New Fauna - The Peganot  [Approved]

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New Fauna - The Peganot

The Peganot

At the culmination of a range of threads, I was issued the opportunity to dev The Peganot by Pigs: [Sweetsong] Here's hoping all horseshoes are lucky ~ Part 5: A shoe-for-you
Developed by Winston ~ Image found by Pigs

These magical creatures measure little more than 3-4 inches in length and have a solitary leg, wings and a horn to defend themselves. Their pigment ranges from blue (sometimes almost black) to green and their bodies can appear semi-transparent. They float about in small flocks or hards around the magical regions of Scalvaris, appearing and disappearing as they see fit. Though they have a leg, it is used almost exclusively for counterweight and defence during flight. They spend most, if not all of their time in the air, floating and darting around.

The males carry the young in their marsupial-like pouch until they hatch, at which point the young leave the pouch and fall in with the rest of the herd.

Rumors: For those that befriend a Fairy or two, they might find that Fairies find the nature of these creatures to be perfectly normal. In fact, when pressed, they have been know to highlight what a waste it is to have four legs on a horse, when one was perfectly sufficient.

Price: Not commonly sold on the open market, these creatures can only be obtained through a dedicated expedition.
Habitat: Little is currently known about these creatures, however, they can be found across Scalvaris making their homes in the places close to Emea. Drawn to minor fractures, they are most at home in magical regions and so amongst the Fairies of Sweetwine are considered a common animal (though are certainly not common outside these circles).
Forum Location: Scalvaris.
Lifespan and Development: Born to the herd in their dozens, a single Peganot can have anywhere from 3 to a dozen eggs in a single clutch, but only a few generally make it to adulthood. The maturation process takes only a cycle and the creatures can live for up to 12 cycles in the wild, though little more than half a dozen cycles in captivity.
Diet: These herbivorous creatures tend to feed on fruit and plants grown with magical properties. As such, they do well feeding on the Fairy fruits of the Fairies of Sweetwine, but can be sustained on any herbivorous matter, though they do not flourish on things that do not have a touch of Emea about them.
  • Flighty and shy, the creatures scatter from anything that they find unfamiliar.
  • They are herd animals, that depend on numbers to provide a deterrent, defence and success in the number's game of survival.
  • Feircely defensive of the herd, particularly its young.
RPG Abilities:
  • Weightless ~ Their bodies are almost completely weightless, even for their size.
  • Flight ~ As a result of the weightlessness, their flight is drifting and light, though their wings and aerodynamic shape permit them to accomplish great bursts of speed when needed.
  • Magic/Emean Absorsion ~ They thrive in magical and Emean engeries. Their bodies are able to absorb the effects of magic, magical phenomena and the effects Emea. This does not mean they are immune to the effects of magic, just that they are weaker in the absence of it and are able to survive the effects of some magical affects without apparent harm.
  • Hard bodies ~ Though small, their bodies are hard and resistant to most blunt-force trauma.
  • Glitter-cloud ~ In the way an octopus uses its ink to hide its escape, the Peganot is capable of letting off a small puff of blue-green glitter. The cloud is usually used to distract an attcker while the herd makes its escape, but is used to attack and retreat equally.
  • They are physically weak due to their size.
  • As a herd, they are easily bated by the imprisonment of other herd members, particularly infants.
  • They cannot breed away from a fracture.
Fast Facts
Knowing It
  • Scalvoris: Expert
  • Idalos: Master

Wealth Tier
  • Scalvoris: Rare
  • Idalos: N/A
Sell/Buy It
  • Scalvoris: Rare (Teir 8+)
  • Scalvoris: Rare
  • Idalos: Not know to exist
Finding It
  • Scalvoris: Expert
  • Idalos: Not know to exist
Collecting It
  • Scalvoris: Master
  • Idalos: Not known to exist
Using It
  • Its unusual weightlessness and other natural abilities are usable in alchemy.
  • It is a mount used by Fairy-kind, but quite impractical for anyone larger than this.
Killing It
  • Expert ~ Its tiny, resilient body and swift movement make it very hard to catch and common bunt damage tends to do little more than bat them about.
Capturing It
  • Expert ~ Its tiny and swift movement makes it very hard to catch and moreover, its flighty temperament makes it hard to even approach.
  • Firstly, if a Peganot can escape with its herd in favour of attacking, it simply will, though it does have a horn that is razor sharp and commonly used for defence.
  • An individual Peganot is of little to no threat to a human-sized individual, however, they are herding creatures that will defend their herd members (particularly their young) in a swarm-like fashion unless they can easily escape.
  • Their horns are used for defence and depending on your size can result in anything from a nasty, painful (much like having a thick sewing needle stabbed deep into your hand), prick all the way to being skewered to death (if you are small).
Tending It
  • Expert ~ While possible to keep them away from their natural habitat, their lifespan is often greatly reduced as a result.
  • Master ~ With skilled care, the detrimental effects of keeping the creatures from their natural habitat can be avoided (this usually involves Emea or magic).
  • Breading requires the presence of a minor fracture or access to Emea, the energies of which play a crucial role in their mating rituals and perhaps even biology.
Last edited by Winston on Sun Dec 11, 2022 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 979


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: New Fauna - The Peganot

This fauna is really well designed and interesting and unique. I love the scalviness of it all.

I like the edits you made to the image too.

I do have a point to make:
  • Because they are drawn to and thrive on the presence of Emean energies, I'm inclined to think that they might have more magical absorption abilities more than resistant. Meaning it makes them stronger, and they're drawn to it, not that they're more of a dead zone, which would be implied by the word 'resistant'. It's almost a semantics issue, but I believe is an important distinction.
word count: 104
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Re: New Fauna - The Peganot

Nice! I love that feedback, thank you. yes, it makes much more sense given the other lore that they work WITH magical engeries rather than outside it. I have applied a few changes to this affect.

Change set
  • Added the "Rumors" section for a bit of fun and flavour to inspire RP.
  • Rafactored all references and surrounding lore to the resistance to magic, replacing it with the absorption of it instead.
  • Slight tweak to the "Using It" section surrounding it's use in alchemy to avoid inadvertently limiting RP doscovery.
word count: 90


When standing at his full height, Winston towers a full 1 foot and one blueberry tall. A fact he will happily demonstrate before flicking said blue orb into the air with his nose and then eating it with a snappy grin.

His eyes are dark and sharp, ringed by dark brown fur upon the bright white fur that sets off across the rest of his face.


Winston usually carries the following on his person:
  • Cassion's Locket hangs snugly around his neck.
  • Winston's Fairy Bell hangs from his tool-belt attached to his hip. It's 'ringer' is often bound by a small piece of cloth to prevent it giving away his position while in the wilderness.
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Re: New Fauna - The Peganot  [Approved]

Well done!
word count: 3
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