Bar Pummeling

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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Bar Pummeling

Out of Character Post
I am quitting standing trials. It is clear that nobody here wants to rp with me nor do I think I will be missed in the slightest.

If you are a newbie, you should know that mods and even other players can ruin your character at any time and for any power trippy reason. In my time here, I have had mods simply not reply to my posts for weeks and weeks at a time, had my character waste half a season because a mod made up a rule to have my character thrown in jail, been made pregnant against my will, and also been assigned penalties against my will just because a non mod thought to give me a hard time. You can do a bit of research and find that only staff members have accomplished anything noteworthy in this game, because they are the only ones immune from random bullshit.

I would not reccomend this game to anyone looking to accomplish anything in a roleplaying game.
 ! Message from: Prongs
Per Patrick's request, the posts made by Hina that were later edited and no longer In-Character have been hidden behind the spoiler tag.
Last edited by Hina on Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 199
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Re: Bar Pummeling

Bar Pummeling
Cylus 14 719

ne could always appreciate the mentality of his fellow Rharnians in this glorious city, Patrick alone did well sharing it with the rest of the outside world. Drinking, gambling, and whoring were all part of the everyday fun for any local Rharnian, but when it existed relentlessly in the same place one started to see it for what it was. Remarkably that never dampened the spirits as long as the booze flowed as continuous as ever, but to many beyond the reach of the Stormlands... Rharne was just a festering city of debauchery.

And that perspective wasn't ignored by Patrick.

As a part of the locals of Rharne and an honorable entrepreneur of the drinks found within it, he'd grown enough to realize the nature of his culture intimidated others. And why that surprised him remained a bigger question for the longest time, until he returned to see where others stood in their opinions. But... fuck those opinions. This was his home no matter what others said or felt, and he'd advocate all of it's perfectly flawed antics for one reason. Freedom. People here celebrated the freedom that was privileged to them, with hardly any real sense of hierarchy to dictate it no less. Other places such as Rynmere on the other hand? Comparing Rharne to those types of people, then it was easy to label a Rharnian as a 'heathen' or whatever.

But often times things went a little too far, and then the authorities had to step in to tone it down. With good reason of course... When some took their liberties too far, and it costed those around them with damages to property and the like, then it usually needed to be put to a stop before things escalated even further. That was precisely what Patrick witnessed on his walk through the city, more or less headed towards the Dust Quarter from work to go home. Drunkards... They sure fought over the simplest of things, and the even sadder part was that the offender probably even slept with the said mother of the offended! That of course came with personal experience.... but didn't matter since it really contribute to the situation at hand!

"Don't you think it's a good idea to help?" Ri'ku pitched in as if she weren't already aware that he contemplated the idea, although Patrick always did enjoy a show when he found one. He chuckled as the little pixie pivoted above him a little frantically, and with a tuck at the furry collar of his jacket he walked up to the warring trio. That poor lady certainly had her work cut out for her with these two!

"Oy," Patrick called out aloud as he gripped the shoulders of the assailant hard, "your mum's probably done worse than what this sorry bloke's referred to her as!" He chided as he hurled the man to the side as well as away from the two he struggled against.

"Wha?" The drunken lout muttered as he teetered away, nearly falling into the snow as Patrick wiped his hands against one another.

"Really? Was that necessary?"

"What?" Patrick remarked with a shrug as he looked back up to the glimmering critter. "A little reality check never hurts every-" He failed to realize how quickly the bastard he shoved away recovered, as a fist smashed into his left cheekbone when he started to face the drunkard once more. It caught him off guard sure enough but Patrick barely retreated even after the initial impact, if anything the punch fired up the rebel within him right away.

"Insult my mother again and I'll-"

Patrick's fist cut him off just as the drunk did with him only a moment ago, it wasn't a fierce punch that meant to significantly wound the guy. Just a blow meant to send him reeling a little, while the lady behind him dealt with the drunk she'd been struggling with thanks to this asshole. "I'll say what I please motherfekker." He chided with a crack of his knuckles and a grin plastered on his face, clearly ready for the little scrap that was about to unfold between the four of them.

"Pat", "Ri", "Dom", "NPC"
"Today's gonna be one of those experiences, where you'll look back and say 'oh yeah I remember that!'"
word count: 740
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: Bar Pummeling

Out of Character Post
I am quitting standing trials. It is clear that nobody here wants to rp with me nor do I think I will be missed in the slightest.

If you are a newbie, you should know that mods and even other players can ruin your character at any time and for any power trippy reason. In my time here, I have had mods simply not reply to my posts for weeks and weeks at a time, had my character waste half a season because a mod made up a rule to have my character thrown in jail, been made pregnant against my will, and also been assigned penalties against my will just because a non mod thought to give me a hard time. You can do a bit of research and find that only staff members have accomplished anything noteworthy in this game, because they are the only ones immune from random bullshit.

I would not reccomend this game to anyone looking to accomplish anything in a roleplaying game.
 ! Message from: Prongs
Per Patrick's request, the posts made by Hina that were later edited and no longer In-Character have been hidden behind the spoiler tag.
Last edited by Hina on Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 199
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Re: Bar Pummeling

Bar Pummeling
Cylus 14 719

atrick couldn't help but grin at the sound of laughter his comment garnered, then again mouthing off always felt so satisfying when others laughed at his expense. Of course that didn't bode well for the asshole that took the greater offense, with a punch hooked Patrick's way from the left. The bartender ducked his upper body back to avoid the hit, and with a push forward he jabbed his left fist into a hard sock into the drunk's mouth. He followed up with a hook of his own from the right, which missed it's mark since the drunk teetered back from the first hit.

"Asshole!" He cursed with a hand over his mouth as he quickly tried to counteract against Patrick. The bartender held his fists up defensively by then, the next incoming fist blocked with his right forearm as he felt the muscle tense. It was a modestly hard blow considering how drunk the guy in front of him was, which meant he had enough wit to actually coordinate a strong hit in a fight. Another fist sailed right at him and yet again Patrick blocked it, but this time with his other hand brought to grip the drunk's wrist. This caught the drunk off guard well enough and Pat didn't waste the moment, the arm yanked to pull the man into closer proximity with the bartender.

Sure enough both Rharnian's felt the weight of each other's skull force themselves into one another. Patrick headbutted the drunk hard in the face, his opponent quickly disoriented as he fell away with a bloodied nose. "You're shit with name calling, you boot shining sap!" He chided with a wipe across his forehead using a forearm, a bit of a red spot already developed at the center from where the collision was made. That was evidently enough to knock the first guy out, and sure enough just when he thought he had been done; Patrick felt his arms locked with an upper hold of his torso. "Gah!"

"Not as tough as you think you are!" The guy behind him taunted as he tried to tighten the constraint of his hold. Patrick growled a little and threw his right elbow back, pretty sure he'd jabbed the asshole in the side when he did. But the brawler didn't budge... So Patrick tried it with the left side this time, and still the fucker didn't seem to budge from the hold.

"Let go!" He called out with another shot of his right elbow, the hit just enough to make the grapple loosen finally. Patrick seized the opportunity with a rock of his head, the forward motion put in reverse as the backside of his skull bashed the guy in the face. At last he felt free enough to pull away from the grappler, in which Patrick did so with a twist so that he brought a fist around. He socked the disoriented man as hard as he could with the momentum he gained, hopeful that'd give cause for the man to turn tail and call it good from there. The guy retreated a few steps back with fingers pinched over the bridge of his nose, clearly in pain as he groaned and spat blood into the snow at his feet.

"You win! I'm done!" He quickly surrendered when Pat feigned another assault, which sure enough brought a smile to the bartender's lips as the guy went back inside the bar.

"Takes care of that." He remarked with a satisfied grin, while a couple fingers were pressed to massage the backside of his skull. "Damn, that's gonna be sore later." Except it wouldn't be nothing a few drinks could fix, sure enough drinking always made him feel a bit better. "Nice moves there, definitely know how to pull your punches." He complimented with a slight grin shot to the lady.

"Pat", "Ri", "Dom", "NPC"
"Today's gonna be one of those experiences, where you'll look back and say 'oh yeah I remember that!'"
word count: 691
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: Bar Pummeling


Hina had expected to deal with one of the remaining drunks on her own but in the poor lighting it was hard to tell what was going on. It looked amusing to watch Patrick go at it with one of the men and Hina laughed openly at the insults that went back and forth. She was going to let the Rharnians have their fun but things turned a little cheap when the friend came up from behind to put him in a hold. Hina jogged over to help out but by then Patrick had solved the problem on his own. Hina was impressed to say the least. There were many brawlers in Rharne but someone who could take on two on their own earned Hina’s respect. Even though Hina was pretty good at one on one combat, she didn’t think she would ever get to the point where she could get into that kind of brawler mentality.

When the drunks ran back into the bar, the roaring flames of the fireplace made their way outside and finally Hina could get a good look at Patrick. She wished that door could have stayed open forever. He talked to her so confidently and smoothly that it made Hina the one to fumble over her words.

“Thanks,” she said with a very visible blush. Her whole body gave off a feint glow due to her Hone mutation and her eyes emanated light. Unlike Patrick, she was very easy to see even in the darkness of Cylus. You’re a pretty good brawler. Two all by yourself… that’s impressive! What do you say I buy you a drink? It’s the least I can do for all the help. Hina motioned for them to go into the bar and fought ever urge to place her hands on Patrick and draw out a healing rune. It was especially hard when it was more than the spark wanting her to do it.

If Patrick accepted her offer and joined her in the bar, Hina would ask ”so what do you do? With the way you fight you could put some knights to shame!” It wasn’t often that Hina genuinely wanted to know about someone else. It was a very welcome change of pace and one that she needed, whether she knew it or not.


word count: 393
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Re: Bar Pummeling

Bar Pummeling
Cylus 14 719

atrick shrugged at the compliment the knight gave him in regards to fighting off the other two. "Been in enough scraps to hold my own, I could never turn down an offered drink though." A grin was added to the remark as he didn't waste time on following her inside, glad that he'd be the one getting drinks instead of serving them for once.

With the bartender flagged for a round of pretty much whatever, Patrick took a seat next to the knight with a lean into the bar. His head ached in a couple places sure but that'd all be alleviated very soon, since booze had the capacity to make him forget any aches and pains felt later. Admittedly he appeared surprised, as well as flattered, at the comment the lady made with his brawling skills.

"Freelancer pretty much. Work between gigs really, do a little bit of what I can to earn a better living." Patrick casually spoke with a wry smile at the woman, his hazel green eyes focused on her now that they shared proper lighting together. She definitely looked the type for knight material, strong and resilient but also with a sense of delicacy about her. She was by no means dainty like most women he met, as she could clearly hold her own if she were a part of the knights. "Mostly just bartending, with a bit of bouncing on the side of course."

How about that! He could actually admit that the whoring wasn't a profession anymore, just a little something on the side to earn the extra coin when necessary. Finally the drinks arrived and Patrick nodded with a warm grin at the bartender, his mug accepted with a cheer gestured before he started to drink. While he'd might've drank one or two mugs after the end of his shift, he didn't exactly leave the Bronze Boar in a buzzed state like he normally would.

Come to think of it the buzz barely hit him even now, as he chugged down the mug of beer as though it were a mere glass of water. "Weird." He quietly muttered to himself as that seemed to bother him, until he shrugged it off as nothing and proceeded to finish what little was left.

"Thanks love." He sighed with satisfaction as he placed the mug down with a minor 'clunk', a belch shortly followed as he flagged the bartender for another round. "Don't think I ever caught wind of your name. Folks know me as Patrick around here, what's a lovely thing like you joining the knights for?" He presumed it was why she made remarks around them to say the least, if she had any affiliation with them then it couldn't be any more obvious at that point.

"Pat", "Ri", "Dom", "NPC"
"Today's gonna be one of those experiences, where you'll look back and say 'oh yeah I remember that!'"
word count: 503
"Freedom is everything."

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Re: Bar Pummeling

Thread Review


Skill Points: +15 (cannot be used for magic)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: +5 for being king of name-calling and good with his fists during a bar brawl.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • Rhetoric: Reality Checks For the Offended
  • Rhetoric: Being So Privileged To Talk About Anybody's Mother
  • Rhetoric: Insulting Others Lack of Insults
  • Unarmed, Brawling: Sucker Punches
  • Unarmed, Brawling: Catching Others Swings
  • Unarmed, Brawling: Skull Bashing Your Opponents
  • Unarmed, Brawling: Reprisals With Your Fist
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none requested.
Notes: You can request 1 more knowledge for this thread, PM me if you wish to.
Player Word Count: 2030 words.


Skill Points: +0 (due to removed posts)
Magic XP: None.

Renown: None.

Injuries/Overstepping: None.
Wealth Points: None.
Loot: None.

Skill Knowledge:
  • none.
Non-Skill Knowledge:
  • none.
Notes: n/a.
Player Word Count: 400 words.

Even though I could only read one side of this for the bulk of the thread, it was still an enjoyable read from Patrick's POV. Also, obviously, Patrick is the king of name-calling: "you boot shining sap!"

Good job and enjoy your rewards!

PM me if you have any questions, issues or concerns.

Total Word Count: 2430 words.
Review Request Link: viewtopic.php?p=119096#p119096

word count: 217
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