Existing Review Queue and New dating System Topic is solved

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Existing Review Queue and New dating System

Things to Note!
The IC date does not have to be set until you submit for review.
However, the IC DOES have to be set when you submit for review and should not be changed from that point onwards.
It is compulsory to date threads and, since this is three clicks rather than typing out the date, we are going to adopt this approach site-wide. Therefore, threads which are NOT date stamped IC in this way as of this point will not be reviewed.
Does this include threads that were submitted for review before the update happened, but have not yet been reviewed?
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Re: Existing Review Queue and New dating System

Nope, those were already dated via Tech Guy Magic.

Good question.

EDIT: There may be a quirk where some were not dated properly. We're looking into that. But no you shouldn't have to go back and date them.
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Re: Existing Review Queue and New dating System

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