Orik Qe'Ryn

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Orik Qe'Ryn
Approved Character
Posts: 43
Joined: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:18 am
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 45
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Orik Qe'Ryn  [Approved CS]



Name: Orik Qe'Ryn

Race: Biqaj

Date of Birth: Ashan 29th, Arc 695

Languages Spoken:
Fluent = Rakahi.
Broken = Gernevoir

Faction: ThunderPriest of Rharne


Orik has a preference to keep his hair cut short, and a trimmed beard as a reflection of how much time he is able to spend on land in comparison to his life at sea. The shorter his hair and more well groomed his beard is, the more time on land he has spent. However, when he is at sea, he lacks the tools and skills necessary to groom himself, so his hair will lengthen and his beard will become thicker. Because of his frequent stops on land, his hair has never reached shoulder length.
Last edited by Orik Qe'Ryn on Fri Aug 04, 2023 1:24 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 120
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Orik Qe'Ryn
Approved Character
Posts: 43
Joined: Sun Apr 16, 2023 2:18 am
Race: Biqaj
Renown: 45
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3





Orik is a free-spirit at heart, which often put him into tedious situations because of his lack of ability to read the atmosphere of the room. When he makes a decision, he stands by it with an air of stubborness as a direct reflection of his blissful ignorance. Most of these traits are because of how he was raised within his fleet so they are not atypical, but he presses forward with an air of optimism because he believes that his self-confidence is a source of strength.



Orik's clan was employed as a convoy that delivered weapons between countries. Each member of the crew would rotate duties to maintain the ship, as a way to make sure that all of their members were versatile enough to handle any issue that came their way; especially in times of crisis. It was a strong belief that the ship would be in danger if each role was assigned to a singular crew member. Seafaring and navigational skills, and the ability to swim were some of the first skills that were taught to children; including Orik. Next, was self-defense. While most crew members wielded swords and manned ballistas, there was a limitation for children because of their innate lack of strength until they became of age, height, and weight. As a result, it was a common practice to teach children unarmed combat. It was determined that these first few skills would be enough for the children of the clan to be able to survive if the clan were to come under attack, but they were not meant to be self-sustainable on this knowledge alone.

Children were not allowed to have a hand in business affairs.


When Orik became a teen, he was given more of an understanding of the clan's role as a convoy, but he was still not allowed to engage with merchants. However, it was becoming more and more apparent that it was practically impossible for the clan to survive solely by delivering weapons. The contracts were too far and few between, but as far as he could tell, they were consistently on the move. This prompted Orik to ask his parents for more clarity, to which it was revealed that while the delivering of weapons was there main source of income, they were also trading items between countries as well. The supplementary profits werent due to the value of the items, by the clan's ability to socialize and negotiate with the locals. As a result of his interest, Orik was able to accompany crew members during these ventures to learn more about how to develop an emotional connection with the locals and lead a conversation to produce a trade. All of the conversations that Orik had attended, had been in Rakahi, so he became innately confident that he could use this skill.

This is also how Orik was introduced to the pleasures of alcohol. It was initially taught to him as a tool to be used for making people for more lively, comfortable, and willing to negotiate. But whenever the crew secured a large contract, a huge celebration would be held in the local tavern. Then, once again when the contract was completed, another huge celebration would be held in the tavern. It was a major tenet of the crew to not drink and sail, because of the potential implications that could be had if a member were intoxicated while the rest of the crew would be relying on them for their survival. Orik was firmly against this rule because of the fact that the crew members were able to trade duties at will, so he believed that it was entirely unnecessary to ban alcohol from the ship. However, he was the only one member in the crew so his opinion wasn't held in high regard, and not even his own parents supported his belief.

[Adulthood - Pre-RP]

In his lower 20's, Orik was preparing to learn the final skills of the crew. Since he had already been introduced to the act of trade in his teen years, it was decided that he would hone those skills before he would be able to learn how to build a ship. However, Orik's progress was cut short during a trip to Rharne. The city spoke to him in a way that his own clan couldn't. Where all his other mates would give their praises to U'frek as their primary deity, Orik found himself enamored by Ilaren when he learned that alcohol was her domain.

Being given the opportunity to explore his free-spirited nature without fear of judgement or ridicule, felt more like 'home' than the environment that had developed him until this point. So when it was time for the crew to set sail, Orik made the decision to remain behind, with nothing but a sloop to help him move forward. He believed that he would be able to forge his own path forward in life, with the skills he had already been trained in. And if those experiences weren't enough, then he would be determined to find new ones that would help him to prosper.

[Adulthood - Post-RP]I am referring to the 5 thread allowance prior to CS approval.

After spending some time doubting his choice to stay in Rharne, he made a decision to further cement his beliefs. He became an initiate in the ThunderPriesthood, and has become determined to rise through the ranks in service to Illaren. He believes the ThunderPriesthood will be able to provide his life with a sense of structure and organization, as well as allow him to fulfill his desire to display his faith and praises to his favourite Immortal.


Last edited by Orik Qe'Ryn on Fri Aug 04, 2023 1:27 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 966
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