The Voltan Shrine of Aurora

The surrounding lands of Rharne boast several towns and settlements that lie on the northern shores of the River Zynyx. This includes Mistral Village, Caervalle Town, Zynyx Market and Volta.

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Pig Boy
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The Voltan Shrine of Aurora

The Shrine of Aurora

The Shrine of Aurora stands on an islet amidst the Zynyx Delta directly south of Volta. It is only accessible by a shallow keeled boat. Here, the aurora is strong and seems to tell weather pattern warnings before they hit Volta or Rharnean territories beyond. Lightning never strikes the shrine, as it is under the protection of Ilaren, as tribute to her ally U'frek.

Those who make pilgrimages to the shrine can expect boons and blessings related to the aurora, its healing and guiding ways. While not the safest shrine, as it often sees traffick by rough-around-the-edges sailors who may not be the most honest sort of people, the local priest of U'frek keeps them in line, or at the very least distracted.

Common offerings to U'frek's shrine are old navigational equipment, old nautical gear, or fishing tackle. Sometimes lanterns are also acceptable offerings, or smoking bowls of herbal concoctions.

NPC Name

Name: Lavini Nji'Enaq
Race: Biqaj
Age: 65
Title: Caretaker of the Aurora Shrine of U'frek
Skills: Seafaring: Master, Navigation: Expert, Combat: Unarmed & Ranged: Expert, Fieldcraft: Competent, Brewing: Competent, Socialization: Competent
Other Information: Lavini is a vivacious 65 arc old biqaj, who hasn't let the years dampen his great energy and enthusiasm. He'll often host parties at the shrine, that are held beneath the aurora, hosting several sailing men and women who come to pay tribute and receive blessings.

He wears the typical biqaj fancy get up, with loose clothing, beads, and jewelry abounding in his outfit. His hair is gray, and his eyes usually swirl shades of green and pink.



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There are secrets to be found here!


Credits to: Your Name
Submitted for Development: 7/26/2024
Developed by: Pig Boy
word count: 306

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