Name: Chalus
Race: Avriel
Date of Birth: 23rd of Cylus 703
Mark: Favored Kasyni (3)
Languages Spoken:
Fluent = Lorien
Broken = Common
Height: 5'10"
Eyes: Black
Build: Lithe
Covered in blackened ruff and black feathers throughout, the only bit of light that shows on this Avriel is his face, which reveals pale blue skin. His face is angular, with a cruel tilt to his lips and an aquiline nose.
Many an avriel has had terrible tales to tell of their childhood. Of siblings that would harass and torment them, nearly to the point of forcing them out of the nest. Indeed, many take to their tour of savagery around the world with a degree or relief tempered by their relish in the suffering of their prey.
Chalus was among the savage brutes who these tales told of. A cruel, arrogant, and sadistic monster from birth, he culled several of his younger siblings in the crib, and was present at several 'accidents' besides, before his clan caught onto his terrifying habit of disposing of his siblings. By then, however, he was grown to nearly his full measure, and ready to go out into the world to purge his savagery among the rest of his kind.
He spent a few arcs travelling, from Nashaki, to the Eternal Empire, to Rharne. Plying his cruelty upon hapless travelers mostly, as well as the local livestock and wildlife. Eventually he grew bored of these pedestrian cruelties, and his sadistic streak turned toward more sophisticated modes of inflicting torment. He learned these arts from a young age, but began to refine them in Nashaki, during the Hotlands war which he unwittingly became a party to without realizing it. He scavenged battlefields and dead bodies out there in the wilderness, finding many treasures, and finding half-living soldiers to torment.
In the early days of Vhalar of 721, his wild travels through the world began to lose their luster, and he returned with his curse to Athart. There, he was greeted by his people, an example of Avriel strength and superiority to have survived alone in the wild.
He found his calling among them, turning his talents for inflicting pain and anguish upon the prisoners of the Pit of Reflection. He must have tortured many a mage to near-death, before one of them chanced to attempt an arcane assault upon him. This came in a form that differed from the more offensive magics. The human mage lulled him into a false sense of security before springing her trap. She allowed that she would teach him the ways of her magic, in so doing and then initiated him into Abrogation with a blast of reactive force. In the haze that followed his initiation, she stole away from the Pit of Reflection, and escped the avriel.
Before she had a chance to recover her strength and dispatch him, Chalus recovered his senses and after a pursuit, dealt with the mage that had tried to kill him, tossing her from above the complex, into the rocks that were gathered at the bottom of the Pit of Reflection. Whether the abrogator drowned or was smashed against the jagged stones wasn't something Chalus cared to trouble himself about. He merely went about his business, going to inform the Warden that he had successfully broken the slave's will, and possessed her magic. However, the Warden was indisposed for a season, on a special assignment for the Twisting Winds. In the meantime, Chalus managed to break yet another mage, and in so doing coerce them to initiate him into Glamour. The initiation was excruciating, but through his abrogation spark's protective power perhaps, or a sheer force of will he managed to survive. In the chaos, the Mentor had not escaped, but stayed on in the jail, trying to ensure that the spark was soothed enough that he wouldn't become an Unseen.
When the Warden finally returned, Chalus approached him to inform him of his success. The Warden's punishment - as the Warden was suspicious that a novice torturer had pried the secrets from the mage successfully, and also maybe a little jealous- was not too severe, but severe enough that it bothered the young avriel. He was not to oversee the torture of any more mages. He was cast out of his job in the Pit of Reflection, there to find other avenues to feed his desire for expressing sadism. Angered, and feeling betrayed by his own kind he departed from Athart, intent on finding some place where he could ply his sadistic arts with impunity, if ever there was such a place. Even as the Twisting Winds attempted to recruit him, he was already on his way, moving on.