[Approved by Pegasus] [Location - Faldrass] Hopetoun Hole Topic is solved

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[Location - Faldrass] Hopetoun Hole

Hopetoun Hole
The Hopetoun Hole is neither in Hopetoun, nor is it technically a hole. Located a break's walk outside of Hopetoun, the Hopetoun Hole is the entrance to a volcanic cave network nestled into the foothills of the mountain range that lines the south-west coast of Faldrass.

Created as a result of the Fadlrass eruption of Arc 720, these caves were formed by lava flows descending from the volcano. The caverns formed by these flows congealed, cooled, and hardened, and were only discovered after people returned to the island.

The Hopetoun Hole has not been exhaustively explored, but initial discoveries include: a large, cavernous area that can accommodate approximately a hundred people; an underwater river of cool, fresh water; and a large colony of Faldrass fire worms.


Faldrass Fire Worms are small, harmless creatures that dwell within the upper reaches of the Hopetoun Hole.

When in a dark environment, these worms glow through bioluminescence. Their orange and yellow colouring is such that when they glow, they bear a resemblance to tiny flames.

Faldrass Fire Worms are usually found in large numbers, and when in such a group, they often appear reminiscent of the stars in the night sky.

Although not exclusively located in the Hopetoun Hole, the Faldrass fire worms prefer dark and wet environments. In the case of the Hopetoun Hole, this means high up the walls or even hanging from the cave ceiling, well out of reach of the casual observer. In warmer weather, they can occasionally be found near waterfalls.

The diet of the Faldrass Fire Worm consists mostly of slugs and snails, and they are considered harmless to people.

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 ! Message from: Pegasus
Please leave this for me to fill in


Credits to: Darius Baer
Submitted for Development: 25th February 2021
Developed by: Darius Baer
I would like to make use of the Faldrass fire worm for the Scavloris Materials expedition.
word count: 320
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Re: [Location - Faldrass] Hopetoun Hole

 ! Message from: Pegasus
So aptly named - neither in Hopetoun or a Hole!!! Love it! Approved with thanks!
word count: 16
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