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Dula Mii'krill
Name: Dula Mii'krill

Race: Mixed Race; Father: Human, Mother: Sev'ryn

Date of Birth: Ashan 62, 696

Marks: None
Factions Joined: None

Languages Spoken: Fluent= Xanthea
Broken= Common
(Novice Linguistics)
Broken= Scavleen
Broken= Omyeric


Dula is about 5'5" with an average, muscled build from working with her hands and eating well. Her skin tone could be called rich in tawny-brown color. She's obviously strong, not waifish at all, holding herself with a certain amount of undomesticated candor that puts off the right people and draws the "good ones" in. With an unkempt appearance she can be a lot to take in at once. A healthy amount of freckles (and a good amount of dirt) splash across the bridge of her nose and onto her forehead giving her light brown skin more depth. Her hair is short, springy, and she loves to lighten it golden on the ends, though there is a fair amount of dark brown roots in her hair at all times. Last but not least her eye color is a light brown which shines like rich, raw honey in the light.

Clothing wise she loves furs and hides the most, wearing leather over most of her day-to-day clothes. When she's not dressed to adventure she's wearing flowing, dreamy clothing or robes but always with a pair of hard-worked boots underneath. It's a rare occasion that you would see her without a hat or hood.

Palpable as a person and someone you can count on, her clumsy sensibility becomes endearing after she's redeemed herself a few times.

Witchbrands & Mutations

From being initiated into attunement Dula now has "puzzle eyes" giving her eyes the effect of once being broken and then fitted back together, like puzzle pieces.
Last edited by Dula on Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:15 pm, edited 29 times in total. word count: 320

As Above; So Below

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Knowledge Seeker
Inquisitive, witty, whimsical it's like she's just observing and not actually hearing you. She could be considered eccentric and grandeur as she constantly wants to prove herself as a mage.

She thrives off of her knowledge of plants and survival, this stems from her childhood as her roots are very humble. This is the thing she is the best at and prides herself in.

She is the first one to speak and poses as expert when truly she knows very little. Very tongue in cheek she can be a coward when called out on her follies. Some would call her inept-- she is constantly failing. As they say though, cats always land on their feet.
Last edited by Dula on Tue Mar 24, 2020 8:01 pm, edited 16 times in total. word count: 122

As Above; So Below

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SP history
To tell the story of Dula Mii'krill you must first tell the life story of her human father. He was never wealthy and never would be. By the time his story is done you and I will understand that wealth is something that comes from inside of you, an inner peace and happiness that makes even the most baron conditions a home... an epiphany that will never strike him. His name was Sid and he grew up in Rharne in the Dust Quarter. From the ripe old age of six Sid was a master of begging in the streets. Despite their misfortune his family got by and lived within their means, it could even be said that growing up his life was a happy one. Still he dreamed of lavish pillows, gold, exotic spices, and riches, never satisfied with good being good enough. As an urchin he was never taken seriously, for a long time this was the bane of his existence. Time after time he applied places and worked himself to death trying to prove something to others that he couldn't prove to himself... he felt worthless. Living among the dirty people in the trash filled streets he found no comforts even at the warmest of hearths, he wanted more. Covered in dirt and filth, wearing only rags he would stare at the highest point of the mountain with a hateful jealousy of those most rich and mighty of people. Sid vowed to one day obtain those riches and it was then he decided to take it by force. Getting into the Shadow Quarter wasn't hard for him, he was known to many people as a diligent, though crabby, worker and after proving himself with sleight of hand he was within their ranks. At this time in his life he was just a boy of 17 arcs. Finally he was good at something and among his fellows had a certain amount of respect. Finally he was deserving and had what he wanted, able to touch riches and sometimes even keep them. Hidden among a pile of decrepit rubble within the Dust Quarter's more rancid streets he had a secret stash of stolen goods that he would lord over obsessively, always turning about the gold in his hands. Thing were good for awhile, he was mad with greed and felt invincible. Then disaster struck, he was caught during one of his most daring heists yet and was forced into the decision to stay and rot in Rharne's prison or run. Without saying goodbye to his family he left, a man on the lamb... He also left his prized riches among the rubble but didn't care. What he had stolen from those "most rich and mighty" was only the tip of the iceberg of what was yet to come. He had within his possession a map that looked to lead to no where in an endless forest and the only word he could make out within its ink was "Desnind". This place was his mecca and became his new home.

Within the Endless Forest and treehouses of Desnind he laid low, finding his place among the spirited hunters who willingly taught Sid their trade. He found with his training in stealth and heightened senses of being aware of his surroundings he was an apt hunter and soon was a welcome face at the Fire Pit. It was around that very fire, the heart of food and drink in the city, he met his wife and love of his life. As if he was being sucked into the swamp itself he fell hard and fast for a goddess among Sevir, the beautiful and earthy Tea'loa. One of own Tey'droa's grandchildren, named after her respectively, Tea'loa was studying under her grandmother to become a helping hand for the master healers of the Medicine House. As one of the main suppliers of gathering goods and natural spices she was important to the health of the community, well versed in field craft and survival. Tea'loa and Sid would work together in the swamp often, he the muscle and she the brains, on her expeditions for more rare ingredients. This is how they fell in love. Though on the surface Sid was happy, in love, strong, and respected a madness was gripping him day by day. He had everything he needed here but his urge and greed kept him in mental chains. Tea'loa loved him dearly, they would soon be married, and noticed his increasingly distressed state. It was a rare night that anyone could be alone at the Fire Pit and there the love birds found each other, cuddling and staring into each other's eyes by the fire under a blanket of leaves and stars. But Sid couldn't be happy, he was not satisfied, his mind was swimming with thoughts of treasure while his unrest grew and grew until Tea'loa finally asked him what had befallen his psyche so. Sid confessed his past to her through honest sobs and showed her the map, terrified that she would turn him in or leave him. After much pause, her dark honey colored eyes dancing with flames, she held him and said that where ever he would go-- she would follow. Then they were wed.

Early Years

The birth of Dula Mii'krill was a cause for celebration. Being the great-grand daughter of Tey'droa a good portion of Desnind was involved, throwing a huge ceremony thanking Moseke for Life and all of it's blessings. Infant Dula was covered in Ashan blossoms found within the Endless Forest and paraded around to the tune of drums and various flutes. She was covered in pigments and dyes of green and pinks swirling around her new body signifying Ashan and growth, asking Moseke to keep her in her graces. It's said that Dula smiled and laughed the whole time, not fussing or crying once. As Dula grew she proved to be overly clumsy. Constantly getting scrapes and bruises she was anything but graceful. Her parents raised her well through her infancy but had begun going on expeditions more frequently and for longer periods. There was talk among people that Sid and Tea'loa were up to something odd. It was a few seasons since they had gone out with their expedition partners and yet they still were well to do. This behavior caused people to start accusing them of selling the rare ingredients in the black market but in the end there was no proof, nothing came of it. Now 5 arcs old Dula was left in the care of Tea'loa's sisters and her parents left to pursue their expeditions more fully. Her parents became more and more reclusive but that didn't change Dula's love for them at all. In her eyes they could do no wrong and their absence seemed to only make them more of a myth to her. She would make up wild stories, pretending to be with her mother and father, fighting monsters, daring ancient lost temples, and braving the swamps. As a young girl it was rare for Dula to be temperamental but as she saw her parents less and less that fact soon changed. She was consumed with and overwhelming sense of dread she called "the bad thing". Becoming whiny, bratty, and always unhappy even when he needs were met she was punished at first only fairly. Her guardians were at least wise enough to know that the loss of her parents was taking its toll. At 10 arcs old she became obsessed with sneaking out late at night and getting into trouble with the neighborhood kids. She was still clumsy as ever but persevered and became quite good at it. Eventually after a broken bone or two later she was swinging on trees throughout the swampy city, shaking houses, businesses, or... well... outhouses that resided in Desnind's branches. They loved being out at night and spying on party going hunters. She found the adrenaline rush she had been searching for being out at night watching the Fire Pit from afar. When the hunters got together and danced in the flames of the Fire Pit they could be clearly seen from her treetop perch. She was dour but hopeful; dreaming of being one of them and exploring with her parents while she played games in the dark trees with the company of her good friends. For Dula the memories of those nights would be a happiness that can never be measured. It was also a way for a child to act out against or forget the looming feeling that a very bad something was going to happen. Many a morning afterward was spent bruised and balancing books on her head in the corner after being brought in by her ear. It was when her bad behavior came to a crux that her parents began spending more time at home.

A weight was lifted from her shoulders, the bad thing wasn't gone but was not going to be able to affect her now. By her parents side she could do anything and so they were all safe. Dula was in fact living with them though her mother spent a great deal of time either holed up in their study or at the market. Sid, though, spent most of his time with his daughter. He took her into the forest and taught her all she needed to know about surviving and self defense. This is where she got her first staff and despite her balancing issues was quite good at it. She was 13 arcs old now and a capable young woman. Sid did card tricks for her around the fire as they camped in the Endless Forest, sometimes pulling money from behind her ear to give to her. He was very wealthy now and despite giving her as much love as he could he was noticeably distant. With every night spent telling amazing stories of finding ruins during their more interesting hunting adventures, there were two more nights spent in almost silence that left Dula filled with dread. Returning home Teo'loa was gracious and loving and would teach her daughter much about alchemy when she had free time, but it could be said her mother was absent and cold most of the time. She taught her daughter the importance of measuring ingredients so as not to cause bad reactions or nullify the creation inert. She also impressed the importance of safety when harvesting ingredients in the wild, "sometimes the adventure there isn't the most harrowing part" Tea'loa would say. Most of what was taught to Dula was the simple theory of the matter, such as the difference between a "primer" and a "bonder" (primer being used to attach the main reagent and a bonder being used to bond two different reagents together). It was well known to Dula by the end of it all that alchemy was as dangerous as it was fruitful and she took that fact very seriously. They stayed together for 3 arcs and Dula went through long periods of depression. Her thoughts were haunted by a dream that kept reoccurring weekly, the manifestation of "the bad thing". The dream starts out in the deep in the Makubwa Lori, everything is drenched in a dark navy blue tinge that hangs in the air like a poison. Hanging moss and tree limbs block the path but she keeps pushing through for fear of stopping. Every footstep a step to get away and at the same time feeling like she's leaving something behind that she can't take back. There is a man following her, someone familiar but she can never fully see their face, the image always twisted like a horrible, sickly tree raped by time itself. The whole time he keeps laughing while jingling a bag of coins. She begins running but gets caught in a bog and begins sinking into the swamp.
The cold, thick mud begins swallowing her whole, she can't break free and finds no purchase grabbing the roots around her. As the cackling man draws nearer and nearer and her death is more sure than ever an arm drags her out and she wakes up. Something in her still child-like mind told her after these unsettling dreams that her parents were hiding something from her, maybe everyone, and she decided to sneak out one night and discover why. Sid had gone to bed early while her mother was reading in her study. Dula offered to find dinner herself and told Tea'loa to get some rest. Her mother bade her farewell and went to bed. Little did her mother know that while she was leaving out of the door Dula wedged a piece of fabric between the door and the lock, pretending to shut it for her mother. So after Tea'loa went to bed Dula snuck into the study and began peeking around. It was rather neat and tidy but by going through some of the notes Dula found maps leading to the middle of the Makuwba Lori with explanations as to what they had found there. Most of them said that it was a bust and they had found nothing but a few seemed to be promising, as if they were pressing through to the right direction. Dula was distraught, a snake had coiled deep in her belly as she held the papers with white knuckles. She knew that this is what they were hiding, and as she put the pieces together all fear she felt before vanished. They were hunting some kind of lost treasure! Her whole life she knew that this is what her parents were doing, even without knowing it truly. They had came back for her finally, spent all this time training her! This was the moment she had been waiting for her whole life, everything was really going to be okay. The dreams were wrong and were simply leading her here, to the moment. Telling herself she would wait for that right moment to confront her parents she would only ask when it was too late.

The last trip Sid ever took his daughter on was a long one and his personal favorite, though one he did seldom due to the nature of the journey. With a small party they headed out to make the trip. Among them were other hunters and a select few loved ones ready to find their mecca. Dula was sure this had something to do with the maps she had found a few trials before. In the end as a surprise from Sid to Dula they hiked clear to the Ojọgbọn making Sid so proud his face was wet with tears. The heaven tree was touching the sky. Its highest branches were obscured by the sheer height of them, leaving them only able to be discerned by the swaying from up high. Although he wasn't Sev'ryn this holy place had a special meaning to him and it was staring him right in the eyes. Dula stood there beaming at him, covered in dirt with a few scratches, and obviously exausted but exhilarated by the sight of the sacred tree. They talked at length about plans for the future. He promised her formal schooling and a place with the hunters when she proved herself a worthy woman. He told her that he was proud of her and never in his life had felt love like he did right now. They sat in silence for awhile and she knew this was the moment to ask about the maps, to find out if she was really going to hunt down the treasure with them.
"What about those maps in the study? Will I help you look for your treasure?"
He face was dumbfounded but he didn't miss a beat, he held her face in his hands and said,
"Dula, sometimes when one door opens, another one shuts."
Then he drew her in and held her close. He smelled like campfire, stew, and tobacco. Dula went to bed that night after the celebrations kept safely underneath the Ojọgbọn's branches thinking that her dreams had come true, though the question of the maps seemed to warble like the night birds in the sky.

They returned home and two mornings later her parents were gone without a word leaving Dula behind few momento's. Namely her staff, alchemy set, and the house she currently resides in. She spent a long time in silence when they left, not speaking to a soul for 2 cycles. She spent her time buried in books at the library and continued to sneak out now fully under the care of her aunts. Their relationship remained strained as when Dula came back to her sense she continued to be outspoken and crass, perhaps even moreso. As she got older her temper mellowed but the relationship with her relatives never fully healed and maybe never will. She was odd. Broken. Eccentric. People talked as they always do but when pressed about the details of her parents Dula will never give a direct answer, it is just thought that they died. But Dula knows better, she still dreams of the nightmare nearly every night. While it is the bane of her existence it is also the thing that keeps her going while driving her insane. For she knows deep down in her heart that when the nightmare stops coming, her parents are dead.


Cold Cycle 719
Now she is an adult and well off as a busker. She still is plagued by her reoccurring nightmare and haunted by the so-called death of her parents. Recently she is meeting with a mysterious old wizard in the forest, he is teaching her the secrets to alchemy and always has sagely advice on hand. (Thread here: "Hygge") Something tells her he's not all that meets the eye and it's not just his strange way of dressing. Things with her parents disappearance also seem to be clicking into place too, something about this strange man seems to be catalyzing her destiny of finding them and restoring her family. She feels like she can't turn to anyone she knows about her strange predicament, hopefully she will meet brave souls that will help beat this upcoming storm and figure out her strange dreams.
Last edited by Dula on Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:24 am, edited 19 times in total. word count: 3102

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Skills & Knowledges


Skill Total Points Proficiency
Alchemy (30/250) Competent
Field Craft (35/250) Competent
Musical Instrument; Pan Flute(RB)(WS) (30/250) Competent
Polearms & Staves; Quarter Staff (FT) (30/100) Competent
Climbing (10/250) Novice
Detection (3/250) Novice
Endurance (15/250) Novice
Attunement (30/250) Competent
Mining (8/250) Novice
Leadership (25/250) Novice
Animal Training (10/250) Novice
Linguistics (10/250) Novice

Main Skills

Field Craft

  • Edible, wild root vegetables native to Desnind (SP)
  • Boiling water for one to three minutes to make it purified(SP)
  • Constructing a basic lean-to(SP)
  • Basics to Surviving in a Forest [PR]
  • Syanan Okan: Gives the user “visions”
  • Syanan Okan: This purple flower blooms at night
  • Syanan Okan: Grows on vines high in the trees
  • Syanan Okan: Used by Tsabar for finding familiars
  • Keeping an eye on your surroundings
  • Breaking free from vines
  • Starting a fire


  • Basic Principals of Alchemy [PR]
  • Basic Alchemy Ingredients [PR]
  • Timing is everything
  • Unforeseen consequences could be deadly
  • Account for ingredients cooking or grinding down into less
  • Some ingredients need constantly stirred
  • The proper way to make Nightlight Powder
  • Attunement can help in creation of reagents
  • Needs a secondary skill to keep the process safe
  • Grinding up a powder as finely as possible
  • Using a binder
  • “Illumination Ink” reagent
  • Using crystals and stones
  • Sparkle bomb
  • Using flint as “ignition”
  • Distilling salt from ocean water
  • Be careful with unstable reagents

Musical Instrument

  • Pan flute; Upbeat local Desnind(SP)
  • Pan flute; Whimsical traditional song (SP)
  • Pan Flute: Pipe on middle of lower lip
  • Pan Flute: Hold pipe against the chin
  • Pan Flute: Wiggle side to side for more sound (vibrato)
  • Pan Flute: Short, sharp breaths for staccato note
  • Pan Flute: Mouth posture; relax lips, widen mouth muscles almost like smiling
  • Pan Flute: Song: "Forever Grateful"
  • Pan Flute: “Song of the Alchemist”
  • Pan Flute: Fake it ‘til you make it
  • Pan Flute: Playing for a crowd while making mistake

Polearms & Staves; Quarter Staff

  • Using an Unbalanced Staff [PR]
  • Warm ups that increase hand eye coordination
  • Twirl the staff by rolling the wrist
  • Stance must have a straight back
  • Overhead swing
  • Heightened emotions are good for taking out on the staff
  • Unsuccessful blocks leave them open for strike
  • “Kiai” increases power and intimidates opponents
  • Whacking someone small over the head
  • Knocking someone out
  • Mostly used as a non-lethal weapon


  • Larger branches as foot and hand holds
  • Using rope as a pulley to get up a tree when the branches are too high
  • Using the largest branches to hold your weight on a tree


  • Keeping up a full run through Desnind
  • Resting after running to catch your breath
  • Breathing to calm yourself in a dangerous situation
  • Warm ups make you more hardy
  • Performing under pressure
  • Walking through cold water


  • Notes are concepts
  • Frequency: Trees
  • Frequencies are the resonance of an object or person’s soul
  • Frequencies are different for each Attuner similarly to finger prints
  • Calling for her Spark to help facilitate
  • Static; hiding oneself from other Attuners
  • Static: hiding a small object
  • Passive Skill; Attuned until you “close the door”
  • Static; the ability to hide something, someone, or yourself
  • Dowsing; Finding a frequency or note that you haven’t attuned to yet
  • Dowsing; Has its own whim
  • Dowsing; Reaching for that feeling or concept inside of yourself
  • Compass; following a frequency to a direction
  • Frequency; Hygge the Kind
  • Casting can be addictive
  • Compass; you can still get lost
  • Overstepping happens when you use your power too much
  • Note; Rising heat
  • Frequency; Flint
  • Omnivision; Seeing around yourself
Secondary Skills


  • Piecing Together the Clues [PR]



  • Faking a Locked Door [PR]
  • Watch for twigs and dried leaves in a forest setting
  • Step with your toes first, then lightly with your heel
  • Take each step slow
  • Keep quiet to let creatures pass by


  • Striking with a staff
  • Hitting hard


  • Finding a geodes center to crack it open
  • Finding rocks left behind by previous miners
  • Using tools to pull out a geode from dirt
  • An eye for the shine
  • Plenty around rivers
  • Finding flint on a beach


  • Joran: Is a healer under Tey’droa
  • Joran: Uses a zipper as a mount


  • Common; getting a point across at broken level isn't easy
  • Common; The word: “illumination”
  • Common; Sounding out words
  • Gesturing to get a point across
  • Common; Swears
  • Common; “Cannibal”
  • Listening closely before speaking
  • Paying attention to your inflection
  • Common; Spoken in a "proper" fashion
  • Finding common ground

Animal Training

  • Don't approach an animal you don't know without caution
  • Getting a wild animal to take food from your hands
  • Startling an animal
  • Don't make yourself like a threat
  • Offering an animal food as a treat


  • Breathing technique for Attunement


  • Desnind city lay out
  • Great-grandmother is Tey'droa
  • Terrifying re-occurring nightmare
  • A map? (her personal quest)
  • Her parents disappearance
  • Small knowledge of outlying swamp area of Desnind
  • Desnind: On hot days Wealth of the Land isn't a good place to busk
  • Desnind: Fall of Emea has caused the iyo to die, all of them
  • Zipper: Give the beast a wide berth
  • Rakvald: Endearing, extremely large, clumsy man
  • Rakvald: Directions to his pig farm
  • Eliza owes Dula a favor in return for the ink powder
  • Dula (almost) committed a crime
  • Mining area for crystals off of the Tosibeere River, Desnind
  • Tosibeere River, Makubwa Lori
  • Tosibeere River legend
  • Tristan is an alchemist, kind, and a weirdo

Last edited by Dula on Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:42 pm, edited 42 times in total. word count: 919

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Skill Point Ledger

Thread or Skill Name Points Adjustment Running Total
Starter XP +50 50
Alchemy -10 40
Field Craft -15 25
Polearms & Staves; Quarter Staff -15 10
Climbing -10 00
Hygge the Kind; A not so chance meeting +10 10
Why does Ymiden feel like Saun? +10 20
The Drug Trade +15 35
Endurance -15 20
Collecting Ooze +10 30
Orsoni's Odd Job; What a sad day +10 40
Hygge the Kind; More on Fate I +10 50
Field Craft -17 33
Hygge the Kind; More on Fate II +10 43
Polearms/Staves: Quarter Staff -3 40
Roll way the Dew +15 55
Journey Well Earned; I +10 (magic) 65
Attunment -10 55
Journey Well Earned; II +10 (magic) 65
Attunment -10 55
Polearms/Staves: Quarter Staff -12 43
Journey Well Earned; III +10 (magic) 53
Attunment -10 43
Mining -8 35
[Karshe's Inn] Dining in the Trees +15 50
Of Gemstones and Rivers(Tristan Venora) +15 65
Alchemy -15 50
Excelsior +10 55
Leadership -25 30
Jagunjagun Friendship; A furry meeting +10 40
Animal Training -10 30
Linguistics -10 20
Last edited by Dula on Tue Mar 24, 2020 6:38 pm, edited 31 times in total. word count: 184

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Last edited by Dula on Wed Mar 25, 2020 1:04 am, edited 5 times in total. word count: 14

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Useful Links
The Shoppe here
Starting Items 719
  • City Dweller's SP;
  • Heirloom: Average+ Quality Tier 7 Staff Named Mercury
    • Average+ weapon; "....They require less-careful upkeep and unless they are damaged severely, will not need to be replaced." Given by her father.
  • Field Craft Skill Kit (Tier 6)
    • (average, hand me down, old and worn, but functional) 1 x 8 inch cast iron skillet, 1 x rusty iron axe, 1 x flint and steel, 1 x water skin, 1 x traveler's backpack, 1 x hunters knife, 1 x 50 ft of hemp rope
  • Alchemy Skill Kit (Tier 7)
    • Left behind by her mother before she vanished. (expert quality, dusty and barely used) 1 x alembic, 1 x retort, 1 x stone mortar and pestle, 1 x measuring cup, 1 x small scalpel, 1 x alcohol lamp and stand, 3 x glass beakers
  • Pan Flute Skill Kit (Tier 6)
    • 1 x average quality pan flute
  • Tier 4 clothing; 2 outfits of basic quality; cotton and hide fabric, undyed and unadorned; 1 outfit of average quality wool and leather
Items received in thread
Desnind Home
Name: Ivyside Hideout
Description: This is a tree house on an oak tree covered in dead vines. Ivyside Hideout is connected by bridge to other homes in the poor neighborhood.

The upper room is Dula's living quarters while the lower is her work room. Currently the living quarters have only an empty basic bookshelf, a basic table and one chair, a single size basic bed, and a tiny storage chest full of her personal effects and clothes. There is no fire place here as Desnind residencies have an explicit ban on open fires. The room has two windows facing the east and west, the east one is boarded up by the previous homeowner. This room is by far the dirtiest and has acorns always strewn in the grimy corners. Cobwebs thrive in the ceiling beams, there is no ceiling to this room-- just exposed roof. A hole in the roof affords a small amount of light in the bedroom during the day time though at it's quite the bane when it rains and gets cold. A ladder connects this room to the room below it.

The lower and main room has two basic tables and four stools. It's lit up with natural light as it has three grime covered windows, though one is blocked by tree limbs and leaves giving the impression of being in the tree itself. Like an owl in its nest. On the larger of the two tables, the left side one, there are many papers strewn about with charcoal and ink scattered willy-nilly. This table is covered in decorative flowers in clay pots, also one hanging vine plant, one sage, one thyme, and one large aloe plant. The table sits in front of the largest window in the house which takes up the majority of the wall and sheds the most light, making the room feel open and overall bright. There's nothing better than watching the rain cascade down on her window during the Hot Cycle. The large window's edges are covered in dead vines and the very center opens up on an outward swinging hinge. The right table, on the other hand, has the other two window's above it and is where she has her alchemist kit laid out. A few bowls, an alembic, vials, and a mortar and pestle occupy this tiny table. It's covered in nicks and stains from dye making and years of use. In this room her field craft items sit on a shelf on the wall by the ladder to her living quarters. The mediocre quality of all items there in look to be second hand and it has a certain chintzy charm. A fair amount of dust and plain old dirt coats everything.

The outside is covered in peeling yellow paint with a few windows and the front door being painted either red or green. Ivyside Hideout got its name from the ivy that lived and died on the tree. The house was at one point entirely covered in ivy, their tendrils spiraling up reaching for the roof like a man reaching for his last drink. Though the ivy has long since died it still clings to the house and continues to earn its name. The outside is dingy and looks to be in a state of disrepair. A good deal of bugs and wind creep in through inconsistenties in the walls.
Name: Alchemist's Respite
Location: Scalvoris; Outskirts of Scalvoris Town
Description: " A Tier 4 building includes one small room and three average rooms with basic+ quality furnishings." I have also purchased for one WP average+ quality furnishings for the home.

Upon reaching Scalvoris Dula purchased four acres of land as well as a building to house herself. Not able to shake her humble roots, Dula had a treehouse crafted. This average sized building is within the outskirts of Scalvoris Town on the water near the road leading from Scalvoris to Gunvorton.
The small room is of course the wash room whose water is gathered in buckets from the river below, there is a single chamber-pot, a basin for face washing, and a wooden tub large enough to sit in for bathing.
Two of the average rooms are for bunking and housing. Inside of one of these rooms are two bunk beds and a common area with a single seat, a small iron stove style hearth, and two average sized chests. The room is accommodated with lighting, windows, bedding, shelves, and a bookshelf. The other room is Dula's personal bedroom with a single sized bed, table with her alchemy equipment laid out on it, a hanging rack for drying herbs, a small iron stove for heat, a bookshelf, an easy chair, and a hat rack in the corner by the door.
The final average sized room is a kitchen and the main common area. Inside this room is a kitchen with an iron stove for heating and cooking, shelves with pots, dishes, as well as the utensils needed for all of that, a medium sized round table with four chairs around it, large windows, and various shelves and areas to hang coats, weapons, store food. There is also of course brooms, a feather duster, and other toiletries needed to survive in a home.
Last edited by Dula on Thu Mar 19, 2020 9:12 pm, edited 64 times in total. word count: 1152

As Above; So Below

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Approved Character
Posts: 229
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:12 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Alchemist and bard
Renown: 35
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Wealth Ledger

Here, you keep a track of your Character's Wealth Tier and the spending of Wealth Points. Information here!
Current Wealth Tier:
Item Adjustment Total WP
Starting Package Tier 5 (66 WP) 66
Alchemy Skill Kit (Tier 7) -3 WP 63
Field Craft
Skill Kit (Tier 6)
-3 WP 60
Panflute Skill Kit (Tier 6) -3 WP 57
Approval Link Ymiden 719 +1 WP 58
Approval Link Vhalar 719 +3 WP 61
Tier 4 Building -14 WP 47
Four acre of land outside Scalvoris Town -2 WP 45
Average+ quailty furnishings -1 WP 44
Drinks for the night -1 WP 43
Last edited by Dula on Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:47 pm, edited 20 times in total. word count: 103

As Above; So Below

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Approved Character
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Profession: Alchemist and bard
Renown: 35
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Wealth Tier: Tier 3



Renown Ledger

Item/ Thread Renown Total
Starting Renown Approved by Prongs 20
Why does Ymiden feel like Saun? 5 25
Collecting Ooze 5 30
Roll Away the Dew 5 35
[Karshe's Inn] Dining in the Trees 5 40
Last edited by Dula on Tue Nov 26, 2019 4:26 am, edited 8 times in total. word count: 39

As Above; So Below

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Approved Character
Posts: 229
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2019 1:12 am
Race: Mixed Race
Profession: Alchemist and bard
Renown: 35
Character Sheet
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Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 3




Ashan 719:
The Drug Trade Ashan 68, 719, collab with Joran- GRADED
-Dula and Joran meet to gather nightflower. They are annoyed by each other and Dula sprains her wrist like an idiot.
Hygge the Kind; A not so chance meeting Ashan 83, 719, solo- GRADED
-Hygge and Dula meet, they play cards and she is sure that he knows something about her parents.

Ymiden 719:
Why does Ymiden feel like Saun? Ymiden 2, 719, solo- GRADED
-My first wealth thread, Dula also discovers the iyo have died because of the Fall of Emea
Collecting Ooze Ymiden 34, 719, solo- GRADED
-Dula is investigating the calendar event "The Lori Weeps" hoping to score some interesting alchemy ingredients
Hygge the Kind; More about Fate I Ymiden 40, 719, solo- GRADED
-Dula creates her first alchemical reagent, nightlight powder.
Hygge the Kind; More about Fate IIYmiden 40, 719, solo- GRADED
-Dula's initiation into Attunement. <3♥♥♥♥
Roll Away the DewYmiden 57, 719, collab with Rakvald- GRADED
-A heckler makes fun of the blue colored Dula while she trains by the river, Rakvald comes to save the day-- er, sort of.
Orsoni's Odd Job; What a sad day Ymiden 58, 719, solo- GRADED
-Dula takes on an odd job, the house she is cleaning is full of bees and probably haunted. Very wholesome, beware!
Will's Odd Job; Feat Silaqui Ymiden 64, 719, collab with Silaqui Falone- IN PROGRESS
-The duo follows a human named Will though Desnind, he thinks he is being stalked by someone and hires us to investigate.

Vhalar 719:
Journey Well Earned I; (The Ruins) Vhalar 2, 719, solo- GRADED
-Hygge wakes up Dula and takes her to The Ruins to practice attunement, she learns about static
Journey Well Earned; II (The Ruins) Vhalar 2, 719 solo- GRADED
-Dula beats up some Skadal Alphas.
Journey Well Earned; III (The Ruins) Vhalar 2 & 3, 719, solo - GRADED
-Dula oversteps.
The Fortune Teller Vhalar 5, 719, collab - GRADED
-A man claiming to be a fortune teller talks to a very messed up Dula
Of Gemstones and Rivers (Tristan Venora) Vhalar 8, 719, collab- GRADED
-Tristan gets his blue suit dirty as he and Dula meet for the first time to gather some gem stones.
[Karshe's Inn] Dining in the Trees (Eliza) Vhalar 10, 719, collab- GRADED
-Dula and Eliza meet. Dula makes a magic ink for Eliza.
Green Green Forest Vhalar 15, 719, collab - INPROGRESS
-Hwyn is messed up on drugs for their first meeting
Peace, Disturbed Vhalar 45, 719, collab- IN PROGRESS
-Mastemyr follows his nose and finds his way to her campsite, they fight some mutated baboons.
Preparations (Closed) Vhalar 83, 719, collab- IN PROGRESS
-Qit'ra, Dula, baby, and the NPC San'ka are trying to find answers in the Lori to Desnind's issues. They get trapped in a cave and have to fight their way out.
Excelsior Vhalar 90, 719, solo- GRADED
-The reunion thread of Dula and Hygge, he gives her the location of "the door", AKA the Door to Maste's Maze
[Mastes Maze] All Things Seen and Unseen Vhalar 92, 719, collab- IN PROGRESS
-Eliza and Dula take on Maste's Maze; wrap up thread to Dula's first overarching plot. Thank you Eliza!
The Fleshcrafter Vhalar 105, 719, collab- GRADED
-DUBAEBO, feat: Devin and Rakvald

Zi'da 719:
Jagunjagun Friendship; A furry meeting Zi'da 2, 719 solo- GRADED
-While sulking Dula discovers an intruder eating her trash
Cylus 720
Dirges in the Dark Cylus 14, 720 solo- UNGRADED
-Dula plays some music at the Everdark Casino and ends up face down in the sand by the time the night is over
Last edited by Dula on Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:02 pm, edited 17 times in total. word count: 614

As Above; So Below

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