• Completed • Spending Time In the Den

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Spending Time In the Den

Ashan 35 719

A couple days ago he'd got back in Rharne from his business trip in Volta, after meeting the old scholar who knew more about this 'legend' Patrick chased after. With what he learned though there existed a monumental obstacle before him, and quite honestly he hadn't the slightest clue on how to tackle it. A great deal of danger and peril awaited him, especially if he intended to go after the four alleged keys that'd reveal the swords resting place. Therefore it stood to reason that he needed to not only train, but expand upon the foundation of his combat prowess before too long. It had always been something he'd considered doing, just never really put to focus since he had no intention to fight before.

But now? Now he was fighting... he would fight with every breath he took if necessary, to accomplish whatever goal he had in mind. Every promise he made and intended to keep, every whim and thought carried with a sense of confidence unlike any other. Sure he could hold his own on most occasions, but after experiencing near death situations multiple times... Patrick finally decided that if he's to embrace the challenges ahead, the best way to do it was start where Dominek first did. Thus he'd paid a visit to The Thunder Den where most knights and squires liked to visit, with his Domain bag hung from his shoulder as he arrived in not but a simple outfit.

From the looks of it the place had seen better days more than most, as there didn't appear to be any trainees like Patrick remembered. Back in the older Arcs he could remember this place being busy, whereas now there didn't seem to be anybody at present except the proprietors. In fact they looked rather surprised to see someone come in, as the three of them watched as Patrick stepped down the stairwell and onto the training floor before him. When he looked to the left to see the spare changing room, just as he remembered, he faintly smirked as he wandered beyond to shut the door on his way inside. After moments spent taking out piece after piece of his leather armor, Patrick walked out with just three pieces worn since he wasn't doing any actual fighting. Admittedly it did feel as strange at it looked to just wear the torso, leggings, and boots; but he truly felt even lighter just by doing that alone.

The Rharnian knew good and well he shouldn't take out weapons within the city walls, so he left those hidden away inside his Domain bag as he stepped back out. With that left on a bench nearby he moved towards the closet weapon rack, his eyes narrowed curiously as he slowly filed through the weapons available. He didn't seek an edged weapon such as sword nor anything like a club either, he had a decent grasp of one handed weapons thanks to his broadsword anyways. What Patrick wanted to learn was something new and different, something like the long metallic rod he came to grasp a moment later. "That's a quarterstaff," the voice of Nole chimed in as he approached Patrick, "know how to use it?"

It then dawned on Patrick that the others had been watching him, waiting to see what exactly he'd come here to try and practice with. "Not at all, but no time like the present to learn."

"A wise philosophy." The scarred man mused with a grin to him. "Are you in need of a mentor?"

"About that..." Patrick remarked as he pulled the staff out from its resting place. "You three must not get a lot of business anymore, back when I used to come here with my brother this place used to be busy."

"Things have been quiet lately sure. Why? What does that have to do with you needing a mentor?"

"Say I had means of changing all of that, and you just so happened to start getting business in... think you could do me a solid and 'mentor' me in return? Favor for a favor?" Nole gave him a dubious look before he too pulled out a staff from the rack.

"No promises. If you're really that interested though, count the lessons totrial free." He remarked as he waved for Pat to follow along towards the ring, Patrick smirked as he didn't take that as an immediate no in regards to the proposal. When they both stood at the center Nole took the staff and held it with both hands, one at the center and the other at the bottom end of the staff. "Quarterstaffs are usually six foot long, great for attacking your opponents with a bit of distance. They can be made from wood or metal, like these, and with the proper dedication they can be versatile weapons for their wielder."

"Sounds good." Patrick stated as he tried to hold the weapon the same, although the weight of its tip felt heavy when he tried to do so.

"You've got the right idea, but don't be so eager to hold it offensively. Once you learn how to balance the weapon, you'll find that the stance and footwork add into the routine." Nole corrected as he held the staff more at the center with both hands, Patrick looked from the mentor to his own as he positioned them. Now the staff felt comfortably balanced as both ends were easily tiltable, almost as though he were the centerpiece of a scale as it weighed each side evenly. "Very good. Since you're fresh with it we'll just have you practice the basics to-trial, you're going to need to get well acquainted with the staff itself; therefore the best motions to do that with are these simple gestures."

Nole brought the staff up to where he'd swung it towards Pat but stopped it midair, and made a tiny breeze of air whooshed past his ear as he flinched. "Swings." He then pulled the staff in and with a twirl from behind, brought it down to yet another hover above Pat's own skull. "Strikes." Once more he pulled the weapon away and with another flourish of the weapon, Nole held the upper body of the staff as he stopped it's course with the end less than an inch away from Pat's own sternum. "And lunges." Patrick honestly couldn't help but grin just a little, after the display he had been given with the quarterstaff. "Learning how to coordinate and chain these consistently will allow you to create an unstoppable offense," Nole stated as he rested the staff's end back down onto the ground, "and even an impenetrable defense when you're experienced enough."

"Now show me what you can do." He encouraged as Pat took the weapon with both hands at the center, his grip slightly looser than earlier to allow easier movement of his hands. "You've got the right idea already, but don't be afraid to keep one hand more firm than the other. Give it a swing at me!" Nole instructed as he held the staff up with hands spread to the outer reaches, with the midsection vacant for Pat to try and aim for with his first swing. The Rharnian held it almost perfectly horizontal and with a pull at his right, the end was sent into a motion that clapped against Nole's weapon with relative ease. "Okay, a little soft on the blow there. Don't be afraid to put more force in it, and don't hook your arm so much when you swing."

Patrick nodded and with a moment to prepare with readjustments, he shot the end forward into another swing with less relent. This time the pole slammed into Nole's own, with the collision enough to sting the hands as they both rattled from impact. "Much better! You've got power in those arms, never be afraid use it's full potential." He commended as he encouraged Patrick to practice the swings several more times, before too long the process was repeated with strikes; which Nole blocked by redirecting all jabs Pat made away from his physical being. After repeated practice with this the lunges came next, which in turn was the same simple process of practicing their movements. Overall Patrick had slowly started to develop a bit of a style with the weapon, and the continuous exercise had actually been enough to induce a bit of sweat on his behalf.

"You did good to-trial, feel free to practice on the training dummies as much as you like. Come see me again later, I definitely have more to teach if it interests you." Nole assured him with a pat on the shoulder once they took a break, in which he then moved on to speak with the other proprietors a moment after. Which was fine really; Patrick had a lot to learn when it came to the Quarterstaff, and he intended to refine his prowess with it just as he did with everything else. Slowly but surely... he'd become the fighter he needed to be for the road ahead.

"Patrick", "NPC"
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"Freedom is everything."

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Re: Spending Time In the Den



Polearm, Quarterstaff: The Distributed Weight of A Quarterstaff
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Basic Lunges
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Basic Strikes
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Basic Swings
Polearm, Quarterstaff: Alternating Between Swings, Strikes, and Lunges
Acrobatics: Improving Your Footwork When Using A Quarterstaff

Loot: N/A
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Renown: N/A

Points 10

Comments: Oh boi, Patrick is finally getting into self-defense! I find it funny that he and Alistair are both into Polearms and Acrobatics. I also have noticed what appears to be a certain change in Patrick's overall demeanor since my last read - and now he reads like a cowboy in my head. :P Good thread!


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