people Saoire was speaking about but he didn't linger on them for long as she continued talking. As she explained why the commentary was a gift, Balthazar listened closely. She made good points about the feedback she was given. It did indeed give you a little window into the mind and perspective of the person who was providing the reaction. He knew she was right. The best thing to do was to take every criticism constructively, improve, and let it go... but he needed more time. Memory and ego haunted him despite his efforts, but not while he was speaking to Saoire.

The one with intense green eyes assured Balthazar that things would get better. He nodded along because he didn't want to disagree with her. A better future for all Haven's people was all he could hope for and work towards now. Saoire asked if she could be bold and Balthazar nodded out of formality because there was little he thought he would not discuss with her. She raised a good point but it was hard to accept. He found himself making excuses again in his head already. He had to be prepared, he had to- but then he remembered what she had said barely a bit before. Take it constructively, improve, let go. He didn't know how to live in the present without worrying about what would or would not happen, but he'd have to figure that out. He'd try. He had some ideas.

Saoire continued, saying she could not help him become better because he was in this moment perfectly him. It was unfortunate that perfectly him seemed to break so many things. She said she'd always be happy to have a chat, if she could, and Balthazar smiled. It would be nice to talk to her again when things were a little more settled, but Balthazar tried not to think too hard about when he'd come to the garden next. Instead he focused on what was happening, Saoire was departing. She thanked him far more graciously than he felt he was owed and he took her hand gently.

"It was a pleasure to see you as always, thank you for visiting and giving me this time and much to think about. It's been nice to speak freely," Balthazar said "I'll have to try it more often." Then he let go of her hand and it seemed like the touch sparked some urge he had been trying to keep under control. The immortal was leaving, the one who'd given him the rings, he had to ask. "Saoire," Balthazar paused, maybe he shouldn't. No. The worst she could say was she didn't know. "Earlier totrial the ring... warned me that Elisabeth was in danger. I can't leave- well... I am not supposed to leave. I know what I want to do, but not what I should." He paused and looked at the immortal, wondering if she understood what he meant. "Do you know if she is alright?"
word count: 585

Visible Mutations/ Marks

Defiance: Skin always glows faintly and he is warm to the touch. His is also the center of a field of static electricity so people get shocked touching him on occasion.
Rupturing: Orange etheric cracks spider-web up his arms to his elbows. His eyes and the glowing cracks going down his cheeks glow dark blue.
Transmutation: He has a series of emerald, glowing cracks on his right pectoral.
Bellinos: His fingernails are always black. The color fades into his fingers.
Celarion: A dim glowing ring surrounds his left forearm.
Palenon: A silver lightning shaped mark about the size of a hand stretching up towards his torso.


  • Oops, Oops, Ouch: Balthazar Black has twenty scars across his back from a lashing as well as scars on his hands and arms from jagged rocks on Faldrass. There are two scars on the sides of his abdomen from being stabbed and a slash across his back which blends in with the whip scars.
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Re: {Haven} An Unexpected Guest.

Your Review


This was a fun thread and I enjoyed the opportunity to write with Balthazar in Haven. Saoire seemed to be just what he needed in that moment, and the setting up of links between Serenity Garden and Saoire's School is something which will have positive impacts all around! It's interesting to see Balthazar be so self-reflective - I really felt for him when he got to explaining that what he keeps coming back to is that he was doing good, doing his best. A really good example of how impactful long term play and fall-out from individual events can be. Thanks - and enjoy your rewards!


XP: 15
Renown: 10


1. As she leaves, Saoire assures Balthazar that Elisabeth is fine.
2. The owner of Serenity Garden (Nyji Toraj from Spirits Rest Oasis) hears that Saoire visited and begins to set up links between Spirit's Rest and Saoire's school. This will have an impact on Scalvoris generally and Faldrass specifically next season. As an Immortal appearance thread, please post this in the Impact Tracker for Scalv. Thanks!

The next day a small gift arrives for Balthazar. Some books on basic gardening, and a small kit with a hand-trowel, a hand-rake, etc.

Medals Awarded:
Painting With Words - because you do!
Pioneer - the first person to have a real heart-to-heart with Saoire


Discipline: Not giving in to your darker thoughts
Discipline: Not asking questions to which you don't want to think about the answer.
Etiquette: The social graces of receiving a visitor
Gardening: Taking cuttings
Gardening: Techniques for storing plants
Logistics: Consider the long term plan for resources.
Meditation: Sometimes, privacy is as good as meditation
Psychology: Self-reflection is a good thing
Psychology: Too much reflection can be destructive.
Psychology: Immortal psychology can present in a similar manner to mortal
Psychology: Worry is a powerful force.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this review - drop me a PM.
word count: 337
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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