65th of Vhalar: Brawl of a Lifetime!
Rharne suddenly finds itself in the grips of a brawl the likes of which have never been seen before. Petyr Finch and Damien Carne get into a little late-break bust-up over unfettered accusations of intentionally spilling a cup of ale within the recesses of the Copper Prince. However, as tensions remain high across the city in the knowledge of the attacks on Storm's Edge, soon other members of the nearby area intervene... spreading the fighting from all the way in the slums of the Dust Quarter to the pristine streets of the Glass Quarter, and some whisper of it travelling beyond even that! Almost the entire day is lost in open melee, with participants often grabbing anything nearby to add to the calamity. By the time the Lightning Knights have successfully intervened, it's estimated that thousands of nel have been lost, and businesses are successfully reimbursed from the fines issued as a result.
He could feel it within himself. A latent restlessness that just begged for the chance to flare out, to strike out at the slightest provocation. Dura was seated next to his squeaze, Jovita. The Red-headed Quacian harlot who'd traveled with him this far. He still missed Omesintihlih, but the more time he spent out of her orbit, the freer he felt to pal it up with Jovita and others like her. Besides, she was good company, and they shared several interests, not least of which was a proclivity for fucking each others' brains out.
So it was, when one drunken Rharnean began making his chimp noises, in common, that guttural tongue of traders and lowlives, Dura felt something turning deep inside of his asterism. A fury unbound, and untapped, just waiting for the provocation that this drunk was now giving him. He continued to chatter, and bloviate. Until at last he grabbed hold of Jovita's orange hair, and began pointing at it, and snarling like a beast.
Dura decided that was enough. He rose slowly from his chair. The man grappling with Jovita's hair, as she complained loudly and screeched, stepped backward from the tall Dura Elmont. He looked like he'd seen his share of fights, and was aware of his fearsome appearance. But for that, he wasn't much of a fighter. Yet what he lacked in skill, he could make up for in willingness and readiness to unleash chaos.
He grabbed his tankard, and splashed the contents into the man's face, at which he relinquished his hold on Jovita's hair. She stood aside, and began looking for something to throw as the brawl washed over the Earth Quarter, the Harlot 'n' Hound. Dura dropped the tankard, took hold of the stool he had only just been sitting on, and without hesitation threw it at the man who'd dared lay a hand on his girl.
There was a sudden pause, like the calm before a storm. Then the brawl that started in the Dust Quarter, swept over the Harlot 'n' Hound, and all flew into chaos as an unmitigated brawl broke out in that Inn, and out into the streets.