The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly

8th of Zi'da 721

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Re: The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly

“An actual live dragon?“ Tristan asked. His eyes were wide. He was obviously very fascinated by that, and he had a lot of questions. When Faith said that she would tell him all about it over dinner though, he nodded though. “I’d appreciate it. And I could do that. I could ask Saoire about the cat people and the frog people. They are kind of like Cadouri, so she may know something about them”, he mused. He’d been quite fascinated by the residents of the Misty Miasma since he had gone on an adventure there and wanted to learn more about them, in no small part for Mistral’s sake. He deserved to know.

When Faith told him what kind of information Elisabeth and Fastia were giving away, he listened attentively, occasionally furrowing his brow a little. He was quite impressed by the fact that she had learned all those things in the span of a few short bits – he hadn’t seen much besides a highly entertaining fight - and he tried to keep what she had said in mind as a consequence. Faith, he decided, was great. “What do you see when you look at Fastia though?” he wanted to know and glanced at Elisabeth’s scaly opponent.

While Faith was looking around a lot, Tristan was mostly focused on her and on the fights – because that was what he had come for, after all. He did check if anybody looked like they might need medical intervention though. When Faith nodded to Balthazar, he turned his head as well. The human did appear to be rather showy and flamboyant, but he was also really, really good. When Ilaren declared him the winner, he thus applauded enthusiastically.

A few moments later, when Faith revealed that there were people in the crowd that were watching Elisabeth and Balthazar specifically, he furrowed his brow thoughtfully. He didn’t say anything to her or try to see if he could find the supposed watchers though. He didn’t want to accidentally reveal that they knew that someone was watching, but he couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. It could be something as harmless as people paying attention to Elisabeth and Balthazar because they’d made a bet, or it could be something more concerning – such as an attack on one of the fighters, as Faith had mentioned.

Besides that, the matter of people giving information away and being watched had raised another question. “What kind of information are we giving away?” he wanted to know, keeping his tone of voice purposefully low. They were not fighting, but they might still reveal something important about themselves through the way they were interacting with each other, or through the way they reacted to the fights – or even through the way they were standing. He wouldn’t change the way that he acted – he didn’t see a reason to; he didn’t think he was being targeted by anybody right now – but he couldn’t help but wonder.

In the meantime, the fight continued. Elisabeth, Tristan observed, was rather durable. Fastia’s attack had caused little damage, and before long the human woman was pummeling her opponent. The Ithecal appeared to be far from done though. She tried to attack her with her tail again (He was really quite amazed by that tail!). He applauded. A moment later, when Elisabeth ducked and simultaneously attempted to sweep Fastia’s legs out from under her, he held his breath. He still didn’t know who he wanted to win. He was quite impressed by Fastia’s tail and her high-flying antics, but Elisabeth’s toughness was amazing as well.

“You mentioned that you’d have to overwhelm her if you want to beat her”, he remarked to Faith. “There’s another thing you’d have to take into consideration. If you want to beat her, it will take a long time – or you’ll have to use a lot of force. She’s tough!” he observed. He was quite proud of his own bit of strategic thinking, he had to admit.

When the bakery girl approached them and offered them sweetrolls, Tristan couldn’t help but chuckle. “She’s not my sweetheart”, he said a moment later in a serious tone of voice, but with an obvious smile on his face and briefly glanced at Faith, wondering what she thought of that. “Sweetrolls would be greatly appreciated though”, he admitted.
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Re: The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly

The All-Taverns Tournament

8th of Zi'da 721
As the tail lash against Elisabeth's mid-section came, Elisabeth wisely ducked beneath it, but not only that but intended to turn her defense into an attack. This was a good idea, and would probably have worked had Fastia's balance not gone entirely askew as her tail met nothing but thin air above Elisabeth's new position on the ground.

As Elisabeth swept the wyvarnth's legs, however, Fastia was thrown off balance by the unexpected miss, and her hands fell down to grasp Elisabeth's legs, scratching her on the ankle with her nails.

As it happened, though, Fastia didn't remain on her feet but stumbled backward into Elisabeth, and the two tumbled on the ground for a while.

By then, the Matches across the Lightning Dome were being called to a close due to time running out on the matches. Ilaren's voice boomed over Elisabeth's own bout, as both fighters scrambled to their feet. "Elisabeth wins by decision! Well fought both!"

Fastia held out her hand for Elisabeth's to shake, smiling in the peculiar way that ithecal have. "Well fought, Miss. You're really tough. Your ankle... you should get that patched up before moving on to the next match. I think I twisted my wrist... and a got a few bruises into the bargain. Shall we go to the infirmary?"

The choice was up to Elisabeth whether she'd follow Fastia to the Infirmary or join the rest of the victors.

Meanwhile, the bakery girl gave Tristan a sweetroll, and then held her hand out expectantly. It was clear that she wanted some nels for her trouble.

Faith sent PB and Shule to scout out the other areas of the Arena, and see if anyone else might be snooping on fights. Across the way, as Shule moved, the spirit noted Vivian's fight, and was momentarily distracted by a pair of men standing passively nearby the hall where the victors would be led to exit. They pointed at Vivian several times throughout her bout, and were whispering to each other. When the fighting came to an end, Shule was able to gather a singular few words from their conversation. "Hands of... eyes on them... infirmary."

PB was swifter to reach his quarry, however, and he did so surreptitiously. This afforded him some extra time to listen in on their conversation, which he could relate to Faith later. "That's the one the Lady of Masks squibbed?"

"Yeah, and that's his girl. Don't want nothing for them now, but you head to the infirmary, I'll head to the gathering place of the victors, and get back with betting odds to the Shield."

They nodded at each other, and as the matches were called to a close, they all departed.
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Tristan Venora
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Re: The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly

From what Tristan could tell, Elisabeth and Fastia continued to be pretty evenly matched. Elisabeth managed to duck under the Ithecal’s tail. A few moments later, Fastia was thrown off-balance, grabbed her opponent’s legs and eventually stumbled backward into Elisabeth. Before long, the two women tumbled on the ground, and Tristan held his breath as he wondered if any of them would manage to regain their footing. A few rounds had passed by now, but he still hadn’t managed to decide which fighter he liked best. A part of him kind of wanted both of them to progress to the next round!

When the matches were suddenly called to a close, he couldn’t help but be a bit disappointed because he’d really wanted to know what the fighters would do next; he applauded enthusiastically when Elisabeth was declared the winner regardless. He couldn’t help but wonder who she would be matched against next. Would she fight Praetorum?

He wanted to see her fight more Ithecals!

When the bakery girl held out her hand expectantly, Tristan gave her a few nels – and a small tip for her trouble – before he turned to Faith, smiling. “Want to share?” he asked and raised an eyebrow before he remarked, “We should probably head to the infirmary now and get the fighters patched up before the next round starts. Fastia seems to be going there now, and Dirt Pie seems to be in need of a healer as well”, he remarked and glanced at where Vivian’s match had taken place.

The way that Ilaren had jumped down from the Podium and taken care of Dirt Pie by backhanding him across the floor had been absolutely great. Tristan had been able to witness the Immortal's fighting prowess first hand back in Rynmere, but he hadn’t known that she was that strong. Besides that, he was quite happy about the fact that his fellow former noble had won, and he showed that by cheering for Vivian (and for Ilaren, because that move had been quite impressive) for a moment before he turned to face Faith again, a questioning look on her face.

“What do you think?” he wanted to know. The decision as to whether she headed to the infirmary would of course be up to Faith, but Tristan would go there anyway (unless Faith said that he really, really shouldn’t for some reason – the comment that she had made about people watching came to his mind again). He had offered to help out as a healer during the tournament, so that’s what he would do (although he hoped that none of the injuries would be serious enough that taking care of them would cause him to miss the next round).
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Re: The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly

Arc 721, 8 Zida

Sometimes plans worked. Other times, things got in the way, creating new situations and opportunities. Such was the way of life….and combat.

For Elisabeth, her plan mostly worked. One could say it worked too well and created a whole new issue, finding herself on the ground with Fastia. Funny how things like that happened.

Before much else could happen, Ilaren's voice boomed, declaring her the winner by decision. A grin slipped across her lips unexpectedly. She was there to learn, not win, but winning was a tangible metric, so to speak, and for that, she was happy.

Gaining her feet, Elisabeth turned to incline her head towards Ilaren, in respect, and then to Fastia as well. Offering a hand to the Ithecal, she tried to help her to her feet, smiling. "Good fight! One of my mentors is an Ithecal, so I've had some experience sparring against one. 'Always mind the tail,' is rule number one." Laughing a bit, she turned to see if she could find either Balthazar or Praetorum in the crowd.

Only then did the young mage feel the slight pain coming from her ankle, wincing just a bit as she looked down. The scratches didn't look that bad. A little blood and broken skin, and nothing she hadn't endured before at the hands of others.

On the other hand, she wanted to make sure Fastia got the attention she needed, and it wasn't going to hurt her to go either. Perhaps it would throw people off, thinking her fragile. She was relatively unknown as a fighter, so a little misdirection wasn't a bad thing, and in the case the scratch was more than she diagnosed it to be, well, she would be in the right place.

Whatever the winner's circle was, it could wait.

Flashing a quick smile to the Ithecal, the young woman nodded. "Let's."

A quick thought came to her as she started that way. "Fastia, before the match, a man spoke to me. Tall, dark hair, dark complexion. Said his name was Orias Hengebolt. He's apparently in the same quarter bracket as us, and he seemed to know a lot about you, so I assume you might be acquainted? He was fairly confident he would move past his first fight. Do you know anything about him?"

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Re: The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly

8th Zida, 721

The fighting, in and of itself, held no interest for Faith. None at all. But, the situation which was unfolding very much did have her attention. There were people watching Elisabeth and Balthazar and - most importantly to Faith - there were people watching Vivian. That made things more urgent in her eyes, because Vivian was in a position of authority in the Lightning Knights here in Rharne. So, she clapped politely at Elisabeth's win but then looked at Tristan as he spoke. The infirmary?

Faith's mind ticked over and she planned and thought and considered; she was very aware that there was a battle tournament thing going on down there, but there was a battle of quite a different kind going on now, and she needed to make sure that, tactically, she understood exactly what her options were. Her instinct was to keep gathering information but Faith had to weigh up the possibility that the people here to gather information would act. She did not think that likely, in truth, since the Immortal herself was here, so then the risk which she weighed up was the risk of what information they could gather and what they could use it for verses what information she could gather and how useful it was.

She shook her head at his offer of sharing a sweetroll, though she smiled as she did. "You enjoy it. I never have managed to develop much of an appetite," Padraig said she had the appetite of a sparrow and Katie, her mother in law and also known as the glitter monster, responded that sparrows were gluttons compared to her. Consequently, she was quite content to let Tristan enjoy the sweet pastry, and she nodded. "The infirmary tent," she said softly and made her way there with him. But yet, that said she could not simply ignore what was happening and so, Faith made a decision. She did not know if Ilaren would be able to communicate with PB. She thought that she probably would but Faith saw no point in taking chances; she was more than certain however that Ilaren would be able to speak to Shule, Faith's Diri of Lovalus. So, Shule made her way to the Immortal and quietly whispered to her, informing her of what Faith had heard. The Diri then did the same to Vivian, making sure that her friend was aware.

Smiling at Tristan, Faith kept an eye open. While Shule did this, PB kept on the trail of those he was already listening to. Having gotten himself there, Faith thought it was the best thing for him to keep gathering information. Meanwhile she kept investigating, watching, looking and analysing what she saw to the very best of her ability. All as they made their way to the medical tent.

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Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: The All-Taverns Tournament: Elisabeth vs. Fast Ghastly


Player Name: Elisabeth Angelus

Points awarded: 15
Magic xp: none


Athletics: x 2
Detection: x 2
Tactics: x 3
Combat: Unarmed x 2

Renown: 10 for winning the match
Loot: Advancement to the next round.
Injuries/Overstepping: A deep scratch to the right ankle.
Wealth Points: n/a

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level

Player Name: Tristan

Points awarded: 15
Magic xp: none


Caregiving: x2
Detection: x2
Etiquette: x2
Socialization: x3

Renown: 0, you were a spectator, so drew no notice to yourself.
Loot: a sweet roll.
Injuries/Overstepping: none
Wealth Points: none

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level

Player Name: Faith

Points awarded: 15
Magic xp: none


Detection: x 2
Intelligence: x4
Tactics: x 2

Renown: 0, you were a spectator, so drew no notice to yourself.
Loot: Overheard conversations.
Injuries/Overstepping: None
Wealth Points: n/a

Skill Review: All Skills used appropriately to PC's level
Notes: Elisabeth fought really well here. I was very impressed with the detail and volume of descriptions you brought to each round. Your ability to expand upon the action of each individual exchange was really well done. That said, I would agree with Faith that Elisabeth has a very tactical and intelligent approach to her fight. I enjoyed moderating you here.

Faith was very perceptive. I was wondering if anyone would see or realize that there may be more going on here than meets the eye. Although whether it's just some bookies collating betting info or someone fixing fights, or some nefarious plot to gather fighting info? Who can say :twisted:

I enjoyed Tristan's contributions here as well. He's a great friend to Faith, and it's nice to see them having some time together, even if Faith never is on vacation mode ;). Tristan is a very genteel pc, but at the same time isn't to be underestimated.

Great roleplay and writing all around! Thanks.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding this review, feel free to PM. Enjoy your rewards!
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