Tier 2 Research
Additional objectives Original Plot Tracker here
- Follow up on Kura's Request to Doran. Research connections between the Heart and Sweetwine Woods, Faldrass Volcano, Ishallr, The Immortals Tongue and Slag’s Deep itself.
- Research the history of the Scalvoris Mountains and the Scaltoth Jungle too.
- Researching the Guffone family finds you nothing. Utilise other skills to explore the name Mrs Violunne Guffone.
- Consider Audrae's part in this - what purpose did she have for tricking the Warden?
- Research the Warden.
- Research Slag's Deep.
- Research the history of Smooglenuff - what was actually happening when the name Smooglenuff was created? Compare this with other attacks on Scalvoris
- Research Smooglenuff Manor
- Research the Original Fei and her link to Scalvoris.
- Research other places which have "Heart" legends associated. Is there a link?
Threads which are currently happening / have happened for this War may count here. Although these threads are relevant to the war - you are not on a time limit. Doran may continue to pursue this after the war is over.
Please link all threads here - if they are completed, just started, or being modded - let me know I'm happy to modnote any / all