• Closed • Liberating Those With Chains

Faith Augustin

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Liberating Those With Chains

Liberating Those With Chains
Ymiden 2nd 719

he crew had taken to entertain themselves with a game of The Four which Enrick introduced, surprised that they group had never heard much less played it as it were a sailor's game. He'd thought it even more wild that he actually found a deck in Rharne, since the card game itself seemed more isolated towards the region around Scalvoris. Nevertheless a few of the crew members had already gone to handle their own affairs, since Hannah wanted everyone to be on their best behavior while in Rharne.

Admittedly since their arrival yesterday there came about it a mixed composition of emotions in Enrick. The trials prior to their arrival were rife with grief from the outer villages, as they raved about monsters that roamed the alleged Stormlands. The crew even had a chance at sighting a few of these creatures, as a few local wildlife seemed to burn with a life of their own in passing down the river. The sight itself sent a chill down Enrick's arms as he recollected their appearance, in which he felt a sense of dread in that moment when they approached. But when Rharne came into view as they reached the lake?

Damn that was one hell of an episode of deja vu for him, it honestly took every bit of Enrick to not just ditch the crew for a while. Except he had important business to attend to, so his feelings of stir-crazy had to be ignored as they figured out a plan for the shipment. Thus when they spent their arrival in Rharne yesterday collecting information, Enrick quickly learned just who to reach out to for this sort of crisis in no time at all. Quite frankly the entire city was buzzing about her as well as well as something else to come, as Enrick could've sworn he'd even saw Elements from Scalvoris patrolling here and there.

Which could only mean something big was happening... Something he clearly didn't want to be around when things went down, and yet with those damn Flameborn lingering all throughout the plains; they could've had quite a bit of trouble getting out the same way they came in. Thus Hannah had given the leave to enjoy themselves, since from the looks of things the ship wasn't leaving any time soon... not without a plan of avoiding those damn creatures anyways. Of the five members available, Rhukan had taken to go 'fishing' out in the lake as he'd not had a chance to in a while. The thought of an Ithecal like him swimming amused Enrick, nevertheless he seemed pretty confident in the giant lizard's capabilities.

Roy was the other who had gone out to enjoy the freedom land brought to them yet again, probably singing his heart out to entertain a few harlots as he drank himself stupid. That left Frederick to take care of those below as they waited, since Enrick expected that they would have company soon. How soon was uncertain, but he had a feeling his note could hardly be ignored given the Augustin's own situation. "Op," Enrick couldn't help but chide as he discarded The Carpenter and withdrew The Advisor card next, "awe shit..."

"For a competent card player, you sure don't have a good poker face." Hannah chuckled with a smirk as Matthew and and Floyd shook their heads.

"That so, cause both o' ya ain't got nothin' on me!" Matt challenged as he flipped a card down and took another from the discard pile. "Fringe!"

"Oh bullshit Matty!!" The captain declared with a slam of her hand on the deck, as she looked at him with bitterness in her eyes. "I calling on that all the way!!" As she did this of course he couldn't help but laugh, Floyd did as well and Enrick almost did too for that particular moment; until he remembered that he still waited on her.

"Come on Augustin..." He muttered to himself as Hannah groaned at her loss, as she failed to guess what suite her first mate was close to getting.

"Enrick", "Ẹrọim", "Follower", "NPC"
"We've come a long way... from back then."
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"Every side attacks ya, when y' don't take sides."

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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

"I'm just saying," Alissa said to her quietly, "that it's alright to say no, now and then."

Faith looked at her bodyguard and she shook her head. "He's asking me for help. What sort of servant of Famula would I be if I didn't provide it?" As Alissa mumbled something, Faith chuckled. "I choose to believe that you are merely clearing your throat. He was the fish-man, remember?" Alissa looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Faith. He was the 'fish-man'. I know. I just think we have bigger fish to be frying right now." Faith shook her head, stubbornly, and she said no more. Because it was in the details, in the personal, in not giving up on any person that Faith was determined. Absolutely determined.

So, the two of them made their way to the docks where Faith scanned the crowd for the 'Wayward Rose'. She didn't like boats, particularly - she didn't feel safe around them. It was just a feeling of vulnerability which she couldn't shake. Yet, there it was and so she made her way. Alissa, being a biqaj, was completely at home on the water and she looked relaxed here, Faith thought. That just served to make her feel more awkward, but she didn't show it. Or, at the very least, she tried not to. Alissa probably knew, Faith considered, they'd been friends a long time now.

And, so, they made their way to the boat. It was there, and Faith glanced at Alissa, seeking the biqaj's assessment of the ship - and it's crew. Alissa nodded and shrugged at the same time, a sort of 'meh' gesture. That was good enough for Faith and so the diminutive human with black hair and silver eyes - although these trials they were flecked with red - caught sight of the familiar figure of Enrick and lifted a hand. There was a biqaj woman with Faith who more or less screamed 'bodyguard' . Faith had a sword at her side, which she wore with ease and familiarity. However, she smiled.

"Enrick," she called up. "And friends! Nice to see you." Looking at the scene on deck, Faith breathed in. "So, you wanted to see me?" She smiled up at him. And these people. "It's good to see you again. Permission to come aboard?" Immortals, she thought, she hoped that this wasn't something that was going to be time consuming. But service, to the serious young woman, was not about convenience. It was about commitment to the Immortals, to the people of Idalos.

Even when she really was a touch busy.
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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

Liberating Those With Chains
Ymiden 2nd 719

annah and the other members noticed how Enrick seemed distracted, and initially they took to look where he was when nobody had quite yet shown. "How d' ya know she'll be here to-trial anyway?"

"Yea," Matthew seemed to but in, "she pro'lly has betta things t' do."

"Oh knowin' her t'ough... She'll come." In just the short time he knew Faith he learned enough, but when that claim seemed actually backed by the appearance of a short lady armed with a weapon? Well Enrick honestly never would have suspected seeing Faith carrying a sword around, so comfortably no less, while a bodyguard seemed to escort her down the docks towards the ship. "In fact she's already almost 'ere." The sailor remarked with his eyes alight with a vivid green. When he made the others aware Enrick and the others rose to a stand, leaving the cards on the deck as the crew were obviously overwhelmed with curiosity.

"That's her?! She's short as a shrimp!" Matthew muttered amongst the group as Enrick waved back at her with a grin.

"Bet dat shrimp's able t' skewer ya faster t'an y' can tell 'er dat." Hannah seemed amused by his casual remark as they all gathered near the docks, the four of them leaned against the rail as they were greeted by the lady and her companion. "Ibiti isẹv alailesin, or good tidin's t' ya Faith." He reciprocated the warm greeting she gave them in return, a grin on his face as he scratched at the layered stubble on his cheeks. "Aye, it's a bloody wonder gettin' t' see ya again." He musingly admitted as he noticed the stark changes she'd gone through, both the physical as well as the mental as she stood a prouder person than before. No... That wasn't it necessarily. She carried a sense of pride sure but from the vibe he felt, Faith held a greater place of importance than any present could ever likely comprehend.

At the request to come aboard Enrick looked to the ship's captain, Hannah, as the tanned brunette looked from him to the lady with a little surprise. "Permission granted m' lady, Enrick's told us a bit about ya." She responded in turn as she respectfully removed her black feathered hat with a bow. "I'm Hannah Venward, Captain of the Wayward Rose. This is my first mate," she nodded to the dark haired man with the moustache, "Matthew and the other one here Floyd. He''s not much for words though, so that makes him a better listener than most." Both men in turn gave a respective bow to Faith and her companion, though more or less following their Captain's lead as Enrick offered to help Faith aboard.

"We'd introduce de oter boys, but dey're out an' about except fer Freddy." Matthew chipped in with both an elevated eyebrow and amused grin.

"Which you'll meet him soon too." The Captain promised as she looked from Faith to Enrick. "If you think now's a good time t' get business that is?"

"About dat..." Enrick muttered nervously as the silver hues of his eyes turned to a slight bronze. "Oi didn't explain t' 'er de situation in de note, figured Oi'd best save it fer when she actually came t' see us."

Hannah raised her eyebrows at him and then looked to Faith once more, her vacant smile pushed a little wider when she responded in turn. "Well then, I'll entrust that to ya. If there's anythin' y' need while aboard m' lady, feel free t' let me or one of my boys know! We'll accommodate ya both durin' y' visit.'" She assured them before a tip of her hat was made to bid them farewell, as the other two went to clean up the unfinished card game before attending to the deck. Enrick looked to Faith with a modest if not awkward grin, the bronze in his eyes slowly turning back to green as he looked at her.

"Bit o' a handful bunch, but Oi owe dem fer savin' me." He remarked softly before looking at the space between him and Faith. "Lissen Oi'm sorry Oi didn't explain it when Oi wrote ya, but we could seriously use yer help wit' somethin'. Oi know y' wouldn't 'ave come right away if ya hadn't intended to do just tha, so Oi'll cut roi t' de chase an' be honest 'ere." Again the bronze hues started to fill the hues of his irides, as he waved for her and the bodyguard to follow as he lead them below deck. Found within the sleeping area of the crew's quarters was Frederick as the other's implied, as the blond-haired sailor had finished cleaning the dishes from the last meal of those who were also at present. There were nine people in all total; four men, two women, and three children all who looked upon Enrick and Faith as they walked down.

"We... got in a bit o' a bind in Quacia, and the crew doesn't like de idea o' forcin' slavery... so we came t' Rharne hopin' t' find a way t' free 'em." His bronze hues fell to her after explaining that little bit. "S'when Oi realized y' were in town, and y'd likely be willin' t' help 'em out." Naturally he'd be more than willing to explain the entire story if she'd asked it, it's just that the sailor felt the need to be direct about what it was they needed her for.

"Enrick", "Ẹrọim", "Follower", "NPC"
"We've come a long way... from back then."
word count: 980
"Every side attacks ya, when y' don't take sides."

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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

They were certainly a friendly lot and Faith smiled and shook hands, gave greetings and nods back. She made eye contact, ensuring that she did so, with a smile. Then, the conversation between Hannah and Enrick caused just a slight, minute raise of her eyebrow, but Faith said nothing. There were things he wanted to talk about, that was obvious from his letter and, frankly, she was glad that he hadn't written whatever it was on the note. These were difficult times for her, and part of her role in this war was to make sure that her people were safe. Right now, nothing was safe, and she had no idea if that letter had been read by someone with less than good intent. So, she kept quiet and spoke only when Hannah spoke to her, when Faith nodded. "Thank you, Hannah, I'll be sure to do just that. I appreciate your hospitality, very much."

Hannah walked away then, leaving Faith an Enrick to themselves and Faith smiled at him. "It's fine. Some things are best done and dealt with face to face, I always think." She nodded when he said that he'd cut to the chase and be honest - she was glad of that, herself, Faith hated dealing in half-truths, and Enrick had always been a straight-talking (if not necessarily easily understood) individual. That was part of what she liked about him. So, Faith made her way down below decks with him and smiled as she listened. She didn't say anything and then, they got to the quarters, she smiled at the people present. For the most part, they looked like. ... and then Enrick confirmed it. Faith nodded.

"First, thank you for contacting me. I'll take care of them." If she heard Alissa's sigh, Faith ignored it. Looking at Enrick, she spoke to him quietly, for just a moment. "We have experience, both personal and professional, of working with people who have been subjected to slavery. So, how long have they been slaves and how was their treatment?" Once he'd answered, Faith moved to speak to them. Squatting down on her heels, she smiled softly. "Hello. I'm Faith, and I'm going to be looking after you from now on."

The eye she cast over them was a medics gaze, and she could see that Enrick and his people had done their best with these people, but equally, they were not in a good state. Faith had done this, just this, so many times in Beacon, with Luna, and she knew that right now, she just needed to be quiet, calm, keep her voice low and soft. "You've had a long journey. But you're home now, and no one is going to hurt you again." Faith smiled at them, then looked at one of the children who looked about to ask a question but then, didn't. With a serious expression, but a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth, Faith answered what she thought he was going to ask. "Because I'm going to not let that happen. You're safe now."

Glancing up to Enrick, she asked, quite calmly, "Do you have their papers?"
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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

Liberating Those With Chains
Ymiden 2nd 719

nrick's attitude towards Faith would always, and more than likely ever be, a respectful one due to the fact she was ever so patient and friendly. He was by no means ignorant of the fact she looked busy, now more than ever, with her own major problems within this great big world. So naturally he did his best to keep the mutual sense of respect between them strong, keeping straight to the point of whatever current predicament she needed to be aware of. He could also tell that the others, Hannah especially, found themselves liking the lady faster than they probably imagined. Not just because of how she carried herself in their presence, but because of the mutual feelings displayed between her and the connection they lived vicariously through.

"Aye, s'why Oi felt de sooner we deal wit' dis ten de better." He remarked as he started to lead her down below, noting that the other two on deck discreetly watched as the Champion followed him below. Frederick himself looked a little pleased to see that the help Enrick promised had finally arrived, granted that it would mean he no longer had to ration out food supplies carefully anymore. When Faith had proceeded to thank Enrick of course, the sailor merely shook his head as though the gesture weren't necessary. "No thanks necessary, de crew wanted t' do what we all felt was right." That alone at least spoke volumes about the men Enrick had sailed with, at first he thought them nothing more than wretched thieves and pirates with no real code of honor. Sure enough he thought those feelings proven when they landed in Quacia, up until the time came to leave and then he found them all roped into this situation.

At Faith's inquiry of the slaves and how long they remained as such, Enrick could only frown as he shook his head to imply he didn't know. "Hard t' say m'lady, but we'd assume it's been at least fer a while." Frederick answered in his stead as he stood close to Faith, ever more curious about her as well as the approach she held with the others. "We made sure to care fer the as best as we could, knowin' they'd had it rough fer a while t' say the least."

"Fred's been keen on lookin' after dem, he's sorta de caretaker outta de bunch." At Enrick's interjection the blonde sailor looked a little surprised, a bashful grin surfacing as a result from the complimentary insight. "We all wanted t' make de rest o' de trip as easy as possible on 'em." But of course that wasn't entirely easy either, since sailing across the Orm'del was never a safe bet regardless of the ship. For a while the crew worried for the health of a few, but thankfully it had only been sea sickness and not actual illness plaguing the group. From then on Enrick decided to remain silent as Faith did her work, trying to get the group before her to rest easy as they would soon be released once more. To think they'd once more have freedom to do as they pleased, to live and work however they might choose once they left the confines of this ship. Frederick was also focused on Faith as he deeply felt the need to watch, so that he could learn from Faith's own example when it came to interacting with people stuck in situations like this.

At Faith's glance Enrick's eyes would clearly be a deep cerulean hue as he watched, and when she asked of their papers he seemed to furrow his eyebrows a little in thought. "The Cap'n would be in possession o' those, I'll go and collect them fer ya m'lady." Frederick remarked quickly to save the both of them time, as he quickly bolted up to run the stairs to do just that without hesitation. Enrick's lips slowly curved into a faint smile as he watched the man move, a little more pleased with how humble the crew seemed to be when it came to having guests.

"Oh he really likes ya." Was the initial comment he decided to make, more or less to hide the fact he started to feel the same with them. As the sailor turned to look upon the group once more, he decided to do as Faith done before and kneel to be eye level with one of the kids. The boy that met his gaze averted his eyes quickly, clearly worried that he might offend the sailor if they were to stare at one another directly. "S'okay lad, remember? We're helpin' ya find a better home together, ain't nobody gunna separate ya from yer family either." The child looked hardly swayed by the assurance but nonetheless, shyly came to met his gaze as he attempted to comfort the boy with a hand gently placed on his shoulder. Moments later Fred returned with several parchments in hand, two of them being the manifests that detailed the shipment of these 'slaves' as well as the private contract.

Captain Hannah's own signature was easily present on that contract well enough, but Enrick felt pretty sure that the slaves being brought here instead of Rhakros spoke highly in that regard. "Thanks mate." The sailor spoke calmly as he rose to accept them, in turn handing them over to Faith as Fred stood nearby. "Obviously Oi had little t' do wit' de contract, m' only role was makin' sure we got dem 'ere safe. It's t'anks t' Hannah dat we came t' Rharne, since she knew it was too risky t' set dem loose in Ne'haer." Though he might've minimized however much credit revolved around his participation, Enrick truly felt that his role in all this had truly been minor in comparison. The fact of the matter was that they'd all played their parts well enough, and that these people had a second chance to start over because of a code everybody shared.

"Enrick", "Ẹrọim", "Follower", "NPC"
"We've come a long way... from back then."
word count: 1053
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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

It had been a while for these people, of that she was sure. Faith nodded her head and turned back to them. "It's all very confusing right now. I know. I used to be a slave, once, a little while ago. It's hard to adjust, but we're going to take it just one step at a time, alright?" Faith looked at Frederick and she smiled. "You've done an excellent job, thank you. All of you." Simple acts of kindness, Faith firmly believed, made the world a much better place. Each small act was an enormous thing to the people on the receiving end and, nowhere was this more apparent than here. "I'm so pleased you've done this. Thank you." She smiled at Enrick as she said that, delight on her face. "He's right, you know." Faith said softly to the young lad. There were nine people here and she had to think. Think about, all things considered, where they were going to live, what they were going to do.

"Alright, so we're going to get you some clothes, I'm going to take these," she said, of the slave papers. "And I'm going to make it so that you own yourselves. It's alright," she looked at one of the older women who looked terrified at that. "No one is leaving you alone. It's alright, I promise. I've done this before, more than once. " Many, many more times than once. After all, Beacon was built on freed slaves and those who had escaped. Faith, in typical Faith fashion, made a decision there and then and she spoke to them. "I'm going to take you back to my house, from there we're going to work it out, alright?" Normally, Faith wouldn't hesitate, but there were a lot of people at her house at the moment. However, these people needed her help, she knew that, and so she'd make it work.

"That's great, thank you," Faith said, when he handed her the papers, and she looked at them. A frown furrowed her brow and she sighed slightly, chewing her lower lip. "All your lives? Alright, that's alright. Me too. We can work it out." Looking back at Enrick she gave a slight smile. "This is a long, and slow, process. It isn't going to be quick, but these people owe you all so much." She looked at the papers, examined them, and then nodded. "I know this is a lot to ask, Enrick, but if this happens again, then I will always take them in. Always. It is how Beacon started in Scalvoris." He knew the place, after all. Faith smiled and shrugged slightly. "In the battle between good and evil, all it takes for the darkness to win is for good men and women to do nothing. I won't let the darkness win."

To the slaves, then, she smiled. When she spoke to them it was quiet, gentle - and there was a tone in her voice which was almost musical. They had been spoken to with harshness all their lives, after all, and she knew how people responded. "So, I'm going to ask you to come with me, now, if you would. We're going to go to your new home. My name is Faith," she said and her expression was very calm. "I would like it if you called me that. It would give me pleasure for you to do so. But, if you can not, then whatever you choose to call me is acceptable to me." The look on the adults faces told the truth of it. Decisions were not something they were used to making and, even such a simple one was sending them into a spin. "Take your time, " she reassured them. "It doesn't need to be now." With a squeeze on Enrick's arm, and a swift reach on tip-toe to kiss his cheek, Faith made her way back to her house to get started on helping these people.

They had a lot of catching up to do, after all.
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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

Liberating Those With Chains
Ymiden 2nd 719

n a way the crew had earned a much better reward than what they would've normally expected, Hannah especially knew that by now they not only earned Enrick's respect but also another. Faith was just as much of a good person, if not better, than he was and naturally that showed in how she treated them. The liberated ones that would no longer have to wear their metaphorical chains, for they were now destined for a second chance with a start of their own. It must've been an alarmingly new discovery for them, but if anybody could help them get through this then it had to be her. Faith didn't just speak from understanding and Enrick knew that much, she spoke from the heart with true and real experience with the matter.

But hearing that the rest of them, that the entire crew had pleased her with this act? That alone felt like a great reward in itself, despite what loss they might have suffered along the way. That was of course what Hannah would be willing to accept though, a minor setback in their finances helped save the lives of a few helpless folk. Enrick would have to be sure to carry on the gratitude Faith displayed, so that their captain might very well remember it was all worth it... in the end. He gave a faint smile to Faith in turn when she did the same his way, remarking about the fact these people owed them for this act of kindness. "Nah, dey owe dem selves more love." He responded in turn with his arms crossed for a Bit, while Frederick nodded in agreement with that statement. "We only felt it best we help wit' dat."

At the mention of Beacon though is expression changed, he was quite familiar with that place but only because he visited every so often. It was usually where he and other grouped fisherman went, continuing their usual lives without much thought spent on the place. Learning what Faith had told him though it became clear then, that any time in the future they intended to liberate more slaves; that would be the next place to set them free at. How he missed being on Scalvoris sometimes, yet that tiny island slowly felt more and more like his ancient prison; the more the sea felt like his new world he was meant to traverse. "Oi'll bear dat in mind." He assured her well enough since it would never hurt to go back there, especially to catch up with things that developed in his absence. Afterwards Faith focused her attention on shepherding the group into their new lives, albeit most of them didn't feel ready to leave the confines of this ship.

Enrick could hardly blame them, it was only yester-trial he nervously set out for the open seas. Look at him now; a sailor among a crew of smugglers, just trying to earn their keep as they survive in the world. Sure enough they had more than just survival instinct, they had morals and with it a code they all followed. As Enrick watched the lady work though the last thing he expected was her token of appreciation, that being the squeeze of his arm before trying to kiss his cheek on her tippy-toes. Seriously she must've chosen to ignore the prickly hairs of his beard for that, regardless what parts of his face that weren't covered quickly reddened. The blackened hues of his irides also quickly brightened to a combination of yellow and green as he looked at her, watching as she led the way on deck with the slaves reluctantly following behind her.

Frederick beheld a wicked grin of amusement when he walked to stand close to Enrick, his eyes still on the sight of them leaving as he leaned in close to the half-breed. "Where's mine?"

"Psh, shut y' trap mate." The sailor responded in turn with a playful shove at Fred's shoulder, as the two quickly laughed and rough housed for a moment. Afterwards Enrick made sure to go check on their captain as planned, informing her of the outcome as well as the necessary reminder. To-trial they had done a considerably good deed, and whether the crew knew it or not it showed the world just how much they cared.

"Enrick", "Ẹrọim", "Follower", "NPC"
"We've come a long way... from back then."
word count: 757
"Every side attacks ya, when y' don't take sides."

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Re: Liberating Those With Chains

Thread Rewards

Ricky and Faith
This was a good read and you matched each other seamlessly so it really felt like one story. I know this was a part of your bigger storylines for both of you but it could easily stand alone. What I especially liked was that this was story and didn't in the least seem like " grinding" based on premade skill achievements. The story flowed very nicely. The game of cards was an excellent description of common people socializing and having a good time together. When Faith arrived she conducted herself in a natural manner and free from prestige. The whole character interaction is lovely.

I'm giving Ricky the requested rewards and as Faith knows what he and the crew did, he also gets renown. I feel that it was a greater good deed to free all the slaves, so it's 10 renown points. Faith, there's points and renown for you too, 10 for taking in a shipload of slaves in despite all the other things she deals with. If you later feel that you want knowledge as well, please contact me so I can add it.










Tactics: Playing Others In A Card Game
Rhetoric: Arguing The Skills of Your Peers
Discipline: Having Patience When Waiting On Someone
Logistics: Saving Important Details For Meeting In Person
Discipline: Being Upfront and Honest When It Matters
Caregiving: Comforting Those Under Stress
Discipline: Choosing To Free Others Over Money
Unarmed, Brawling: Horsing Around With Your Shipmates










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