Mature 4. A Rose by Any Other Name: I am She

4th part of a starter quest

23rd of Saun 720

Slums that are a chaotic mess of shelters, thrown together and often crumbling into disarray, it is the main residence for the population majority. The streets are rarely patrolled, and usually only during protest riots or other revolution-minded action.
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4. A Rose by Any Other Name: I am She

23rd of Saun 720

Zunylanih awoke with a languid stretch from the night's slumber, well rested and ready to begin her day, but for one ritual that she never missed on waking...

"Olá meu amor! Bom Dia..."

She stared into the reflected beauty of Geneva's illusory visage, on the surface of the silverware platter, and pressed her lips into a kiss of the cold metal. She relished the feeling of inhabiting that skin, more than the act of kissing the object of her affection's reflection. It was cold comfort to stand against the absence that had ensued in the wake of Zuny's self imposed exile from the Fallacy.

What was it that drove her away? Alphonse was safely discovered, dead in his apartment. It wasn't likely she'd be fingered as the culprit in the assault on Geneva. And of course she hadn't done it, that was Alphonse's doing! Yet she did take on his form from time to time, when she needed to give someone the slip. This worried her. Had anyone from the lair spotted Al in the intermission between his death and Zuny's exile?

These questions haunted Zuny more often than not, and gave rise to a certain paranoia. Was she guilty of the murder of Alphonse, as well as Geneva's assault? It was troubling to consider, so she decided to compartmentalize it. It was easy to forgive herself, when she couldn't see her true face in the mirror everyday.

Besides, it wasn't her doing that Geneva had suffered! That was Alphonse who'd done such terrible things! Not her! Never her! She wouldn't hurt Geneva in a million arcs!

Anyway, Zunylanih had business to attend today. It was time to return to the Fallacy in one form or another, and see about insinuating herself into the goings on.

But Geneva lived in the Fallacy, or worked there much of the day. She would think it suspicious to have a twin, naturally. So Zuny stared into the silver platter, and began reshaping her image with the aid of her Sesser blessings. The long, onyx hair became a pixie cut, hair of spun gold like her mother Helena. The nose was changed from a cute button, to a noble aquiline nose. Finally, her eyes turned black. Just those few small changes rendered the image of Geneva unrecognizable. Zuny was quite proud of her work, but knew she must still be careful, as her disguise might still be discovered by those who knew Geneva most intimately. Thankfully, there was a street operation for the Fallacy. She didn't have to enter the building proper, and indeed wouldn't be allowed to as a new, unproven girl.

She had to earn her way in with hard work and persistence. That and by acquiring a customer base.

She smiled at the platter, forming a pair of dimples on either side of her cheek, to further differentiate herself from Geneva, and the disguise was more or less complete. She was quite attractive, but in Zuny's opinion, paled in comparison to Geneva herself. How does one alter perfection for the better, afterall?

Of course, Zuny had no cosmetics of her own. She would likely have to 'borrow' some in order to doll herself up. She did have a simple dress that she'd bought with her money early in the arc. It was a pretty satin affair, of gold and orange. It complimented the changes to Geneva's appearance well, Zuny thought.

So throwing aside her nightshirt, she began the long arduous task of dressing herself. Lacing up the back of her dress was always a difficult task, so she had one of her neighbors do it on the way out of the flophouse. H was more than happy to oblige, after copping a feel. Zuny almost lost her temper and slapped him, before remembering herself. Afterall, the man might come in useful for later.

Then she slipped out the exit to the flophouse, and was off into the streets of the Shanty, heading off toward the Lust's Fallacy, Geneva's well known brothel that she'd acquired from an inheritance from her mother.

She lacked cosmetics, and as it turned out so did the poor harlots occupying the street corner that Zuny took up on. Nevertheless, they had blood, which they used to rub their cheeks to produce a 'natural' blush. Zuny, remembering that she needn't even bother with cosmetics, utilized her blessing to extend the disguise granted by Sesser, changing her lips to ruby red, her eyes lined by subtle shadow, and a rosy glow to her cheeks. It strained her knowledge and comfortability with the illusion to near breaking, but she was confident she could maintain the illusion at least until she picked up a customer.

She stayed a while on a street corner in the Lair, but it wasn't long before she was picked by some gentleman passing through the vicinity of the Fallacy. He was a tall one, with brown hair, and a forgettable face. Certainly not the kind of ugly that she often spotted within the Fallacy itself. He was thin too, and well built. Zuny thought she could have fun with this one.

Lacking the permission to ply her trade within the rooms of the Fallacy, she guided him over toward a nearby, dilapidated alleyway. There, they locked lips, as their hands explored each others' bodies. Zuny let the cosmetic illusions fade from her, which was well enough given the dim lighting in the alleyway.

She moaned between the breaking of their lips, and snapped her teeth at him, as if hungry for more of his touch. Zuny was confident in her ability to play to the expectations that she wanted this man, this vagabond who picked up strange women on street corners. He seemed to buy into it well enough, judging by the ardor of his touch.

He lifted up her skirt, and reached beneath, and she let out another husky breath...

...Fade to black...

They were done within half a break, after a session of vigorous love-making. All in all, Zuny was confident in her performance, knowing well enough what men wanted, having spent half of her adult life occupying the illusionary form of a man. She leaned her back against the walls of the Fallacy, in that alleyway, and sighed as she smoked a borrowed cigarette from her customer. It took a few moments for the ecstasy of love-making to fade, but when it did, she wandered out from the alleyway, enjoying the cigarette and jingle of nels in her purse as she walked home. She'd come back the next day, for certain, to resume her business. The life of a harlot wasn't without its dangers, but the rewards it seemed were well worth it.

Sharing Geneva's body in the act of lust granted Zuny such a sublime release, that he thought he was finally over her. He still would enjoy occupying her form, as it would be with him forevermore after today. But he no longer needed the company or attention of the woman herself.

He was finally over her and could move onto greater and more fulfilling obsessions. He'd acquired the thing he'd sought, to feel her, to touch her, to be inside her. Now, having worn her illusion, he also knew how to be her, and Geneva's exploitation was complete.

Zuny arrived back at her flophouse in the late evening hours. The man who'd helped her with her dress was there in the common room. Perhaps he was waiting for her? Her suspicions were confirmed, as he approached from behind while she sauntered into the hallway. He came up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her belly, while nuzzling her neck with his nose. She allowed the attention, flattered by it, in truth. Was she really so alluring? Or was it more the benefit of the Sesser blessing? She decided she didn't care, and could get used to the persistent release of lust.

She turned around in his arms, and planted a kiss on his lips. With that gesture, she unwound herself from his arms, and took him by the hand leading her to her room...

The next morning, Zuny continued the same ritual as had begun the previous day. "Olá meu amor! Bom Dia..." She smiled genuinely at Geneva's reflection, truly loving the object of her former obsession. Now she incarnated that obsession, and had truly acquired the Rose of the Fallacy for herself, for good and all.

She would treasure her company until her dying day.

word count: 1456
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Re: 4. A Rose by Any Other Name: I am She


Sesser: Transformer's Toolbox (Minor): x 3
Sesser: Ever Alluring I: x 2
Seduction: x 1

Loot: -
Lost: -
Wealth: -
Injuries: -
Renown: 5, for spending time with a gentleman.
Magic XP: -
Skill Review: Appropriate to level.
Points: 10
- - -
Comments: Zuny is a fascinating PC. He (or in this case, she) always seems to be a little different, depending on which form she is in. I found myself quite curious about the incident with Alphonse. I wonder if there is a thread about it!

In either case, using Sesser to change your appearance so that you don’t look like someone’s doppelganger is a clever idea. The combination of Sesser and an Yludih’s shapeshifting abilities is really powerful in my opinion.

I like in how much detail you described Zuny using Sesser!

I found it interesting that Zuny playing the part of a harlot seemed to be about more than just lust and making money, that it also seemed to be about getting to know Geneva’s form …

When I noticed that this was part of your starter quest, I read the description of said starter quest in your Wiki. In my opinion, you did a great job with the quest you were given!

Enjoy your rewards!

P.S.: As Zuny disguised herself, I would have added “Disguise” to the list of skills used, even if she used her mark rather than makeup to change her appearance.
word count: 239





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