Bel Alley (HQ of The Widows Lament) Topic is solved

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Bel Alley (HQ of The Widows Lament)

Bel Alley
A corner of one of the less affluent areas of Almund, far outside the usual patrols of the Element Troopers. Here is the territory of the up-and-coming mercenary group that borders on being a gang, or a vigilante group, doling out street justice and racketeering with equal frequency. The members all take up living in this area, even their Temps as they call their 'in and out' volunteers, looking for some easy work for nels on the side.

The 'Temps' take up in a tenement at the core of the neighborhood, along with some of the poorer members who can't afford their own wooden box of a house. Tourists and visitors chance to travel these streets at their own peril, as the crime rate is quite high here. The Widows Lament tries to maintain their own version of order in the streets, but their members often as not engage in organized crime that causes the lesser crimes to propagate.

Still, work is work, and The Widows Lament sometimes pulls in a well-meaning, self-styled defender of the people who only really wants to make things better in the neighborhood. Their main method of recruitment is by training up the people they save from the petty muggings and attempted murders accruing in the alleyways, and converting local youths when they're coming up.

They have a banner and an emblem, which is shown below:

Gulliver Kull

Name: Gulliver Kull
Race: Human
Age: Zi'Da 71st 669
Title: Commander of The Widows Lament
Skills: Combat: Blades (2h): 60, Tactics: 60, Intimidation: 80, Leadership: 60, Strength: 40, Endurance: 40, Politics: 40, Etiquette: 40, Socialization: 30.
Other Information: A dirty mercenary type, if ever one presented himself as such. His long wavy hair puffs out over his shoulders, unkempt. His nose is flattened by numerous fights, and his skin tanned from so much time spent in battlefields abroad as well as in Scalvoris itself. He wears simple brigandine armor usually when expecting a fight, otherwise wears heavy clothing with his sleeves bare. He carries a large embersteel greatsword, taking it almost everywhere he goes, even into taverns. He refuses to be disarmed at any time, and so rarely goes anywhere he's expected to surrender his arms.

He runs his company with an iron fist, strictly dealing with stragglers who step out of line. While he allows his men to engage in their own activities, he always expects a cut of their earnings.

Price List / Goods Available

If appropriate
Item: Wealth Tier:
Protection and Dumb Combatants Tier 2+ for businesses and individuals. Flavor NPCs
Protection and Smart Combatants Tier 6+ for businesses and individuals. Antagonist NPCs
Protection and Deadly Combatants Tier 7+ for businesses and individuals. City NPCs
Combat Training Tier 4+
Member Dues 1 WP per season of membership in the Company

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Developed by: Genuvah
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Re: Bel Alley (HQ of The Widows Lament)

I really like this! - Have you written up the group Widows Lament? (or do you plan to) I would be really happy to include them as a Scalv Faction? Let me know (on any PC account!)
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Re: Bel Alley (HQ of The Widows Lament)

Heya thanks, if I may can I dev the Widow's Lament here? If not I'll start another entry. Let me know.
The Widow's Lament

The Widow's Lament is a semi-legal mercenary group operating out of Almund. They offer armsmen and warriors for hire for all walks of life, with the very skilled commanding decent wages for their services, while those of lesser discipline and skill offer affordable contracts to those of lesser means.

The Widow's Lament also offers services of slightly dubious legality. Some of their members have been known to run protection rings that border on racketeering and harassment. Nevertheless, the decentralized nature of the Company ensures that the leadership often and always keeps its nose clean. Meanwhile, they often support their members with legal help to those lesser members who run afoul of the law. They've been known to hire outside lawyers and defenders when their members find themselves in trouble. That all depends on the nature of the trouble, of course. Murdering in cold-blood and stealing are frowned upon, and not offered the same degree of support, should their lesser members be accused.
They operate loosely out of Bel Alley in Almund, but are not entirely centralized in structure, preferring to give out contracts on an individual or group basis for those who wish to work as mercenaries together. Often the rougher taverns have one or two members who can introduce one to their leader, Gulliver Kull, who will then give them a short interview and make sure they're not a wanted criminal. While those who become criminals after the fact aren't necessarily drummed out of the Company, the Company has no interest in inviting trouble with the Elements by harboring fugitives and the like.

The Widow's Lament believes that even the lowest among society deserve protection, and tend to cater to the underserved populations. That said, there are one or two elite warriors among them that may offer their bodyguarding services to more affluent patrons.

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